Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 855 People are more hateful than zombies

Chapter 855 People are more hateful than zombies


The third uncle cut down the last zombie that was blocking the front, and looked up to see the corpse of the zombie lying on the ground outside the hole.

just now.

Lao Qin was originally sitting on the helicopter, waiting for the captain and the others to come out at any time, but he did not wait for them to come out. Instead, the noise of the helicopter attracted the attention of the zombies at the entrance of the cave, and they rushed out of the cave and ran towards the helicopter come over.

Lao Qin simply got out of the helicopter and took out his gun at the zombies.

At this moment, the third uncle and the ant walked out of the hole.

Followed by Yang Tianlong.

After being in the dark cave for a long time, after letting them out, they suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with the sunlight outside.

The third uncle squinted his eyes slightly, trying to adapt to the change in light as quickly as possible.


Li Yu and Jackal walked out of the cave, and saw them retreating while killing zombies.

Lao Qin hurried forward to help, shooting the zombies in the direction of the cave entrance with his gun.

The jackal yelled at the third uncle: "Captain, can the grenade be used?"

The third uncle and the ant were walking towards the helicopter, and the third uncle shouted after hearing it: "It's up to you."

After speaking, I boarded the helicopter.

The first thing Ant does after getting on the helicopter is to find the magazine full of bullets, and then stand on the helicopter to support Lao Qin.

After hearing Uncle San's answer, Jackal didn't hesitate, and shouted at Li Yu and the others: "Back, I'm going to throw a grenade."

After saying that, he tied the three grenades on his waist together, pulled out the fuse, and threw them towards the hole.

Li Yu, Lao Qin, and Yang Tianlong hurriedly hid on the huge rock not far from the entrance of the cave.

Followed by.

An explosion sounded.


The sound was so loud that their ears rang a little. Li Yu jumped out from behind the boulder and looked towards the entrance of the cave.

It has to be said that the quality of the underground base built decades ago is still very good. Three grenades were thrown together and exploded, causing almost no damage to the entrance of the cave.

But the zombies who ran to the entrance of the cave were in dire straits.

During the explosion, all the zombies within the coverage area were blown to pieces, and their limbs were scattered everywhere.

"Go!" Li Yu shouted towards Yang Tianlong and Lao Qin.

After saying that, he ran towards the helicopter.

On the other side, Uncle San also started the helicopter and prepared to take off.

After Li Yu and the others got on the helicopter, the zombies from the other side of the cave came out again, and a large swarm of them rushed towards them.

Li Yu frowned and said nothing. He just took the magazine from the cabin, loaded the magazine into the automatic rifle, and swept towards the zombie group.

Besides him, Lao Qin, Jackal and others were also like this.

Amidst the sound of gunfire, the zombies were suppressed within ten meters from the entrance of the cave, unable to break through.


As the helicopter slowly took off, they stopped shooting only after it was seven or eight meters above the ground.

There is no need to shoot anymore, the zombies are endless.

What's more, they came here to look for arms and firearms. They didn't find the arms, but they spent a lot of bullets here.

This wave, blood loss!
It's just that, they are not in the mood to think about it yet.

Everyone on the plane has experienced such a fierce battle just now, and they are still in a state of excitement.

I have to say that sometimes fighting zombies at close range is very enjoyable.

For people like Third Uncle who have been in battle all year round, they are used to fighting and keeping them in a quiet state all the time is not used to it.

The same is true for Li Yu.

In the life before his rebirth, he experienced a life of fear every day, fighting with people, zombies, and the harsh environment.

It is difficult for veterans who have fought for a long time to adapt to calm all at once.

After a thrill, always degrade the downforce.

Each of them hung a cigarette, puffing in the cabin.

Sweat was all over his body, and he smelled of sweat.

The wind in the cabin was very strong, and the strong wind made them very comfortable, and the sweat on their bodies was quickly dried.

Inexplicably comfortable.

The jackal and the ant sitting opposite Li Yu glanced at Li Yu from time to time, and there was some unspeakable meaning in each other's eyes.

Just think about the battle just now.

They knew that Li Yu was very strong, but they did not expect that Li Yu's fighting consciousness was so strong.

Li Yu's performance just now made both jackals and ants change their views on Li Yu.

Frenzied, ferocious, and skilled!
I remember that the captain asked the two of them to protect Li Yu before, but now that I think about it, I feel strange.

This kind of person let himself protect?Who protects whom!

There was a strong wind in the air, and the cool wind slowly calmed their surging hearts, and their hot blood gradually calmed down.

On the way, Li Yu was a little reluctant.

It's still early in the morning, starting from the base in the morning, although it took more than an hour to explore there, it's only after 10 o'clock.

But the battery life of the helicopter is only 300 kilometers at most. They have come to Chenzhou for more than [-] kilometers. When they came out, although they had already filled up aviation kerosene, if they went to a new place, the fuel would definitely be insufficient. It's better to go back first.

Thinking of this, Li Yu had no choice but to give up, planning to make a new choice after going back.

Take this as a lesson. Next time you are looking for a military base, you must be more careful and prudent to avoid an own mistake like this again.

The helicopter flew very fast, and in just over an hour, Li Yu and the others returned to the Da Zhangshu base.

Seeing them coming back, the second uncle and others all got down from the fence and ran towards them excitedly.

The helicopter stopped.

Li Yu jumped out of the helicopter and saw the excited expressions of his second uncle and the others.

Li Yu was a little embarrassed, and didn't know how to tell his second uncle for a while.

The second uncle also saw that there was something wrong with Li Yu's expression, and after thinking about it, he said, "It's okay, it's not just this military base, you can go out and look for it another day."

Li Yu said with a wry smile: "That military base has long been abandoned, and later it was developed into a scenic spot."

The second uncle and the others were taken aback when they heard this.

They thought it was just that the ammunition inside had been taken away, but they never expected that they ran to a scenic spot!
Uncle San and others also got off the helicopter.

After chatting with the second uncle and uncle for a while, they went back to the duty room together.

Li Yu took out the map and laid it flat on the table.

The third uncle drew a circle with a red pen on the place they visited today, and put a cross in the middle.

On the other side, Li Yu took out the pre-downloaded map before the end of the world, compared it with the military map, and looked at it for a while.

He said to the third uncle: "Third uncle, let's go to the location on the military map in the future, let's compare it with this civilian map.

You can see on the iPad that the places we visited today are also classified as scenic spots.Look at what's going on."

The third uncle had a rare embarrassing expression on his face, nodded and said: "Well, how about it, tomorrow, tomorrow we will go out and look for it, according to the place we originally selected, which is relatively close to the camphor tree base.

For example, the city of Shao in the next province is also quite close. Can you compare it with the civilian map to see if there is anything marked? "

Hearing this, Li Yu checked the civilian map by comparing it with the military map.

After searching for a long time, civilian maps showed that this area was green without any markings. Green areas generally represented forests on civilian maps.

"Nothing." Li Yu said.

The third uncle raised his brows and said with a smile: "That's right, it's normal to have nothing. Marks on general military maps certainly won't appear on civilian maps."

Li Yu nodded, the third uncle was right.

Although they don't know if this military base has weapons, it is obviously much more reliable than the place they visited today.

However, Shaoshi is located in the south of the Nanling Mountains.This time, the typhoon swept over from the south, and the impact on Shao City will definitely be much more severe than on their side.

It seems that a super mini excavator will have to be brought in tomorrow. If the entrance of the cave collapses again like today, it will be a waste of time for them to dig with shovels.

Li Yu discussed some things with his third uncle, second uncle and others again, so he put away the military map.

The time came to noon.

Outside the big camphor tree base, many cooperating personnel and non-staff personnel have left the big camphor tree base one after another, going to various satellite cities.

During this time, Lao Dong's research on electric motors has made new progress. Relying on the original large trucks, they have transformed seven or eight pure electric trucks.

And the endurance can reach 30 kilometers, and the load capacity can reach [-] tons.

But there are also disadvantages. In order to improve the battery life, many batteries have been piled up, which has increased its own load a lot.

In addition, they also produced [-] small pickup trucks combined with solar energy. If the weather is good, they can charge while driving.

The small pickup truck that came out was deeply loved by many cooperators and non-staff personnel.

If they want to use this electric pickup truck, they can only rent it and pay a certain amount of contribution points.

With these innovative trams, Li Yu is quite pleased.

Oil is a non-renewable resource. Even if there is an oil city, we don't know how long it can be mined and how much is left in it.

However, with the expansion of the camphor tree base in the future, the demand for energy will definitely increase.

And electrification is the trend.

It is the source of power that belongs to the big camphor tree base that can be maintained forever.

The foundation of all this comes from the zombie generator. With zombies, there will be a steady stream of electricity.

However, some problems have been exposed at present.

That is the shortage of batteries, to be precise, the shortage of battery raw materials, and the shortage of motors.

Now we only rely on a dozen people like Lao Dong, Zhou Ran, He Bing, and Zhang San, which is still too few.

The issue of talent cannot be rushed.

However, the problem of raw materials for batteries is not difficult to solve.

Lithium raw materials are generally used in batteries, and the lithium mines in Jiangxi Province account for 40.00% of the domestic share.

What's more, in the province, there is a company that is very powerful before the end of the world.


This company ranks among the top few in terms of battery strength, and has a large number of batteries, batteries, and raw materials.

Even better, this company is in Xinshi.

It's very close to Xiu County, which is about to be built as a transfer station!
Xinshi is also on the way from Dazhangshu Base to Petroleum City.

In this way, it will be easier for them to pass by.

However, this matter will be left for later. Let Xiao Jun and the others open the road from Da Zhangshu Base to Oil City first, and then set up a transfer station so that they can go there at any time.

Li Yu was in the second outer city, looking at the new electric pickup developed by Lao Dong and the others.

Although it doesn't look very good-looking, it is very practical.

"As for the battery raw materials, I probably know about it, and it will be resolved within a month at most. In addition, you can think of a way to see if you can upgrade the motor system of the mobile switch knife at the Dazhangshu base."

Li Yu looked at Lao Dong and said.

Old Dong took off the gloves in his hands, and said back: "Okay, this is not a problem, I just want He Bing to give me the initial design drawing, and I want to see the circuit diagram."

"No problem, He Bing, you give him this." Li Yu said, looking at He Bing standing aside.

He Bing nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give him a brief introduction to the base's mobile switch knife later."

"Yeah." Li Yu looked at these experts in mechanical transformation and electricity, and was slightly satisfied.

Li Yu encouraged them to create boldly, don't worry about electricity, let them let go of their imagination.

Up to now, some creative little things have been produced.

All are practically applied in the life of the base.

Li Yu stayed here for more than half an hour, and then returned to the inner city of Dazhangshu Base for lunch.

at the same time.

Sanshan cottage.

It was desolate, with corpses all over the ground.

It seems to be telling people how tragic a war this place has been.

The original Guitou, Liu Cunyi and others were replanting and building houses, waiting for the materials transported by Little Adong and Liu Cunxi.

But they never thought that instead of waiting for construction materials, they would be waiting for bullets from fraud groups like Lao Guo.

The gunfire continued for a long time.

The Sanshan cottage was related to relatives before the end of the world. Although the population is large, they are very united.

They have been living here and have deep feelings for it.

However, outsiders who came suddenly surrounded them.

Wanton shooting, ****.

In addition to Liu Cunyi and the others, the hundreds of people have an absolute advantage in numbers, relying on the people of the fraudulent group such as Niaozhu and Zheng Xiaolong to survive in the early stage.

But in the end, they couldn't compete with the gunfire of these fraud groups, and they were finally defeated.

More than 300 people died, and in the end, more than 200 people covered more than 100 people to leave.

Instead of driving, they entered the mountains.

Entering the mountains, Zheng Xiaolong and the others are not easy to pursue.

There are many forests in the mountains. Even after experiencing typhoons, the trees in the mountains and forests are crooked, making it more difficult to walk, and it is more difficult to see traces of people.

The big boss is dead.

Zhou Taishan of the Zhou family died, and there were less than ten people left in the entire Zhou family.

Liu Cunxi of the Liu family was nowhere to be seen.

Only Liu Cunyi and a dozen members of the Liu family were left.

The ghost head is still alive, and so is Zhang Rufeng.

After Zhang Rufeng witnessed the death of the big boss with his own eyes, he finally woke up from his lost state.

A group of them ran wildly in the mountains and forests for several hours.

Wherever the trees are lush, go there.

In the evening, they finally stopped.

Guitou suddenly knelt down in the direction of Sanshan Village.

Tears flowed down my face.

Anger burned in his eyes.

Seeing him like this, those who escaped from the Sanshan cottage like him also knelt down one after another.

Seeing this, Zhang Rufeng knelt down firmly.

For ghosts and the others.

When the end of the world came, they had not suffered such a big loss.

He hated when zombies killed his father.

When Euam died, he hated it.

But he was not as ruthless as he is now. He could tell that those people came from Southeast Asia.

The big boss is dead, and their homeland is gone.

People are more hateful than zombies!
They are like a group of bereaved dogs. In this end of the world, they don't know what to do next.

It will be dark in two hours, and the zombies will come out soon.

How can they protect themselves without the walls of the Sanshan cottage?

(Ask for a monthly pass)

(End of this chapter)

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