Chapter 905 The Power of the Potion

The night is dark and the mountains and forests are steep.

Third Uncle and the others were flying high in the sky. In the apocalypse, there were no lights and the earth was completely black.

It only took a few minutes to get from the quarry to the scam park in northern Laizhou, just after they left.

This side of the quarry.

Ju Tianrui and his people were on guard on the gravel hill in the quarry to prevent zombies from running in.

Several fires were burning in the center of the quarry, on which two wild boars were roasting.

The light of the fire and the car illuminated the quarry. Li Yu walked to the missile vehicle. Lao Luo and the others had already been prepared. Lao Luo looked at his watch from time to time and waited for the time Li Yu said.

seven o'clock.

There are only 3 minutes left before the artillery fire. In 3 minutes, Lao Luo will start the heavy artillery bombardment.

In order to ensure that hundreds of artillery shells can be thrown out within 5 minutes, there are three people assisting each heavy artillery, which can ensure a faster speed.

As time passed by, Sanshu and the others avoided the path of the heavy artillery bombardment and flew around Laizhou.

3 minutes later.

It was already dark, but not completely dark.

When Lao Luo saw that the time was up, he said to the gunner: "Fire!"

The voice just fell.


Two shells pierced the silent night sky and flew towards the fraud park.

The shells, carrying flames, arrived at the fraud park brazenly.


In an instant, the cannonball fell on the wall of Jinmu Park. When the cannonball came into contact with the wall, the wall collapsed in an instant and gravel flew everywhere.

A person under the wall was blown away directly, but was pinned to the ground by the collapsed wall.

"Here they go again! They're firing again! Run away!"

"Damn it, you have to come at this time."

"Save me, save me!"

The entire Jinmu Park was in chaos, with people running away everywhere and hiding in buildings.

But the next second, they saw the building in front of them also being bombed by artillery shells.

A six-story building was destroyed by a heavy artillery shell.


Erhua stood on the wall and looked at the two more cannonballs flying over in the sky. The two cannonballs had fire at their tails and flew straight in their direction.

"It's over!" Erhua stared blankly and finally said these two words.


The shells arrived in an instant and exploded on the wall.

Erhua was also blown into pieces during the bombing.

Mr. Gao, who had been hiding in the basement for a long time, straightened his head when he heard the noise outside.

Deng Deng Deng!
Suddenly several people broke in from outside.

"Mr. Gao, that unit fired again and Erhua is dead. What should we do now?"

"Let everyone take shelter in the building and go quickly." Mr. Gao frowned and shouted.

"But, but the power of the shells was too great, some buildings were directly blown down, and now they are all in chaos."

Mr. Gao glanced at the basement, gritted his teeth and said, "Then let them come to the basement, quickly!"

Hearing this, his men quickly ran out.

Just as her men ran out, Mr. Gao took a deep breath. She knew very well that these shell bombardments at night were just the first problem they faced. If the wall was blown down, the zombies outside would definitely come. Hear the sound and come.

This time, I'm afraid it might be really troublesome.

Five minutes of high-density bombing blasted out more than thirty large gaps in the walls of Jinmu Park and the other two parks. These gaps were nearly ten meters wide.

After the bombing.

The basement was densely packed with people, all of whom came in to avoid the bombing outside.

"President Gao, it's over, it's over, there's no movement outside."


The basement door opened with a bang, and several people walked out.

It was devastated, and there were dots of flames burning everywhere.

Mr. Gao squeezed away from the crowd, took a glance at the door and said to the people behind him: "The wall is broken. Go out and find a way to block the gap. The zombies may be coming soon."

However, everyone in the basement seemed to be afraid that there would be another shell attack later, so they hesitated and refused to go out.

Seeing this scene, President Gao said angrily: "If a large number of zombies come in, none of us will be able to hide, and we will all die!"

The angry CEO Gao looked like a mad beast.

Forced by Mr. Gao's power, everyone reluctantly walked out.

At the same time, in the sky.

Uncle San and the others had arrived above the fraud group, and they turned off all the lights in the helicopter.

Two thousand and five hundred meters above the fraud park, it was night, and the temperature was a bit low. But at high altitude, the temperature was even lower. Coupled with the strong wind, everyone in the helicopter felt a chill.

"Hovering, I'm going to release it!" Uncle San said to the jackal driving the helicopter.

"Okay!" Jackal hovered the helicopter, but due to the strong wind at night, the wind blew from all directions, causing the helicopter to shake slightly.

The third uncle turned on the lights in the cabin, and the warm yellow light illuminated the cabin. The third uncle carefully took out the thermos cup from his arms.

He slowly rotated the lid of the thermos cup, opened it, pulled the cotton covering it, and took out the zombie attracting potion wrapped in a condom.

"Ant, help me get it." Uncle San said to the ant.

The ant quickly reached out and took the thermos cup from the third uncle's hand. Just now on the way, the captain told them that this zombie attracting potion is very scary, and they must ensure stability when hovering.

Otherwise, if the zombie-attracting potion accidentally splashes onto the helicopter, they will be in big trouble. This zombie-attracting potion has strong adhesion and a strong smell.

The third uncle took the zombie-attracting potion wrapped in a protective sheath, slowly opened the protective sheath, and took out the zombie-attracting potion from inside.

The third uncle opened the cap of the zombie attracting potion.

A strong stench wafted out of the glass test tube.

This smell is coming from the zombie attracting potion.

"Give me the thermos cup!" Uncle San said to the ant next to him.

At the same time, he gave him the protective cover and took the thermos cup from Ant's hand.

The opened zombie attracting potion was placed smoothly into the thermos cup.

The helicopter was at an altitude of 500 meters, and the wind was very strong.

If you just throw the zombie attracting potion directly, it will be too light and easily blown far away by the wind, which will fail to achieve the purpose.

This thermos cup is quite heavy. If you drop it with the zombie attracting potion in it, it won't be blown too far by the wind.

The third uncle just put the lid on the thermos cup and twisted it slightly, but not tightly, so that when it fell, the medicine inside could be spilled on the ground.

"Open the cabin door!" Third Uncle said to the ant.

Ant immediately unbuckled his seat belt and opened the cabin door with a bang.

The wind outside suddenly blew into the cabin, making the clothes of the third uncle and the others rustle violently.

Uncle San held the thermos cup with one hand and protected the lid with the other hand to prevent it from being blown off by the wind.

next second.

The third uncle placed the thermos cup outside the cabin. When he let go, the thermos cup fell straight down.

The thermos cup disappeared into the night and fell to the ground.

"Go around and take a look." The third uncle said to the jackal.

When Jackal heard this, he ended the hovering state of the helicopter and began to fly around the fraud park.

Fraud park.

Among the collapsed construction debris, the thermos cup crashed here.


The surface of the thermos cup came into contact with the cement and made a loud noise.

The lid of the thermos cup fell off instantly, and the zombie attracting potion inside slipped out and fell to the ground one meter away.


The test tube containing the zombie attracting potion was smashed, and some of the potion inside spilled out.

The black-red potion has a strong smell, and it drifts farther and farther away as the night wind escapes.The sound of the thermos cup falling attracted the attention of several people next to the building.

They were the ones who had just ran out of the basement and went to plug the gap in the wall.

"Did you hear that?"

"It seems to be coming from the pile of construction debris behind."

"Go over and see what's going on."

"Goodbye. We still have things to do now. We need to quickly seal the gaps in the wall. There are too many gaps in the wall and it won't be fixed in a short time."

"Then I'll go take a look."

The curious man walked to the abandoned building and looked around among the construction debris with a flashlight, but found nothing unusual.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly smelled a strong smell mixed with blood, which made people feel sick.

He sniffed and walked towards the place where the smell was coming from.

When he walked to a broken cement board and shone his flashlight on it, he found a black-red blood stain and glass fragments.

He picked up the fragments stained with the medicine and murmured: "What is this?"

I put my nose close and smelled it, it was so ugly.

He quickly dropped the fragment, but when he dropped it, his thumb accidentally got some of the medicine on it.

He frowned when he saw it, and then wiped it on his body out of habit, but after wiping it, he realized how smelly it was.

In his opinion, this was blood, and it was blood that had been released for a long time. After all, it had a strong smell of blood.


"I wonder which bastard likes to do this kind of thing, bad luck!" He spat on the ground, and then shined a flashlight on his thumb.

The medicine stained on the thumb still has not been wiped off, as if it is attached to it like glue, and there is a faint stench.

In the Jinmu Park, cannibalism is not a rare thing. During extreme droughts, sometimes they will kill people and drink their blood.

In the perverted park, many people had some unusual hobbies, and he thought it was someone else's blood.

He couldn't wipe off the mark on his thumb, but he was no longer in the mood to continue looking, so he hurried towards the wall.

Just as he ran over, the wind blew off the thermos cup on the garbage pile and smashed it to the ground.

No one paid attention to this, and no one came to check.

Even if someone comes to check, they won't care.

There was dust everywhere in Jinmu Park, and the air was filled with the smell of burning coke, mixed with a foul smell and the smell of gunpowder.

They didn't realize that the stench was coming from the zombie attracting potion, thinking it was coming from the bodies of the dead.

After the man whose thumb was stained with the medicine ran to the wall, the smell of the medicine on his thumb was very strong. At close range, several people around him frowned and said, "Why do you smell so bad?"

The man's eyes widened and he cursed, "You're the one who stinks."

It's over.

They didn't even know there was a zombie attracting potion, and they couldn't understand that this small bottle of potion could be extremely powerful.

As for blood, after the heavy artillery bombing, dead people were everywhere in the park. Isn’t there enough blood spilled by these dead people?

The wind blew the scent of the zombie attracting potion farther and farther away.

It turns out that the fraud park is in the north of Laizhou, not far away.

There was an explosion here, and the loud noise attracted some nearby zombies. However, because they often cleaned up the surrounding area, there were not many zombies around.

However, what they didn't expect was that the smell of the zombie attracting potion was so strong that it drifted farther and farther with the wind.

an hour later.

The rich flavor is sent far away.

Not just Laizhou, but zombies in several cities around Laizhou suddenly straightened their necks and sniffed the air.

For a moment, as if on stimulants, the corpses shook and walked in the direction of the wind.

The zombies are sneaking in the moonlight, like rivers flowing into the sea. On the way to the fraud park, the number of zombies is increasing.

Moreover, these zombies seemed to be a little abnormal, and they kept roaring. They seemed to be stimulated by something, and their movement speed became faster. Although it did not reach the speed in the heavy rain, it was much stronger than the usual state of death.

This state is similar to the state of encountering living humans. They are eager for fresh flesh and blood, and their hunger surges.

The zombie army marched along the road towards the fraud park.

The third uncle and the others circled around in the sky. The ground was too dark. Except for some firelight in the fraud park, the surroundings were pitch black and nothing could be seen clearly.

According to Li Yu, it takes some time for the zombie attracting potion to take effect, so the third uncle felt that there was no use waiting here for the helicopter, but it was a waste of fuel.

So the third uncle said to the jackal: "Let's go back to the quarry."

When Jackal heard this, he controlled the helicopter to spin and fly towards the red dot on the screen.

With electronic beacons, a big problem for them has been solved. At least at night, they can know where they are returning.

Otherwise, on this dark ground, they would not be able to see the ground clearly, and they would not be able to identify the direction, just like a blind man.

Unless, the helicopter turns on its lights and flies at low altitude.

However, low-altitude flying is too risky. If someone on the ground shoots at the helicopter with a gun, it will be very troublesome.

It only takes 7 minutes to fly directly from the fraud park to the quarry.

Soon, Uncle San and the others returned to the quarry in a helicopter.

As soon as they got off the plane, Uncle San and the others smelled a strong aroma of meat.

Li Yu walked over and smelled the smell of Uncle San and the others. There was no smell of medicine.

On their way back, Third Uncle and the others had strong winds at high altitudes, which had already blown away the little smell of medicine that had escaped from the cabin.

After all, there was no medicine dripping on either the body or the helicopter, so there was no problem.

Then Li Yu quickly asked: "Third uncle, how are you? Is everything going well?"

The third uncle nodded and said:
"I opened the potion, put it in a thermos cup and threw it away. The wind at high altitude was too strong. I was afraid that the wind would blow the potion away. It should be fine. How long do you think the reaction time of the potion is? Wait until it is about the same time, and we will Fly over and check out the situation.”

Li Yu took out a map, pointed at Laizhou and several nearby cities, and said:

"According to the current speed of the wind and the walking speed of zombies, it will take at least three hours for the zombie army to reach the fraud park. However, the zombies around the fraud park will definitely arrive first."

"Okay, then let's go over and have a look in three hours." When the third uncle heard what Li Yu said, he nodded.

Li Yu pointed to the roasted pig on the fire in the center and said to his third uncle: "You guys came back just in time. The roasted pig is almost ready."

After saying that, he turned to Lao Yi in the distance and said, "Lao Yi, let's see if the offal noodle soup you made is ready?"

Hearing this, Lao Yi opened the lid of the pot, and a strong aroma of meat wafted out.

"Okay, it's been simmering for an hour, that's enough." Lao Yi said excitedly.

The faces of the surrounding team members were excited. They were hungry and wanted to eat for a long time, but they had to wait until the captain and the others came back.

At this time, I returned successfully and could finally start dinner.

The third uncle walked to the car, turned on the water pipe, washed his hands and said with a smile: "Just in time, I'm hungry too."

Everyone gathered around the roasted pig, and Lao Yi, Dapao and the others took knives to cut the meat for them.

The two pigs together weighed more than three hundred kilograms.

This kind of pig is different from the pigs raised in the base. It is not that heavy and does not have much fat. However, because this pig often runs, the gravy is very strong.

After removing the bones and offal, everyone can get at least a pound of meat.

Plus a bowl of pimple, offal and big bone soup, it’s enough for everyone.

Li Yu was holding a piece of roasted pork and a bowl of soup in his right hand. He put the soup on the front of the car and nibbled on the piece of roasted pork until it was golden brown.

It's a bit hard when you bite into it, but the meat is of good quality.

I ate several large mouthfuls of meat and then took a sip of bone soup.

That is a beauty.

"Lao Yi, your craftsmanship is good, and it's delicious."

Hearing Li Yu's praise, Lao Yi's face turned into a sunflower in the firelight.

The team members all ate meat and soup happily.

Ju Tianrui and the others who were standing on the pile of rubble did not come down to eat. They could only come down to eat after Lao Yi and the others had finished eating and replaced their places.

Lao Yi and the others also left some meat and soup to Ju Tianrui and the others on duty.

The whole quarry was in a happy mood. After days of fighting, the two pigs made them exhausted.

But while they were happy here, the fraud park more than 30 kilometers away from them was gloomy.

People were coming and going, but no one paid attention to the injured people on the ground. They all ran to the wall to block the gap.

However, the zombies that were already around the fraud park were already approaching.

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(End of this chapter)

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