Genshin Impact

Chapter 103 Night, picnic, and~

Chapter 103 Night, picnic, and~

When the two returned to the camp, the tent had already been set up, but there were two of them.

When Xia You looked over, she found Nanase Xiaguang made that gesture to him again, with a narrow smile on her face.

Shen He asked ignorantly, "What does this gesture mean?"

Xia You coughed, "Uh, this means playing games. I'll take you to play games after the picnic is over."

Without giving Shen He a chance to continue asking, Xia You ran directly to the campfire and started cooking.

And Nanase Xiaguang leaned over, "I taught you last time, do you know what to do tonight?"

Shen He suddenly realized and nodded, it turned out that Xia You was talking about this!
It wasn't until Xia You was cooking that Paimeng smelled the aroma and wafted over.

"Wow, it smells so good, I really want to eat it!"

Ying squeezed Paimon's face, "With Paimon's appetite, once Paimon starts eating, we won't be able to eat it!"

Xia You looked indifferent, "Don't worry, there are still a lot of ingredients, it doesn't matter if Paimeng eats a little."

With Xia You's acquiescence, little Paimeng immediately became full of energy, "Look, look, good Xia doesn't care, what do you care about?"

Xia You made an earthen table out of rocks, and then put the dishes on it, Xiang Ling walked over just after finishing all this.

She still held two bowls of food in her hand, "Come on, how about we exchange food? I just want to see how your cooking skills are now."

Xia You nodded with a smile. He looked at the other two groups and found that the other two groups, except Xiang Ling's group, were busy, and Hu Tao's group was still busy.

Zhong Li didn't help, just sat there drinking tea, and Xia Hong and Mandrill had to take care of everything.

It's just that when it's time to cook, they start to stare.

"See what I do? I don't know how to cook." Xia Hong spread her hands and said.

Mandrill folded his arms around his chest, and after a moment of silence, he still couldn't hold back, "Me neither."

I don't know whether Zhongli really can't or doesn't want to do things. He didn't say anything, and he was still drinking tea. The meaning is very clear, I just won't do it.

Now the three of them turned their attention to Hu Tao and Chong Yun.

"Don't look at my hall master! You may not like the dishes I cook!" Hu Tao said in a rare anxious way.

"If you don't think I cook cold dishes, then that's fine." Chong Yun said while pinching his chin.

"Of course I don't dislike it. Hall Master Hu was just joking, as long as you make it, we will definitely eat it, as long as it's not seafood." Zhong Li said with a smile.

On the other hand, the Liyue Seven Stars team is much more powerful. Ning Guang, who is Tianquan, also cooks in person and cooks a table of delicious dishes.

Gan Yu just stood on the side, drooling uncontrollably, shaking his head from time to time, swallowing the saliva back into his stomach, couldn't bear it anymore, walked away, came to a Qingxin plant, squatted down, pulled it out, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Ke Qing sat there quietly watching the stars, because she prepared all the prey, so she is very free now.

Soon the picnic officially started, but the walnuts and the others didn't seem to be very happy eating.

Finally, Hu Tao still couldn't stand the table of cold dishes and her own terrifying march and ran to Xia You's side.

In the words of Hall Master Hu, it means—"My hall master's visit to this hall master's guest house can't be regarded as a meal, it can only be called a guest."

Because Zhongli is the god of contract, he still ate the walnut dish with a distorted expression as he said before.

Youyou Grand March is a special dish of walnuts.The round-headed ghosts huddled together are a little funny and cute.

However, if you eat one of them out of curiosity and can't resist the temptation, you may regret it for a long time
After all, what was on the plate was an extremely high-level dish that bombarded the taste buds to the point of complete failure.

If it weren't for Zhong Li's blood, he might have died on the spot, but Xia Hong and Mandrill looked at Zhong Li's trembling face and didn't dare to stretch out their chopsticks.

"Why don't you eat?" Zhong Li put down his chopsticks when he saw that neither of them helped him, and looked at the two seriously.

"We dare not eat this." Xia Hong said with some embarrassment.

Hearing this, Zhong Li walked towards Qi Xing with the tray in his hand.

At this time, the four of them, except Gan Yu, were happily eating the food in the bowl.

"The neon clothes and sunset soup made by Xia You is so fragrant and intoxicating! It's so delicious!" Xiang Ling couldn't help but praise.

Ke Qing, Gan Yu nodded one after another, because it was vegetarian, so Gan Yu also tasted some, and gave a high evaluation at the same time.

And Ningguang gave his own opinion, "This dish is warm and mellow in the mouth, and after a careful aftertaste, it is like a peerless wine with sweetness. It is really rare. That Mr. Xia You really has a heart."

Now that Zhongli came over, Keqing was a little curious, "You are Mr. Zhongli from Xiangsheng Hall, what are you doing here?"

Zhong Li picked up a Youyou Daxingjun with his chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it a few times and then swallowed it.

"This dish is extremely delicious, you should try it too." Zhong Li praised.

A few people who didn't know why picked up a chopstick and put it in their mouths out of curiosity.

Xiangling's expression changed suddenly and she started to vomit, "What the hell is this! It's worse than my seven-color slime salad."

"It's really hard to imagine, Mr. Zhongli, why did you do such a thing?" Ning Guang spat the vegetables on the silk handkerchief gracefully.

Ke Qing fell to the ground on the spot, a wisp of soul floated out of her head, and was pushed back by Zhong Li.

As for Gan Yu, she was in a daze, "Why did my sense of taste disappear?"

Zhong Li looked at the bare plate with a satisfied smile on his lips. As long as he can abide by the contract, it doesn't matter if he sacrifices a little.

He looked at several people and said, "I'm sorry, I will definitely come to the door to make amends in the future, and finally left after that."

Xia You looked at Hu Tao, who was eating and drinking, and her eyebrows twitched, "Hey, Hu, what did you do? Why did they all..."

"Hey! Youyou Grand March! Just like its name, this dish is as powerful as a dark soldier crossing the border, and it can easily destroy a person's sense of taste. Although this is not what I want to make." Walnut explained with a smile.

After listening to Hutao's explanation, both Paimon and Ying made up their minds that they would never eat dishes made by Hutao in the future.

The picnic finally came to an end, and what followed was the delightful after-dinner time, when a group of people gathered around the same fire to discuss whether to play some folk games.

"When I was young, besides working, I often played a game called throwing the handkerchief with other children. Would you like to try it?" Ning Guang suggested with a smile.

"I'll forget it." Mandrill was about to leave but was pulled back by Xia Hong, "Drill, why don't you play with Third Sister~"

Mandrill was silent for a while, and finally sat back.

 Hey, Ghost March, if you don’t vote for me, I’ll treat you to eat
(End of this chapter)

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