Doctor Nine

Chapter 2217 The altar becomes a token?

Chapter 2217 The altar becomes a token?
No wonder...

No wonder Lu Jiuque dared to be so arrogant, and even destroyed their altars without thinking. It turned out that it was because of such a powerful backing! !

Lu Jiuque, you are too despicable! !

Lu Jiuque pursed his lips, suddenly feeling a little guilty, until he felt the breath of a certain demon king coming from behind him, and then he felt relieved, and continued to look at Emperor Canglan pitifully, as if he would not give his god away if he didn't nod his head. It is the same as taught by the altar.

Emperor Canglan wanted to jump up and curse!
You, Lu Jiuque, why are you still pretending to be pitiful at this moment of light key, are they the poor people? !
Not to mention that you broke the altar, you still bully others, you can't be more despicable!

Emperor Canglan used all his strength and said to himself over and over again that this is a "benefactor" and a "benefactor", so he suppressed the idea of ​​wanting to pinch Lu Jiuque to death, and said forcefully: "Take it out!" !"

With this tone, I really wish I could kill her!
Lu Jiuque shrank his neck, and smashed the jar behind him!

What are you afraid of, even if you screw it up, the big deal is that Di Shifang will take her to the end of the world.

It's just a pity that I won't be able to see Sister Liu openly in the future...

Sighing, Lu Jiuque lightly patted the body of the bronze Lao Po tripod, and Lao Po immediately came to his heart, and with a "poof", he spat out the altar.

Everyone immediately held their breath, staring at the altar that fell to the ground with "Kang Dang Bang Dang", there were people with all kinds of expressions.

Among them, Helianyan and Helian Yudie were the most. They thought they would see a thing that was completely shattered and turned into dregs, but they didn't expect that the thing that fell in front of the holy stone and rolled twice to the ground turned out to be full of holy light.

"This is……"


"What is this? Where is the altar!"


What was swallowed by the bronze old broken tripod was an altar, but what was spit out was clearly a token!


Lu Jiuque regarded them as idiots for playing such a trick!

"Lu Jiuque! What do you mean! Where is our altar!"

"How can such a small broken thing be our altar!"

"Damn it! Where's the altar!"


Lu Jiuque felt wronged too, she just wanted to restore the altar out of good intentions, how did she know that it suddenly changed its appearance?
The only ones who couldn't do it were the high priest and Emperor Canglan.

Poor thing, I don't know if I was hit too hard and became stupid or what.

A moment later, the dragon knights had already surrounded Lu Jiuque and Di Shifang. At this moment, there was a sound of piercing through the air, but Emperor Canglan, who had always been stable and majestic, rushed forward. When he arrived in front of Lu Jiuque, he knelt down on one knee and picked up the token twitching like he was suffering from epilepsy...

The high priest on the side also knelt down with a "plop", and stammered: "No, no,'s impossible...what's going on like this..."

Lu Jiuque was taken aback by Emperor Canglan's actions, and hid in Emperor Shifang's arms and said in a low voice, "Great Demon King, what's wrong with Emperor Canglan? Are you stupid?"

Di Shifang knocked on her forehead angrily and said, "You, you are just causing trouble..."

The people of the Canglan Empire had never seen Emperor Canglan lose his composure like this, and they all thought that he was overwhelmed by the blow and burden, and they all cried bitter tears for him, and their hatred for Lu Jiuque became stronger than ever before. ...

(End of this chapter)

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