Doctor Nine

Chapter 2359 You scumbags

Chapter 2359 You scumbags

Everything that Fu Cang thought no one could break the dawn was firmly remembered by Di Xiao who was beside him in a blink of an eye.

Although Di Xiao couldn't decipher this incantation, she believed that if necessary, someone would explain it to them.

For example, other members of the Abyss Demon Royal Family, or... Fan Ran.

Following Di Xiao's instructions, everyone marched westward. After passing through Yu Yi's prosperous demon town, after three months of stepping into the abyss, they finally entered the wilderness.

This wilderness is more desolate than any world Lu Jiuque has seen in the past...

The sky was not blue, but a gray twilight, and there was a breath of death in the next door, and as they continued to enter, it became more and more desolate.

Even Lu Jiuque felt the icy cold breath, as if all the warmth in the world had been deprived of it.

"What the hell is this place, why is it so cold?" Ni Xiangxiang couldn't help shrinking her neck and said, she is the only one here without star soul power, and her body is more sensitive to changes in the outside world.

Gu Ming looked at her so cold that her lips were purple, trembling was very pitiful, but his fox fire was a "contraband" and couldn't be used here, so he simply raised his hand and pulled Ni Xiangxiang to himself At the same time, he did not forget to wrap her Shenzi with a long tail to keep her warm.

"Why is it so useless?"

Ni Xiangxiang didn't bother to argue with Gu Ming, so she gave him a hard look, thinking that there was nothing to hide between herself and this vixen, so she simply leaned her body into his arms, and said contentedly: "Yeah , so warm."

When she was talking, the breath from the tip of her nose was still faintly blowing on his neck, making Gu Ming's body as hard as a piece of iron.

Di Shifang on the side sneered silently at Gu Ming, and did not forget to cast a look of "You are really useless", and then wrapped his little man in his arms, and whispered: "Is it cold?"

Lu Jiu nodded, "Damn it, why is this place so cold? Even I'm about to freeze."

If it wasn't for the fear that the flames she summoned would attract the attention of the abyssal demons, she would have used the Tianyuan fire to keep warm, okay?

Even the little fat man Jiuxiao couldn't help leaning towards Baby Xiao, there was no way, who made Xiao's fur thick?

Seeing that Lu Jiuque and Di Shifang, Ni Xiangxiang and Gu Ming, Xiao and Jiuxiao were hugging each other, cuddling each other, keeping warm, Shen Tianlan silently glanced at his hands, and then opened them to Di Xiao.

Di Xiao glanced at it, and said coldly, "You cold-blooded water creature, stay away from me."

Shen Tianlan: "..."

Everyone: "..." Why do you feel that Shen Tianlan is so pitiful?

Four teams of "persons" set off, two teams were spreading dog food, and one team was negligible. Can Shen Tianlan, a single Wang who is still struggling to be single, not be forced? !
Just when everyone silently sympathized with Shen Tianlan, a black town suddenly rose up on the distant horizon...

"It's Soul Eater City." Fu Cang said hoarsely, "The person you are looking for is inside."

Lu Jiuque glanced at Di Xiao, who nodded, "Yes."


"Yes, Master!"

Xiao revealed his body and cast his innate supernatural powers to shroud everyone in a dark curtain. Immediately after Lu Jiuque kicked his feet up, he showed a victorious smile to everyone: "Daxiang and Sen Luole come with me, you guys can't use star power!" The scum of soul power just wait here obediently!"

 The third wave is coming!It's a bit late, because the little friend has arrived, and she came to the hotel to stay with her, and just entered the code word state, ah~
(End of this chapter)

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