Doctor Nine

Chapter 947 The Late Asylum 1

Chapter 947 The Belated Refuge One
Seeing that Kuisawa's usual coolness and rationality had vanished, and only care and anxiety far surpassing that of his subordinates remained in his eyes, Lu Jiuque understood it, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." I can find Sister Ai Lu."

"Really!" Kurosawa's eyes lit up, his handsome face was full of excitement, "Great, then let's set off immediately."

Lu Jiuque also knew that now was not the time to make fun of Hei Ze, and Zuo Lengyang just happened to disappear, so let's look for it together.



A pitch-black blue-eyed kitten appeared, circled around Lu Jiuque twice, and timidly looked at Di Shifang, the little cat who wanted to get close but didn't dare, how pitiful it was.

Lu Jiuque was helpless, leaned over and picked Xiao Xiao up, patted its head, and said in a low voice: "Xiao, go find Sister Ai Lu and Peak Master Zuo."

Xiao stretched his neck and rubbed against Lu Jiuque's palm, gave a contented "meow", kicked his back foot, and swiped off Lu Jiuque's body.

"Meow~" Master, hurry up and follow the baby!
"Let's go." Lu Jiuque followed up first, followed by Di Shifang, Heize and other dark guards from the black market.

The group of people moved so fast that they fell into the eyes of ordinary people, who only thought that there was a gust of wind blowing around them.


Time went back a little, and just as the gate of the Four Realms City was closed, a group of people rushed over. They watched the gate shut with a bang, and rushed forward to knock on it.

"Open the door! We are the prince and princess of the Dongyuan Empire in the east, please let us in!"

"Please open the door! We want to go in!"

"Open the door..."


On the surface, this team is the royal hunting team of the Dongyuan Empire in the Eastern Territory. From the perspective of others, they are parasites who want to take advantage of Dabi's east wind and follow the team of Sizong to make a small fortune and professionally pick up leaks. .

But in fact, these people were one of the men who assassinated Lu Jiuque yesterday.

People are so unlucky that drinking cold water will get stuck between their teeth.

Although they escaped the counterattack of Lu Jiuque, who was like a ghost, they encountered a riot of monsters in Wuyun Valley when they retreated.

Most of the killers who survived Lu Jiuque's butcher's knife died under the minions of monsters, and only a few masters survived.

If they hadn't resolutely abandoned their teammates, even these few people wouldn't be able to survive.

But now, they claim to be the princes and princesses of the Eastern Yuan Empire, and they also wear corresponding black robes and the same coat of arms.

The sword guards of the Holy Sword Hall looked down at these embarrassing people, frowned and said: "I'm sorry, princes and princesses, Your Excellency Wuma ordered that once the city gate is closed, no one is allowed to open it. Didn't you Is it a Star Soul Beast? Fly up with the beast controler."

Beast control fly up?
What they said was easy, if they could do this, they would have flown back from beast control a long time ago!
In order to escape for their lives yesterday, all their contracted beasts died!

The only woman among them raised her head, showing her charming face, and begged in a pitiful voice: "Is it really not possible? Our flying monsters are all injured... there is no way to control them at all, and we still have serious injuries." Suffering."

The sword guard was not a person who also cared about the fragrance and cherished the jade, so he firmly refused: "If you say no, you can't do it. If you have the ability to fly up, if you don't have the ability, quickly find another place to take refuge."

After saying that, the sword guard ignored them and continued to patrol.

(End of this chapter)

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