Space rebirth of medicine businesswoman

Chapter 247 Repaying Resentment with Virtue

Chapter 247 Repaying Resentment with Virtue

"Because of your perverted intentions, Shark Pearl will deny it!" One of the elders snapped.

Yunzhu laughed loudly: "Xiaozhu doesn't recognize me? Then what is this lady holding?"

Lingxi looked at Yunzhu's hand, and a bright bead appeared in the empty hand. The faces of all the clansmen changed drastically, but Lingxi was not afraid.

"It's just because you have the blood of the gods that you can make the shark bead recognize you, but do you think you really let it recognize you?" Lingxi formed a seal in his hand, and Yunzhu panicked, wanting to make the shark bead recognize you. Take it back, but it's too late.

The shark bead became smaller in an instant, returned to Lingxi's hand, rubbed against her intimately, and finally disappeared.

Yunzhu was furious, and she realized that Jiaozhu had lost contact with her, Yunzhu's whole person changed drastically, and her original double nine-year-old appearance instantly turned into the image of a middle-aged woman.

"Why don't you let me go!" Yunzhu looked at Lingxi resentfully, in a state of rage, full of demonic energy.

A magic staff appeared in Lingxi's hand, and he hit Yunzhu without saying a word. Yunzhu wanted to resist, but the dagger of the shark clan was still stuck in her abdomen, and she couldn't move at all. Lingxi and others.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!" Because of Yunzhu's unwillingness, the blood in his body boiled, and Yunzhu's appearance changed again.

The whole body is covered with scales, the elbows, ears and other places have turned into fish fins, and the originally white and delicate hands have turned into blue-green strange hands with sharp nails.

"Death!" Yunzhu only felt that she was full of strength, and she didn't care what she looked like now, she clawed over, and the two male mermaids who were holding her were instantly grabbed a piece of flesh.

"Whoever stands in my way will die! Lingxi, today I will definitely kill you, regain the Shark Pearl, and return to the Shark Clan to become their emperor!" Yunzhu swung the fish's tail and attacked Lingxi.

"Presumptuous!" All the elders stood in front of Lingxi, Lingxi looked at Yunzhu calmly, and said, "Yunzhu, how long are you going to make trouble? Do you think we don't know why the Queen Mother passed away?" ?Since childhood, your heart has been higher than the sky. When you were 50 years old, you met a man at sea, became pregnant with his child, and brought him back to live in the shark tribe. But you don’t know, that man only wants to live forever. I don’t really want to go back to the sea with you to live. You were hurt by love and wanted to go back to the family alone, but the man didn’t allow it. He would rather expose your identity and keep you. The emperor at that time also wanted to live forever, so he sent you In captivity, the national teacher even cast spells to refine you into a elixir. If the mother emperor did not devote all the power of the whole family to save you, do you think you still have life? If the mother knew that the whole family had saved you at the beginning, would you Let you become such a terrible person, you will regret it even if you think about it! When you return to the clan, you can’t get out no matter what. In the end, the empress had no choice but to seal up your memory. For some reason, you lost the recognition of Shark Pearl. Because of this, you began to resent us, and even poisoned the Queen Mother to death. You took the opportunity to steal the blood of the gods, and escaped from the clan with the forbidden technique! Now, you are even more enchanted and have killed countless lives. Yunzhu, you The crimes are monstrous, and the Mermaid Clan can no longer protect you, nor do they want to protect you! Since you have not repented so far, I have tried my best. Master Ning, Yunzhu, I leave it to you."

After speaking, Lingxi returned the memory that originally belonged to Yunzhu to her.

Yunzhu's headache was about to split, and she sent out a sonic attack. If An Ning hadn't set up a barrier, all the guests in this bar would have died.

Scenes from the past emerged in Yunzhu's mind. At the age of 50, she was still an upright girl. When she went to sea for the first time, she was very excited and curious about everything.

Not long after landing, she met that man. He was a scholar in a fishing village. He was gentle and gentle, and he always had a warm smile.

Yunzhu pretended to be a woman with amnesia and stayed in the fishing village. Many teenagers in the fishing village fell in love with her. She was taken in by an old couple in the fishing village whose children died. Since she came, the old couple's house has been visited by matchmakers.

But Yunzhu refused to agree, and the old couple couldn't force her, after all, she was not their biological daughter.

Yunzhu often met Liu Shaoqing, and when the love was strong, she agreed to his marriage proposal.The next day after it was done, a matchmaker came to propose marriage, and this time, Yunzhu agreed.

With joy, she paid the price, like a woman in the world, weaving silk and embroidering wedding dresses at home.

What he didn't know was that Liu Shaoqing had another woman he loved, and he was with her only when he saw her transforming from a mermaid into a human that day.

The woman didn't know, she still resented Yunzhu and often taunted her, but Yunzhu didn't care.

She happily married Liu Shaoqing, and after marriage, Liu Shaoqing's family treated her well, and Yun Zhu also forgot her identity and devoted herself to caring for her husband and raising her children.

Weaving silk and dropping pearls increased the wealth of her husband's family, and the Liu family's life became better and better. Every time they went fishing, they returned with full rewards. They opened a shop in the town and made a fortune year after year.

Liu Shaoqing has also obtained a degree of fame. Originally, life was good. Liu Shaoqing also really fell in love with Yunzhu and didn't want her to go back.

But the good times didn't last long, but in six years, after a flood, the plague broke out, and Liu Shaoqing, who was a parent officer, was unfortunately infected.

How could Yunzhu not save them, so she reluctantly cut off her own flesh, mixed it with shark blood, assisted with shark pill, and combined with Tai Sui and other things to make a delicacy of immortality.

All the close relatives of the Liu family ate its food, but Yunzhu couldn't maintain a human shape, and suffered a serious loss in cultivation. When the servants found out, they were shocked and reported to the master's family.

Only then did Liu Shaoqing realize that his wife's greater role lies in this, and he was overjoyed immediately.

But Yunzhu didn't want to continue to live in the world, she wanted to go back to the sea to recuperate, Liu Shaoqing agreed to her on the surface, but secretly informed the emperor.

He also said that he didn't know that if it wasn't for the accident, he wouldn't have known that his wife was not human.

The emperor and the national teacher were very excited, and even if they took him away and imprisoned him with magic, Yunzhu learned the truth, resented and regretted in his heart, but he was helpless.

At that time, she was sincere and kind, and the national teacher persecuted her. She would rather die than submit, but she was told that she was pregnant.

For the sake of the child, she still used the message conch given to her by the queen mother. When the merman queen learned about it, she immediately led people to kill them on the shore.After two days of fighting with the national teacher, he defeated him, deprived the Liu family of their ability to live forever, and killed them all, and then brought Yunzhu back to the Shark Palace. After having children, I want to end my life even more.

Yuhuang had no choice but to seal up her memory, and after that, she knew everything.

No wonder, over the years, every man she has found is somewhat similar. It is ridiculous that she still thinks of Liu Shaoqing subconsciously.

"Hehehehe...It turns out that I was wrong for everything, I was wrong!" Yunzhu shed real tears, and she, who had not shed tears for hundreds of years, burst into tears again.

The resentment and demonic energy in his body dissipated, and the demonized shark state returned to normal.

"Mother." Yun Zhu broke away from Zong Huan's body, and a pair of beautiful men and women stepped forward, looking at Yun Zhu and looking at her with a little excitement.

Yunzhu stretched out her hand, but did not touch them.

"Thank you, you raised them very well. I can feel that they are kind and happy. I am not worthy to be your mother. In the future, your aunt will be your real mother. You must not be your mother. The way we passed." Yunzhu looked at her children and said with tears.

"Mother, if you can repent, you have already taken that step, and we will always remember you. When your punishment is over, we will definitely take you home." Lingyu knelt down in front of Yunzhu obediently, hugged Yunzhu and said with a smile .

"You are all good children." Yunzhu glanced at Zong Huan, who was pitiful and frightened, and tapped her forehead with her finger. Zong Huan fell directly, and two souls and three souls flew out.

This child was incomplete when she was in her womb, and was later refined by her as a spare shell for later use, so she is not a complete person at all.

Instead of letting her continue to live and become the second her in the future, it is better to destroy her.

"Yunzhu of the Yuzu clan, listen to the sentence!" An Ning led someone in, holding the ghost king's order in his hand, Yunzhu knelt down respectfully, and An Ning began to pronounce the sentence: "Yunzhu of the Yuzu clan, who has committed many evils, will be sentenced to the warden for a thousand years. If you are full, you are allowed to join the Mermaid Clan and serve the people again."

"Thank you Spirit Lord for your gift!" All three of Yunzhu's mother and son knelt down and kowtowed in gratitude.

An Ning smiled, and waved open the door of the warden.

The warden is different from the gate of ghosts. There are scary and hideous ghost faces carved on the gate, which makes people feel uneasy even at a glance.

Yunzhu walked into the warden, and there was already a ghost messenger waiting inside.

Yunzhu looked at Lingxi and her children again, turned around and entered the warden department, the gate closed and disappeared.

"I'm sorry to bother Mrs. Ning today." Lingxi saluted and thanked An Ning, and An Ning helped her up: "Since you're here, why don't you go back after playing for a few days? Let's also see how the treasures in your clan become popular after they become accessories."

"Then bother Master Ning." Lingxi smiled and thanked, and the group left the bar quickly. The boy before was arranged by An Ning, a direct descendant of the Huo family, and the owner of the shop.

Seeing that An Ning and others had left, he also left the bar and went back to Huo's house.

Today is really exciting, even thinking about it is exciting enough.

Lingxi and his clan stayed in the capital for three days, and saw how the things in his clan were welcomed by everyone after being made into finished products. He was very happy. left.

The culprit has already been sentenced, and the events on the campus have been tampered with by the Ghost King Order.The boys who died also eliminated their grievances one after another, reincarnated, and the cause of death changed from tragic death to accident, some were due to physical reasons, some fell into the river by slipping and so on.

The school also made compensation, after all, it happened at the school.

An Ning also took 300 million to do charity, to accumulate virtue for a few children who died tragically. After all, this matter has something to do with Tianxuanmen.

In class that day, An Ning and Nie Aijia met Xu Na's parents again, and the two couples also saw An Ning and the others. An Ning stopped, and Xu Na's father held Xu Na's urn in his hand.

"Uncle and aunt, I still wish to mourn, especially you, Auntie, who is pregnant again, so you can't be overjoyed." An Ning stepped forward and comforted her.

Xu Na's mother was taken aback, a little confused.

"Xu Na was doted on by you and grew up. You know what kind of temper she is, and you have heard about what she has done these days. The dead is gone, and it has passed. She joined your family again. I hope, You can raise her well this time." Then, before the couple could speak, they turned and left.

Xu Na's mother wanted to ask something, but some images appeared in her mind.

After watching the video, Xu Na's parents were taken aback for a moment, and then looked at An Ning's back, they were all silent. After a while, Xu Na's father said: "Nana's actions were really too much, but that adult repaid her grievances with virtue and made Nana Joining our family again, this time we must remember the words of the adults and teach her well."

"Well, that's really great, Papa Nana." Xu's mother touched her abdomen and then the urn, tears rolled down her eyes. It's all done by their own daughter, no one can blame them.

 The update has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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