Chapter 304
He knew that Quan Jiu had set the time for his memory to be unsealed on his 17th birthday.

Even though he knew this day would come, 001 couldn't help feeling complicated.

He has been with Quan Jiu, who has no memory, for 14 years, and brought her up from a three-year-old milk dumpling. Although he was reluctant to be forced to take care of the child at the beginning, he crazily threw Quan Jiu to various cram schools, but As he gets along day after day, he really substitutes himself into "Jiang Yubai" at many moments.

His name is Jiang Yubai, and he has a little sister named Jiang Ruanruan.

001 knew that he had crossed the line, but he couldn't hold back the offensive of Xiaonaituanzi, and really put himself into the role of the elder brother. Out of this plane, he and Quan Jiu are just a cold relationship between the system and the host.

He clicked on the photo album on his phone, and there were only three simple videos in it, all of which were the black history of Quan Jiu's childhood.

In the video, the black eyes of the little milk dumpling are shining, like a little fairy child carved in powder and jade, her face is full of elastic collagen, her chubby little hands are holding a feeding bottle, drinking milk seriously at the camera, her curled eyelashes are slightly After blinking, the milky voice called out "brother".

001 moved his fingertips slightly, watched the video quietly, and waited until the phone's screen went black automatically. After a long time, he put the phone back in his pocket.

No matter how complicated his mood was, time moved forward step by step, and soon came the day of Quan Jiu's 17th birthday.

For the first time, 001 did not go home early to celebrate her birthday, but chose to go out to socialize.

"Mr. Jiang, what are you thinking, I didn't hear you calling a few times?"

At the wine table, someone stared at 001 and spoke.

001 came back to his senses, a flawless smile appeared on his face.

"Sorry, a little drunk."

He and Xu Jinchuan partnered to open a technology company. The two of them were the initial partners of the entire company. All the burdens naturally fell on their heads. It has become normal to work overtime and stay up all night.

"I heard that Mr. Jiang has developed well recently. The fudge company has become famous in the whole circle. I remember Mr. Jiang hasn't graduated from college yet, right? You really are young and promising..."

Someone turned the topic on 001.

001 answered absent-mindedly:
"It's just a small company that has just started to improve, and it can't compare to the seniors."

Everyone at the bar tonight is the boss of a technology company. Everyone is a smart person, and it is more troublesome to deal with.

"Mr. Xiao Jiang's parents are both deceased. He still has some strength to reach this position by himself."

The other person spoke suddenly, with a strange tone, which made people frown uncontrollably.

001 took a look and found that it was Liu Qin, the president of Xiangrui Technology Company. He changed his mind and understood why Liu Qin was targeting him——

The goddess Liu Qin had been chasing for half a year offered him an olive branch last week. In short, she wanted to give him money to support him.

001 said lightly: "It's okay."

Liu Qin snorted coldly again.

It's just a little boy who relies on his good skin to eat soft food, really think he can sit on an equal footing with them?

Taking advantage of his drunkenness, he taunted 001 from time to time. After the meal, everyone at the dinner table knew that the two had some grievances.

001 endured his patience and managed to finish his meal. This group of people proposed to go to the clubhouse to sing K again. He nodded perfunctorily, took a taxi and went to the door of a clubhouse with everyone.

When he reached the entrance of the clubhouse, the hostess lady stepped forward to stop him politely.

"Hi sir, please show your membership card."

001 frowned: "You must have a membership card to enter the club?"

Miss Master of Ceremonies nodded:

"Yes sir, our clubhouse implements a one-person-one-card system, and only the person with the membership card can enter."

001 nodded clearly: "How do I get the card and recharge it?"

Miss Emcee was taken aback by his question, and then looked at him with sympathy.

"If you want to apply for a membership card, you must be recommended by a senior member."

The implication is that in addition to being rich, one has to rely on connections.

While the two were talking, the others had already taken out their membership cards and successfully entered the clubhouse. When they turned around and saw 001 who hadn't entered, they turned back again.

"President Xiao Jiang, what's the matter?"

Liu Qin was the first to ask a question in a strange manner.

"Oh, that's right. I almost forgot that the Jiangdu clubhouse has a one-person-one-card system. Mr. Jiang, you haven't applied for a card yet, have you?"

001's eyes flickered, and he finally remembered that it was Liu Qin who proposed to come to Jiangdu clubhouse tonight.

Presumably the other party knew that he had never been to the Jiangdu clubhouse, and made such a move on purpose to deliberately humiliate him.

As an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, 001 only feels that his behavior is very naive and pitiful.

"Excuse me sir, according to the regulations, you really can't enter without a membership card."

Miss Emcee smiled awkwardly at him, and couldn't help but feel sorry for the handsome guy.

There were eight people in the group, and in the end only 001 was stopped because of his unqualified identity, and the atmosphere at the scene froze for a while.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, new members must be recommended by senior members. We are all intermediate members, and we are not qualified to recommend you to join the membership yet."

Suddenly someone in the crowd spoke.

From time to time, there were customers passing by the gate, and when they saw 001 being blocked alone, most of them responded with a disdainful attitude, thinking that it was another person trying to get ahead and sneak into the club.

001 felt the eyes of all parties, his expression remained unchanged, and he stood upright.

"In that case, I won't go in first."

Calculating the time, he should go home to celebrate the kid's birthday.

Liu Qin was deliberately condescending, and said like a beggar:
"I know a senior member who happens to be in the clubhouse, Mr. Jiang, would you like me to introduce you?"

The tone is extremely insulting.

Just as 001 was about to shake his head, there was a sudden sound of brakes behind him. Liu Qin was the closest to the intersection, and his trouser legs were splashed with mud. He was about to yell, but shut his mouth the moment he saw the car logo.

The latest commemorative model of Rolls-Royce is limited to three cars in the world, and the other two cars are all abroad. The buyer has already exposed his identity, but the buyer of the third car has been mysteriously missing.

The car stopped slowly at the entrance of the clubhouse.

It was raining heavily outside the eaves, and the rays of the headlights passed through the layers of rain curtains and fell at the feet of everyone.

001 looked in the direction of the headlights, and saw a slender white knuckle holding the car door, and the driver's door was slowly pushed open.

Everyone tensed up, and immediately realized that the owner of the car was different from the old bad old man they imagined, but an extremely young man.

The door of the car was gently closed, and a pair of black leather shoes landed lightly.

The man was dressed in white and stood in the wind and rain, holding a black bone umbrella, and came from afar.

There was an aura of peace and tranquility all over him, and in the torrential rain, it seemed as if the wind and rain of the whole world could bypass him and sweep around.

001 looked at the man's chin that was as clean as jade exposed outside the umbrella, and trembled violently!
(End of this chapter)

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