Quick Transmigration Goblin: Don't tease, the villain is turning black

Chapter 748 The final chapter of the return of the gods 37

Chapter 748 The final chapter of the return of the gods 37
Seeing that she was interested, Xiaorui immediately reminded her:

"Beauty is beauty, but you must never go there. This is a forbidden area, and the guards are stricter than the Queen's Palace. If you enter the forbidden area without authorization, you will be imprisoned for life."

There is no death penalty for the elves, only life imprisonment.

Quan Jiu: "Don't worry, I will definitely not go."


Quan Jiu stayed in the room for two days, going out from time to time to wander around to find out the terrain.

Feng Zui still didn't come back, and he didn't even see a shadow.

Long Xiaojian was not taken away by Feng Zui, and surrounded by Quan Jiu's fawning stickers, Quan Jiu slapped it away.

"Isn't the seller moving quickly?"

Her identity was almost exposed, but fortunately, Feng Zui didn't know that Long Xiao had taken it out of her space.

Long Xiao trembled violently, like a tireless licking dog, rubbing against Quan Jiu's arm, as if admitting his mistake and acting like a spoiled child.

"I was wrong."

Air wrote three large characters with sword energy.

A line of words disappeared, and three more words appeared.

"He is injured."

The words were concise and to the point, but Quan Jiu understood.

Feng Zui was injured that day, if there was no Long Xiao, He Qingsui might not be his opponent.

She patted the hilt angrily.

"Don't take this as an example, you'd better know who is your master."

Long Xiao jumped up immediately, as if nodding.

Quan Jiu: "Do you know where he is?"

Long Xiao jumped again, the red light on his body flickered.

"Take me to find him."


When Quan Jiu found Feng Zui, the man was sitting on the ground facing the tombstone, with more than twenty wine jars placed beside his long legs, rolling messily on the ground.

The man lowered his head, his eyelashes drooped, and when he heard her footsteps, there was no movement in his eyes, and he didn't know if he was asleep.

"Smelly monk?"

She raised her foot and kicked his calf.

Feng Zui still didn't respond, Quan Jiu squatted down, and only then could he see his numb expression, his long and narrow phoenix eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, the eyes were blue and black, and the strong smell of alcohol made her frown.

She was too tired from squatting, so she just sat down, and seeing half of the wine jar left, she said:

"Drink more?"

Feng Zui finally reacted, lifted the wine jar and poured it into his mouth, Quan Jiu stopped him, found another empty jar, and poured out half of the wine.

After drinking for three rounds, her face was also stained with a red glow:
"Smelly monk, I don't understand you, don't you want her to die? Now that she is dead, shouldn't you set off firecrackers to celebrate?"

Feng Zui was silent and did not speak.

The cold pool water is really too cold.

He was chained by the Ten Thousand Gods Chain, and he was thrown into the cold pool for the first time, and he almost failed to crawl out. The air in his lungs was exhausted. He thought he was going to die, and even thought about it, or it would be like this .

But the man's face flashed across his mind, and he felt strongly unwilling again.

He began to go upstream desperately, and after climbing out of the cold pool, he had a high fever for nine days and nine nights, and completely lost his mobility. He collapsed on the ground, and he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

The wound on the lute hadn't healed yet, and the blood flowed all over the floor. He lay in a crimson mess, and his mind was full of that person's snow-white clothes.

She has a cold temper, and most of the time she sits in meditation in the Lingxu Hall with an indifferent face.

He was the exact opposite of her, he couldn't sit still at all, and her scolding voice often came from the quiet Lingxu Hall.

"Feng Zui, come back."

This is the sentence she said the most in memory.

"When she was first sealed, I always felt that she had difficulties."

Feng Zui hugged the wine jar, stared at the tombstone and suddenly spoke.

There are only four words on the tombstone.

"Ajiu's Tomb."

No name, no life, no past.

Quan Jiu put down the wine jar and listened quietly without urging him.

Feng Zui didn't want to admit that he had waited for her, but the fact was that he was looking forward to her return every day.

As long as she said a word, she had difficulties, and he would immediately forgive her.

It doesn't matter whether the cultivation level abolished by the Wanshen chain or the pain of piercing the bone, as long as she can come back, he will be able to forget the past.

But she never came back.

On the tenth day of being sealed, the confrontation between the virus and him was over, and it seemed that he understood that he couldn't take him away, so the virus simply faded away, and he could barely turn over, but his brain was in a daze.

In the first month of being sealed, he finally returned to normal, but the sequelae caused by the cold pool water remained on him forever. Every rainy day, his knees would hurt deeply.

In the sixth month after being sealed, the bones pierced by the Pantheon chain still showed no signs of healing. The wound was frozen by the extreme cold because the wound was not treated in time, and the iron chain and flesh and blood stuck together. A layer of skin can be torn off.

He simply dug open the frozen wound with a dagger, and the warm blood surged again. When he numbly treated the wound, what he thought was whether she would feel guilty and distressed for a moment when she saw the wound?

In the fifth year after being sealed, he still hasn't given up waiting, but the frequency of looking up at the exit has decreased.

In the tenth year of being sealed, he began to fight against the blocking effect of the Pantheon Chain and actively cultivated.

In the year when he was sealed, he felt a pulsation of divine power for a long time.

"The 100th year of being sealed, I told myself, this is the last year, if she doesn't show up next year, I will never forgive her."

"But she still didn't show up."

That is, from this day on, he gave up calculating the time of being sealed, and gave up remembering the past of the two of them. He concentrated on his cultivation and never looked at the exit again.

If it is said that his motivation for living before was to wait for her to pick him up, then since then, his motivation for living has been revenge.

He wanted to kill all the famous and decent people in the world, leaving her alone, and finally questioned her face to face.

For more than 3000 years, do you regret it for a moment?
He thought about countless scenes after the two reunited, but he never thought about the one in front of him. He was free, but she became a cold tombstone that could not be moved.

Three thousand and five hundred years of hatred and persistence have become a joke today.

She has long since forgotten.

Quan Jiu: "Then do you still hate her now?

I hate it even more.

She dumped him a second time.

Quan Jiu touched his nose angrily: "So how did she die?"

Feng Zui raised his eyes, his scarlet eyes were full of killing: "He Qingsui must know."

Quan Jiu is used to seeing cold eyes, and he was also shocked by his eyes. His cultivation base is too high, just a look, it makes her heart palpitate and suffocate, and makes her forehead sweat.

With a steady mind, Quan Jiu's defenses were even deeper. The difference in cultivation between him and her was too great. If her identity was revealed, she would only be slaughtered by him at will.

Feng Zui stared at the tombstone for a long time, then suddenly dodged and disappeared in place.

Quan Jiu: "???"

run again?

She waited for a while, but Feng Zui didn't come back, so she stood up and prepared to go back.

Just two steps away, footsteps came from ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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