Chapter 153 Hunting Ground (22)

The main control system for the hunting grounds is most likely on the second floor, behind the guarded door.

It would be much smoother if you could find the location of their arsenal.

Su Nanzhi didn't believe a single punctuation mark of what the base leader said just now.

It was not Wang Gui who was actually bribed, but the base manager. The hunting ground was under the surveillance of the base, and she was sent in as a living person. How could the base manager know nothing about it?Wang Gui is just a small guy doing errands.

Sending her back would put them in danger if things were revealed, and those who could do the job of the hunting ground would not be soft-hearted people.

She needs to make the other party lower their defenses in order to find an opportunity, otherwise she will just take her own life in vain.


In the evening, the person delivering dinner knocked on the door.

Su Nanzhi asked impatiently, "When can I leave?"

The man in uniform black clothes replied, "Miss Nan, we will send someone to escort you to the cruise ship after receiving the reply."

"I want to see the situation in the hunting ground." Su Nanzhi said lightly, "After all, there are people I like inside."

"I'll take you there."

Their boss said, look at her and don't make her suspicious, but you can agree to excessive requests.

Su Nanzhi followed the man to the innermost room on the second floor. Right in front of him was a complex operating system connected to several screens.

Next to it is a map of hunting grounds, with red dots representing survivors.

The number of deaths in the arena today is very small, and the strength of the survivors is not weak. The players should be saving their strength.

Su Nanzhi looked at the console, the way to cut off the device is here, but she doesn't know how to operate it.

But she saw the surveillance of the base on the screen.

Su Nanzhi hurriedly wrote down the internal structure of the base in his mind.

After a while, she said without interest that she didn't want to watch it, it was boring, everyone was hibernating at night, the camera was at the supply point, and there was no one there at all.

Back in the room, Su Nanzhi opened the door and saw two people sitting on the stairs, apparently to keep an eye on her.

She locked the door from the inside and made a simple warning device out of wooden sticks that would fall to the ground if someone pushed the door open.

It was raining heavily outside, and the searchlights in the base moved back and forth to scan.

Under the light, the rainwater gathered into a stream, washing the entire island.

Su Nanzhi lay on the bed and couldn't help worrying about his teammates. He didn't know what happened to Lu Yu under such heavy rain.

Day six of the game.

Hearing footsteps outside, Su Nanzhi opened his eyes and got out of bed to put away the wooden stick behind the door. The guards on the stairs had already changed.

On this day, Su Nanzhi was paying attention to the situation in the hunting ground. Someone was watching her, and she couldn't do anything else.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Che Hui, the manager of the base, told her that a boat would come to pick her up in more than an hour.

Hearing this, Su Nanzhi also guessed their intentions, they planned to let her die in the sea.

In order not to make her suspicious, Wang Gui limped over to find her dragging his injured leg, "Miss Nan, after you go back."

"It's not enough for me to lose your little money. Now go and tell that person that I died on Hunting Island, and you can get the money from both sides." Su Nanzhi pretended to be ignorant.

"Okay." Wang Gui showed joy, "Thank you, Miss Nan."

The sky gradually darkened, and it rained heavily on the island again, and the waves were churning. Such weather was beneficial to both parties.

Su Nanzhi followed four men with guns to the beach and calmly boarded the boat.

(End of this chapter)

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