Chapter 272 Infection (14)

Day six of the game.

The story of someone jumping off the building yesterday spread in the ward, and everyone was talking about it early in the morning.

"I heard that someone jumped off the building next to me last night, so why did someone jump off the building?" The man walking into the ward with porridge asked the person next to him curiously.

"In the morning, the thread was pulled over there, and I heard that it was because the disease could not be cured, and I couldn't think about it." The person next to him talked and sighed.

"It's better to die than to live. What will the family do if they leave like this?" The man sighed.

"Some people say that there is no cure for that kind of disease, and it's useless to cut off those things on your body, but you have to suffer." The person next to him said in a low voice,

"There was an operation yesterday, and the doctors and nurses were terrified. Just think about what a person must be like."

"I don't know what happened to the two people who turned over the day before yesterday. They were not allowed to go out or go in to visit them. The situation is probably serious. Why did they have such a terrible illness.

The two walked past ward 1108 while talking, and saw Liu Jiawei's family members coming to deliver meals. In the past, Liu Jiawei would always show off the soup made by his wife. He felt honored to see the envious eyes of others, but today he looked a little embarrassed. up.

"I went over to look at it when I came here in the morning." Liu Jiawei's mother spoke enthusiastically in the ward,
"It was only later that I heard that someone jumped off the building last night. There seemed to be marks on the ground. It scared me to death. It's really bad luck early in the morning."

Listening to the conversation and footsteps in the corridor outside, Liu Jiawei lowered his head in panic, and looked at the swelling on his waist.

No, he definitely didn't have that kind of disease, his wife is fine, how could he have it.


Another large number of patients came to the hospital.

Another inpatient building was completely sealed off. Even the curtains were drawn tightly. People who entered and exited were wearing protective clothing. It was unknown what was going on inside.

In the morning, I heard the nurse say that the hospital is seriously understaffed, and everyone in the city is rushing to buy protective clothing, and the price of protective clothing at the pharmacy has increased.

The TV station issued notices to remind everyone that in the early stage of this skin disease, in addition to rash, it will also be accompanied by symptoms such as physical weakness and dizziness.

Direct contact is the main mode of transmission. If a person with a wound comes into contact with an infected person, the chance of infection is extremely high. Therefore, protective measures must be taken when going out.

Su Nanzhi didn't plan to leave the ward unless necessary. After seeing the sick person, he felt that alcohol spray might not be useful.

She doesn't have many supplies in her hand, and she can last until the end of the game if she uses them carefully and carefully.

The game is not so frenzied that this round of the game will let her play in the hospital.

Suddenly there was movement outside.

"Doctor Wen, there is a patient with a rash on the 10th floor." The nurse rushed into the doctor's office on duty.

The person who heard the sound couldn't help but come out to check, and saw the doctor wearing a mask and protective clothing calmly walked out of the office to talk to the nurse and ask about the situation.

Wen Ze was called to help, and when he left, he glanced sideways at Su Nanzhi standing by the door, his eyes slightly raised.

Now he can still live in the hospital calmly, but let him take a high look, he is indeed better than many people.

I heard that someone on the 10th floor was infected with that kind of skin disease, and many people followed to watch the excitement. Su Nanzhi watched the people talking quietly and turned back to the ward.

Things are getting tougher, and this may just be the beginning.

After half an hour.

Their building was told to stop visiting relatives starting today.

(End of this chapter)

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