Chapter 361 Anhe Apartment (10)

These days, ghosts still make friends and post videos, and ghost calls 2.0 video version?
Su Nanzhi felt that something big had happened to him.

Go out to do a quest and bring back a ghost.

The ghosts outside can't get in, they should be just a little guy. The main function of the dagger is to break the nightmare of confusion. It has a certain deterrent effect on evil spirits. It is estimated that it will not be able to shock the more powerful ones.

At this time, something even more terrifying happened. The video was automatically switched on, and it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

The sound of nails scraping the door appeared again, this time it seemed to come from the mobile phone, Su Nanzhi looked around and couldn't find a solution to this matter.

Throwing the mobile phone into the water also failed to disconnect the video sent by the ghost.

She took out the plastic sign that she bought for 10 yuan during the day, but it was of no use at all.

It's not useless, the movement outside becomes louder, and it seems to be more angry.

Su Nanzhi simply turned the phone upside down and stuffed it under the pillow.

She is afraid that something will crawl out of the phone when she puts it in the cabinet. She doesn't know it yet, so it's safer to put it in a place where she can see it.

Anyway, things outside can't come in, it's just a little bit of noise, endure it until dawn, Su Nanzhi is doing psychological construction for himself.

What the hell is that black shadow coming out of that room?Or was it outside?
The hand she saw at that time was obviously different from the black shadow behind it.

That room is dangerous, there may be important clues on the second floor.

Wraiths and ghosts are nothing more than various resentments and obsessions, or distorted and perverted personalities during their lifetimes.

The grumpy, alcoholic man on the second floor, the unbearable woman, fit the bill perfectly.


Another bang.

But this time it wasn't Su Nanzhi's door, but another door.

The black shadows outside frantically walked back and forth in the hallway, looking for a lucky one to hit the door at random.

Su Nanzhi carefully identified the door that was knocked on, it should be a player, and the ghosts outside would not find the same kind of trouble, so they must not fight.

Her phone went silent and turned off again.


the other side.

Xie Jun listened to the knock on the door outside, his tight body trembled.

The chill permeated from the corridor, and even a layer of walls could not block that chill.

What happened outside the door?

He slowly pulled the quilt, revealing half of his head, looking at the door.

Is it his next-door neighbor outside?

Xie Jun tugged on the quilt, and finally didn't have the courage to open the door to take a peek.

Suddenly, a hoarse and short laughter sounded, and the cold breath made him shiver, and he quickly retracted into the quilt.

The voice didn't seem to come from the outside, it was more like it was inside the room. This realization made him terrified,
There were still three full hours before dawn, and he maintained a posture, his hands and feet were numb and he dared not move.

If Xie Jun stretched out his head to look at the ceiling at this moment, he would see a black dot spreading like a ball of ink, and there seemed to be a human face hidden inside.

With such a commotion, not only the players on the third floor were awakened, but the fourth floor was also disturbed.

People who lived by the stairs naturally noticed some movement.

As soon as Hao Yongxin opened the door a crack, he saw a black mass on the stairs.

The head of the black thing on the stairs suddenly turned 180 degrees, as if seeing him through the crack of the door, Hao Yongxin turned pale.

Just as he was regretting, there was a rush of footsteps downstairs.

The black shadow on the stairs went straight to the third floor.

Closing the door in shock, he couldn't help but exclaim, the player on the third floor is a real man.

 The side effects of the medicine I took in the past two days were too great, and it gave me a feeling that this place was cured, and there began to hurt again o(╥﹏╥)o
  Everyone must take good care of your body~ Stay up less late, go to bed early~
(End of this chapter)

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