After I was forced to be a survival game NPC

Chapter 534 The Ship of Destiny

Chapter 534 The Ship of Destiny (11)

The eyes of the two people on the table became intriguing, Chen Ziqi and Gao Yingyi.

"It should be true." Gao Yingyi spoke up, "But, who did you listen to?"

"I don't know the people passing by." Su Nanzhi ate the chopsticks in his hand, the food was cold and tasteless, and the fish smelled cold in his mouth.

"I heard that a lot of people died in that accident, and some of them couldn't even find their bodies. It happened several years ago." Gao Yingyi said quietly.

Su Nanzhi calmly changed the food and continued to eat, "What's going on tonight?"

Where did she dare to show a little abnormality, she really didn't expect that when she asked, she would ask the boss.

This is all right, I offended two at a time.

When he mentioned the words that the body was not found, Su Nanzhi clearly heard a change in Gao Yingyi's voice.

During the day yesterday, she was sure that everyone in the group was fine, it was just one night, and the person was still the same person, but the expression she showed inadvertently was very strange.

"Continue to the bar, or find a place to play board games?" Gao Yingyi looked at everyone.

The cold and gloomy atmosphere disappeared, and the bustling sound of the restaurant returned to its original clarity.

"How about a bar?" Su Nanzhi suggested.

She didn't know where to find a place to play board games, what kind of deadly game to play, at least there were many people in the bar.

"Go to the bar again, then you are not allowed to leave today." Chen Ziqi approached Su Nanzhi affectionately, putting his hand on her shoulder.

Su Nanzhi suddenly had a premonition in her heart, no matter where she went, they didn't want to let her go.

She didn't send a message to Lu Yu, and the two people next to her were staring at her, and they might be able to see what message she sent.

The character design still has to be maintained, yes, she didn't find anything.


Su Nanzhi has been secretly observing Chen Ziqi and Gao Yingyi.

Other than the eerie feeling at the restaurant, they seemed normal.

She wondered if she was hiding in their bodies, so it was normal for a while, and abnormal for a while.

Su Nanzhi didn't dare to use her abilities to perceive casually. Sometimes these things go both ways. She deliberately looked for them. When she found them, it also meant that they found her.

The noise in the bar did not make her feel at ease. Sitting next to Chen Ziqi, she undoubtedly felt like touching a piece of ice when she touched the other person's body.

Su Nanzhi only drank two sips of cocktails. When he glanced at the bar not far away, he saw a man and a woman making intimate movements. That's not the problem.

Instead, the woman's hand on the man's shoulder was a little swollen and whitish, without a trace of blood. It felt cold just looking at it, but the man who was intimate with her couldn't feel it.

Su Nanzhi quietly turned his gaze. Where the woman was sitting, there was a puddle of water on the ground.

The woman seemed to find that someone was peeping at her, she turned her head unexpectedly, and looked over with her cold eyes following the abnormal head rotation.

There was an ice-cold resentment in the calm eyes, and the woman was still smiling at her.

A place with so many people is not safe.

Another trembling gasp came from behind him.

Su Nanzhi turned his head and saw Feng Jie, who lived on the fifth floor, staring with horror.

Feng Jie's psychological quality is obviously not as good as that of Su Nanzhi. He recognized Su Nanzhi and asked tremblingly, "You saw it too?"

She is numb.

This man was so brave that he actually said it out on the spot and dragged her into the water.

That woman looked over again!
(End of this chapter)

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