Chapter 628 Amber (46)

The place where the line of sight passes is covered with a layer of black, and the roof, walls, and ground are densely packed with larvae, and even a needle cannot fall in. It is impossible to hide any corner that can hide under this overwhelming and tightly fitting covering.

There are also groups of parasites among them.

Su Nanzhi saw the figure waving a vine from a distance.

Hiss. It's it again.

Thousands of parasites can't be dealt with, they can only run. From three days ago to now, the player has been besieged on all sides.

at this time.

Staff lounge.

A team of players is racing to find clues.

"What's the sound?" The man stopped and looked up with his neck raised.

There seemed to be movement in the ceiling's suspended ceiling.

He turned his eyes and locked on the narrow air vent, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.


The lid of the vent fell to the ground, and black larvae gushed out.

Things happened so fast that those closest to the vents were drowning before they had time to react...

There are still 10 minutes until the safe house opens.

Su Nanzhi looked back at the parasite behind him. How enviable it is to have the ability to fly at this time. Floating in mid-air and attacking with power, the parasite can't even hit it.

Lu Yu didn't lose the wind at all, and the heavy horizontal knife in his hand was as light as flowing clouds and flowing water.

The long knife pierced through the air, sweeping across a large area of ​​parasites with a piercing aura.

The strength of the two great players in the team is beyond doubt, and because of this, they became the main targets of the parasite's siege.
The parasite that can make vines is even more staring at Su Nanzhi, trying to kill her and gain more abilities. Its perseverance and indomitable spirit will not accept it.

The vines on its body were cut into several pieces, and it oozes out disgusting mucus. It wriggled and crawled on the ground, looking for the main body to re-integrate, or waiting for an opportunity to attack them.

Lu Yu and Wen Ze shot at almost the same time, and Sunanzhi set fire to it, which solved the twisting vines on the ground. As for the fire on the parasite, it was suppressed by Lu Yu's mental power, in order to move towards the lake. To escape, it actually planned to abandon half of its body.

How could Lu Yu let it get what it wanted? If it was just an ordinary parasite, there would be no need to use props to catch up with it and kill it completely, but this parasite is related to the safety of Su Nanzhi.

The newborn sun fell between the sharp blades, Lu Yu jumped over the fleeing parasite, and slashed with his backhand. The sharp blade pierced the parasite's body, and the parasite fell down with an unpleasant hissing sound, and the vines that had just been attached to his body gradually withered and lost their vitality .

It was finally too dead to die.

"What the hell did you do?" A look of astonishment appeared on Wen Ze's usually unobtrusive face, "You actually made something like this."

It is understandable that the player's body is taken away after death, and Su Nanzhi is standing alive, and there are parasites that can use vines.

The corners of Su Nanzhi's eyes twitched, and he said word by word, "I am the victim."

Isn't she crazy, thinking that the game is not difficult enough, and she still improves the boss's strength?

What's more, as long as that thing sees her, it will definitely attack her first.

This game is not very friendly to players with wood abilities, and Su Nanzhi dared not use thorny vines to attack parasites anymore.

When Yu He heard that the thing was really related to Su Nanzhi, he glanced at her with admiration. This girl is amazing. She can not only sell fruits in the desert, but also make the boss stronger.

It would be too scary for her to stand on the opposite side of the player.

(End of this chapter)

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