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Chapter 509 [508] The fetish is automatically delivered to the door

Chapter 509 [508] The fetish is automatically delivered to the door

Tanglin Battle Fort.

Pei Yan mixed with a group of profound scholars, and was carefully observing a group of beautiful figures not far away.

It is flower mica.

They gathered in a newly built large pool and were busy working. Baby voices like "baby" and "ahah" kept coming.

I heard that the Cheng patrol envoy issued an order for Hua Mica to immediately start treating patients with blood shrimp disease.

The leader, Shui Lianhua, couldn't even take a break, so she personally led a group of flower micas to Dongling Battle Fort, preparing for a public demonstration.

For this major event that will definitely affect the theater.

The general, each deputy general, and the commanders of many legions, without exception, sent their cronies to the scene to observe.

Pei Yan is just one of them.

at this time.

While observing the flower mica, the mystics exchanged in low voices.

"I heard that Inspector Cheng allowed Hua Mica to build a large lair at the bottom of Lingyanlian Island, so that they can settle there from now on."

"Tsk tsk, isn't that too reassuring? Huamica is a sea clan after all, so isn't the inspector afraid of that?"

This sentence is a bit vague.

But everyone else can understand - aren't you afraid that Hua Mica will suddenly cause trouble?
Many Xuanshi opened their mouths to agree.

"It's really not appropriate."

"Foreign races are alien races after all. It's a bit too reckless to do this without understanding clearly."

Pei Yan curled her lips quietly, and let out a "hum" in her heart.

You guys keep saying that "inspectors don't understand alien races", but how much do you know about alien races?


Double standard!

After Pei Yan watched Hua Mica's "Dancing in the Rain", her attitude towards the Hai Clan changed 180 degrees.

They don't seem to be malicious.


There was a big movement in the big pool.

The leader, Shui Lianhua, suddenly called out: "Yeah! Ahhh!"

More than a dozen Huamica raised their hands together, and at the same time, subtle fluctuations flashed in their bodies.

next second.

Something wonderful happened.

In the center of the water surface of the pool, a bubble unexpectedly appeared.

The bubble expanded rapidly, and the wall of the bubble became thicker and thicker, as if it was filled with a gel-like substance.

After just a few breaths.

The bubble actually swelled into a big ball with a diameter of more than ten meters, completely occupying the large pool.

Observe carefully.

There seem to be a large number of tiny structures in the one-meter-thick bubble wall.


At the very center of the bubble, a large jellyfish appeared at some point, waving many shimmering tentacles, and drifting slowly in the pool.

A group of profound scholars were all stunned to see it, not knowing which play Hua Mica was playing.

at this time.

The leader waved his bone stick and shouted, "Yeah!"

A ray of blue light shot out from the bone staff and hit the wall inside the bubble.


Only a small sound was heard.

The bubble suddenly cracked a gap and opened like a door.

The leader quickly drilled out of the bubble, waved a wave of water, and transformed into a line of text in the air:
"Everyone, the 'Mother's Palace' has been built. As long as patients with blood shrimp disease are sent into it, the 'Mother Palace' will be able to eliminate the blood shrimp virtual worms."


This big bubble is the so-called "mother palace".

Immediately there was a clear commotion among the onlookers.

"real or fake?"

"This thing looks a bit evil!"

Some of these voices tend to be negative.

Pei Yan was a little disdainful.

Who is this riding a horse? !

I didn't get rid of the blood shrimp worm, but Huamica has this ability, I feel uncomfortable, right?

But more Xuanshi's position is more fair.

"Let's draw conclusions after reading it!"

"The source of the blood shrimp disease is the weirdness of this world. After all, Huamica is an aborigine, and it is normal to have a few unique skills."

Next to the Mother Palace.

A square-faced monk waved his hand: "Bring the patient here!"

A group of soldiers quickly brought over ten patients.

The square-faced Xuanshi ordered again: "Use the profound array to check."

A profound formation was activated immediately.

The two clerics manipulated it, and the lights and shadows of the human body appeared above the profound formation and flashed one after another. It can be clearly seen that there are many small black spots swimming in the light and shadow.

The flower micas stared at Xuanzhen, with surprise on their pretty faces.

They all saw that the "small black dots" scanned by this profound array should be the blood shrimp worms that infected the patients.

The common methods in the eyes of the monks are extraordinary and miraculous in their eyes.

But the Huamica also understand that the Xuanzhen must be more expensive to use, otherwise the Wanhao people would have used this thing to inspect civilians on a large scale.

At this time.

The square-faced monk glanced at the leader, and said politely, "Ms. Water Lotus, please trouble me!"

The leader nodded, and vigorously waved the bone stick: "Hey!"

The voice just fell.

The big jellyfish in the mother's womb shook, stretched out dozens of tentacles, and floated towards the patients.

The civilians looked a little scared and retreated one after another.

in the crowd of onlookers.

Seeing this scene, the two monks beeped softly.

"I don't know if it can cure diseases, but it is very good at scaring people!"

"A foreign race is a foreign race. I'm afraid the blood shrimp disease has not been cured yet, and the patient will be scared out of his wits first!"

Pei Yan really wanted to say "shut up", but finally endured it.

He suddenly understood the helplessness of Inspector Cheng.

There are not a few conservatives in the Wanhao clan, and sometimes they will face considerable internal resistance if they want to make some achievements.

Pei Yan thought to herself, if it were her, she would definitely not be able to overcome so many difficulties.

After a while.

The face-slapping scene was staged.

I saw the jellyfish tentacles swinging a few times, spewing out a misty mist.

The civilians inhaled the water mist, their expressions became peaceful, and they no longer resisted the approach of the tentacles.

The leader gave an explanation at the right time: "The 'dream fog' released by the mother palace can make them fall asleep, and they will not feel pain during the treatment.

"In the next period of time, patients' sleep quality will improve significantly, which is very good for their bodies."

Accompanied by commentary.

The ten patients closed their eyes one after another, breathing evenly.

The tentacles entangled them in time and sent them to the mother's palace.

Pei Yan glanced at it, and deliberately raised her voice: "Not bad! There is indeed a set!"

Another Xuanshi nodded: "The anesthesia in the hospital does not work so quickly, and it also has the side effect of headache."

The two blind monks suddenly felt a little pain in their faces, and they closed their mouths obediently.

In full view.

The crack in the mother's palace closed silently.

Countless filaments grow from the inner wall of the mother's womb, covering the patient's body.

The monks watched this scene without blinking.

Ten seconds passed.

Filament retracted spontaneously.

The mother palace opened automatically, and the tentacles sent the patient back.

This obviously means the end of treatment.

Pei Yan commented: "The speed is much faster than I imagined."

Another Xuanshi echoed: "When the blood-sucking vine draws blood, the patient is in constant pain, and the mother's palace treatment is not painful, so it must be very popular with the patient."

Next to the Mother Palace.

The square-faced Xuanshi immediately shouted: "Check!"

The profound formation was activated again.

This time.

In the light and shadow screen scanned by the profound array, not a single black dot could be seen.


Many people can guess that the profound formation has another unspeakable function, which is to check whether Huamica is doing something secretly.

And it turned out that they didn't mess around.

The square-faced Xuanshi couldn't help but praise: "About a quarter of the patients treated with blood-sucking vines can't completely get rid of the blood-sucking worms."

He looked at the leader of Huamica: "Ms. Water Lotus, the effect of the mother palace is really impressive."

The implication is that the mother palace is much stronger than the vampire vine.

The leader returned a smile, waved his staff and wrote a line of text: "It is an honor for the Huamica Clan to serve the Wanhao Clan!"

There was another commotion among the onlookers.

face this scene.

Even the most conservative and stubborn Xuan Shi has to admit that the mother palace is very useful, and the flower mica is also very useful.


Water Lotus cried out again, and wrote with a stick: "I heard that there are more than 3 infected people in the war zone. We can build more mother palaces and cure them all within three days."

The square-faced monk thought for a while, and made a gesture: "Ms. Water Lotus, thank you for your hard work!"

None of the onlookers spoke strange words.

Because of this conscientious attitude, without asking for any compensation, just working wholeheartedly, who can find fault?
Just like Pei Yan, the attitude of many Xuanshi quietly changed.

They used to have a resistant attitude towards flower mica, but now they began to feel that Inspector Cheng had made a very wise decision.

after an hour.

Pei Yan drove the Xuanzhou back to Bingpolian Island.

That is, Tian Yelian, who is in charge of Vice General Gu.

Pei Yan hurriedly entered the office hall of the deputy general, found Qin An, the Xuanshi on duty, and quickly explained the matter.

Qin An was taken aback when he heard it: "The mother palace built by Huamica cured more than 1000 to [-] blood shrimp disease patients within one hour?"

Pei Yan nodded, with emotion in his tone: "The hospitals in the entire war zone may not be able to cure so many patients in three days."

"This achievement is too impressive. It is impossible to ignore it in the atrium of the theater. I am afraid that even the generals above will be alarmed."

He added another sentence: "Qin Dushou, this is a big event, you should report it to the deputy general."

Qin An smiled wryly: "This is indeed a great thing for this war zone, but for Vice General Gu, alas..."

He didn't finish the rest of the sentence.

But Pei Yan fully understood.

There is no reason for it.

The deputy general had openly opposed the acceptance of flower mica in the theater. The more impressive the achievements of this deep-sea sea tribe, the more embarrassing the deputy general.

If Qin An went to sue the lieutenant-general now, the lieutenant-general would be in a very bad mood, and Qin An might become a punching bag.

There was nothing Pei Yan could do about it, she could only give the other party a sympathetic look.

5 minute later.

Qin An returned to the main hall with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Pei Yan knew without asking, most of his colleagues were scolded severely by the lieutenant-general for an excuse.

He sighed in his heart: "I can't live this day."

Spirit Flame Lotus Island.

Cheng Han did not pay attention to the treatment of the flower mica leader.

Instead, it's doing another important thing.

A halo of light hovered in front of him, and a shell-like object suddenly appeared in the center of the picture.

Cheng Han stared at the shell, and smiled happily: "This time, the Erwuzi Project really didn't work in vain, and the gods came to the door automatically."

That's right!

This is exactly the fetish!
That is, the gods of the flower mica family, the mother of the fallen sea, an extremely precious item left behind.

The relocation of the Huamica clan this time, it is naturally impossible to leave it in the deep sea, but quietly brought it to the Dongli war zone.

(End of this chapter)

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