tokyo first love

Chapter 149 Dangerous!

Chapter 149 Dangerous! (both order plus update)
Men's clothing is actually very simple.

If you have acne on your face, buy some skin care products, at least to make your face look clean and tidy.

After solving the problem of appearance, it is hairstyle and outfit.

Men are not suitable for being too fancy, unless they are trendy men, don’t wear earrings, buy a stylish and good-looking watch as a small accessory.

After buying all kinds of things, it was already 7 o'clock in the evening.

They went into a restaurant and ordered something to eat.

"Just order the same? Order whatever you want, I'll treat you."

After ordering, Miyazaki Yuta couldn't help but said.

Should I say it or not, he is not short of the money for a dinner, and his family is quite good.

Just like before, when he was cheated of tens of thousands of yen in online dating, he didn't go to the police to deal with it, because [-] yen was nothing to him.

"It's not necessary. You've had a lot of bleeding today. From now on, remember to buy clothes at least once every quarter and go to the barber shop once a month."

Kurosawa is not in the habit of slaughtering people. Seeing him active, he is also happy for him.

In the past, he didn't know how to match, and he didn't care about falling in love. Now that he has the skills of a stylist and learned how to dress, he can help his friends and make him better.

"I remember."

"And don't be obsessed with love and neglect your studies. As long as you are good enough, girls will naturally like you."

Kurosawa noticed that his voice was much louder and glanced at him.

"Okay, Master." Miyazaki Yutazun listened to his instruction.

"Hahaha." Kurosawa was amused when he saw that he was a middle school student.

At this moment, a magnetic sound came from the seat behind.

"I am Zero Hour, and this is a piano piece I wrote called "Croatian Rhapsody."

Obviously, someone was watching YouTube with a mobile phone, and the sound was not low.

Miyazaki Yuta heard the sound, and looked over curiously, and found that it was two young girls, still wearing school uniforms, probably JK.

The next moment, the piano sounded.

Miyazaki Yuta, who was sitting opposite, couldn't help holding his breath when he heard the sound of the piano, and was deeply attracted by the sound of the piano, so he listened quietly.

"Does it sound good?"

While listening, the girl holding the phone asked excitedly.


The other girl nodded subconsciously and continued watching the video.

Soon, 3 minutes passed, and the sound of the piano ended.

"It sounds good. He looks so handsome and stylish. Is he called Zero Hour? Send me the link."

After it was over, the girl couldn't hold back her excitement, and kept shaking her friend's arm.

"Where is this zero hour sacred?"

Miyazaki Yuta also came back to his senses, and then asked curiously.

The piano piece just now was too nice, right?He, who rarely listens to music, was immediately attracted by it.

"I don't know, it seems to be a YouTuber."

Seeing their reactions, Kurosawa felt a little complacent and secretly happy, but on the surface he still pretended not to know each other.

At this moment, when JK at the back table heard this, he immediately became unhappy, stood up and turned his head, speaking for the idol.

"Zero Hour is not as simple as a youtober, he is a piano master! He... There are many pianists who say that he has an international level, and he is different from ordinary youtobers. He is for the Republic of Croatia and was injured by the war. , who composed this piano piece, is a musician.”

This JK was originally very aggressive when he spoke, but when Kurosawa turned around and faced her face to face, JK realized that he was a handsome guy, and his excited voice paused, and he became less aggressive.

"I see, thank you for the introduction."

Kurosawa nodded and smiled.

Judging from such an excited reaction, this JK seems to be a fan of Zero Hour, and even through the introduction, he knows the story of Croatia.

Seeing the big from the small, it seems that the image of Zero Hour is very useful among the student group.

After all, the black and white contrasting, handsome and mysterious image is actually quite secondary, and has a strong appeal to young people.

"you are welcome."

Seeing his handsome face, JK smiled slightly, his pretty face blushed slightly, and sat back obediently.

"Write piano music for the war? And it's so beautiful, it's really amazing. I'll go and see."

Miyazaki Yuta became curious when Kurosawa turned around.

Although he didn't know it very well, but just listening to the piano piece just now, coupled with this background, is really attractive. Should we say that a master is a master?
After all, he took out his phone, opened YouTube, and searched for the name Zero Hour.

As he took out his mobile phone, Kurosawa Hikaru was not polite and took out his mobile phone.

As always, Xiao Yuki would send him a message whenever he was awake, and would say something from time to time, as if reporting his itinerary.

Her last message was at 19 o'clock, that is, just now.

"Brother Guang, I'm full."

"I'm having dinner with my friends." Kurosawa replied to her.

"Okay~ Then we'll talk when you get home. A lot of things happened today, and I have a lot to say to you."

"Okay, I'll go home after eating and I'll contact you then."

Kurosawa thought for a while, then responded.

If he guessed correctly, many of the things Xiaoyuki said should be that she went to school and was recognized by many classmates.

At that time, Xiao Yuki's photos spread extremely fast. The key reason was that some fans recognized her, and some classmates recognized her.

What happened in the same school, the students' ability to eat melons is very strong. After Sunday's fermentation, most of the students probably know that she has become an Internet celebrity.

"I found it... are you searching too?"

Miyazaki Yuta was fiddling with his mobile phone, and noticed that he was also playing with his mobile phone, so he asked.

"Girlfriend sent a message."

"Master, do you want to watch the video together?"

Speaking of girlfriend, Miyazaki Yuta said with a smile.

"No, I'll watch it when I get home. In public places, the sound of my mobile phone can't be loud, and I don't have headphones, so it's not suitable for listening to piano music."

Kurosawa shook his head, he had watched this video many times.

"That's right, then I'll go home and watch."

Miyazaki Yuta felt that what he said made sense, nodded, and put away the phone.

But all students who can be admitted to Dongda University have strong self-control, even if they are very curious, they can restrain themselves.


At 8 o'clock in the evening, Kurosawa returned home, put the bag in the room, and immediately sent a message to Yuki.

In this regard, Yuki initiated a video call application.

"Brother Guang, do you know what happened when I went to school today?"

"what happened?"

Kurosawa actually guessed it, but seeing her smile, he also pretended not to know.

"I just got off the subway, walked to the school road, and before I got to the school gate, there were many classmates watching me, and even a boy ran over to ask for my autograph! He even called me Ichinose-senpai. Ever since junior high school, This is the first time someone calls me Senior Sister."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yuki began to talk about what happened today.

"Then, did you sign for others?"

"No, since the third year of junior high school, I haven't studied hard enough, and my handwriting is not good-looking, so I'm embarrassed to sign it."


"Don't laugh at me~"

"Good good."

"After I arrived at school, people looked at me all the way. Everyone's eyes were curious, surprised, and conflicted. Although some people still didn't want to see me, everyone became friendly. Before class, many students came to ask me Have you been working as a model all the time, and you said you saw the magazine I was on the cover of?"

"What did you say?"

"I was quite confused. I was surrounded and could only nod my head. It was like this all day long. Everyone was very enthusiastic about me. This feeling is really comfortable. It turns out that I am working as a graphic model, which is such a powerful thing .”

Ichinose Yuki was very excited, she once again experienced the life in school before the third year of junior high school.

Before that slander, she was very popular in school, everyone liked to get close to her, and was very warm and friendly to her.

"It's getting better."

Kurosawa is also happy for her when she realizes that her campus life has changed.

Judging from her words, there are still some students who don't want to see her, but because she has become a celebrity, the way everyone treats her has changed.

This is a very good signal. In the long run, her campus life should not be as bad as before.

"Brother Guang, thank you~"

Seeing his doting smile through the phone, Ichinose Yuki's heart melted, and she held her hands in gratitude and admiration.

If she hadn't met Brother Guang, she would never have imagined that after her hot girl debut, she would still be like this now, not being feared and kept at a distance, but loved by others.

"Thank you for what I did, this is who you are."

Hikaru Kurosawa didn't think it was all due to him. After all, Xiao Yuki was already very good, but people were prejudiced against her and couldn't see her goodness.

"By the way, Brother Guang, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

Ichinose Yuki grinned, and then said.


"You don't want me to join Ms. Igarashi's office, isn't it because you are worried that she will find you as an artist?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"I called her tonight. I told her about it. She told me to rest assured that as long as you don't want to be a fool, she will never mention it again."

Speaking of this, Ichinose Yuki was very happy, because Brother Guang's concerns were resolved by her.

"You called her? Did you mention my name?"

Hikaru Kurosawa didn't expect that she was on the phone with Ms. Ruina again, and he couldn't help feeling tense.

"I didn't mention your real name... Didn't you say your name was Hinata Yamamoto before? She called you Mr. Yamamoto, and I also called you Yamamoto. It always feels weird, hehe."

Ichinose Yuki shook her head, her mind was actually quite delicate, and she would not make such a low-level mistake of slipping her tongue.

"That's good."

Realizing that he wasn't exposed, Kurosawa couldn't help but feel grateful for his foresight.

Fortunately, a pseudonym was used, otherwise, if Xiao Yuki shouted Brother Guang out of excitement, it would be over.

"Then, we chatted a lot, and she said she welcomes me to join her firm after my contract expires."

"Welcome? Have you promised her to join her firm?"

Hearing this, Hikari Kurosawa's complexion couldn't help but change. The heart that had just let go flew up, even flew out of the body, and turned into a "Danger!" on the top of his head.

"I promised her...Brother Guang, I feel that she is really nice. I really want to sign a contract with her, and she has already promised me that she will never pester you again and let you become a singer."

Ichinose Yuki noticed that his reaction was not the joy he expected, and the excited smile gradually disappeared, replaced by apprehension and fear, and a careful explanation.

She didn't ask Brother Guang first, she agreed directly... Did she make Brother Guang angry?But she has already solved the problem.

 3 more.

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(End of this chapter)

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