tokyo first love

Chapter 251 Choice

Chapter 251 Choice
Kurosawa Hikaru's true words and feelings are fully revealed.

After hearing these words, Ninomiya Chizuru even forgot that she was sitting on the ground, staring at this man in a daze.

"Little Yuki, calm down and think about it, and ask yourself if you can accept the real me."

At the same time, Kurosawa Hikaru saw that Xiao Yuki in his arms had not moved, so he gently held her shoulder with his hand and reminded him softly.

Between words, he also gently pushed Xiao Yuki away from his arms, letting her make a judgment as calmly as possible.

Coming out of his arms, Ichinose Yuki's eyes and nose were very red because of the pear blossoms that were crying with rain.

"Don't make a choice that goes against your heart, this life is still very long."

Kurosawa met her beautiful teary eyes, feeling a little distressed and guilty, but still said.


"Stand up first."

Immediately, Hikaru Kurosawa walked towards Chizuru Ninomiya who had been sitting on the ground, her hair stuck to the tear stains after crying a lot, no longer noble and dignified, but somewhat messy and embarrassed, and stretched out her hand.

"Kurozawa, have you ever loved me?"

Ninomiya Chizuru looked at the hand he stretched out, it was slender and white and smooth, so she could see the palm that fascinated her for many days and nights, she didn't shake hands, but asked.

"I love you is true, and it hasn't changed yet."

Faced with this problem, Kurosawa looked at her face crying because of him, feeling distressed and bitter.

If possible, he would never want to see Miss Ninomiya like this in his whole life.

"Then do you love me more, or her more?"

Ninomiya Chizuru met his affectionate eyes, and then looked at Ichinose Yuki.

"My love is divided into three parts, all of which have the same weight, no partiality, and no one is more than the other."

This question is difficult to answer, but Kurosawa has to answer it until now.


Seeing that he had finished speaking, Ninomiya Chizuru opened her mouth, but it doesn't make much sense to ask more.

"Stand up first. The choice this time is very important. I have considered for a long time before choosing this day, so I don't want you to make a choice immediately, but it is best before the end of this bow competition."

Kurosawa opened his hand to her and confessed.

Hearing these words, Ninomiya Chizuru nodded, and finally stretched out her hand, held his palm, and was pulled to stand up.

"Brother Guang."

At this moment, Ichinose Yuki finally spoke.

Sensing that she had something to say, Hikaru Kurosawa withdrew his hand and looked at Yuki.

"Was your first kiss mine, or hers?
Ichinose Yuki's gaze touched his lips, and she couldn't help asking.

"is yours."

Facing this question, Kurosawa looked at Chizuru Ninomiya in front of him, and after hesitating, he answered truthfully.

Since this is the moment for the truth, there is no hiding anything about these things.

It was hard to break the lie. When they were face to face, if they lied again, even if they were coaxed, it would be tantamount to planting a mine, which might explode at any time.

This answer evoked a different response.

Ichinose Yuki was pleasantly surprised and satisfied, while Ninomiya Chizuru's body couldn't help but tremble.

"Then I've made up my mind."

Upon receiving this answer, a smile appeared on Ichinose Yuki's crying face, and she said.

"So fast? You can think about it carefully."

Hikaru Kurosawa didn't expect her to be satisfied with just one question, and was a little stunned.

"No, I've already thought about it."

Ichinose Yuki shook her head, looking at Kurosawa Hikari's face that made her dream about her soul, she already had a decision in her heart.

After all, she also took a step, rushed towards Kurosawa again, and rushed into his arms.

The force of this charge was not small, and Hikaru Kurosawa's body was shaken by the impact.

He is not so easy to be shaken, if he stands upright, he is afraid that he will hurt Yuki.

"Although you have other women, I will feel bad, but leaving you, I will definitely feel bad for the rest of my life."

Throwing himself into his arms, Ichinose Yuki opened his arms and hugged Kurosawa Hikaru's back tightly, raised his head to look at him, and said seriously.

She also wants to go surfing with Brother Guang, go filming with Brother Guang, eat together, and see more of him.

In the arena, two arrows crushed the audience, one arrow shot super long, and pierced Yang with a hundred steps. He was unparalleled in the world and shocked the audience.

In the shoe store, after seeing her wearing high heels, he was amazed by her and was fascinated by her.

The filming in the hotel was obviously a foot control, but it turned out to be secretive. I am embarrassed to say it directly, and I only dared to peek at her Brother Guang.

On a date at the seaside, he said fooling words, pretending to protect her from sun protection, but in fact, he was a bad-hearted brother Guang who wanted to take advantage of him.

In karaoke, he said that he couldn't sing at the entry level, but in the end it turned out to be Brother Guang who sang beautifully and shone in the audience.

And in the beginning, I planned to make a video call with my online dating girlfriend, but ended up seeing her with a shocked, bewildered, and bewildered Brother Guang.

"Thank you."

Hikaru Kurosawa looked down at her eyes full of love, and when he heard her decision, he suddenly felt tears welling up in his eyes, and couldn't help hugging her.

In fact, he had thought about how Yuki Ichinose and Chizuru Ninomiya would react after this confession.

He felt that Yuki was more likely to agree, because her dependence and love for him were so straightforward and true, without any concealment.

It's just that, after all, it's just imagination. When she really makes this choice, it's inevitable that people will be touched.


Chizuru Ninomiya, who was next to them, saw them hugging each other, looking at each other affectionately and emotionally, her delicate body was trembling, she clenched her fists tightly, opened her mouth, and wanted to speak, but her throat seemed to be blocked.

Discomfort, sadness, shock, anger, disappointment, mixed feelings.

The multiple-choice question is right in front of you. This is not a multiple-choice question, but a single-choice question. There are only two options.

Although she is very good at studying and has done countless multiple-choice questions, the multiple-choice question before her is the most difficult one in her life.

Because she doesn't know which one to choose is the right one, as if which one to choose is wrong.

Would it be better to leave Kurosawa?

Absolutely not, she may regret it in the future, and she may never meet a man like Kurosawa again.

Every move, every word and deed can touch her heart. At her age, there is still a man who can make her heart flutter.

Riding on the roller coaster together, Kurosawa held her hand tentatively as he cautiously extended his hand.

In the haunted house, Kurosawa who can run around with her on his back gives her a sense of security.

In the western restaurant, he sat on the stage and sent her a song "To Alice" by Heisawa.

In the recording studio of the firm, Kurosawa, who was full of surprises for the piano she gave her, gave her the best performance.

By the creek, he made lunches for her, drew pictures for her, and made up short stories for her, Kurosawa who deliberately played tricks.

There was also Kurosawa who presented her with the romantic piano piece "Adi Lina by the Water" at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan.

And Kurosawa, who refused the tens of billions of sky-high contract and risked everything for the piano she gave her.

Maybe it's because the number of dates is very small, but Kurosawa can make her fall in love with him, be fascinated by him, and be crazy about him no matter what time it is.

Would it be better not to leave Kurosawa?

The answer is undecided... Just seeing Kurosawa hugging other women, looking at each other affectionately like this, was already unbearable for her.

If it is Kiss, is there more intimate contact?She really couldn't bear it, but just imagining such a picture would break her heart. If she saw it with her own eyes, she felt that she would not be able to bear the blow.

If he was hugging Runa, she might still be able to accept it reluctantly... But it is this annoying little golden-haired girl who is intimate with Kurosawa.

What's more, in addition to this little golden retriever girl, there is also the future of Sifengyuan.

Turning a blind eye... She felt that she really couldn't accept all this honestly.

To be honest, she would rather Kurosawa keep it from her for the rest of her life, as long as she doesn't know the existence of the other two.

Because as long as she didn't know, she wouldn't feel so uncomfortable.

"What should I do? Which one should I choose?"

Thoughts were surging, Ninomiya Chizuru's mind was about to be tied up, she really couldn't do this question.

Confused, she turned to Runa Igarashi for help.

Igarashi Runa, who had been standing in the distance, noticed her gaze, thought for a while and walked over.

"Don't think so much, just think about one thing, are you willing?"

Coming closer, Igarashi Ryuna leaned into her ear and expressed his opinion.

Kurosawa is such an excellent man, once he misses it, it is absolutely impossible to find a second one in this life.

Although he also lied to herself, from Qianhe's point of view, she felt that she couldn't let go no matter what.

Although he has the shortcoming of being playful, his flaws are not concealed, and his advantages are countless.


As soon as these words came out, Ninomiya Qianhe suddenly woke up like a dream.

In an instant, a picture emerged in my mind.

That was the day when Kurosawa Hikari was assigned to the Ninomiya group in the spring of last year when the cherry blossoms were all over the sky.

"Teacher Ninomiya."

On that day, Kurosawa walked into the student guidance room and faced her alone.

"Please sit down, Kurosawa-san."

At that time, she was holding the documents and looking at them, and she also raised her head and said.

At that moment, when she raised her head and saw Hikari Kurosawa for the first time, she was touched and fascinated by it.

When this boy saw her for the first time, he was touched by her appearance, yearning and admiring her, but he was quickly suppressed completely. Under the gentle and refined temperament, his eyes were extraordinarily indifferent, as if he was pursuing her. What is important is not in the present, but in the future.

From that moment on, a seed was actually planted in her heart, an urge to melt him and understand him.

Since that day, although she has served as an instructor for many students, she is the only one who pays the most attention to Hikaru Kurosawa and takes extra care of him. The name is because he is the best student of the Ninomiya group, but in reality Mind, only you know best.

From the day Kurosawa entered school, she was looking forward to the day Kurosawa graduated... When he graduated, she would be able to put aside the boundaries of identity, be friends with him, fall in love, and get married.

This expectation, in countless days and nights, has long been deeply rooted and indelible.

Recalling the past, Ninomiya Chizuru's eyes filled with mixed feelings became firm.

However, before she could speak, a voice sounded like the sounds of nature:

"Excuse me, are we ready?"

(End of this chapter)

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