tokyo first love

Chapter 322 New video at 0 o'clock

Hokkaido, on the third floor of a detached villa, sunlight shines into the house through the window sill.

A beautiful woman with short hair and a sexy figure in a suspender dress is sitting in front of a piano, playing Chopin's piano music.

She is Shizuka Kitajima, a full-time youtober and a pianist.

Since becoming a fan of Zero Hour Master, after being influenced by "Croatian Rhapsody", she regained her piano dream and began to conquer and practice classical piano pieces, such as Chopin, Beethoven and other piano masters' works.

Now, although she is still a marginal pianist, she still wears very revealing clothes in the piano video, but she no longer blindly follows the trend to catch hot spots, but starts to play famous classical piano pieces.

Although the selection of the repertoire has a certain impact on the number of plays, and some people still call her immoral, she doesn't care about these rumors at all. She is immersed in the state of improving her piano skills every day, enjoying it very much, and has found the true meaning of life. significance.

After playing a song, she stopped, took a break, and picked up her phone.


As soon as she picked up the phone, she saw a notification and was immediately alarmed.

Immediately afterwards, she ran non-stop, and quickly ran to the computer and sat down.

Opening the Twitter web page, she clicked a few times with the mouse, and soon entered a page.

"Neon time difference, at 0:0 in the morning, a new video will be released."

"Master Zero Hour is finally releasing a new video!"

Bei Dao Shizuka looked at her phone, then at the webpage, and after confirming that it was correct, she felt extremely pleasantly surprised.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly reposted this post, and added a comment: "Master Zero Hour's new video is coming~ (happy expression)", sharing this good news with her fans.

After finishing this, she was so excited that she clicked on the favorite link, and the web page directly jumped to a video page on YouTube.

Youtube doesn't have barrage, even so, the comment area is very lively at this time, especially the latest comments.

"Before the new video is released, let's revisit it."

This new comment was posted in less than 5 minutes, but it received more than 1000 likes and hundreds of echoing comments.

Seeing this situation, she also liked it, and then put on headphones to watch the video.

So far, the video playback volume of "Croatian Rhapsody" is already a very scary data.

Among the audio-visual videos, the most advantage of MV is that it can be listened to as a song and played in a loop.

Perhaps the picture of the video didn't change much, only Master Zero was sitting there playing the piano.

That's true, but I can't help but he plays the piano very well, and he hasn't released a physical album or a digital album yet.

"Tonight at 0 o'clock? It seems that I need to apply two more masks."

After reviewing the video again, Shizuka Kitajima was still very excited. After talking to herself, she went to the comment section of Twitter to interact with everyone.

Which song will be played tonight is a topic worth discussing.

Whether it is Liszt's "The Bell" or "Adi Lina by the Water", it is highly anticipated.


In a house in Tokyo, in the bedroom, a beautiful blonde with big waves was lying sideways on the bed and playing with her mobile phone.

"Is Brother Guang busy playing the piano?"

Following the notification from Twitter, Ichinose Yuki realized something.

Ever since she knew Brother Guang was Zero Hour, she, who was originally a fan, turned into a super fan.

Immediately afterwards, bored, she also found her direction and went to Twitter to watch the excitement.


"Master Zero Hour posted a post, saying that he will release a new work at 0 o'clock tonight."

"It can be regarded as a new work. I have listened to Croatian Rhapsody for so long, and I am tired of listening to it."

In the Tokyo headquarters of Jiuye Bank, several female staff at the front desk of the bank couldn't help but discuss.

With the dynamic announcement of Zero Hour, Neon Nationwide directly aroused heated discussions.

Perhaps so far, there are only two activities at Zero Hour, one is the release of "Croatian Rhapsody", and the other is as the closing guest at the piano competition.

But his performance is amazing, whether it is an original song, the ear-pregnant "Croatian Rhapsody", or the performance in the piano competition, which is so magical that it is enough to convince all spectators. Charm.

Neon's pursuit of the strong is very enthusiastic, especially the talented and visible masters like Zero Hour.


At Zero Hour Office, after Runa Igarashi released the trailer, Hikaru Kurosawa went to the recording studio to continue recording songs.

Although there is a plan to shoot an MV, MV refers to a short music video, there is only video, and there is no way without music.

"It's done."

As the full recording ended, Kurosawa walked out of the studio.

"What are the next two piano pieces? They are similar to "Adilina by the Water", but they are not the same, but they are both super nice."

Standing on the center console, Igarashi Ryuna took off his earphones with an incredulous expression on his face.

It's so beautiful, amazing, and pleasant to hear. Under Kurosawa Hikari's superb piano skills that can't find any faults, she can really feel the beauty of those melodies.

"The order of the songs I recorded just now is "Adi Lina by the Water", "Dream Wedding", "Autumn Whispers"."

Kurosawa also responded to this question.

"Autumn Whispers...why is it called Autumn Whispers?"

When Runa Igarashi heard the titles of these tracks, he felt puzzled if he realized something.

Adilina by the water was inspired by his date with Chizuru in Asa Valley.

The wedding in the dream, the title of this song is simple and clear, it is the longing for the wedding.

However, Autumn Whispers is different from these two songs. The season is suddenly added...but it is still summer now.

"Which season do you think is the most romantic among the four seasons of the year?" Kurosawa asked without answering.



"Because a hundred flowers are blooming, and a dead tree is in spring, there is a feeling of prosperity, which makes me feel that the whole world is alive."

"Your personality is quite optimistic."

Aware of her interpretation of spring, Kurosawa felt very interesting, and through this answer, she further felt her thoughts.

"Do you think autumn is the most romantic?"

Although he was still wearing a mask and couldn't see his expression, Runa Igarashi could feel that he was smiling and praising himself, his heart speeded up a little, as if it was about to jump out of his chest, and he quickly changed the subject.

"My answer is spring, summer, autumn and winter."

To this question, Hikaru Kurosawa thought for a while before answering.

"What is this, a foul?"

Hearing this answer, Igarashi Runa was speechless.

"Everyone's understanding of the seasons is different, just like you think spring is romantic, some people think summer is more romantic because you can go swimming in the beach, and some people think winter is romantic because there is snow, and autumn has fallen leaves. "


"The reason why I am spring, summer, autumn and winter is because the four seasons have their own charm." Kurosawa continued.

In fact, his favorite season used to be spring and the season he hated the most was winter.

Spring is a time of the year when the climate is more suitable, neither hot nor cold, making people happy physically and mentally.

Winter is the coldest time of the year. His hands and feet will be cold when he reads a book... and it is also a challenge to his self-control. The quilt in winter is too lethal, and it is easy for people to enter a hibernation state, lazy and unwilling to move .

But after getting the system, especially the proficient level of photography, he found that these seasons are not important at all, because each season has its own charm.

The most commendable advantage of a photographer is his ability to discover beauty and his love for every bit of what he sees and encounters.

"It seems that I have to pay more attention in the future."

Aware of the concept he described, Igarashi Ryuna felt a sense of beauty and consciousness.

"Let me listen to the recording."

Seeing that she was inspired, Kurosawa smiled and said.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up a pair of headphones and put them on his head to listen.

The time for the three piano pieces was quite long, but Hikari Kurosawa listened to them very satisfactorily.

Different from Maxim's piano pieces, the piano prince Richard Clayderman's famous pieces are mostly piano solos.

Without the accompaniment of other instruments, the piano alone can fully bring out the charm of those melodies.

Although it is not an absolute original, there are some gaps that he filled with inspiration and emotion, but the talent and knowledge of music theory at the proficient level piano are terrifying, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"Kurosawa, did you forget to record Liszt's "The Clock"?"

When he finished listening to the three piano pieces and took off his earphones in satisfaction, Runa Igarashi asked after thinking about it.

She had already inquired about Liszt's "The Bell", although it was not an original song, it could be included in the album.

"Let's record it next time. This piano piece needs emotion to play to the best effect."

Hikaru Kurosawa knew about this, nodded and explained.

If the piano skills of the pianists are at the same level, then the difference must be determined, which is the difference in emotion.

The "Bell" he played in the piano competition before, contained anger and unwillingness. He didn't want his fans to be looked down upon like rats crossing the street, so he performed supernormally.

The current him doesn't have that kind of similar emotion. Although he can also pop it up, it is definitely not as amazing as that time.

In contrast, his emotions are very rich in these three romantic piano pieces.

"Then what about the three piano pieces?"

"Don't worry, wait until it's made into an MV and then release it, let's go and read the contract."

"it is good."

During the conversation, they also left the recording studio and went to the third floor again.

After recording today's piano music, Kurosawa also returned to his room and changed into this suit.

As he put on his original clothes, he took a look at his phone and found that Yuki had sent a message.

"Brother Guang, are you going to release a new video? What song is it? Is it "Adi Lina by the Water"?"

"No, it's "Flight of the Bumblebee", an adapted new song."


"which season do you like?"

Her regret could be felt through the words, Kurosawa asked after thinking about it.



"Because I can go to the beach with you, go surfing together, and bask in the sun together~"

"I like summer too."

Seeing such an answer, Kurosawa couldn't help laughing.

As he guessed, Yuki likes summer.

There is absolutely a reason for liking something, and it is impossible for no reason.

3 more!

Reward owed: 1

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