What is a destructive midfielder?.

Chapter 508 On the eve of the decisive battle

Chapter 508 On the eve of the decisive battle (daily transition)
On May 5, Li Kang and his teammates arrived in Kiev.

The hotel we stayed at was located near the Dnieper River, only a 15-minute drive from the stadium.

Chelsea fans from all over the world had been waiting for a long time and set up banners and team flags outside the cordon.

Security personnel are on standby.

If a big-name star is injured off the court, the ratings of the final will be affected.
According to the organizer's regulations, the two clubs must stagger the playing time before this final.

Everyone is in a relaxed state of preparation.

Li Kang didn't bring a game console, so he could only watch TV in the room.

Local television programs are filled with pornography and violence.

Combined with the various 'instability' events in Eastern Europe over the years, he couldn't help but think of the "peaceful evolution" strategy proposed by Dulles.

Even from a neutral perspective, Dulles was the great villain of the last century.

In his early years, he often appeared in extracurricular readings for primary school students, and his image in various fables was stupid and arrogant.

In fact, he is a real schemer.

In 1950, Dulles's War or Peace was published.

The 'corrupted youth' theory reached its peak in the 60s.

'Let their young people indulge in pornography, pleasure, violence, games. '

'Creating emasculated male stars for young people and destroying their traditional values. '

'Often creating idle events and engaging their people in meaningless discussions. '

'The key to destroying their self-esteem and self-confidence is to try to undermine their hard-working spirit. '

'Promote the feminist movement and shape the opposition between men and women. '


Yang conspiracy.

All were written in books and spread to Eastern European countries.

Are you ready?
Young people, are you ready to be "peacefully evolved"?
Young people in Eastern Europe are not fools, so how could they be deceived? However, these theories make them confused.

Young people with stronger spiritual attributes and higher ambitions are more likely to be confused.

The various tempting remarks in the book led some of them to go to Western countries to seek answers, and some to form private associations.

of course.

After Dulles passed away, he never imagined that his theory would backfire on his country.

Li Kang turned off the TV, shook his head, and threw away these messy thoughts.

He glanced at the clock on the wall. It was two thirty-three in the afternoon.

Then he walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window.

Suddenly, I discovered that there was chaos and panic near the square.

*The flute sounds.

Dino left the room in panic, put his hands down and said: "Don't worry, it's just a bomb alarm. Damn it, why did UEFA choose the location of the final in such a ghost place!"

Chaos mixed with tenderness.

In order to solve the accommodation problem of fans, locals in Kiev spontaneously organized a "free sofa event".

Inviting fans to sleep on their own sofas during the Champions League final.

Kyiv Minister - Yuri Stets, expressed support for this event.

He and his wife put on Real Madrid jerseys and personally helped Real Madrid fans find accommodation.

Even so, many fans began to refund their tickets.

The media have predicted: "With the turmoil in Kiev, this will be the Champions League final with the lowest attendance and the highest ratings worldwide."

On the east bank of the Dnieper River, the Opera Hotel.

Zidane turned away the film crew of "Heart of the Twelve Crowns" and banned all unrelated people from attending the pre-match meeting.

The Real Madrid film crew is very interesting. They have also made fun of Zidane's 'metaphysics' in past documentaries.

This leaves a group of fans who believe that 'Zidane is a master tactician' speechless.

'Casemiro takes more long shots! '

'Carvajal and Marcelo must actively advance and participate in the attack. 'These two sentences have led to a series of complex interpretations on the Internet: god-level command.

For example: when the company leader says he is not hungry, his subordinates can figure out various complex factors and finally echo: "The leader is wise!"

in the conference room.

The assistant coach flipped the magnetic flag on the tactical board.

Modric, Varane, Benzema and others actively participated in the discussion.

The others were attentive and taking notes carefully.

Isco turned off his cell phone. Although he often sent selfies to Li Kang, tactical deployment would never be leaked.

Cristiano Ronaldo sat in the front row, with his hands crossed on his chest, and his resolute eyes shone with confidence.

Galaxy Battleship is ready for this Champions League final!
"Teaching You Step by Step to Become a Top Defender" has been updated.

Maguire gave his thoughts in the second half of the video.

"This is a Champions League final and tactical advantage is just part of football."

"On top of Europe where the stars are shining, you never know what will happen in the next minute."

"Both sides have stars who can change the game."

"For example, my highlight performance in last year's Champions League final, now let's review how I withstood the Galacticos' offensive."

Comment area.
[This guy almost got an own goal when he played in the Champions League final last year! 】
[I'm worried that David Lewis will make a fool of himself this year. 】
[William's initial set was a tie. Gui Lao thinks this game will be evenly matched in the 90 minutes of regular time? 】
[Can four goals be kicked out? 】
[As long as Real Madrid’s lineup is complete, the moment of explosion will be after 75 minutes! 】
[If Chelsea wins the championship, Li Mingdeng and Morata will be the stars who have represented different clubs at the top of Europe for two consecutive years. 】
[Pique: Is this record that difficult?I won the Champions League with Manchester United in my first year, and another one in my second year with Barcelona. 】

Final day is coming.

Kiev night.

The top of the Olympic Stadium lit up with gentle white light beams.

Countless security personnel guarded the perimeter of the stadium, looking nervous.

Fans from all over the world poured into the stadium cautiously and orderly. They vented their excitement until they felt the passionate UEFA Champions League theme song and the UEFA Champions League star-shaped flag billowing in the wind.

at the main entrance.

With the support of the staff, Cruyff stepped out of the commercial vehicle prepared by UEFA.

Reporters from the media gathered around and asked questions enthusiastically.

"Mr. Cruyff, which team do you prefer to win the championship?"


His expression was arrogant, and his tone did not hide his inner pride.

Cruyff never talked about the situation and did not have to please anyone.

The security personnel pushed aside the crowd in time and escorted the football legend into the stadium.

Followed by.

Beckenbauer, accompanied by Ukraine's representative Shevchenko, appeared in the media's sight.

Behind him were a large group of officials and celebrities in suits and ties.

If BGM sounds at this moment, this scene can be regarded as an excellent movie clip.

The reporters couldn't help but sigh: There is a big difference in appearance.

It's understandable, after all, Beckenbauer's influence in football politics is too great.

Olympic Stadium.

Hundreds of workers laid out a black backdrop of stars on the turf.

The jersey patterns of Real Madrid and Chelsea are tiled on both sides of the green field.

On the center circle line, the Champions League star flag rotates slowly.

"CTV5! CTV5! Good evening, viewers!"

"The 2017-18 Champions League final is live broadcast for you now!"

"The two sides are: Chelsea and Real Madrid!"

"The pinnacle showdown in Europe!"

"Let us witness together tonight, this gluttonous feast before the World Cup!"

(End of this chapter)

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