fairy cage.

Chapter 324

Chapter 324 Ten Years of Experience
The person who drives things to lead to seclusion is the first general change in the stage of seventh-rank Taoist officials.

Those who complete this change are the ones who have condensed the spirit of Yin and gave birth to the consciousness of God, and are called "tao officials".

Taoist officials can clearly look back and look inside, grasp themselves, and use their spiritual sense to control objects, beheading enemies thirty feet away from their bodies, and even throw Yinshen into objects, fly hundreds of miles away, and cut off people's heads .

It's just that at the same time as the yin god is separated from the body, the Taoist's physical body is empty. If there is a little negligence, the physical body may be easily destroyed by the enemy.At the moment when the physical body is destroyed, the Yin God who is outside will be severely injured immediately. Even if he is lucky enough to survive without the physical body as the source, he will either wander like a ghost, lose his spiritual wisdom, or be "starved to death" alive.

Of course, with the prosperity of immortality nowadays, after losing their physical bodies, Taoist officials can actually live in the dragon's energy and eat the dragon's energy to maintain their own existence and continue to shine for the Taoist court.That is to say, after the Taoist breaks through the Taoist official, he is eligible to become the ghost of the underworld after death, and then continue the life of the soul body for another sixty years.

Thinking of this, Yu Lie immediately became very excited.

He secretly said in his heart: "Compared with Taoists, seventh-rank Taoist officials can get out of the body, control magic weapons, and the power of spells increases. Killing Taoists is like mowing grass, and the life span of the body is also one step closer. for 180 years.

This kind of realm, just now is a person in the immortal way! "

Yu Lie was fascinated, and suddenly his mind moved, thinking of an opportunity that might allow him to accumulate merits for promotion to the seventh rank.

I saw him sitting cross-legged, stretching his hand out of his sleeve, and a mansion newspaper in the Taoist palace appeared in his hand. The first thing on the mansion newspaper was the names of the lines. Yu Lie skipped these names and turned to the back news.

This mansion report is compiled by people of insight in the Taoist Palace, and it is published every ten days. It not only records the changes in the list of Taoist disciples, but also the rumors of things big and small in the Taoist Palace.

Since the last time when Yu Lie was promoted to Taoism, he didn't know that he caused a commotion in the palace, and found that he couldn't see clearly. For the past two or three years, he has been ordering people in the shop to buy mansion newspapers and other things every ten days.

Flipping through some news in the mansion newspaper, his gaze suddenly became contemplative: "It seems that the ten-year experience of the Taoist disciples that has been rumored in the palace is indeed coming soon, and there will be some changes."

Qianzhou Taoist Palace, in order to urge the disciples under its command to practice, will have an experience every ten years, and send the disciples to places outside the inner city.

Among them, newly promoted Taoists within ten years must participate, but because they are newcomers to experience, they will not be too harsh in the experience and will be placed in a proper position.

Yu Lie, as a Taoist who has been in the door for less than five years, naturally has to go through it.Therefore, he was more concerned about this matter and paid attention to it.

And he also learned from the mouth of the old Taoist official in the palace that the ten years of experience are experience for ordinary Taoists, just seeing blood, so don't waste cultivation, but for powerful or fierce people, this matter is very important. A good opportunity to stand up and call the shots.

As long as you dare to fight for your life, have strong magic power and good luck, you may break a bloody path in the process of experience.Especially for those high-ranking Taoists who have little to follow.

Because these ten years of experience are an opportunity for promotion provided by the Taoist Palace, they should not be missed!

It should be known that the change of "dispelling things to open the secluded world" is like a ninth-rank Taoist boy breaking through to become an eighth-rank Taoist. While there are many benefits, the medicines needed are also cherished. It's not something Taoists can buy with defective spirit stones.

Even for Daoist disciples, it would be difficult to save up medicine if they simply wanted to rely on work, shop-watching, and receiving missions.

It may be possible to save enough before the age of 60, but the chances of saving enough before the age of 35 are slim.

Although Yu Lie now owns a elixir shop and can get black jobs from the ghost market, he has all the spirit stones needed for his daily practice, and he can afford to support a group of Taoists and Taoists, but he is still under 25 after all. The time of entering the palace is too short, and the usual consumption is too large, and he can't save the medicine money to break through to the seventh rank.

Holding the mansion newspaper, his eyes sank even more, and he secretly said:

"It's been less than a year since the training began. It seems that in the next year, in addition to polishing and consolidating the realm of high-ranking Taoists, I also have to make some preparations for the training."

After thinking about it for a while, he held back his plan to go to the Daolu Academy to verify his cultivation and raise the Daolu.

Yu Lie narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking in his heart:

"To promote Taoism, in addition to getting a small promotion reward and praise from everyone, it will also expose my cultivation base to everyone's eyes. This move is really unwise in the current experience."

He touched the anthropomorphic insect that he had been hiding between his hair all this time, and made a plan to hide his strength and bide his time for the next year.

After sorting it out, just as Yu Lie was about to put away the mansion newspaper, he glanced at it, and suddenly saw a rumor about the Taoist palace in the mansion newspaper:
"Taozhou is a land adjacent to Qianzhou. Recently, every five palace assessments in the palace, there is one that coincides with the Taozhou Taoist Palace, and most of them are experiences in foreign lands or secret realms..."

This piece of news has nothing to do with ten years of experience, but Yu Lie was keenly aware of it when his heart moved:
"Taozhou and Qianzhou, the two states meet... Will this ten-year experience, the Taoist Palace will be carried out together with the Taozhou Taoist Palace?"

This idea popped up for no reason, and based on the information I have come across so far, it seems a bit far-fetched, without any evidence.But somehow, he just felt that there was a possibility.

Yu Lie thought about it for a while, but he still couldn't find any evidence to prove his association, but it didn't prevent him from deducing it further.

"Ten years of experience, the emphasis is on training soldiers, just like the big soldiers in Heishui Town back then. These things are the usual practice in all states and counties. If Taozhou and Qianzhou join forces for training, the movement will definitely be Not small."

In an instant, Yu Lie thought of the treacherous turmoil of the deployment of soldiers in Heishui Town and the bloody killings in the world of Longting.

And in his opinion, whether it is the recruitment of soldiers in Heishui Town or the entrance examination in Longting World, the scale of the two cannot be compared with ten years of experience, let alone two states involved. Ministry of experience.

It's just that Yu Lie was thinking hard. After all, he was young, and even the joint experience of the two palaces was just a guess, let alone the specific method of the experience, and he had no idea at all.

But suddenly, Yu Lie stopped his unreasonable speculation. He reached into his sleeve, chuckled and took out a purple token.

Although he is young, has poor background, and lacks footwork, but he can't bear it, he now has a cheap master, and such things can be done just by asking.

Yu Lie was about to pass the token and send a letter to Zizhu Nvdao to inquire about the news.

But after he dropped his finger, he took it back after a pause, turned to tidy up, pushed the door out, and rushed to Zishan in person.

(End of this chapter)

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