fairy cage.

Chapter 38

Chapter 38
After returning from eliminating evil, Yu Lie stayed behind closed doors again.

Because the holidays were not enough, he specially entrusted Luo Tuo and others to work hard for some time first, so as to help him get a little work.

In this way, Yu Lie made up for a full five-day vacation.

In his own stone house, he repeatedly tested his cultivation level, and he didn't even go fishing for black snake fish. He just borrowed the medicinal materials already in the house and continued to polish his body.

The reason for this is that Yu Lie found that his feelings were not false. On the day he returned from eliminating evil, the demon power in his body was completely digested, and his physical body was ready to prepare for the next transformation!
But in addition, another interesting situation also appeared.

That is, although the demonic power has been digested, the demonic nature is flourishing in Yu Lie's heart, and there are even faint signs of root implantation.

This made him have to calm down and sort out himself carefully, so as not to go crazy.

And as he sorted it out, Yu Lie gradually realized that he didn't seem to be insane.

On the contrary, it is precisely this trace of demonic animality that arose because of the murder that helped him digest the last trace of demonic power, ending the transformation of "like a wolf like a tiger"!
Yu Lie wondered vaguely: "Could it be that without a demonic nature, it's not enough to completely digest the demonic power?"

He frowned secretly.

Fortunately, Yu Lie is a nine-rank Taoist boy who has been familiar with the Taoist scriptures and formally obtained the Taoist scriptures. He has dealt with similar problems in his previous enlightenment studies.


In the stone house.

Yu Lie was bathing in the poisonous soup. He was soaking in the big vat, holding a hard stone slab in his hand.

The silver hooks and iron paintings on the slate, each rune is twisted, into three points, as if a craftsman carefully carved it with a chisel stroke by stroke.

But in fact, all the runes on the slate were written by Yu Lie with his own fingers.

And when he was writing, there was no abnormal change in his body. His fingers were still human fingers, and his arms were still human arms, not wolf claws or wolf arms.

Today's Yu Lie, he can use all his strength in every move, his skin is tough, and his vitality is strong.

Carving runes with his fingers is just a small method he has used to test his physical body these days.In addition, in the stone room, he imitated the tests of the stone mill and oil pan in the Taoist Academy, and used fire roasting, frying and other methods to test carefully.

The sound of barking was loud.

After Yu Lie finished writing on a slate, he got up from the poison vat and walked to the wall without touching the ground.After taking the thick iron nails and rubbing them with his hands, he pressed the iron nails into the stone slab with his bare hands and hung them on the wall.

After hanging up, Yu Lie looked around with a dazed look in his eyes.

I saw that in the small stone room, there were no less than thirty pieces of such stone slabs, each of which was engraved with deep runes, expressing a moral classic called "Qing Jing Sutra" word by word. In the stone chamber.

Yu Lie murmured silently: "Madam's mind is so clear, but her heart disturbs her. People's mind is so quiet, but she wants to hold her back. She can often release her desires and her mind will be quiet, and her mind will be cleared of herself."

There is a theory of xinxing and daoxin in Taoist cultivation, and Yu Lie encountered tribulations in xinxing, so he naturally took steps to solve it.

Reciting the Jingjing Sutra silently is a method that Yu Lie recalled.

When I first started to recite it silently, it didn't have half the effect.However, the "Qing Jing Jing" is one of the classics that must be memorized in Taoism. The teachers in the elementary school period also attached great importance to this classic, saying that it is the only way to prevent the erroneous progress and subdue the inner demons. Reciting it can dispel all demons.

So Yu Lie worked hard for the past few days, insisting on reciting the "Qingjing Sutra", and finally came up with a way to silently write the "Qingjing Sutra" with his fingers.

In this way, he can not only test and exercise his control over the strength in his body, but also recite the classics carefully to sharpen his mind.

Now that the seal carving has finished writing the entire "Qing Jing Jing", Yu Lie found that his mind has indeed calmed down a lot, and various clues that he could not have imagined in the past few days also popped up in his mind one after another.

Yu Lie looked around at the slate on the wall again, recalling what he had been thinking these days.

With a clear mind, he sorted out:

"From this point of view, taking cultivation and digesting a transformation is not only related to exercises, elixir, and training time, but also to the Taoist's xinxing experience. If the xinxing is not enough, you will not be able to control the demon power in your body, and you will not be able to control it." The demon power taken into the body has been digested."

As Yu Lie paced around the stone room, he looked at his arm, and with a thought, hairs immediately grew on his arm, turning into a wolf's arm.

At the same time, a ferocious thought also jumped out of his heart.

"Since I entered the Tao by eating wolf demons and plundering the power of wolf demons, the best way to digest them should be to be familiar with the habits of wolf demons, to comprehend cruelty, violence, greed, and cunning, and to be able to run thousands of miles. , whistling in the forest, drinking the mountain wind, sucking the night moon... until you can turn into a wolf, that is to completely control the monster power!"

"That's how it was when the thief was killed that day."

There was a thunderous explosion in Yu Lie's mind, and an idea came to him.

The physical body and the wolf body are fused into one, the human nature and the wolf nature are mixed into one, and the power of the wolf demon is naturally exhausted.

He only needs to abandon his frail human body in one thought, and completely transform into a wolf, and he will enjoy great freedom and truly complete the transformation of "like a wolf like a tiger".

And in the world's theories about digestion and transformation, there seems to be a method called "transformation method", which uses demons as teachers and beasts as fathers, and spreads them into the mountains to digest mana.

But in the next moment, a sneer appeared on Yu Lie's face: "The evil devil disturbs my heart."

Cultivation and taking food, refining demons and transforming, does not mean transforming into demons, but simply transforming human bodies.

Yu Lie took a bronze mirror and looked at himself in the mirror, with sarcasm in his eyes.

"It's just a monster wolf, it's just a meal, but it wants to turn against the guest and try to take my body?"

Yu Lie stretched out five fingers, and grabbed himself in the bronze mirror:

"You were my food in life, and you will be my slave after death. What qualifications do you have for me to learn to imitate?"


When Yu Lie's fingers touched the bronze mirror, the bronze mirror immediately shattered into pieces, and the ferocious wolf demon face on it immediately froze and broke apart.

In a blink of an eye, it was replaced by a handsome young Taoist, with distinct black hair and white jade skin, smooth and dazzling.

Yu Lie took a lens, looked at himself in the mirror, and chuckled softly:
"Superior officers don't fight, but corporals are contentious; superiors are not virtuous, but inferior ones are virtuous."

"A Taoist is the top of all things. He eats all kinds of things, and there is nothing that cannot be eaten! The so-called transformation method, learning its habits, imitating its survival, and having disputes is just a way for corporals to be virtuous!"

Yu Lie completely understood.

The demonic nature in his body is just the last struggle and howling of the wolf demon. It is the other party's unwillingness to use it completely for him and wants to influence his mind.

Faced with such a situation, he must not condone it, but should look inside and out, and eat whenever he finds it.

Eat the power of the monster, eat the power of the monster, eat the nature of the monster when you meet the monster, have no struggle and no virtue, and then you will be free. This is the way for a superior scholar to attain virtue.

Specifically, he needs to chew and grind up the demonic power and demonic nature of the well-dressed jackal, swallow them into his stomach without leaving any trace, and don't care about the demonic animal nature at all, they are just food.

When people eat chickens and ducks, how can they consider the nature of chickens and ducks?
With a clear understanding in his heart, Yu Lie suddenly felt that he had crossed a great threshold, his body was clear and clear, without any stagnation.

He looked around and sighed in his heart:

"Taoists are the real monsters in the world."

Yu Lie realized that the current him has really ended the transformation of "like a wolf like a tiger", has completely entered the Tao, and can start the next transformation without any worries.

(End of this chapter)

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