fairy cage.

Chapter 45

Chapter 45
In the warm room, Yu Lie's breathing was heavy and his heart was beating.

He calmed down and continued to listen to the old servant in front of him talking about the conditions, but he was still ruthlessly seduced.Apart from the first three most important benefits, the rest of the wages, exercises, food and living conditions, etc., are still very good!

With such an opportunity, even if there is a fire pit in front of it, it is estimated that many people in the town will jump into it without hesitation.

After the old servant finished talking in detail, he asked again: "What do you think of our family's treatment?"

Yu Lie swallowed, and immediately cupped his hands: "It's so exciting, I'm willing to go through fire and water for it!"

But Yu Lie also knows that there is no free lunch in the world, even if the other party appreciates him, this kind of treatment is much richer than Heishui Town, and the price should not be small.

So he calmed down and asked: "I don't know what the junior needs to pay to get these?"

When the old servant heard the question, not only did he not feel impatient, but instead showed appreciation: "You can hold your breath, you really have a good temper."

The other party pondered for a while, and spit out: "Have you ever heard of Taoist soldiers?"

"Taoist?" Yu Lie thought about it, and found that he didn't know much, at least he probably didn't know what the other party wanted to say.

Yu Lie cupped his hands: "Mr. please explain."

The old servant replied: "Tao soldiers, also known as Taoist secret training soldiers. In ancient times, there were yellow scarf warriors, mountain warriors, giant spirit soldiers, bull-headed horse-faced generals, all of which were Tao soldiers. Refined by secret methods, orders are formed into soldiers, also called Taoist soldiers, such as zombies, ghost soldiers, puppets, etc. obtained from refining corpses and ghosts. This kind of Taoist soldiers can assist Taoists in cutting down mountains and destroying temples, handling miscellaneous tasks, and arranging various scientific rituals. "

"Later on, there was another Gao Dao practiced the formation map, banners, gongs and drums, etc., and recruited boys and girls, young demons and young beasts, and raised them since childhood. They made them eat at the same table, and slept in the same room. They lived together day and night, and they practiced the same exercises again. , so the qi and machine are integrated and can be instilled on one thing. Taoists get it, and they can get skill blessings... Dao soldiers are undefeated, Taoists are immortal."

"These are the so-called true Dao soldiers. Some wealthy families, thousands of years of sects, and various old battalions in the Taoist court are the ones at the bottom of the box."

The old servant explained, and said proudly: "The young master was born in a noble family, so naturally he has to raise a group of true Taoist soldiers to protect the Tao. After the young master becomes a Taoist priest, he can just rely on his soldiers to attack mountains and destroy temples Clearing up demons and ghosts will be easier to use than those raised by the clan."

Yu Lie stood in the conservatory, listening to the other party's explanation, and immediately understood.

The other party probably wanted to take him as this kind of servant or personal soldier, grow up with the other party's young master when he was young, and make contributions with the other party's young master when he was young, and help him win a career of longevity!
These words made Yu Lie feel parched and dazzled.

Thinking of him, someone like Yu is still working hard in Heishui Town. When the young master was born, he was led by the old servant to choose suitable subordinates everywhere, considering the long-term.

Makes people jealous!

And according to what the other party said, when his young master grows up, he will probably be a sixth-grade Taoist priest!If Yu Lie followed the other party, as long as he survived halfway, wouldn't he have a great chance to become a Taoist of the seventh rank or a Taoist of the sixth rank?
This made Yu Lie's heart pound even more. If it wasn't too harsh, Yu Lie would be willing to agree.

After all, being able to be a servant of a big shot is still the kind of personal soldier who accompanied him since he was a child. It is really a rare and precious opportunity for a person of Yu Lie's background!Having this backing can greatly accelerate Yu Lie's growth, and in his early stages, it will be no less than a wine glass opportunity!
Sure enough, the old servant pointed at Yu Lie and said, "I went to Heishui Town today to pick out this kind of Daoist seeds for the young master."

But at the next moment, the old servant's words immediately made Yu Lie's heart hot, and suddenly cooled it down.

The other party paused, and then said: "As for the price, Taoist soldiers do not enter the Taoist script, so you need to give up the Taoist script and enter the military script of our clan."

Upon hearing this, Yu Lie's complexion changed, he was not tense, and lost his voice: "Give up the Taoist talisman?"

Abandoning Taoist scriptures, wouldn't that mean knocking down Taoist scriptures?
The old servant nodded.

Yu Lie was full of doubts. He didn't care about the blood and sweat he had put in to obtain the Taoism, but the meaning behind the Taoism.

In the world of mountains and seas, only those who have been honored with Taoism and granted Taoism are qualified to practice Taoism, study Dharma, and breathe spiritual energy.Otherwise, just kill them!

Its management is also strict. Once granted, unless it is a traitor, it may be knocked down.

Yu Lie also knew that any Daoists' Daoist Daoist scriptures, whether they were knocked down or not, had to go through the inspection of the Dao Court Headquarters, and the remaining state and county departments were not qualified to intervene at all.

To such a degree, it can be said that the death penalty in his past and present lives is even stricter than that in both lives!
The old servant stared straight at Yu Lie, and after noticing the change in Yu Lie's complexion, he smiled and said:
"Young man, don't be so alarmed. The military talismans of the various races in the realm are also distributed by the Taoist court. They are not slaves of ordinary nationality. Those who are naturalized can still practice Taoism and study the law, but they cannot become Taoist priests."

It's good that I didn't hear this sentence, but when I heard this, Yu Lie's eyelids twitched violently.

Now he suddenly remembered that the Dao Books and the Taoist Books not only represent the "human rights" in the world of mountains and seas, even monsters want to obtain them, but also represent the possibility of attaining Taoism and longevity.

In the world of mountains and seas, only those who are famous for Taoism can be famous for immortality and enjoy immortality!Otherwise, no matter how high his cultivation level is, he will be a traitor within the realm and a cultivator outside the realm, and he will surely be served by the heavens!
If in the past, Yu Lie had had the opportunity to be a Daoist soldier before he got the bronze wine cup, he probably would have accepted it.

After all, the Taoist priests who established the foundation are the sixth rank, and they are real immortals.And Yu Lie's ability to be a Taoist official of the seventh rank in this life, to serve as a ghost messenger, and to live a false longevity is already unimaginable for ninety percent of Taoists, and it is enough for him to protect his descendants.

But today is different from the past, Yu Lie made a decision immediately.

And he secretly thought that if the other party forced him, no matter how powerful his background was, he would have to go to the Taoist Academy to report it.

This kind of thing involving forced Taoism is much more serious than the forced deathmatch in the gambling house, and it involves the root of the Taoist court!

Yu Lie still remembered that when he was still in the county town, he had heard about several families involved in the Taoist scriptures.

What's more, what the other party involved was not forcing Dao scriptures and talismans, but cheating in the Taoist exams, covering up mortals or ghosts to obtain the Dao talismans.

Yu Lie and others are Taoist boys in Heishui Town, although their lives are low, they are also people who have stepped into the Taoism.This layer of skin is the greatest guarantee for him to practice Taoism and study the law, and it is the dream of many mortal spirits.

Although a decision had been made, Yu Lie still struggled and hesitated deliberately on his face, and refused without a word.

But soon, Yu Lie thought of an excuse.

He cupped his hands with a wry smile and said:

"The junior's father and mother died since childhood. Although he never had the extravagant hope of becoming a real immortal, the last words of his parents also hope that the junior can obtain the eighth-rank Taoist talisman, and carry the junior's lineage into the clan's legitimate family." pulse, rectify the name and determine the points."

After hearing Yu Lie's answer, the old servant did not show annoyance, but sighed softly: "That's right, if you abandon the Taoist talisman, you will have no way out in the clan."

The other party nodded towards Yu Lie and said, "You are from a small family or a concubine, and you have to fight for your life in Heishui Town. It must have been difficult since you were a child."

For some reason, Yu Lie felt that the color of the old man in front of him was becoming more and more friendly, without the sinister feeling just now.

Yu Lie saw the other party clasping his hands again, and said to the big-headed doll, "Young master, this is also a poor child, we'd better not implicate the loyal and filial son."

The big-headed baby was sitting on the reclining chair, listening to Yu Lie and the old servant all the time, his eyes full of anticipation.Hearing the old servant's words at this time, the big-headed baby's face was obviously sad, he turned his head away and didn't look at the old servant anymore.

The old servant smiled, bowed his hands to Yu Lie, and just said: "Brother, I'm bothering you today."

Seeing that the other party was so reasonable, Yu Lie was a little surprised, but he understood immediately.

Leaving aside the issue of Taoism, the other party is choosing a Taoist soldier to grow up with for the master. For this alone, it is basically impossible to force him, so as not to choose a resentful person.

Yu Lie hurriedly cupped his hands in return: "This junior is being rude."

The two talked a few more words.

Yu Lie suddenly heard the old servant say again: "Little brother, if you are promoted to the eighth rank in the future and want to pass the seventh rank exam, you may come to the city of Zhou and come to my Wa family to stay. In addition to the Taoist soldiers, there are actually Qing people in the clan." As a doorkeeper, the salary is acceptable."

Yu Lie bowed his hands and nodded, just when he thought that the other party was about to bring tea to the guests, the big-headed doll on the recliner suddenly stood up, as if he wanted to climb down.

The old servant noticed it, and with a flash of his body, he picked up the big-headed doll and appeared in front of Yu Lie in a ghostly manner.

The big-headed doll smelled like milk, and suddenly grabbed two pieces of yellow rock candy from his belly pocket, the size of a baby's fist, and stuffed them into Yu Lie's hands.

The big-headed doll smiled and waved: "Here! Reward..." The other party shook his head quickly after speaking, and stammered: "No, no, it's a good relationship."

As soon as Yu Lie touched the candy-shaped thing, his eyelids twitched again. He raised his head and breathed slightly heavily:

"This is a spirit stone?!"

A trace of spiritual energy immediately swished into Yu Lie's body from the yellow crystal jade, making him feel excited all over.

(End of this chapter)

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