fairy cage.

Chapter 79

Chapter 79
Another seven days passed.

Yu Lie stayed in the stone house, staring intently at the small urn in front of him.

There is no burning charcoal under the urn, but a special candle is lit, the candle flame is blue, and it burns steadily, without jumping or jumping.

The small urn was bubbling and bubbling, and there was a sweet smell.

If someone else was here and saw this scene, they would definitely think that Yu Lie was cooking tea and soup and enjoying life.

But on the contrary, Yu Lie's body was wrapped in a heavy cotton padded coat, which was covered with a layer of copper and iron shells, with a mask on his head, and his body was bloated.The eyes on his mask were fixed on the small urn, reflecting a strange blue light.

Yu Lie looked like a giant copper and iron bear with weird behavior, squatting quietly on the spot.

A full half an hour passed before Yu Lie carefully snuffed out the candle.

After waiting for the water in the small urn to evaporate completely, he took a few glances to confirm that the color of the urn was correct, and quickly took out the small urn, put it in a saltpeter basin, and poured water, letting the basin and The urn cooled down quickly.

After doing this, Yu Lie breathed a sigh of relief. He took off the iron mask on his head and the heavy armor he was wearing. The armor was already covered with sweat and wet, as if soaked in water.

The thing that Yu Lie was refining just now is exactly the secret-fired gunpowder of "Fire Dragon Out of Water"——fire dragon medicine.

The production of this object was cumbersome and extremely dangerous. Yu Lie had to dress himself like a bear and try to protect himself with foreign objects.Even though he was wearing armor, if he really failed, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't be seriously injured, but he shouldn't be killed on the spot.

Because after half a month of pondering, Yu Lie has already mastered the technology of refining gunpowder.

In addition, the raw materials he uses are all pure, with almost no impurities.This makes the secret-fired gunpowder he refined not only more powerful, but also less likely to have mistakes in the preparation process!
Freed from the armor, Yu Lie looked at the crystals in the small urn again, feeling both joy and regret in his heart:
"It's a pity that the cold silver microalgae has not been found in the black street. Otherwise, with the assistance of the cold silver microalgae, extracting its essence can reduce the risk of preparing 'Fire Dragon Water' by [-]%, and the medicinal properties will be more stable and convenient for storage."

These days, Yu Lie has been thinking about refining gunpowder, and the old man is racing against time to make money!
In about half a month, the news of the advance of the big soldiers was leaked on a large scale.Although the town has not officially confirmed this, the prices in the town have changed every day.

In the last seven days alone, Yu Lie and others have earned 30 million talismans with tears in their eyes, the kind of pure money!
Because Yu Lie had few members, only part of the living things in the mouth of the poison could be embezzled, and the proportion he got was relatively small, but because of the information he provided, he still got [-] to [-] to [-].

And this is just the beginning. Old Yutou and the others still have a large amount of goods under pressure, which have not been sold.Just wait for the ten days before the start of the big battle, when the time comes, the price of goods will be unprecedentedly high, and they can make a fortune in the town!
Old Yutou made an estimate for Yu Lie. If the situation is good, Yu Lie can get another 25 yuan at least.

With so much money, even with Yu Lie's current median salary, it is equivalent to 30 to [-] years' salary.

And this does not require Yu Lie to show his face, there is no risk, he can get the money while lying down.

Even so, Lao Yutou was still lamenting that he could only drink soup and couldn't eat meat like other people!
In addition to money, although the two Lao Yutou offended a few unlucky guys, they also opened up a few business routes and made some friendships.

Old Yutou and the others bought the raw materials for refining "Fire Dragon Out of Water" in Yu Lie's hands.Otherwise, even if Yu Lie is in the alchemy room, it will be difficult for him to get it for a while, and it is easy to leak the news, which will be recorded by interested people.

in the quiet room.

Yu Lie carefully put the small urn crystals into a narrow-necked iron bottle, sealed it, and put it into the belly of a blood clam.

After dealing with these, Yu Lie breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly said:

"For the remaining few 'Fire Dragon Out of Water', we should wait for Lao Yutou and the others to find the cold silver microalgae before refining them. Without the cold silver microalgae as a carrier, the internally refined gunpowder of 'Fire Dragon Out of Water' is still too much It's dangerous, and it's not convenient to store, now that half of it has been refined, it should be enough!"

Thinking about it, Yu Lie looked excited, and then looked at a corner of the stone room.

At the corner of the stone chamber, there was already a pile of round shells of eggs or goose eggs, some of which were smooth on the outside, and some were thorn-like and full of thorns.

In addition to the round shell, there are also arrows and a basket of fine crow tin iron shells.

These things are exactly the firearms that Yu Lie bought along with refining medicine recently.Among them, the shells were all made by him himself, and the rest of the delicate and ingenious objects were made by him with the help of the Taoist boys in the Qiyuan.

Yu Lie walked to the corner, sat down cross-legged, first took the round shell, and started the process of filling the gunpowder.

After a lot of work, Yu Lie installed all the firearms that could be loaded.

He took out the "fire dragon out of water" utensil the size of a human leg, and hesitated with gestures.

However, after Yu Lie thought about it, he still put the object down, and took out the empty "Shenhuo Flying Crow" instead, and filled the secret fire dragon medicine of "Fire Dragon Out of Water" into the Sacred Fire Flying Crow.

The reason for charging the gunpowder now is that Yu Lie naturally has something to do later, just to try the power of gunpowder.

But he wasn't dealing with Taoist-level monsters, he just wanted to get rid of the Black Snake Fish King in the Heishui River.

Half of the fire dragon medicine can be filled with two specially made God Fire Flying Crows, and there is more, which is enough for him to use.

After getting ready, Yu Lie rested in the stone house for a few more hours.

By the time he regained his energy, the sky was dark and the night was dark and windy. It was a good time to go hunting.

Yu Lie immediately picked up the fishing rod, pretended to be a guy, and walked towards the Heishui River with big strides.

This time he went out, not alone, but with a companion.

The companion is not the carrot head, Lao Hu and others that Yu Lie originally planned, but the black and fat starling.

The starling was squatting on Yu Lie's shoulders, following Yu Lie out the door, it looked left and right in the town, looking extremely excited.

Since Da Yulie brought it back to the town, let alone go out, it is rare to even go to the birdcage, and now it can be regarded as taking the opportunity!
But the starling was also very peaceful, he didn't take the opportunity to fly away, and he didn't yell indiscriminately.

Because Yu Lie took the mynah out for a walk after refining the Jiang Beast Pill and feeding it for a few days, feeling that there was a connection between one person and one bird, and at the same time let the other party be vigilant for himself, look at this bird Whether it works or not.


One person and one bird came to the river.

This time, Yu Lie had a firearm to protect his body, accompanied by starlings, and walked directly to the edge of the town.He was only one cliff away from leaving the town completely.

There are few people nearby, which is convenient for him to fish, and can also reduce the impact caused by the movement of gunpowder.

The mountain wind was hunting, Yu Lie stretched out his hand to let the starling fly, and hung the ball with his back bow.

He took out another iron rod as thick as a human arm from the belly of the blood clam, and inserted it forcefully beside it.A long string of thick iron chains was bound on the iron rod, and the hook claws at the tail were the size of a human head, sharp and ferocious.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Yu Lie threw out the bait for making a nest, and then started fishing as usual.

With piercing eyes, he was waiting for the Black Snake Fish King to come to die, as the first living creature sacrificed to his Thunder Fire Alchemy!
At the same time, Yu Lie secretly thought: "You have to take it easy later, I hope the fish king's gallbladder will not be blown up, and you have to keep it so that the poison kung fu can break through to the level of bone poison."


The fishing rod is tight, and the fish will soon be hooked...

 Old author "Zhuge Wanjun" new book: "Games of Hell"

  Transform the real hell into a game and recruit players from the 'Fourth Scourge'.

  "Loan from Hell", "Double Pledge", "Leveraging"...

  If you are not careful, hell will be destroyed~
(End of this chapter)

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