Ten Capitals, Nine Observations, Eight Poles, Seven Yuans, Six Divisions, Five Elders Compete for Da

Chapter 324 Nine Dragons Yuxu Hundreds of Millions of Miles, Ancient Bronze Coffin!Jiang Chen is res

When Zhang Baisui was speaking, an unbelievable three consecutive questions suddenly came from a distance:

"Captain Zhang, what did you say?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"We've only been gone for less than half an hour, why did the barracks look like this?"

The person who spoke was Wei Anguo.

Everyone looked up, only to see two eagles soaring in the sky, and the claws below were holding Wei Anguo and Xin Longzi.

The two-headed eagle loosened its claws.

Wei Anguo then fell to the ground. He scanned around the barracks first, and found that the range of more than two or three hundred feet was damaged to varying degrees.

Some areas, such as the original barracks where Sima Lun was located, were turned into ruins, and the magma hardened into stones and covered the area.

Such a terrifying scene, even if Wei Anguo took action himself, it would be extremely difficult to achieve.

"Well, who did this?"

Wei Anguo was secretly startled, walked quickly to Zhang Baisui, and asked solemnly:
"Lieutenant Zhang, what happened?"

Zhang Baisui quickly recovered his usual calmness, and said in a deep voice:
"There was a Marquis-level powerhouse who made a sudden attack and tried to assassinate Young Master Sima. I couldn't resist and was seriously injured. Although Captain Jiang returned in time, the strength of that Marquis Marquis powerhouse was too strong..."

simply put.

It is to combine "Jiang Chen" and "Si Ma Lun" into a loyal man who sacrificed his life for the country.

Not only can it cover up the assassination, but it can also preserve Jiang Chen's reputation and obtain a better "beautiful posthumous posthumous title" to protect ghosts.

After listening to Zhang Baisui's words, Xin Longzi next to him let out a long sigh:
"Heaven is jealous of talents!"

"With Captain Jiang's talent, he should have the hope of Marquis Wu, but it's a pity, what a pity."

Wei Anguo still remembered the kindness of Xili, shook his head and sighed:

"Never mind."

"I originally wanted to propose to Prime Minister Sima after the counter-insurgency was over that Jiang Chen should be appointed as a powerful general to control thousands of soldiers belonging to Liu Chuanzhi."


Wei Anguo couldn't help feeling deeply regretful:

"It can only be Jiang Xiaowei, who will be posthumously named General after his death. I hope he can live a second life in the underworld."


Xin Longzi and Wei Anguo jointly wrote the memorial, writing the murders of Jiang Chen and Sima Lun into the memorial, and handing it over to the messenger.

At most ten days, you can reach Yujing City.


The vernal equinox is the fourth solar term after spring.In many places, families have the habit of eating "spring vegetables", either wild amaranth or shepherd's purse, and the same is true in Yujing City.

In the prime minister's mansion.

Sima Zhongda took a group of grandchildren, Sima Yan, Sima You, Sima Zhao and others, running in the back garden, reaching out to collect the "gift of nature" growing in the grass, enjoying the family happiness.

The moment when the sun goes down.

The future Emperor Wu of Jin, and today's young grandson Sima Yan, holding dozens of taels of shepherd's purse, said with a proud face:
"Grandpa, my grandson picked a lot."

Compared with Sima Zhao, the "little prime minister" who has already learned to hide his clumsiness, his grandson Sima Yan is still relatively immature, with an expression of begging his grandfather to boast.

"Okay, that's great!"

Sima Zhongda stroked his beard, feeling extremely happy. What he was most proud of was that he was good at procreating and had many descendants.

In fact.

The more powerful the military pawn, the more difficult it is to give birth. The demise of many Wuhou families is almost all due to the extinction of heirs.

However, Sima Zhongda and his wives and concubines gave birth to nine sons and two daughters one after another, which greatly increased the capital of marriage and family inheritance.

As a result, the Sima family prospered and became the number one family in Zhongzhou.

"Grandpa, is it okay to eat dumplings stuffed with shepherd's purse and meat tonight?"

Sima Yan said expectantly:

"I heard that a man named Jiang Chen offered flour, which can be kneaded into dough and made into various delicacies. The chef then boasted to his grandson that they could smash vegetables and meat together, Then wrap it in the dough, put it in hot water and boil it for a while, scoop it out, pour it into the lard soup, and sprinkle some scallions, it is a delicacy."

Hearing this, many grandchildren of Sima present all moved their index fingers.

Sima Zhongda laughed and said:

"Okay, on the night of the vernal equinox, it's time to reunite, so let's make dumplings!"

"Grandpa Shengming!"

All the grandchildren cheered together.

Inside the prime minister's mansion, everything was peaceful.

Not long after, the servants brought bowls of hot shepherd's purse meat dumplings to the front hall and put them on the dining table.

Seeing the greedy faces of many grandchildren, Sima Zhongda was in a great mood, enjoying the happiness and joy brought by family affection, and said with a smile:

"A group of little greedy cats, eat quickly!"

"Grandpa please eat first!"

All the grandchildren picked up the chopsticks together, but still maintained respect, asking Sima Zhongda to move the chopsticks first.

"Good good."

Sima Zhongda felt more and more happy, and reached out to pick up the shepherd's purse meat dumplings on the plate.

Just now.


An old man guarding the ancestral hall of the Sima family ran out with a face full of horror, and shouted loudly: "Master Xiang, it's not good, something is wrong!"

Sima Zhongda was taken aback, and had a faint sense of foreboding, but he had a very high instinct for camouflage, and still maintained a profound majesty, frowning slightly, and coldly reprimanded:
"What a system!"

"Even if Mount Tai collapses in front of us, members of my Sima family should not change face; even if the precious nine-colored deer appears in the world, we should still look ahead and not change the path in our hearts!"

The corner of the guard's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly:
"Master Xiang, Master Lun's soul lamp has gone out..."


Hearing this, Sima Zhongda's heart was shocked, his expression changed wildly, his blood surged, and even the shepherd's purse meat dumpling held by his chopsticks fell to the ground unknowingly.

The huge front hall was completely silent.

After hearing such shocking news, no one dared to vent their anger.

Everyone in the Sima family is very clear about one thing - although Sima Lun has limited talents, he is extremely good at pleasing the patriarch.

The status is extremely important!

After hearing that Sima Lun's soul lamp had been extinguished, everyone present could feel the deep pain hidden under Sima Zhongda's solemn expression.

On the evening of the vernal equinox when enjoying family happiness, suffering the pain of bereavement, even a ruthless emperor would feel sad secretly!

After counting interest.

Relying on his deep energy and blood, Sima Zhongda forcibly suppressed his face into an ordinary look, and asked coldly:
"Did you read it wrong?"

"Lun'er has a divine weapon to protect his body, and is in the army of Qingliang. Even the assassin Wuhou Jishengtu would never have such abilities!"

Knowing son Moruo father.

Who is Sima Lun?

Not long ago, he obtained the approval of the quasi-divine weapon-Shaozheng Mao's pen, and planned to take back another quasi-divine weapon-Zhibogu wine cup for the Sima family;
Practice superior swordsmanship - the thousand-year sword-drawing technique, the longer the sword light accumulates, the more terrifying the power it bursts out;
The Buddha and the devil are one body, born with two souls, even if Hong Wu personally kills him, he can escape half of the souls and resurrect quickly.

These three conditions are extremely difficult even if one wants to die.

"Who can kill my son?"

Sima Zhongda grieved in his heart, got up in a daze, and walked slowly towards a library called "Luohe Collection".

This was the secret place where Prime Minister David communicated quickly with Luo Jiao. Once exposed, the Sima family would be ruined, so it was rarely used.


Sima Zhongda walked into the library, clenched his fingers, and asked the shadow in a sad and cold tone:

"My son Sima Lun, who killed him?"

When speaking.

Sima Zhongda recalled many enemies.

But in fact, most of the enemies were secretly framed to death by him. It is absolutely impossible for an enemy at the level of Marquis Wu to live in the mortal world...

Wei Anguo?
Impossible, this person is a loyal old dog of the hero group, and it is absolutely impossible to kill the imperial envoy appointed by the emperor.

Besides, he is just a newly promoted general who is a swaying monster, just an ordinary Marquis Wu.

Family planning slaughter?
Less likely.

His cooperation with Luojiao is only known to a few people, including the leader of Luojiao and the two deputy leaders.

Now that it is known that it is the Dragon King Temple, it is most reasonable for the flood to flow elsewhere...

Xin Longzi?Or Cao Shuang?

Everything is possible.

Sima Zhongda's eyes turned cold, and he secretly decided that the murderer who killed his beloved son must be one of these two veteran Wuhous.

In the shadows, Sima Zhongda seemed to have guessed Sima Zhongda's purpose a long time ago, and quickly opened a small gap, slowly making a sound:

"Prime Minister condolences."

"As far as I know, it should be a Qingzhou captain named Jiang Chen who killed your son."


Sima Zhongda's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't believe it:

"This person is only a general. Even if he can defeat several generals in Loulan, he is only showing off his prestige under Marquis Wu. How could he have the ability to kill my son?"

Yumenguan is separated from Yujing City by tens of thousands of miles, and it often takes months to transmit a lot of news.

Therefore, in Sima Zhongda's memory.

Jiang Chen was just lucky enough to win the victory of the Qingzhou Army. Although he was called the general of Qingzhou, he was only a general.

Compared with ordinary Marquis Wu, he is naturally much weaker.

Voices from the shadows:

"A few days ago, your son Sima Lun was bewitched by someone and decided to kill Jiang Chen."

"That's why I set a trap and invited you into the urn, but he didn't really understand how terrifying that power is. In the end, he was the same as Jiang Chen..."

Hearing this, Sima Zhongda's eyes flickered slightly.

How long has it been since the last time I received news from the Qingzhou Army?

half a month?
a month?

Is Jiang Chen so powerful?
This rate of progress is unbelievably fast!
"This beast must be killed as soon as possible!"

Inside the library building, Sima Zhongda closed his eyes in pain, with a sad expression on his face, then paced back and forth on the floor, thinking about various methods of attacking and killing,

But unexpectedly, the shadow suddenly spoke:
"Jiang Chen and your son died together, and their souls were scattered. They neither stayed in the world nor fell into the underworld."

Sima Zhongda felt chest tight and couldn't speak: "..."

All the schemes he conceived just now turned out to be a blind man lighting a lamp—in vain.

At last.

In the shadows, the gap widened, and a bronze coffin fell down.

"Your son's body contains too many secrets, it is not suitable to stay in Liangzhou, so I brought it back for the prime minister."

Sima Zhongda nodded in agreement, took a deep breath, and stretched out his hand to lift the bronze coffin lid. The situation inside suddenly made his pupils shrink suddenly, his eyes flashed with a strong color of hatred, and he screamed angrily:

"Jiang Chen!"

"This old man wants to tear your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Inside the coffin, Sima Lun's remnant body had been hacked into pieces and turned into mud.

The death was horrific.

Any father would be furious when he saw his son like this!
Of course, compared with the torrent of crimes committed by the old thief Sima, the mere retribution at the level of bereavement is only one part in a billion.



An old man with long beards was sitting on the bank of the Styx River, holding a fishing rod in his hand, just like an ordinary fisherman.

But actually.

He is the master of Luojiao, and the fishing rod in his hand is the quasi-soldier who almost killed Jiang Chen - the old mother's fishing rod.

The long-bearded old man looked up at the sky, recalling hundreds of years ago.

At that time, he was just one of the members of the advance team of the spiritual world, traveling through the void of hundreds of millions of miles, to the world of Kyushu.

During the long journey through the void, the advance team shuttled to a certain place in the icy void. He looked at one of the windows, and the terrifying scene he had glimpsed before was called...

Kowloon pulls the coffin!

that scene.

Let his memory be fresh and vivid.

The coffin is almost 72 feet long, which is equivalent to the height of more than [-] floors, and it is purely cast in bronze.

Lines of square characters seem to be engraved on it, but it has long been blurred after drifting in the void for many years.

What frightened the common people and demons even more.

The front end of the bronze coffin is fastened with nine black iron chains, which are extremely thick and almost as wide as a millstone, and the things they bind,

They are nine huge dragon corpses!

It was shocking to the extreme.

What kind of terrifying existence is it that is qualified to sleep forever in the endless void, inside the ancient bronze coffin...


Deep in the void.

Darkness and depth are its base colors.

Some people also call this place—the Star Realm.


In the huge star world, there are only hundreds of stars shining with light.

Such as Ziwei Star, Sun Star, Lunar Star, 28 Constellations, Tiangang Star, Dixie Star, and the three stars that Jiang Chen once experienced.

They all wantonly released light, domineering, majestic, and exuded a kind of awe-inspiring and inviolable majesty of immortal gods.

But in the endless darkness, most of the stars have taken the initiative to hide their own coordinates, and they are hard to find, just like a dark forest.

Just now.

An unknown void.

That is, a certain void that the Lord of Luojiao once traveled through.

An ancient bronze coffin suddenly shone with a faint light, shooting towards a hidden star that was not too far away, and then, the light turned back, bringing back strands of blue spiritual power.

In other words, it belonged to the blood and spiritual power of Captain Wilderness.


All poured into the coffin.


Inside the coffin, there was a faint sound suddenly.


"It hurts!"

"Being burned alive by magma, what a fucking pain!"

In a daze, Jiang Chen felt pain all over his body, as if he had had an extremely long nightmare.

It took him a lot of hard work to gain a firm foothold in a world called "Kyushu", met many people, and gained the relatively good nickname of "General Star of Qingzhou".

As for "Hundred Generals of Shaobing" and "Captain Killing Gong", they don't exist, he has never heard of these words.

In the end, hot magma fell from the sky, burning him to ashes, and everything returned to zero...


"If those are dreams, then don't I have to go to work tomorrow?!"

Think about this.

Jiang Chen's mentality exploded, he straightened his back suddenly, sat up on the spot, then opened his eyes, looked at the darkness around him, and completely got rid of the half-dream and half-awake state.

It also means.

He was resurrected.

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