Silver Fox of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 116 The Clothes Order Has Arrived

Chapter 116 The Clothes Order Has Arrived

On the eve of the Battle of Guandu, all the scholars in Jingzhou were undercurrents, and the "royalists" who were loyal to the court and the emperor couldn't sit still.

In history, after Cao Cao won the emperor, there are countless people who urged Liu Biao to join him like crucian carp crossing the river.

Later, Liu Biao sent envoys to make offerings to the court, and at the same time sent people north to form an alliance with Yuan Shao.

This kind of duplicitous behavior caused dissatisfaction among a large number of scholars in Jingzhou. Countless middle and lower families, officials, celebrities, and great scholars left Jingzhou, and countless people opposed Liu Biao's conspiracy with Yuan Shao.

On the eve of the Battle of Guandu, it was rumored that Liu Biao was going north to attack Xuchang, which immediately detonated the entire Jingzhou scholar community. The most typical representative was Changsha County Gongcao Huanjie.

Huan Jie is also a "royalist" who has a heart for the court, although he was later regarded by Cao Pi as a minister of fate after Cao Pi succeeded to the throne.But at least at that time, he thought that what Cao Cao was doing was a just move to help the Han Dynasty.

This is what he said to Zhang Xian: "There is no one who is invincible if he does things without righteousness. Therefore, Qi Huan led the princes to respect Zhou, and Jin Wen chased his uncles to lead him to accept the king. Today, the Yuan family is against this, and Liu Mu responded, and the way to seek misfortune is also. The Ming government must make meritorious deeds to clarify righteousness, all blessings and misfortunes are far away, so it is not appropriate to be the same as him."

It means, "No matter what you do or what action you take, as long as it is not based on etiquette and righteousness, you will never fail. Because you understand this truth, Duke Huan of Qi led the princes to respect the emperor of Zhou in the past, and Duke Wen of Jin chased and killed his uncle. Take in King Xiang of Zhou and help King Xiang of Zhou return to the throne. Now Yuan Shao has violated this principle, and Liu Biao is following closely behind. They are all walking the road of self-destruction. You must understand righteousness and distinguish right from wrong. Keep good luck, stay away from disasters, and never go with them."

Comparing Cao Cao to Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin who respected the king and fought against the barbarians, and comparing Yuan Shao and Liu Biao to rebellious officials and thieves, this is the true thinking of the current Jingzhou scholars, or most of the scholars in the world.

They all believe that now has come to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when the heroes are separated.

And Cao Cao, the prince, is like Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen of Jin. He is helping the emperor of Han to restore his country, and he is a loyal minister who "respects the king and fights barbarians".

Huan Jie's thinking also represented almost all the "royalists" in Jingzhou and the thinking of aristocratic families who only cared about the interests of the family.

The reason why Zhang Xian launched the rebellion was probably because of the lobbying efforts of these people.

So Zhang Xian went to the court to show his determination to maintain the court, launched a massive rebellion against Liu Biao in the four counties of Jingnan, and made great contributions to Cao Cao's ability to concentrate on dealing with Yuan Shao in the north.

Shen Chen is now at Deng Hong's mansion in Xiangyang.

At the end of the meal, after eating breakfast at home, he boarded the carriage to the state shepherd's mansion.

At the end of 199 A.D., Shen Chen was already 14 years old. The age of junior high school students in later generations was about 1.7 meters tall. Because of practicing martial arts every day, he was muscular and quite brave.

The carriage drove slowly, passed the bustling downtown, and stopped in front of the state pastoral mansion.

Today he came to bid farewell to Liu Biao.

This year Liu Biao is attacking Sun Ce from the east again, and it is difficult to defeat Zhang Xian. He is very busy and has no time to spare any extra troops to go north to deal with Cao Cao.

So Shen Chen asked him to take Huangmenting Buqu and Gan Ning's troops there.

Liu Biao agreed to his request and gave him a hundred pieces of armor.

The armor had been transported to Deng Hong's mansion yesterday, and it was all loaded on the ship today. It was escorted by two hundred guards from Huangmen Pavilion, and they planned to go northward by Feishui to Xinye by boat.

As usual, Shen Chen asked Liu Biao to resign before going on the expedition.

When the carriage stopped in front of the state shepherd's mansion, Shen Chen saw hundreds of scholars crowded outside the mansion.

Seeing him coming, the crowd talked a lot: "He's coming, he's coming."

"Is this Shen Xiaolang who combines knowledge and action?"

"I don't think he's anything special. As for everyone being shocked by it?"

"It's him, what is the unity of knowledge and action, he is just a traitor against the court."

"But I've heard he's right."

"This is a vicious and sharp-tongued statement, don't listen to it."


The scholars all stood at the door and watched.

Liu Biao raised scholars in Jingzhou. There were countless famous scholars and Confucian scholars who fled from Yizhou, Jiangdong, Guandong and even Guanzhong to Jingzhou, and their disciples were naturally countless.

For example, Guang Yingrong alone has thousands of disciples, and the rest of the famous scholars have hundreds of disciples, adding up to tens of thousands.

Tens of thousands of people are nothing, the problem is that they are scholars.

At that time, the people at the bottom were not considered human beings, because the people at the bottom didn't even have a basic name and name.

For example, many of Zhang Jiao's generals have only nicknames and no names, because they are from the bottom working people and live a life that is not as good as a cow or a horse.

Scholars are the backbone of society.

These scholars themselves are intellectuals, can afford books, and their family background is basically okay. They have fertile land, real estate, servants and vassals, and they control a huge social force.

Although it is not as good as those top aristocratic families with tens of thousands of acres of fertile land, countless family property and servants, and even some private armed forces.

But they are more than enough than the top, and their strength is far stronger than that of ordinary people at the bottom.

That's why it was said in ancient times that "the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world".

The people who win the hearts of the people are not those low-level people who can only be cows and horses, no different from slaves.

It is only by obtaining these scholars with certain social power that they can succeed.

Now Cao Cao has the so-called "popular support".

With righteousness in hand to hold the title of emperor, scholars all over the world are full of expectations for him.

Now that they heard that Shen Chen was going to make a northern expedition, they all gathered at the gate of Liu Biao.

On the surface, it was to dissuade Shen Chen from the Northern Expedition, but in fact, it was Sang scolding Huai, to warn Liu Biao not to form an alliance with Yuan Shao, but to submit to the imperial court.

Shen Chen got out of the carriage and looked around. Naturally, there were dozens of guards around him to protect him. Everyone was wearing armor. He had fought bloody battles with Cao Jun, and his murderous aura was overflowing.

But those scholars thought they insisted on the morality in their hearts and were not afraid, so they crowded over one after another, glaring at Shen Chen.

Some people even started to scold.

"Smelly child, how dare you be rebellious?"

"What kind of shit is the unity of knowledge and action, and you are worthy of being compared with Duke Cao?"

"When Cao Gonggong decides Yuan Shao, in the future the emperor's edict will make you, a bully who steals your name, nowhere to hide."

The crowd was clamoring.

Shen Chen didn't look sideways, dusted off his clothes, walked with his head held high, and headed towards the state shepherd's mansion.

Although the combined forces of these people are so huge that even Liu Biao dare not provoke them, but this does not mean that he is afraid.

He knew very well that these scholars outside were nothing, the real resistance was inside the door, above their heads.

Seeing that it was him, the gatekeeper at the gate did not stop him, because Liu Biao had ordered a few years ago that Shen Chen could enter and leave his mansion at any time, so he just asked the guards to wait at the gate.

After entering the front door, there is a large front yard.The front yards of buildings in the Han Dynasty are slightly smaller, and ordinary people’s houses are at most a yard, and after entering, they are the front hall.

However, Liu Biao’s mansion was magnificent and luxurious. After passing the front yard, there were two gates. On the left and right were corridors and courtyards, with towering trees, lush flowers and plants.

After going through these two doors, I saw the front hall.

The front hall is very large, and it is the place where Liu Biao used for large-scale meetings. He usually holds meetings with Deng Hong and the others in the middle hall, because the front hall is so big that it can accommodate many people, so sometimes banquets are held .

There is a banquet today.

When Shen Chen passed by the front hall, he saw that the left and right sides of the hall were covered with table cases, and there were maids and servants placing all kinds of fruits and vegetables on the table cases, and hearty dishes were served one after another.

"Ming Gong is waiting for Xiao Lang in the backyard."

Liu Biao's confidant Cheng Qi came out to meet him.

Shen Chen looked at the front hall and said, "Who are there today?"

Cheng Qi shook his head and said, "There are more than twenty people, all of whom are famous Confucian scholars who are famous all over the world."

"Well, I see."

Shen Chen nodded.

Follow Cheng Qi all the way to the backyard.

Liu Biao was recuperating in the small building in the backyard. He was sitting cross-legged on the mat, and a burner of incense was burning on the table next to him.

Xiaozhu was covered with a curtain, Shen Chen lifted the curtain, walked in slowly, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty."


Liu Biao opened his closed eyes and said, "Sit down."

"Thank you envoy."

Shen Chen knelt in front of Liu Biao and said, "Chen is going north to attack Cao Cao today, so I'm here to ask the envoy to resign."

"I see."

Liu Biao nodded and said, "But I'm afraid you want to leave today, it's not that simple."

Shen Chen smiled and said: "They are just rotten scholars, what else can they do besides playing tricks? How can they stop me?"

Liu Biao smiled wryly and said, "These people are not kind people. Some of them have reputations that even I easily offend. I really angered them. I'm afraid your reputation will be rotten in the future."

In fact, although those people had a different standpoint from Shen Chen, they did not use any dirty tricks, such as publicizing Shen Chen's reputation everywhere and making his reputation bad.

As great Confucian scholars, they still have their own dignity and moral standards.It was only because he regarded Cao Cao as a loyal minister of Kuang Jun Fuguo that he and Shen Chen got into trouble.

Therefore, with the reputation of these people and their influence in Shilin, if they really unite to smear Shen Chen's reputation, I am afraid that even Sima Hui and Mr. Pang De's help will be useless. To a certain extent, they can be regarded as martial arts Virtue.

However, Shen Chen knew very well that even though these people had good moral qualities, they were ultimately gentry who would not be sympathetic to the common people. They were fundamentally different from him, so even if they talked about martial ethics, he could not agree with them.

Shen Chen said in a deep voice: "The Han Dynasty is in decline, Cao Cao is coercing the emperor to order the princes, the world is stupid, but they don't know that the emperor is just a tool to give orders in Cao Cao's hands, and now only Shijun can save the Han Dynasty."

Liu Biao shook his head and said, "Jingnan Zhang Xian's rebellion, Jiang Xia's Sun Ce's attack, I can't do anything."


Shen Chen cupped his hands and said: "That's why I am willing to share your worries for Shijun. If something happens to the emperor in the future and Cao Cao kills him, only Shijun can "turn the tide from the collapse and help the building to collapse."

Turn the tide and help the building to collapse?
Hearing this, Liu Biao looked at Shen Chen thoughtfully. This kid was probably hinting at him.

Liu Biao's attitude at this time was actually quite ambiguous. In history, he was trying to calm down Zhang Xian, and after many scholars were disappointed with Cao Cao because of the clothes belt edict, he sacrificed to heaven and earth, went out to compare himself to the king, misbehaved in words and deeds, and had the intention of proclaiming himself emperor. .

But before Zhang Xian was calmed down, even though his strength had increased greatly now, he didn't dare to take any action, so facing Shen Chen's hint, he just waved his hand and said: "Don't say these nonsense, it will cause people to misunderstand."


Shen Chen glanced at Liu Biao's expression, not paying attention.

The two chatted for a while.

Near noon, Cheng Qi came to report: "Duke Ming, all the great sages are here."

"Let's go."

Liu Biao stood up, stretched his sore legs and feet, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes: "It's time to meet these great sages."

With his hands behind his back, he was the first to go out.

Everyone in the world knows that Jingzhou scholars have many hearts for the court, so why doesn't Liu Biao know this?
After Cao Cao flattered the emperor, did these so-called great Confucian scholars write letters to persuade him to join Cao Cao?
So Liu Biao knew very well that these people were not targeting Shen Chen, but him.

It's just that disaster can't be avoided, their reputation is indeed very strong, and several of them are even great Confucian scholars who Liu Biao once wanted to enlist as prefects, such as Liu Ba, Wang Jun, Yingrong and so on.

But precisely because the other party's reputation is strong, if he avoids seeing him, it will arouse suspicion.

Therefore, Liu Biao must also maintain this ambiguous attitude, neither let the world know his ambition to become emperor, nor let people think that he is weak and incompetent.

But Shen Chen, who was following behind Liu Biao, looked at his back, but was thinking in his heart.

This time, the test turned out to be a problem.

Liu Biao is indeed very ambitious.

Out of the backyard, all the way to the front hall, at this moment Kuai Yue has already greeted many famous Confucian scholars to enter the hall.

Cai Mao was sent by Liu Biao to suppress Zhang Xian, while Kuai Yue was called back to stay in Xiangyang.

Since he is also a celebrity in Jingzhou, he will naturally do the reception work.

Following Cheng Qi's voice "Liu Shijun is here", Liu Biao walked slowly into the hall, and many famous scholars stood up and saluted him: "I have seen Liu Shijun."

Although these celebrities and Confucians have a great reputation, Liu Biao is not weak.

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms appraised him as "Eight Talents". In the official history, he was the seventh among the eight. According to the ranking of the Three Monarchs, Eight Juns, Eight Gus, and Eight Cooks, his reputation in Shilin ranked first among these 35 people. Positive No.20 six, tenth from last.

Therefore, although the celebrities in Jingzhou complained about Liu Biao's not taking the initiative to serve the king, not being attached to the court, and taking the initiative to separate the region, but due to his reputation among scholars, they dared not say anything, they could only persuade him.

If it were someone else, if you hadn't attached to the imperial court before the Yidai Zhao, you would have been scolded bloody. For example, Yuan Shao was scolded as a national traitor by many celebrities.

Liu Biao entered the hall, walked up to the main seat, looked around the crowd, and said, "Everyone, please sit down."

Many celebrities continued to sit down.

In addition to Kuai Yue, Kuai Liang, Liu Xian, Deng Hong, Wen Ying and several other cronies worked in the hall.

Shen Chen's seat was at the bottom, almost sitting at the door with Deng Hong.

After everyone sat down, Liu Biao said: "Today, all the great sages are writing together, and they all come to see me. I don't know what's going on."

Wang Jun had an old relationship with Cao Cao in his early years, and he was the most anxious to get angry, so he was the first to stand up and say, "Master, I heard that the way to govern the world is the way of loyalty, filial piety and benevolence and righteousness. Is this true?"

Liu Biao frowned. Here are all famous Confucian scholars who have read the scriptures. If you ask such a question, are you humiliating anyone?

But he still has self-cultivation and said, "Naturally."

Wang Jun said: "In the past, the king of Shang had no way, and the king of Wu defeated Zhou, but Boyi and Shuqi wanted to stop them. Is this right?"

Liu Biao's face was not very good-looking, and he said with restraint, "That's right."

The Han Dynasty established the world with loyalty, filial piety and Confucian classics. Although King Wu's attack on Zhou was an immoral king, but because Confucius, Mencius and other Confucian sages highly respected Boyi and Shuqi, even Jiang Ziya considered them sages, so as long as they are Confucian disciples , it is impossible to belittle the two of them.

Wang Jun then asked: "Then I would like to ask the envoy, is there no way in today's world?"

Liu Biao gritted his teeth and said, "The Son of Heaven loves the people, everyone knows that."

When there was a severe drought in Guanzhong, Li Jue, Guo Si and other warlords did not care about the life and death of the people. Liu Xie couldn't bear the hardship of the people, so he ordered the opening of warehouses to release grain and relieve the people. This is something everyone in the world knows.

Wang Jun looked around and said: "The most benevolent and benevolent people today are bestowed by the emperor and heaven, and the four sides admire them. But there are people who want to raise troops to attack the imperial court. Is there any reason for this?"

"Of course there is no such reason."

"Zi Wengong's words are really small words and big righteousness!"

"That's right, a scholar of my generation should be loyal to the emperor and love the country, how can I be a traitor?"

When the celebrities were talking, they all looked at Shen Chen. It was self-evident who they were talking about.

Liu Chao is also under a lot of pressure now.

He had the intention of calling himself emperor in history, but the reason why he didn't call himself emperor in the end was the existence of these people.

Because what they said was the truth and the most correct words.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the princes were everywhere, but how many princes who did not get the support of the aristocratic families would end well?
Even Yuan Shao had to talk about flattering the emperor. When attacking Cao Cao, he was very hesitant at the beginning. It was not until after the Yidaizhao incident that he had a reason to attack Cao Cao.

So if you don't talk about loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, then you are a traitor and a traitor, and everyone will punish you if you get it.

Liu Biao is now being pointed at by them.

But he couldn't refute.

Therefore, he could only keep silent and stare at Shen Chen.

Shen Chen stood up slowly and said, "I want to ask Duke Ziwen, who is raising troops to attack the imperial court?"


Wang Jun was amused by him at the time, and said with a sneer, "It goes without saying who the thief is."

Shen Chen looked puzzled and said, "Yuan Shao was attacking Cao Cao, and I was also attacking Cao Cao. Does this have anything to do with the Son of Heaven? Could it be that in the eyes of Duke Ziwen, Cao Cao is the Son of Heaven?"


With a violent temper, Wang Jun immediately drew his sword and said, "How dare the little thief say such rebellious words?"

"Isn't that what Zi Wengong meant?"

Unafraid, Shen Chen also drew his sword and said with a sneer, "Mr. Ziwen said that I was attacking the imperial court when he said that I was attacking Cao Cao, and he compared Cao Cao to a country. I think Mr. Ziwen is a big treason."

"Cum clap clap!"

The Han Dynasty was full of martial arts virtues, and everyone from the public officials to the heads of Guizhou wore swords around their waists.

These four, five, or sixty-year-old masters all wore swords. Even if they entered Liu Biao's mansion, Liu Biao didn't dare to let them untie their swords, so they all drew out their swords and glared at Shen Chen.


Liu Biao slapped the table furiously and said, "How dare a child be rude? How is it proper for a dignified scholar to draw a sword during a banquet?"

On the surface, he was talking about Shen Chen, but in fact, he also scolded these great Confucian scholars.

Being reprimanded by Liu Biao, Shen Chen just sneered and withdrew his sword, and the rest of the Confucian scholars also withdrew their swords because of Liu Biao.

The famous scholar Kai Xi stood up and said: "Young friend, don't confuse right and wrong. Now Cao Gong is helping the Han family in the court, and saving the country from danger in the autumn of the country's survival. If Cao Gong is not (mo), who can the emperor rely on? "


Shen Chen looked around and said, "We."


Wei Xi asked with some doubts on his face, "Us?"

Shen Chen nodded: "Since you are loyal to the country, why don't you want to be loyal in front of the emperor?"


Kai Xi's attitude was not bad, and she patiently explained: "The Kanto is in chaos, and we are all old."

Shen Chen said: "Before answering Mr.'s question, I actually want to ask you one thing first, that is, do you think Cao Cao is a good person or a bad person?"

Although try not to look at the problem black and white, but these people are like this, the mind does not have such a complicated dialectical logic, you have to use magic to defeat magic, so Shen Chen has learned to behave now, and starts to characterize people first.

"Mr. Cao."

Kai Xi looked around, he didn't know Cao Cao very well, but he heard that he killed a lot.

Wang Jun is a good friend of Cao Cao, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Mr. Cao is a talent for helping the world. In today's world, only Mr. Cao can save the emperor and all the people."

"it is good."

Shen Chen nodded: "Then the next question, do common people count as human beings?"

"What is the problem?"

Many famous scholars were at a loss, and the great Confucian scholar Ying Rong said: "The common people are born from the heaven and the earth, so they are all human beings."

Shen Chen said: "Since the common people are human beings, why can't I see the princes and dignitaries treat them as human beings? When I was in Xuzhou, I saw an incident where a vicious dog raised by a powerful force bit a child. Tong was accompanied by his 16-year-old elder brother. Seeing this, he raised a stick and beat the vicious dog to death. Later, the tyrant grabbed the boy's elder brother, beat him severely, and forced him to be sentenced to death. The vicious dog that was killed kneels down and wears sackcloth and filial piety, and recognizes the vicious dog as its father. You might as well tell me, is this tyrant a good guy or a bad guy?"

Celebrity Li Yan was quite jealous, and said without hesitation: "If this villain is not killed, the common people will not be angry!"

Shen Chen nodded: "Well said, but this villain didn't kill anyone. If he didn't even kill anyone, you think this person deserves death. But when I came from Xuzhou, I saw Cao Cao raised the butcher knife in his hand to kill The heads of the people in Xuzhou are rolling, and the corpses are so clogged that even Surabaya does not flow. Tell me, is the crime committed by the tyrants, or the crime committed by Cao Cao? Could it be that in the eyes of you, these dead people are like rotten grass, which cannot be counted. people?"

Everyone was silent for a while.

In fact, it is normal for the people to kill and oppress the people, and for the upper class dignitaries.

It is tacit understanding not to treat the people as human beings.

These great Confucian scholars may be kind-hearted and willing to help the people of the world, but they are naturally noble from aristocratic families, and it is normal to look down on the lower class.

But these words cannot be said.

Like being loyal to the monarch and loving the country, loving the people is also a political correctness to some extent.

So Shen Chen was using magic to deal with magic.

Didn't you say that Cao Cao Kuang Jun assists the country?
But he slaughtered the city.

Didn't you say that Cao Cao is a talent for helping the world?

But he slaughtered the city.

Didn't you say that Cao Cao saved the country from danger?

But he slaughtered the city.

Normally, these things were selectively ignored by them, but now Shen Chen made it clear that unless you say that the people Cao Cao killed were not human beings, it would be difficult for them to cross this hurdle.

After a while, the famous scholar reconciled and said: "The sage also has the time to hide his faults for the public. How can a person be free from faults? There is nothing good about it."

"Cao Cao corrected his mistakes, but can the 10 people in Xuzhou come back alive?"

Shen Chen asked.

He Qia said again: "Only the emperor can judge Cao Gong's faults. If Cao Gong can assist the emperor in governing the world in the future, the emperor will use this as a crime against Cao Gong. I believe Cao Gong will have nothing to say."

"well said."

Shen Chen nodded: "You are worthy of being great Confucian scholars, much better than your disciples."

When I was at Xianshan Academy, someone told Shen Chen that Cao Cao had changed now, but Shen Chen still had nothing to say.

But the debating ability of these famous Confucian scholars was too strong, and Shen Chen was blocked by a single sentence.

It means that now Cao Cao is assisting the country, so don't bother him. When Cao Cao helps Liu Xie to unify China and restore the Han Dynasty in the future, if Liu Xie wants to punish Cao Cao, the world will not say anything.

So to sum it up, no matter how much better these great Confucian scholars are than their disciples, they will always have reasons to refute you, locking the framework in loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, and leaving you in shackles.

However, Shen Chen suddenly laughed. He didn't mean to be defeated at all, and quickly asked: "I want to ask everyone, what do you think of the division of the three families, and Tian Chen's usurpation?"

"It's all about rebellious officials and thieves."

Wang Jun snorted coldly.

This is not what he thinks, but Confucius thinks.

When Tian Chen usurped Qi, Confucius immediately asked Duke Ai of Lu to send troops to crusade.

And it also severely condemned this rebellious act.

Therefore, no matter whether it is the division of Jin among the three families, or Tian Chen's usurping Qi, among Confucian disciples, this kind of behavior is called usurping.

Shen Chen then said: "Before Tian He usurped Qi, he lent out loans with big fights, and returned them with small fights to win people's hearts. When Wang Mang didn't usurp the throne, he was respectful and modest, only virtuous and virtuous, quite like Yiyin Zhougong. A truly wise man would not treat the common people cruelly, and Cao Cao doesn’t even love the common people, do you still think he loves the Son of Heaven?”

He Qia retorted: "In today's world, rites are broken and music is broken. Although Duke Cao has committed brutal acts, there is nothing he can do about it. He flatters the emperor, which is a matter of honoring the king. You divide the Jin Dynasty into three families, and Tian Chen usurps Qi. For example, do you want to say that Cao Gong will be like this? But we didn't see it!"

Shen Chen asked back: "That means, if the Son of Heaven is controlled by Cao Cao in the deep palace, and you don't see the Son of Heaven being bullied by Cao Cao, don't you believe it?"

"Why do you arrange things that don't exist?"

Li Yan said.

Shen Chen nodded: "Okay, please allow us to wait a little longer."

"Wait a minute?"

Everyone was puzzled, and someone asked, "What are you waiting for?"

Shen Chen laughed: "Wait for the emperor's edict."

"Edict from the Son of Heaven?"

Everyone was very surprised, looked at each other in blank dismay, at a loss.

Could it be that the emperor will issue an imperial edict?
But no matter how everyone asked afterwards, Shen Chen just smiled and said nothing, and everyone was helpless.

Liu Biao smoothed things over, saying that everyone should eat first, and then talk after the meal.

It's not easy to refuse when you come to be a guest, so let's eat first.

But what Shen Chen said just now made them feel inexplicable, so they were all preoccupied, and eating was like chewing wax.

After about two quarters of an hour, everyone had almost eaten, leaving only leftovers.

Li Yan couldn't help but said, "Where is the emperor's edict?"

Shen Chen sat at the door, looked at the sky outside, and suddenly noticed a guard running hurriedly outside the door, so he smiled and said, "Here we are."

"What's coming?"

"The clothes belt edict."

"Clothes order?"

Everyone was at a loss as to what this was all about.

Only Shen Chen smiled slightly.

In fact, he had arranged for people to sneak into Xudu a few years ago to observe the news every day.

The day before yesterday, the spies stationed in Xudu suddenly reported that a few days ago, the Yidai Zhao incident happened, and Dong Cheng, Wang Zifu, Wu Shuo, Zhongji and others were killed one after another, even the pregnant Dong Guiren was not spared.

This incident caused turmoil in the entire ruling and opposition parties, and news scattered.

The people sent by Shen Chen rushed back overnight, and it took a few days to reach Jingzhou, counting the days, it should be here by now.

(End of this chapter)

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