Silver Fox of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 143 Rebuking Xun Yu

Chapter 143 Rebuking Xun Yu

In the distance, Shen Chen was on a small hill, which was not actually a small hill, but just a dirt bag, less than two meters above the ground. Riding on a horse, his field of vision would be a little wider. Then he ordered the soldiers to line up and slowly Press forward slowly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a middle-aged man with fluttering robes riding a horse from Ren Jun's army in the distance, and arrived at the other side of the ditch after a while, less than a hundred meters away from his army.

This distance is already within the maximum range of the arrow, so it can be said that the man is already in an extremely dangerous range.

"Go and see."

Shen Chen asked Shen Tao to check the situation.

Shen Tao immediately galloped over on the horse and shouted: "Who are you?"

Xun Yu cupped his hands and said, "My lord, Xun Yu, has been added as Minister of the Book, and I would like to see General Shen."

Shang Shuling?
Shen Tao knew him, looked him up and down, smiled, turned around and went back to report.

After a while, Shen Chen was quite surprised when he learned that Xun Yu had come to the battle in person, but he thought that a literati needn't be afraid of him, so he rode over, and the two sides were separated by a ditch, about seven or eight meters away.

"Mr. Xun Ling?"

Shen Chen looked at Xun Yu, who was wearing a large black robe and a side crown, with a refined face, looking at him with a smile.

"General Shen."

Xun Yu clasped his hands on the horse's back and saluted, with a bitter smile on his face, he said, "Young hero, general, you are admirable."

Shen Chen said: "I know that Lingjun is here to persuade me, or to delay the time, but please go back. Cao Cao's elite are all defending Yuan Shao in the north, and I will not let go of this opportunity to please the emperor."

Xun Yu thought for a while and said: "But the general knows that if Duke Cao is defeated and Yuan Shao goes south, with his troops, Liu Jingsheng and his like may not be able to resist at all. At that time, even if you go to the south to welcome the emperor, it is impossible You can defend Jingzhou. Do you really want to watch the Han Dynasty collapse and the world return to Yuan?"

As expected of a well-known strategist in the Three Kingdoms, he didn't talk about life values ​​with Shen Chen at the beginning, but only talked about interests.

Cao Cao's life was hanging by a thread in Guandu, and Yuan Shao's powerful strength suppressed him in almost all aspects, making him completely overwhelmed.

And Shen Chen wanted to attack Xudu from the rear, which made Cao Cao exhausted. Once Cao Cao was defeated, Yuan Shao's hundreds of thousands of troops would go south, and the entire Kanto would belong to him.

Maybe it doesn't take 13 years of Jian'an, just next year or the year after, Yuan Shao will be able to have a more powerful force than Cao Cao before the Battle of Chibi.

At that time, even if Shen Chen took Liu Xie to Jingzhou, in the face of Yuan Shao's terrifying strength of millions of armored men, he might only be defeated. At that time, the world would really belong to the Yuan family.

This is actually what Shen Chen has always been hesitant about.

Although he knew that Yuan Shao would die in two years, the problem was that the Battle of Guandu dealt too much blow to Yuan Shao.

Once he won the battle of Guandu and captured the entire Kanto, without that blow, if he lived for a few more years, it would indeed be a disaster for the current situation.

So it is undeniable that what Xun Yu said is right. From a strategic point of view, the north must not be unified. Neither Cao Cao nor Yuan Shao can win. It is best for everyone to lose.

But there is another problem that, as a monarch, Cao Cao's ability is obviously much stronger than Yuan Shao's.

On the other hand, if Yuan Shao is in charge of the north, his personal ability is actually not as strong as imagined. The greater his strength, the weaker he will be, and even if he lives for two more years, the abilities of his sons are far inferior to Cao Pi and others. Things may not have turned around.

Therefore, Shen Chen pondered for a moment, and said: "Your Ling is indeed right. I have thought about this worry before, but compared to Yuan Shao, Cao Caoxiong is more general and more threatening. I would rather see Yuan Shao in the north."

Xun Yu smiled wryly and said, "It's hard to talk to someone as smart as you. I've been to Yuan Shao's place, and his talent is indeed not as good as Duke Cao's, so what you said may be right. But please think about it for the Son of Heaven. At least Duke Cao is still flattering the Son of Heaven, once Yuan Shao wins the North, he may become emperor."

"Do you think Cao Cao can't do it?"

Shen Chen sneered and said, "Cao Cao just doesn't dare to claim the title of emperor now. If he defeats Yuan Shao, wins the North, proclaims himself the duke, and becomes the king, even if he can't claim the title of emperor, he can kill all Han officials and pave the way for his son to ascend the throne in the future. Cao Cao I don't believe you don't know your ambition."

"I do not know."

Xun Yu shook his head and said: "I only know that when the emperor died, it was Duke Cao who welcomed His Majesty. Without Duke Cao, the Han Dynasty would have fallen, so I will assist Duke Cao, and when the world is clear, I will be able to Return power to the country."

"good idea."

Shen Chen nodded and sighed: "At least you are also a person who is willing to work hard for the great Han Dynasty. It's a pity that your path is wrong after all."

Xun Yu asked him, "Then, in the eyes of General Shen, what kind of path is right?"

"Of course it is to eradicate Cao Cao and Yuan Shao and his ilk."

Shen Chen said without hesitation: "These princes are the ones who cause disasters in the world. Only by killing these princes and returning a clear sky to the world can the big man stand again in the world."

"In this case, how is the general different from Duke Cao Yuan Shao?"

Xun Yu raised doubts: "The general so-called flattering the emperor, talking about helping the country, but doing the same thing as Cao Gong Yuan Shao and the others. Who can guarantee that the world will return to "Shen" in the future?"

Shen Chen grinned, pointed at himself and said, "I'm different."

"What is the difference?"

Xun Yu asked.

Shen Chen said: "I don't eat people, and I don't slaughter cities. I know the difference between people and beasts, and I know the sufferings of the people, so I will firmly follow my ideas, fulfill my concept of "unity of knowledge and action", and work hard. Build a country where there is no hunger, no poverty, no war!"

Xun Yu smiled and praised: "The general has lofty ambitions, which is admirable. But will such a country really exist?"

"It makes you feel like it doesn't exist because the world in front of you is too small."

Shen Chen said: "The sage has already exhausted the way to govern the country, but people in the world still don't understand these principles. It's like Ling Jun only thinks that Cao Cao is the one who helps the big man, but he doesn't know that there are good and talented people in this world. There are countless, why can't we find such a person, but a brutal person?"

Xun Yu shook his head and said, "I don't think the general is right. Mr. Cao may have done some wrong things, but he has changed now. He has a lot of unavoidable difficulties, and many things can only be done in this way, otherwise, He can only die."

"Indeed, I have nothing to say about that."

Shen Chen said: "But you have to admit that he shouldn't have slaughtered the living people in Xuzhou. Could it be that hundreds of thousands of people in Xuzhou will hinder his life and death?"

This is Cao Cao's biggest problem.

He slaughtered Xuzhou for two reasons, one was to avenge his father, and the other was to frighten Tao Qian.

Perhaps there are other hidden strategies in it, such as plundering food and grass, and turning Xiapi into a no-man's land to prevent Yuan Shu from going north to capture Xuzhou.

But no matter what the reason is, it is not necessary to slaughter Xuzhou.For example, looting food and grass, he killed 20 people in Xuzhou at that time, and he ran out of food after only a hundred days of stalemate with Lu Bu, which shows that the 20 people he killed did not bring him much food at all.

And at that time, he didn't know that Chen Gong and Zhang Miao would rebel in the rear. If Lu Bu didn't come, Cao Cao himself would not be short of food with Yanzhou as a supply, so this was not the reason for him to massacre Xuzhou at all.

In the final analysis, it was because of Cao Cao's personal cruelty, not taking the lives of the people as his own.So to a certain extent, Cao Cao doesn't care about the bottom at all, he only cares about the power in his hands.

Xun Yu was silent for a moment, then said, "That was also a last resort."

"It seems that Ling Jun is not a virtuous person."

Shen Chen was a little disappointed.

Xun Yu has always paid attention to clear names, and immediately said: "Why do you say this?"

Shen Chen suddenly asked: "Ling Jun, is life hard?"

Xun Yu was taken aback, very surprised that Shen Chen asked this suddenly, but since he was willing to procrastinate, he would rather not do it, so he nodded and said, "Bitter."

"Does it make you suffer too?"

Shen Chen said: "I heard that the Xun family is a prominent family in Yingchuan. The clan's land property is more than tens of thousands, and there are many servants, surrounded by chariots and horses, so that you will be well-clothed and well-fed as soon as you are born. You don't have to worry about food and drink. Why do you still feel bitter? ?”

Xun Yu smiled wryly and said: "In troubled times, people are worthless. Regardless of whether they are officials, nobles or ordinary people, if they are not careful, they will become ghosts under the knife. Why not suffer?"


Shen Chen sighed: "Life is really hard. The people of Li live in a difficult situation. They are often robbed by those princes, and there is a possibility of tragic death. The heavens are not sympathetic to the people. The aristocratic families treat the people as worthless, and there are people like Xun Lingjun. There are many people who help the evildoers, but there is no one like Taigongwang to stand up, how miserable the people are."

Xun Yu frowned and said, "How can I help the tyrant?"

Shen Chen said: "There may be differences in the status of a person, but as a "person", people should be equal. I am a "person" just like you, and I can talk and eat in the same way. Can walk, understand etiquette, righteousness and shame, Ling Jun, do you think what I said is right?"


Xun Yu said: "There is a difference between high and low, and there is an orderly order between the high and the low."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Chen interrupted: "Lingjun, I think you made a mistake. What I said is that there are high and low status, but people, you and I are all human. Regardless of status, we Are they all human beings? Or, who do you think are not human beings, please point them out.”


When Xun Yu encountered such a logical problem, he was a little surprised for a while, but he nodded after a while and said, "Yes, we are all "human beings."

Shen Chen said: "Your ancestor Xunzi said, "The reason why people are human is not because they have two legs and no hair, but because they have discrimination.Today's husband has a naughty shape and smiles, also has two legs and hair, but a gentleman sips his soup and eats his meat. ""

"In my opinion, the reason why human beings are human is because they know how to think, know how to be polite, honest and shameful, and know how to use self-cultivation to improve their moral character, which is what distinguishes them from beasts."

"Essentially speaking, whether it is the emperor or some untouchable, they are all human beings. But the difference is that the emperor was born well and was born in the royal family, so he is the emperor. And the untouchable was born in an untouchable family, for two meals a day And to live with difficulty, even to live is exhausting."

"Ling Jun was born in a wealthy family, and he didn't have to worry about food and clothing, and he didn't know the sufferings of the people. Cao Cao slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in Xuzhou, in Ling Jun's eyes, it was just a number. But he didn't know that they were all living people in the past. There was laughter."

"When a man slaughters his compatriots for his own selfish desires, he has no manners, morality and shame. He is no different from a thinking beast. In my eyes, Cao Cao is a beast full of beastly desires."

"I came outside the city of Xudu today to ask those people, do they treat those common people as human beings? But when I got here and met Ling Jun, I was very disappointed."

"Because I only saw that Lingjun was not ashamed, but instead raised his eyes for Cao Cao. This is because in Lingjun's eyes, the people Cao Cao killed are not human beings. So Lingjun is doing his best to protect Cao Cao, and now he is still shameless. Tell me, Duke Cao did it out of necessity."

"I would like to ask Ling Jun, if among the people massacred in Xuzhou, there were Ling Jun's relatives, siblings, and friends of Ling Jun, Ling Jun could still say something casually like now, Mr. Cao would also Was it a last resort?"

"In the final analysis, it's just because Ling Jun was born in a wealthy family and has a high status. You don't have to worry about food and clothing, and you don't have to worry about being slaughtered. Wherever you go, people will respect you and be treated as a virtuous person."

"But those "people" like Ling Jun were just living in this world, brandishing a hoe, begging for a day's food and clothing with difficulty. But they were killed wantonly by people like Cao Cao, and there were people like Ling How pitiful are you to help such an ugly person like you? How hypocritical you are!"

At the end, Shen Chen shouted angrily: "Everyone says, "Although the city is broken, it's just dead."Jade can be shattered but its whiteness cannot be destroyed, bamboo can be burned but its integrity cannot be destroyed, even if your body dies, your name can hang down on the bamboo and silk, so what is there to be afraid of?" Such a person who helps the evildoers and abuses is also worthy of leaving a clean name?"


Xun Yu let out a long sigh, and bowed his hands to Shen Chen: "General, Yu will leave."

It is an irrefutable fact that Cao Cao slaughtered the city.

No Confucian scholar with conscience could refute Shen Chen's words.

Including Xun Yu himself, it was also because the emperor of the Han Dynasty was in Xudu that he had to serve Cao Cao all the time.

If it was not for the sake of the Han Dynasty, then when Cao Cao called Wei Gong in the future, he would not be able to stand up and oppose it.

With his status of devoting himself to Cao Cao for more than 20 years, if he learns from those great families and persuades Cao Pi to usurp Han, the status of the Xun family in Cao Wei is definitely not lower than that of the Xiahou family.

Therefore, Xun Yu is a man of conscience, facing Shen Chen's accusation of serving a cruel beast, he has no way to brazenly defend himself.

So he could only choose to be scolded and then resign.

Seeing Xun Yu's leaving figure, Shen Chen didn't say anything more. He knew that Xun Yu might be a moral gentleman, but this kind of moral gentleman was not loyal to the Li people, but to the Han Dynasty.

As a descendant, Shen Chen never cared about the emperor. He also came from the bottom of the common people. He had seen too much suffering of the ancient people, and he only wanted to be the master of the people.

If it wasn't for the great righteousness of raising the banner of the Han Dynasty, and there was no way to overthrow the feudal system like the [-] Revolution, Shen Chen would have turned his back on it long ago.

And Xun Yu only thought about his Han dynasty, and now Cao Cao is the one who is most likely to help the Han dynasty.

So he will only stand on Cao Cao's side.

Shen Chen has all the people in his heart, and hopes to establish a world where everyone is equal, where everyone has clothes to wear and food to eat. Maybe this road will be extremely long, but at least we must work hard on this road.

So he and Xun Yu are destined to be different.


Shen Chen raised the ring sword in his hand, and shouted: "Welcome the emperor, and serve the Lord. Go straight to Xudu and help the country. Resist the Cao bandits and save the people! Don't demolish houses to death from freezing, and don't plunder to death from starvation!"


The army behind them roared with astonishing fury!

(End of this chapter)

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