Silver Fox of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 171 Establishing a schoolboy and 8 minds

Chapter 171 Establishing a Schoolmaster and Eight Hundred Minds
"Brother, brother?"

Shen Chen's call brought Zhuge Liang back to his senses.

He smiled embarrassedly, and just said: "Uncle Liu Huang has also come to Jingzhou?"

"Yes, he is in Nanyang now."

Shen Chen said: "I escaped with my uncle's kindness back then. I was lucky enough to take my clan away from Xuzhou and migrate to Nanyang. During the crusade against Cao Cao, Uncle Liu went south to summon the old Yuan family to join me in attacking Xudu. I also admired it very much. Yu Huangshu's benevolence and righteousness."

"The emperor's uncle was able to go to Xuzhou to rescue the disaster alone, and he really lived up to the name of benevolence and righteousness."

Zhuge Liang didn't say too much, but just agreed noncommittally, and then turned to say: "So you plan to build a school in the village in the future?"

Shen Chen nodded: "It is not only necessary to build a school, but also to improve the system."

"Improve the system?"

Zhuge Liang didn't quite understand what this word meant, so he asked, "What does it mean?"

Shen Chen explained: "The so-called system is to rearrange the chaotic things and arrange them into order. Nowadays, the education of the big men is often fragmented and incomplete. Many people read a book, and when they travel, they learn from the east and from the west. That's not a good thing."

"Then how do you plan to improve the system?"

Zhuge Liang said: "I'm afraid it will not be easy to accomplish such a great event."

"It's not easy."

Shen Chen sighed, and said: "I think that in order to build a school, first of all, it is necessary to teach students to recognize characters more easily, so it is necessary to build a new elementary school system. It takes a lot of time to bring out the essence and get rid of the dross.”

There are many difficulties in building a school, and there is a long way to go. In this era of extremely high entry barriers, it is very difficult to acquire knowledge. Just at the entry threshold, you have to learn classical Chinese to understand the meaning of each word, and then interpret the words and sentences.

Moreover, in the Seven Classics of the Han Dynasty, there are still a large number of rare characters and traditional characters, and there is also a lack of punctuation.

The entry threshold is high, the starting point is high, and the upper limit is also higher. Without that kind of top-level talent and perseverance, it is difficult for the people at the bottom to have a bright future.

That's why homeschooling is so popular.

Because family learning is essentially a kind of experience imparting. The elders of the family have helped you complete the previous knowledge accumulation. You can learn from the elders for a long time, and the difficulty of acquiring knowledge is greatly reduced.

In this way, generations of knowledge, and generations of officials, can establish a powerful family.

The common people and the bottom-level people did not have such conditions, resulting in the emergence of talents above the poor family in the Han Dynasty, and the extremely withered talents below the poor family.

Shen Chen's current plan is to establish a complete elementary school system first, such as developing pinyin and punctuation marks by himself, simplifying rare and traditional characters as much as possible, and creating a knowledge that is more conducive to the bottom-level people's acquisition of knowledge.

But this is just the foundation and the beginning.

The Seven Classics have also been sorted out, but the system is not comprehensive.To establish a sound learning system, Shen Chen must do what is mentioned in the high school politics book in the nine-year compulsory education of later generations to "take the essence and discard the dross. Inherit the old and bring forth the new, and discard the old and make the new".

Zhuge Liang was very curious about how Shen Chen planned to extract the essence and get rid of the dross, so he asked, "I can help you with this matter, but Ah Chen, you must tell me how to do it."

"Building a school is first to teach students to read characters, and secondly to cultivate their spirit." The sage observes the appropriateness of yin and yang, and distinguishes the benefits of all things in order to survive, so the spirit is in peace. "A person's morality lies in the embodiment of his spirit, and to cultivate his spirit, he must cultivate his benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, gentleness, courtesy, thrift, loyalty, filial piety, integrity, shame and courage, sincerity, fraternity, diligence and elegance."

Shen Chen said: "It's just an education one by one. It is out of date to interpret it according to the Seven Classics. Therefore, we must summarize it, such as teaching students to love the country and the people, cultivating their sense of national identity, and shaping their moral spirit of loyalty and filial piety. character building."

To put it simply, this is a bit like high school politics, teaching you to establish a correct outlook on life, values ​​and world outlook.

Don't think that high school politics is a product of the new era in later generations. In fact, its cultural core is the traditional virtues that have existed in China since ancient times.

For example, benevolence and filial piety, humility and good manners, honesty and knowledge, loyalty to the country, self-denial and public service, self-cultivation and prudence, self-cultivation and righteousness, diligence, thrift and integrity, honesty and generosity, courage and perseverance, etc.

These virtues are the essence extracted from the traditional Chinese Confucian culture. Based on this, the 5000-year history of China has shaped the national identity of the Chinese nation and the strong cohesion of the Han people.

Moreover, talking about national identity in the Han Dynasty was nothing new. It existed from the Shang and Zhou dynasties to the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods.

The debate between Hua and Yi, the relatives of Zhu Xia.

There is also the enfeoffment system of the Zhou Dynasty, the ritual and music culture, and finally until Qin Shihuang ruled the world, the same track, the same script, the same behavior, the same region, the same quantity and balance, and the same shape of currency, together formed the basis of the national identity of the Chinese nation.

It's just that the previous situation of national identity existed objectively rather than subjectively.There is no clear ideological leadership to strengthen people's condensation consciousness.

This makes those scholars who have read books have a sense of superiority to the people at the bottom. When everyone is also a "human", the aristocratic family oppresses the people at the bottom a lot. Be human.

So Shen Chen had to extract a lot of the essence of Confucianism, annotate it himself, and subjectively teach this ideology to his students, making them more patriotic and loving for the people.

In the future, when these students have learned something and can replace those powerful families and become the basis of new officials, it will be the time when the powerful families are destroyed.

In a sense, what Shen Chen wants to build can be called a party, or a schoolboy!

Unfortunately, this is easier said than done.

At present, he has not even established the first step to establish Mengxue. Many things are just ideas and have not been practiced. He needs to step by step to make it bigger and stronger and create greater glories.

But the good news is that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are now both hurt, and their struggle for supremacy will buy enough time for Shen Chen.

At least within ten years, he should be able to complete the cultivation of this system.

So for now, although it is just the beginning, there is still plenty of time. Even after ten years, he will only be 25 years old, and he still has a lot of time in the future.

Zhuge Liang was very interested in this constructive idea put forward by Shen Chen, so the two discussed the details.

They kept chatting like this, and the more they chatted, the more excited they became, as if two entrepreneurial collaborators came up with a new entrepreneurial idea, adding details all night long, perfecting the plan, and contributing to the cause.

On the day after tomorrow, on December 21st of the fifth year of Jian'an, Shen Chen left Zhuge Liang's house, set off for Suiting, reopened the school, and prepared to teach.

Now his reputation can't be said to be a household name, at least it is famous all over the world.

Xudu was burned in October, and it spread across the country in two months. Even Han Suimateng from Xiliang knew that there was a young man in Nanyang who brought soldiers and horses torched Xudu. Naturally, everyone in Jingzhou knew his name.

Therefore, when the news of Shen Chen's re-opening of school had been brewing for a day, not to mention the sensation in the surrounding countryside, they brought their children to study one after another, and even the poor and powerful people in Xiangyang City couldn't help but want to visit.

After all, Liu Biao now values ​​Shen Chen very much, and he has already planned to enlist him as an official next year after he is promoted as a talented person, and he is already a famous figure in Jingzhou.

The most important thing is that he is still young, only 15 years old this year, with a promising future and a lot of investment space, so there are countless people who want to cling to him.

This caused a huge crowd of people outside the school on the first day of school, and there were as many as a thousand people who came to the school on the first day to seek scholars. For this reason, Shen Chen had to undergo a certain level of assessment, no longer accepting all students, and must have a certain talent and age limit .

But even with the screening, this work lasted for several days. The applicants who came to apply every day were like crucian carp crossing the river. It was almost the end of the year. I am afraid that at least this year may not be able to officially start the school and take a class.

And while Shen Chen was busy teaching, to the north of Fancheng in Nanyang, there were several knights coming here, all the way south, heading towards Fancheng.

Liu Bei rode on horseback, looking far away at the city at the end of the horizon, wiped the dust off his forehead, and said, "Second brother and third brother, that should be Fancheng. I heard that Fancheng and Xiangyang are only separated by Mian River. Fancheng is now in Xiangyang."

"I didn't expect Nanyang to be so big. It took three days to get here from north to south. If I came here from Youzhou, I'm afraid it would take a month or two."

Zhang Fei took the water bag from the horse's waist and gulped it down twice.

When he was around 20 years old, he followed Liu Bei to travel north and south. After more than ten years, he traveled to various parts of the Central Plains. This was his first time in the south. Compared with the dry winter in the north, the humidity in the south made him a little uncomfortable.

"Brother, someone is here."

Guan Yu looked into the distance and saw that there was an army coming from the direction of Fancheng.

When they got closer, they saw that it was a guard of honor.

At the front are more than a dozen horses carrying the knights to open the way, and at the rear are left and right riders, warriors, ax chariots, carts, slaves, servants, subordinate chariots and so on.

The car in the middle has a huge canopy covering the whole car.

The scientific name of this thing is Hua Gai. Liu Bei said "Yu Bao Gai Che" when he was a child, but it actually refers to this thing.

Many people read this passage of "Three Kingdoms" and thought that Liu Bei had dreamed of becoming an emperor and rebelling since he was a child.

But in fact, the "Yubao Covered Chariot" is not exclusive to the emperor. Sangong and the general are also eligible to use it, but the size will be relatively smaller than the canopy used by the emperor.

Now Liu Biao is worshiped as Hussar General. In terms of political status, he ranks higher than Sangong and is on the same level as Cao Cao. He is only slightly inferior to Yuan Shao’s General. He is currently one of the highest-ranking officials in the entire Han Dynasty, so he is naturally qualified. Cover the car with feathers.

What made Liu Bei frown a little was that the Yubaogai chariot used by Liu Biao was similar in shape to the one used by Liu Xie, and his carriage was actually driven by the six emperors.

In other words, he was actually using the specifications of the emperor's Chengyu when he traveled.

"Brother, the Son of Heaven Cheng Yu."

Guan Yu also noticed this.

When Liu Bei went to Xudu to join Liu Xie, he often followed Liu Xie in his early years, so he naturally knew what Liu Xie's emperor's guard of honor looked like.

Seeing Liu Biao's Chengyu now, Liu Bei and Guan Yu, two sensible people, felt their hearts skip a beat.

It seems that this Jingzhou Mu is not a good courtier who is loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

"Could it be that Liu Biao wants to rebel?"

Zhang Fei is not a fool, and he can guess the reason.

After many years of experience, Liu Bei has long been a hero, and immediately said: "Second brother and third brother, you must not be impulsive. Let us pretend that we don't know anything. Before Liu Biao openly rebelled, we must obey him."


This is the best ability Liu Bei has learned after going to Xudu.

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

If he didn't know how to endure, he might have already had his head chopped off by Cao Cao when he was in Xudu.

Guan Zhang naturally knew this, so he quickly adjusted his expression to avoid being seen by others, followed Liu Bei and dismounted, and walked towards Liu Biao Chengyu.

The two sides approached quickly, and when they got close, the main riders and accompanying riders on both sides gave way one after another, and Liu Bei walked into the guard of honor.

At this time Liu Biao got off the car and said with a big smile, "Xuande!"

"Mr. Jing Sheng!"

Liu Bei hurriedly walked two steps to come to him, bent down and cupped his hands and said, "Bei, I pay my respects to the eldest descendant of the clan."

In the patriarchal clan at that time, there were sayings such as Changyi, Ciyong, Sanxi, Sijiao, and Wuwu. For example, the eldest son of King Chen Liu Chong was Changyi, and the rest were from Ciyong's lineage.

Liu Chong's eldest son inherited the position of King Chen, and the rest of the sons would get some titles such as county marquis and township marquis. Clan blood, but no clan title.

For example, Liu Hong, Emperor Lingdi of the Han Dynasty, belonged to the four princes, and was only the lowest rank of Jiedu Tinghou in the clan. If he did not inherit the throne, except for the eldest son, everyone else would be Wuwu, no different from ordinary people, and could no longer be regarded as powerful.

And Liu Bei and Liu Biao are both Wuwu, and their bloodlines are relatively far away. They can be regarded as side branches among the side branches. Under the continuation of the Eastern Han Dynasty regime, they are not eligible to inherit.

But Liu Biao is not what he used to be, he is now a Hussar General, and he is also the Marquis of Jingzhou Mu, with a very high status.

So Liu Bei called him the eldest descendant of the clan, firstly to show respect.Secondly, as a junior of the clan, he visited the elders of the clan, so as to narrow the relationship and distance between the two parties.

Liu Biao was very happy when he heard that he worshiped himself as the eldest son of the clan. He took Liu Bei's hand kindly and said, "Xuande is a talented man, and his reputation is well-deserved. Our clan has the same origin. Now the country is in decline. Only by relying on Xuande Only such descendants of the clan can take advantage of the distance to protect and help the world."

"It's amazing."

Liu Bei sighed and said, "Bei just didn't want his ancestors to collapse and the people of the country to be robbed, so he was willing to do his best. Only people in the public seas who are popular, surrounded by the south of the great river, and among the five lakes, can shake the world. The universe is fixed."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Liu Biao took Liu Bei's hand and walked to the carriage, laughing as he walked, he said, "Xuande and I will take this carriage to Xiangyang together."

"Don't dare."

Liu Bei quickly withdrew his hands, bent down and saluted, and said, "Grand Zhang is righteous in the world, and I am very fortunate to have been taken in by your kindness. How can I ride with you? Please be fair and prepare to accompany you and protect you."


Liu Biao's eyes showed satisfaction. Seeing Liu Bei's respect made him feel more comfortable, and he said, "Xuande is a guest from afar, how can he let Xuande guard around? He doesn't want to ride with me, but he also wants to ride with me." carriage."

After finishing speaking, he dragged Liu Bei to the carriage next to him and asked him to get on.

In fact, Liu Bei in history had a greater position than Liu Biao. At that time, Liu Bei was the left general Yuzhou Mu, while Liu Biao was just the Zhennan General Jingzhou Mu. The status of both sides was Liu Bei high and Liu Biao low.

So when Liu Bei came to Jingzhou, Liu Biao went out of Fancheng ten miles to meet him in person, gave him a grand welcome ceremony, and prepared a high-standard reception etiquette for him.

But at this time, Liu Biao's status was higher and Liu Bei's status was lower, so although the specifications were also high, it was actually because of his own travel specifications and ostentation, not because he had prepared a high-level ceremony to welcome Liu Bei.

Liu Bei refused to ride with him, and the internal reason was that he refused the invitation to sit on an equal footing with Liu Biao, and secretly expressed his willingness to attach a tail wing.

Apparently Liu Bei also saw that Liu Biao was testing him, so naturally he couldn't be fooled.

And Liu Biao was also very satisfied when he saw Liu Bei's humble attitude.

Although it's his own territory, who wants someone with a higher official position than himself to come out of his own territory, and who doesn't want to hang out with him?

So this performance between the two is actually playing tricks on each other.

If Liu Bei had foolishly followed Liu Biao into the car, then Liu Biao would have killed him if he turned around.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Xu Du's experience has indeed made Liu Bei well versed in the way of power and strategy. The city has grown a lot, and it is no longer the stunned head who dared to lead thousands of people to fight for his life in Xuzhou. youth.

Immediately, Liu Bei took Liu Biao's entourage carriage, led Guan Zhang and more than ten other knights, followed Liu Biao's team, entered Fancheng mightily, and then went to Xiangyang by boat.

(End of this chapter)

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