Silver Fox of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 180 It's been a long time, and I still haven't regretted it

Chapter 180 It's been a long time, and I still haven't regretted it (thanks to my family's leader?)

"Liu Jingsheng!"

On the afternoon of the third day, in Liu Bei's barracks at Yanggao Pavilion, [-] kilometers away from Xiangyang, Liu Bei was furious.

The day before yesterday Liu Biao was insane and sent twelve messenger teams to Yingchuan overnight. Several of the horses in the messenger team died of exhaustion just to force him to withdraw.

Although the reasons inside are high-sounding, what is said is that Cao Cao will jump over the wall in a hurry and endanger the emperor and so on.But everyone knows what he has in mind.

That's why Liu Bei was furious. Now that the world is in crisis, Liu Biao is full of rebelliousness, disregarding the emperor and the people of the world for his own selfish desires. Such selfish people are simply heinous.

"My lord, calm down."

Xu Shu quickly persuaded, "Everyone in Nanzhou knows Liu Biao's heart. If he wants to become emperor, he can only ask Zhang Yunwenpin to attack Xudu and assassinate the emperor. Therefore, it is normal that we are not allowed to send troops."

Liu Bei was indignant and said: "Since this is the case, I will not let his plot succeed. I will immediately send troops to storm Xudu and rescue the emperor to Nanyang as soon as possible."


Xu Shu hurriedly said: "If my lord really saves the emperor, then not only will we not be able to save the emperor, but we will also be in danger."


Liu Bei was furious: "Could it be that Liu Biao will risk the displeasure of the world and attack me?"

Xu Shu smiled wryly and said, "Liu Biao already has the heart to proclaim himself emperor. If there is anything he dare not do, I'm afraid it won't be Cao Cao, and Liu Biao will try his best to annihilate us. As long as the emperor dies in the rebellious army, there is no proof for his death, who can do nothing?" What is he?"


Liu Bei let out a long sigh, and sat on the table angrily, feeling sad and weeping: "Yuan Benchu, Cao Mengde, Liu Jingsheng and his like are also the moths of the country. The whole country will rise and fall, and all their hands will be abandoned. The great Han country will be destroyed once. what!"


At this time, the scouts came to report: "My lord, Cao Cao defeated General Yuan the day before yesterday and has already headed south. Tomorrow will be the soonest, and the day after tomorrow will be the latest!"


Liu Bei didn't care about his grief, he stood up in shock and said, "Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao so quickly?"

Xudu is only more than 170 kilometers away from Cangting, so Liu Bei naturally sent scouts to contact Yuan Shao.As a result, in just two days, the scout brought him such shocking news that he couldn't believe it for a moment.

The scout came back overnight and said very tiredly: "I handed over the master's letter to General Yuan. On the way back, I saw them fighting and watched them for a while. Unexpectedly, Cao Cao pretended to retreat south and actually set up an ambush. General Yuan's vanguard and the former army were defeated. , the main force retreated to Pingqiu, and Bei rushed back overnight, not daring to stop for a moment, fearing that Cao's army would come at any time."

"I know, you go to rest first."

Liu Bei's face darkened.

Even if he wants to fight now, he can't fight anymore. Facing the defense of Li Dian and Xia Houyuan, it is difficult to attack. Even if he wants to attack, the strong attack may last for a long time.

Originally thought that Yuan Shao could hold Cao Cao back, but Yuan Shao was defeated again.

If Cao Cao comes back, with his strength, he will definitely be able to defeat Liu Biao's tens of thousands of troops.

After all, the reason why Liu Biao sent troops was because Cao Cao's main force was attracted by Yuan Shao, so he wanted to take advantage of the vacancy, seize Xudu, and murder the emperor.

Otherwise, he would not have come to Yingchuan so stupidly to fight Cao Cao to the death.

So now that Cao Cao is back, Liu Bei can only choose to evacuate.

Xu Shu hurriedly said, "My lord, withdraw your troops."

"Oh, it's the old thief's knot."

Liu Bei let out a long sigh, called the guards at the gate, and said, "Command the generals to retreat!"


The guards immediately went to the battalions to convey orders.

After a while, Zhang Fei, Tai Shici, Zhao Yun and others rushed to the main camp.

"Brother, why did you withdraw your troops?"

Zhang Fei was yelling at Li Dian outside Xiahou Yuan's camp just now, when he heard the news of the retreat, he hurried back, and when he came in he yelled, "I almost scolded Xiahouyuan, Li Dian and his ancestors all over, and they are about to come out and fight me After a decisive battle, why did you withdraw your troops?"

Liu Bei shook his head and said, "Cao Cao's army is going south, and it will arrive in a few days. Xiahou Yuan and Li Dian will not come out of the closed camp. If we can't defeat them, we can't go to Xudu. Now they won't fight us, so they have to withdraw their troops."

"But." Zhang Fei still wanted to say something.


Liu Bei propped his hands on the table, with a bitter expression on his face: "Why do I want to retreat, but it's a pity that Liu Biao is holding back, and Cao Cao's army is behind, and it is difficult to sustain the enemy."

"Oh, I see."

Zhang Fei sighed, looked at each other with Tai Shici and Zhao Yun, and had no choice but to go back to his own camp to prepare for the withdrawal of troops.

At noon that day, all the battalions began to retreat in an orderly manner. Under Xu Shu's arrangement, the generals at all levels in Liu Bei's army followed the order.

For example, when Zhang Fei pulled out the camp, Liu Bei, Zhao Yun, and Tai Shici led the troops to cover first, and when Zhao Yun pulled out the camp, Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and Tai Shici covered, and so on.

In the end, it was Liu Bei who led the camp and pulled out the camp, and the generals led the troops to protect the left and right.

At this time, Liu Bei himself was outside the camp, with soldiers and horses coming and going behind him like a shuttle, pulling supplies, grain, grass, and carriages.

About three miles away on the opposite side is the camp of Xia Houyuan and Li Dian.

This kind of camp is spread all over the traffic arteries around Xudu, just to prevent the situation like last time.

At this moment, the gate of the village was closed, and the wall above the wooden fence was crowded with countless people. On a watchtower above, a general in pitch-black armor could be vaguely seen watching.

And farther away, Liu Bei seemed to be able to vaguely see the phantom of the ancient city more than ten kilometers away standing on the horizon behind the camp!
Xu Du.


Xu Shu came up to persuade, "Let's go."

In the evening, the soldiers and horses behind had gradually emptied the camp, and the soldiers who came and went also carried their weapons and drove their carriages and left towards the south.

The sun was setting, dyeing half of the clouds red.

Hearing Xu Shu's words, Liu Bei reined in his horse's head and prepared to leave.

But for some reason, he patted Luma's horse's head again, signaling it to stop.

The horse stands sideways in a very spiritual way, facing northeast and tail facing southwest.

Liu Bei was riding on the Luma, turned sideways, and silently looked back at Xudu City in the northwest.

In the dark.

He always has a feeling.

Maybe once I go, I will never come back in the future.

Just like the hometown in Zhuo County that I could never go back to after I left Youzhou.

Liu Bei's eyes were full of bewilderment.

He doesn't know why he got to where he is today.

I don't know how I can save this dilapidated Han Dynasty.

The city in the distance.

The emperor of the big man is there.

Imprisoned in the so-called "palace".

But he couldn't help much, and he couldn't rescue the emperor.

He wants to protect.

It was never about power, desire, wealth.

It's about the Han Dynasty, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, the people of the Li people, and those people around me that I care about most.


He can't do anything.

The ancestral country, the country, the country, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and the people of the Li people could not be saved.

Even those brothers and sisters who I care about the most have followed him around for many years without accomplishing anything.

There is always so much helplessness and involuntary in this world.


Looking at that city, Liu Bei felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

The soldiers behind them left slowly along the southern road.

He turned the horse's head and silently urged the horse to leave.

All that is left to this world is the generous back and long shadow under the setting sun.

His Majesty.

The minister went first.

The waiter desperately went to the south to build a foundation for himself.

Ruochen survived by luck.

With soldiers and horses in hand, I will go north to meet you.

Even if it's been years.

Even seventy and eighty.

Even if you die abroad.

I still haven't regretted it.

 Thanks to the leader for the reward, I will try my best to add 10 more chapters.To be honest, I didn't expect that there are already three leaders, but the subscriptions are still not many, and the average subscription is now worth 1800, which is not as good as plotting, which is quite bleak.To be honest, the book I wrote may not be very good, and there are many problems, but I still have to keep writing.Create the characters well and conceive the plot well. Some friends said that the main plot has not yet started, but my main plot is actually quite short. I basically finished the main plot and the book is finished, so the 70 words in the early stage can be regarded as some kind of Let's lay the groundwork, I will update the rest, I hope to write better and more satisfying works, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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