Silver Fox of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 395 Northern Wei Empire

Chapter 395 Northern Wei Empire
September 25th, [-]th year of Jian'an.North, Hanoi County, Chaoge County.

Chaoge used to be the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty, but after thousands of years, people have long forgotten it.

In the Han Dynasty, it was just an ordinary and ordinary county.

After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Dong Zhuo Rebellion, and feudal hegemony, Hanoi County has long since become dilapidated.

Chaoge County, in particular, was ransacked by the warlords occupying Hanoi, the Kwantung Allied Forces, and the Black Mountain bandits in the Taihang Mountains, and it was almost reduced to ruins.

It wasn't until Jian'an, when Cao Cao settled the north, that the melee among the Kanto princes gradually subsided.

A large number of remnants of the Yellow Turbans and the Black Mountain Army came out of the Taihang Mountains, and were ordered by Cao Cao to live in Hanoi County, Wei County, Zhao State, Changshan State and other places near the foot of the Taihang Mountains. Chaoge gradually recovered some popularity.

Last year, Shen Chen first defeated Cao Hong in Kunyang, Yingchuan, and then returned to Jingzhou. First, he defeated the Jiangdong Army, and then went north to capture Xiangfan. The safety of the hinterland of the Central Plains is coming.

Therefore, at that time, he immediately ordered to move the capital and move the court of Chendu to the north of the Yellow River, in order to prevent Shen Chen's army from going north, breaking through Yuzhou and other places, and bringing the emperor of Han back to the south.

Although Cao Cao almost controlled the entire situation in the north at that time, there were still people who cared about the Han Dynasty.

When Shen Chen was powerful in China, the turmoil it caused to the north was unimaginable. The rebels and uprisings were like crucian carp crossing the river. If Liu Bei had not fought very reluctantly at that time, the land of Shu had almost collapsed, and Cao Wei might have been on the verge of extinction.

So if Shen Chen takes Liu Xie away, at least in terms of prestige and righteousness, Cao Cao will lose a lot immediately. Once Liu Xie starts to order the world to conquer Cao Wei in the north, it will inevitably cause more people to revolt against Cao Wei's rule, thus Intensify the internal friction in the north.

However, with the beginning of the Liu Bei Group’s war against Jiangdong this year, after Cao Pi succeeded King Wei, he finally passed this difficult period, not only quelling the civil strife, but also strengthening his control over the local area. And the turmoil of Cao Cao's death gradually returned to calm.

After all, Wei State has a strong foundation. Although more than 2000 troops were lost in the Battle of Jingzhou and the Battle of Guanzhong, compared with a population of nearly [-] million, this loss is still acceptable to Cao Wei, so the situation has gradually stabilized.

It was also at this time that Cao Pi began to consider usurping the Han.

Normally, he would not dare.

Because once the Han is usurped, the impact will be very large.

Liu Bei must make a northern expedition.

Then the interior will be extremely unstable, and people from all walks of life who have the Han Dynasty in mind will rise up and cooperate with the outside, and Cao Wei will be very dangerous.

But it coincided with Liu Bei's expedition to Jiangdong, and he had no time to take care of the north.

So Cao Pi secretly prepared for nearly half a year, first getting rid of a large number of ministers who were concerned about the Han Dynasty, and then began to build momentum for usurping the Han Dynasty.

First, Liu Zhen was ordered to connect with many courtiers to persuade them to enter the table, in order to observe the current situation.

After discovering that a large number of Cao Wei courtiers had no objection, Cao Pi became more and more courageous, and then began to snatch the emperor's seal and force Liu Xie to abdicate.

The original plan was to hold the abdication ceremony in October this year, but because of Cao Chun's failure, Jiang Dong was not delayed, so he was forced to hold it earlier and arrived in Chaoge in September.

Chao Ge Ling is Wu Zhi, one of Cao Pi's four friends, and his most trusted courtier.

At this moment, Chaogeyuan County Government Mansion, now Liu Xie Emperor's Palace, has three floors inside and three floors outside, and a large number of Cao Jun soldiers control the entrance and exit.

Cao Pi entered the hall surrounded by everyone.

He was Chaoge who arrived yesterday, and even Liu Xie didn't go to see him, and he couldn't wait to go to the palace the next day.

Liu Xie sat on the main seat, with attendants on both sides guarding him.

His face was almost extremely ugly, and there were anger, fear, fear and a trace of sadness in his eyes.

The world of the great man is going to be handed over to others.

"His Majesty!"

Cao Pi went to the hall with his sword on his shoulders, but he did not go to the court, and he was not famous for his praise. He came to the hall and saluted generously, saying: "Your Majesty, all blessings are the same."

"Wan Fu You Tong?"

Liu Xie said with a miserable smile: "You will take away my country and mountains, so what else is there to share?"

Cao Pi laughed and said: "Your Majesty's words are wrong. The emperor lives with virtue. In today's world, my Great Wei is only in the south, and the people all look up to the great Wei Ende. They are willing to be Wei people instead of Han officials. I hope His Majesty will abdicate the throne, isn't it the will of God? What's more, the number of days changes, and the artifacts are easier to change. It is a natural principle to respond to the sky and people, and follow the law of Yao, Zen and Shun. Why does Your Majesty reject the will of the people?"

Liu Xie said in grief and indignation: "I will never give way to you for usurping the Han and traitors."


Cao Pi's face darkened, and he winked at Hua Xin.

Hua Xin had no choice but to go up to the front, half coercing and half persuading: "Your Majesty, it is destiny for Wei to replace the Han, thinking of your majesty's benevolence, feeling powerless to save the dilapidated country, and giving up the throne to King Wei, is also willing. Please think twice, Your Majesty, don't go to heaven after your Majesty abdicates."

Liu Xie was shocked, then fell silent, his lips twitched, and sat down on his seat. He knew that even if he refused, it would be useless, because the history books would still write that he surrendered to Cao Pi, and after three to five months, he died violently. , who will care about him?

So it's better to agree, and always think in a good direction, at least Liu Bei in the south is still there, the big Han still has half of the country, and the Han has not died in his hands, that is enough, right?

Thinking of this, Liu Xie said disheartenedly: "Since that's the case, then I will completely listen to the arrangement of the King of Wei. I only want to go into hiding with the Queen, and I hope that the King of Wei will see it for the sake of being a brother and sister with the Queen's mother. It is possible not to harm me and the queen."

Cao Pi said with great joy: "Your Majesty is wise, please rest assured, as long as Your Majesty is willing to surrender to me, I will treat Your Majesty kindly."

Liu Xie sighed, "I hope you can keep your promise today."

"Your Majesty, please step into Zen and give way."

Seeing this, Hua Xin shouted loudly.

At that moment, everyone moved into the emperor's carriage, surrounded Liu Xie, left the mansion, boarded the carriage, and drove to the southern suburbs of the city.

Sacrificial activities in the Han Dynasty were generally held in the southern suburbs. It began in the first year of the Western Han Dynasty when Emperor Cheng of the Western Han Dynasty built a round mound to the south of the old canal in Kunming outside Chang'an City to worship heaven, earth and the gods of the five directions.

After leaving the city, after walking for more than ten li, we arrived at Zen Rang Terrace.

In history, this platform was located outside the south city of Xudu, and later in Fancheng Town, Linying County, Henan Province.

But now Cao Cao moved his capital to Chaoge to avoid Shen Chen's edge, so this platform was built by Wu Zhi in the south of Chaoge City, east of Beiyang Town, Qi County, Hebei Province in later generations.

Before they got close, countless Wei soldiers in black armor and black military uniforms were seen from a distance, standing guard around the inner and outer third floors of the Zen Rang Terrace.

Some of them lined up in a row on the periphery, some lined up on the roads on both sides of the road, and some stood densely under the abdication platform, forming several square formations to make a big impact.

Many courtiers from the Great Wei Dynasty had arrived around the Zen Rangtai, and among them were some ethnic minorities who wore strange costumes that were completely different from those of the Central Plains people.

According to the enthronement ceremony in the Han Dynasty, the new emperor needs to go to the altar to offer sacrifices, pray to heaven, and be accompanied by officials such as ministers, princes, and generals.

In addition, tens of thousands of Xiongnu Shanyu and barbarian dynasties from all directions will come to celebrate.

Since the Western Han Dynasty opened up the Western Regions, beat Jiaozhi in the south, kicked the Huns in the north, defeated North Korea in the east, and destroyed Dawan in the west, and dominated the Quartet. They will all come to pay tribute.

This is the beginning of the so-called "Heavenly Empire, All Nations Come to Dynasty", and it is also one of the important reasons why the Han and Tang Dynasties are the two super empires recognized in the history of the Chinese nation.

Now at the end of the Han Dynasty, naturally, it no longer has the power of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Moreover, Cao Pi's ascension to the throne was a bit hasty.

Historically, he held the abdication ceremony in October. It has been nearly a year since he succeeded King Wei to now, so the ceremony is still very successful.

Like the ethnic minorities in the Northeast, some countries that still exist in the Western Regions sent envoys to congratulate them.

But now, due to Liu Bei's offensive, it has to be held in advance, so some envoys from as far away as Liaodong, Western Regions, and Sanhan are still on the way, so there are only a handful of barbarians in the four quarters.

Only the southern Xiongnu, the eastern Xianbei, and Youzhou Wuhuan each sent hundreds of envoys, and there were more than a thousand people sparsely, which was far less powerful than the tens of thousands in the Han Dynasty.

However, after all, Cao Wei only has half of the country, and he is trying to take back the Western Regions, so it is not bad to have these people who can give face.

This is also due to the fact that Cao Cao hanged and beat the Xianbei Wuhuan Huns in the north, and then moved the Southern Huns and Wuhuan to the interior, and forcibly suppressed the ethnic minorities on the border of Cao Wei, otherwise there might not even be these people.

At this moment, many courtiers and barbarians are already waiting.

The emperor's carriage slowly drove into the formation and came to the audience of the abdication stage.

The high platform was about three feet high, with flags erected on it, an altar for sacrifices and three animals and five grains.

Accompanied by several attendants, Liu Xie tremblingly climbed onto the high platform. Hua Xin sang loudly: "The Son of Heaven is on the stage, all officials salute!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

Many courtiers knelt down one after another, in a kneeling posture, with their hands raised on their foreheads, and then slowly bent down to worship.

In the Han Dynasty, there was kneeling and saluting, which was made by Shu Suntong, the minister of Liu Bangling, but it was not like kneeling and saluting all the time like in the Qing Dynasty, but only on important occasions.

For example, when the old emperor passed away, the new emperor ascended the throne, when the heaven and the earth were sacrificed, ancestor gods were sacrificed, and when the emperor held a particularly important court meeting.

That's why usually, even if you meet the emperor, you only need to bow your hands and salute, but now you have to kneel down.

At this time, even Wei Wang Cao Pi knelt under the stage.

"Welcome God!"

Hua Xin shouted as one of today's tribute officials.

The attendants lit the firewood in the burnt wood stove and let the smoke rise high to express the meaning that the respect for heaven in the world is passed on to heaven.

Liu Xie knelt down to the Lord Haotian God card on the altar.

After laying jade and silk, offering jade and silk to the gods.

Taichangqing Xing Zhen walked on the stage, guided Liu Xie to wash and go to the god's throne for three incense gifts, and the deacon presented the jade silk to the emperor, and the emperor presented it to the god.

During this process, the band below kept advocating and playing music, while many courtiers still kept bowing postures.

Then the ceremonies such as Jinzu and initial offering were completed.

After Liu Xie was busy for half an hour, Si Zhu finally knelt down to read the Zhu text and completed the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth.

According to the past, while offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, ancestors were also offered sacrifices.

But today is very special.

It's not just as simple as offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, but also abdication.

If the former emperors of the Han Dynasty saw Liu Xiechan abdicating the throne, wouldn't they be pissed off?

So there is no arrangement for ancestor worship.

After completing the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, it is the abdication ceremony.

"King Wei please come on stage!"

Hua Xin sang again.

Cao Pi got up and came to the stage, and knelt down in front of Liu Xie.

Liu Xie held a edict of abdication in his hand, and facing many kneeling courtiers below, he read with a trembling voice: "I have been in power for thirty-two years, and the world has been shattered. Resurrection. However, looking up at the astronomy and looking down at the hearts of the people, the number of Yan Jing is over, and the luck depends on the Cao family. It is the previous king who has made great achievements in martial arts, and the current king is also honoring his virtues to meet his expectations. .For the way of the husband, the world is the public, and the virtuous and capable are selected. Therefore, Tang Yao was not private to Juezi, and his fame spread endlessly. I envy and admire him, but now he follows Yao's classics, and Zen is located in Wei Wang."

"I thank Your Majesty!"

Cao Pi stood up solemnly, and took the abdication edict with both hands.

"Your Majesty, please give me the seal."

Hua Xin continued to shout.

The attendant at the side came with the Chuan Guo Yuxi.

Liu Xie took the jade seal, glanced at it reluctantly, and slowly handed the jade seal to Cao Pi.

Cao Pi took the jade seal and kowtowed again.

After that, there were some ceremonies, such as Liu Xie took off the robes of the emperor and put on the clothes of the princes and kings, while Cao Pi took off the clothes of the princes and kings and put on the robes of the emperor and so on.

It was not until the afternoon that the abdication ceremony came to an end, and then Cao Pi also began to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth.

The difference from Liu Xie this time is that in addition to offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, the Five Sacred Mountains, Sidu, and the gods of all parties, the altar was placed on the altar of the ancestors of the Cao family.

Therefore, Cao Pi's sacrifice has one more process than Liu Xie's, that is, to arrange incense for the ancestors, kowtow, and then offer incense, jade silk, wine statues, etc. to show respect for the ancestors.

Afterwards, the Zhu Guan held the blessings, the silk officials held the silk, and the sacrificial officials held the writings, all of which were sent to the burning furnace for burning. As the new emperor, Cao Pi went to the Wang Liao seat to watch the burning sacrifices. officially over.

After the end, Cao Pi sat on the stage, accepting the courtiers and barbarian envoys from all over the world to bow down. In the whole venue, except for Liu Xie, Wu Ya knelt down.

Seeing this situation, Cao Pi was very satisfied, so he announced some more things.

For example, Liu Xie was enfeoffed as the Duke of Shanyang, with [-] households in the city, and he was on the princes and kings. The turbid deer city.

There is also wanton rewards to the officials, officially placing the Wei State in the position of the empire, setting up the Sangong Jiuqing, and all regulations inheriting the Han system to express the legitimacy of the new empire.

At the same time, three generations were conferred, his father Cao Cao was Emperor Wu, his grandfather Cao Song was Emperor Tai, and Cao Song's adoptive father, the eunuch Cao Teng, was Emperor Gao.

In the end, even the barbarians who came from all over the world were rewarded.

Until here, the abdication (usurpation) ceremony was finally over, and many courtiers and emissaries below kowtowed to the new emperor several times.

Cao Pi stood on the stage, looking down at the crowd, with a bright smile on his face.

Great Wei Empire.

After two generations, finally established!
(End of this chapter)

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