Silver Fox of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 405 Enlightenment

Chapter 405 Enlightenment

Shen Chen's official position is actually the governor of Yongyiliang, and also the shepherd of Liangzhou.

In other words, he was in charge of the military in Yizhou and Xiliangguan, and the civil affairs in Liangzhou.

Hanzhong belongs to Yizhou, so in fact he can't manage the civil affairs of Hanzhong, and naturally he can't do any guiding work.

But no fool would dare to find fault with him, not only because of his high position and authority, but also to manage the people's livelihood in a place with his ability, which is a piece of cake.

Since what he did was right, why bother to refute it?
So for a long time afterwards, Shen Chen inspected water sources in various mountains, looking for suitable places to reclaim terraced fields, and expand Hanzhong's productivity.

This process lasted for nearly three months. Shen Chen ran all over the Qinling Mountains, Bashan Mountain, and Micang Mountain to find a suitable water source.

After searching all over Hanzhong, he found more than a hundred upstream water sources in the mountains suitable for reclamation. Assuming that a village with [-] households and [-] Dingkou can reclaim a thousand mu of land, these places can reclaim more than [-] mu Daejeon, other vegetable fields, ponds, and mulberry forests are countless.

But this is not enough. Before leaving Hanzhong, Shen Chen told Huang Zhong, Li Yan and others to continue to find suitable areas in Hanzhong, Shangyong and other places to cultivate terraced fields, and to give preferential policies to the people to attract people to enter the mountains to cultivate new lands. the fields.

In addition to opening terraced fields, the old plain area cannot be abandoned.If there is no water source, find a way to reclaim water canals. The water source is too far away to open canals and the cost is high, so we dig wells and build ponds to find high-quality groundwater.

This is also something that must be done.

According to Shen Chen's three-year Northern Expedition policy, from the second year of Zhangwu to the fourth year of Zhangwu is a period of recuperation, preparations for the Northern Expedition can begin in the second half of the fourth year of Zhangwu, and troops can be formally dispatched in the fifth year of Zhangwu.

Therefore, Shen Chen hopes that before Zhangwu five years ago, Hanzhong will have a total of 500 million mu of land, more than 70 people in Dingkou, and it is best if the labor force is mostly young and strong.

In this way, when the army is dispatched, there is no need to recruit civilians from Bashu to serve as corvée, and it will not be like Liu Bei's previous battle in Guanzhong, where the livelihood of the people in Yizhou is withered, and a wealthy state is almost Collapsed situation.

Still the same sentence, there is no shortage of food in Hanzhong, what is always lacking is the way of transporting food.

In addition to inspecting the conditions of the fields in Hanzhong, Shen Chen did not rush to Xiliang, but went to Xieyuguan along Baoxie Road, and then entered Chencang Road from Lianyun Road, inspecting the road conditions along the way.

Indeed, as Xu Shu said, only the first half of the Baoxie Road is relatively easy to walk, and the middle section is the cliff plank road, which stretches for more than a hundred miles.

As for the Tangluo Road and Ziwu Road, let alone, the whole journey is almost a cliff.

Only Chen Cangdao is really easy to go.

No wonder it can become the only avenue from Guanzhong to Hanzhong with such a long detour. The reason is naturally that the road is spacious and flat, and there are few high mountains and cliffs.

For this reason, Shen Chen improved the trolley according to the road conditions, and invented a wheelbarrow and a four-wheel steering carriage to transport grain.

There has never been a shortage of horses in the land of Bashu, what is lacking is war horses.

Because the Southwest has been the birthplace of Shu horses and Dian horses since ancient times, the horses used on the Ancient Tea Horse Road are the Southwest horses. They are relatively short and have excellent endurance. Although they are not as suitable as war horses in the northwest Liangzhou or Bingzhou horses, they are suitable for transportation. Supplies for horses.

So Shen Chen also signaled Li Yan and the others to introduce a large number of southwestern horse breeds in Hanzhong. Although the Hanzhong Plain area has a lot of cultivated land, the Hanzhong Basin is [-] square kilometers, and the plain area only occupies [-] square kilometers.

The remaining more than 3000 square kilometers are hills and mountains where horses can be stocked. We only need to breed more southwest horses, and at the same time start the agriculture in Hanzhong so that Hanzhong can be self-sufficient. Bashu sent people and supplies to make a living for the people in the rear.

After staying in Hanzhong for more than three months, and then inspecting Chencang Road and Baoxie Road, Shen Chen went to Liangzhou in October of the second year of Zhangwu, went north from Qishan Road, crossed Wudu County and entered Tianshui County, and then Went to Ji County, the current governing place of Liangzhou.

Jixian County is located in Gangu County, Gansu Province in later generations. The terrain here is flat, and it is a narrow and long plain area rarely seen in Gansu Province. To the north is the loess Liangmao gully area of ​​the remaining veins of Liupan Mountain in the north, with low mountains; to the south is the rocky mountainous area extending westward from the Qinling Mountains. , higher altitude.The middle is run through by the Wei River, which belongs to the landform of faulted valleys.

Unexpectedly, when Shen Chen rode on horseback and walked slowly towards the city of Ji County, he saw that rice was widely planted in the wilderness.It is the late rice harvest season, and a large number of peasants in the north and south of the Weihe River are harvesting rice in the fields. The golden ears of rice flutter in the wind, full of vitality.

Accompanying Shen Chen were Shi Dengzhi, governor of Liangzhou, and Pang Yu, prefect of Tianshui. Pang Yu was famous for his bravery. Assist Zhang Fei in guarding Liangzhou.

Zhang Fei was recalled to Xiangyang by Liu Bei at the beginning of this year. Shen Chen even had a face-to-face meeting with Zhang Fei when he was in Jiangzhou. And Pang Hao, the prefect of Tianshui, maintained order.

Shen Chen's horse team slowly entered the vast plain area outside Ji County, turned his head to Deng Zhi and Pang Hao and said, "This Liangzhou also grows rice?"

Deng Zhi went back and said: "To the governor, rice has been planted in Liangzhou since the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and now Cochin rice has been introduced. Because of its early maturity and drought tolerance, Zhongtao, Jixian, Xinyang, Tianshui and other counties have been widely planted to alternate Han rice and form double crops."

"It turns out that rice likes high temperature and humidity, and the terrain in the northwest is higher, so the sunlight is indeed more abundant."

Shen Chen nodded.

Pang Yu said: "It's just that rice needs too much water, so except for the banks of the Weihe River and Changli River, the rest of the place is still dominated by millet and wheat."


Shen Chen said: "I first came to Liangzhou, and I don't know the specific situation in Liangzhou. I remember that His Majesty once moved people from Tianshui, Longyou and other places to Hanzhong. I think there are quite a lot of people here."

Pang Hao smiled and said: "The governor doesn't know that the people who migrated at the beginning were the landless people in Liangzhou and the Han people who voluntarily followed them to Hanzhong. There are quite a few left, and the rest are Qiangdi or Beihu."

"Qiang Di Bei Hu?"


Deng Zhi said: "The Qiang, Di, Hu, and Han people in Liangzhou live together. Some of the Han people herd herds, while some of the Qiang, Di, and Hu people also cultivated land, and they intermarried. That's why there are so many people farming."

"Not only Tianshui, but also the Western Regions."

Pang Hao also said: "In the southern mountains of Dunhuang's Western Regions, from the Rao Qiang to the west to the Cong Ling for thousands of miles, there are more than one species of the Yue family, the Cong Qiang, Baima, and Huang Niu Qiang. Its roads are wide and narrow. Di has Fulu, Ban, Longdi, Qingdi, Baidi, and Anaconda, etc. The language is not as good as Qiangza Hutong, and each has a surname, which is like a Chinese surname. Its clothes are still green and crimson. The common people can weave Cloth, good at farming, raising hogs, cattle, horses, donkeys and mules.”


Shen Chen said with satisfaction: "It seems that whether they are Qiang people or Hu people in Xiliang, their living habits are no different from Han people. This is a good thing. It shows that they are already on the border with Han people in terms of ideology, culture and living habits. It can facilitate our governance.”

An official behind said: "Great governor, "Zuo Zhuan" says: If you are not of my race, your heart must be different. These Qiang people are not convinced by Wang Hua, so they should be treated with caution."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Shen Chen frowned, turned around and said: "Confucius wrote "Spring and Autumn"; the princes use barbarian rituals to barbarize it, and barbarians enter China to make China. No matter whether it is Di Yi or Han, as long as they can abide by Chinese etiquette, they will They are the subjects of China. Qiang people, Di people, Hu people, and Han people are in our Liangzhou, so they are the people of our Liangzhou. The ancients said that the Yi Xia did not mean that the blood of the Han people must be Xia, but the blood of the Yi people It must be Yi, but it means that Xia has etiquette and civilization, which represents an advanced culture; Yi people are barbaric, regardless of their superiority and inferiority, and represent a backward culture. If Yi people can read and write, understand etiquette, gain wisdom, and be self-reliant They are also the people of China, how can they be regarded as barbarians? Therefore, you must remember to treat Hu and Han equally, and not be biased like Wang Hong, Lai Ji, Liu Bing, etc., discriminate against barbarians, causing barbarians to rebel continuously, Just treat them as the same Han people, understand?"


The Liangzhou officials behind him were stunned for a moment, and then responded one after another.

The phrase "Entering barbarians will lead to barbarians, and entering Xia will lead to summer" is actually not what Confucius said, but was put forward by Xu Heng, a great Confucian of the Yuan Dynasty, in order to provide legitimacy for the Yuan Dynasty orthodoxy.

Confucius' original intention was not to emphasize race and blood as the standard, but civilized etiquette as the measure.

For example, the state of Chu called itself a barbarian, and with the advancement of civilization, the princes of the Central Plains formed an alliance with it, and they no longer regarded it as a barbarian; and the state of Zheng was originally the Xia, and if its behavior was not righteous, it was also regarded as a barbarian.If Yidi admires the Central Plains and can practice etiquette and righteousness, he will be praised and advanced.If Huaxia prefers to do barbarian things, it will become a barbarian; and vice versa.

Therefore, the sages since ancient times have looked at this issue very precisely, not by blood as the standard, but by whether he obeys righteousness and etiquette.It is the best and most objective way to judge whether a certain race is Huayi based on the situation of civilization.

It’s just like the nationals of a certain country who boasted of the old Stars and Stripes discriminated against other ethnic groups, the Han people also discriminated against and suppressed the Qiang Di people in the Han Dynasty, resulting in sharp conflicts between the Qiang Di people and the Han people.

For example, the first Qiang rebellion was due to the fact that when the riding captain Wang Hong was on his mission to the Western Regions, he forced the local Qiang soldiers to follow him, without providing weapons and equipment, without paying wages, and asking them to bring their own horses and weapons, so that they could work for nothing.The Qiang people refused to follow, and fled separately. As a result, the counties sent people to intercept them and wiped out their tribes, which caused the first Qiang rebellion to break out.

The financial pressure caused by the Qiang Rebellion on the Eastern Han Dynasty was unprecedentedly huge. This rebellion lasted for 11 years and consumed 240 billion yuan in military expenditures of the Eastern Han Dynasty. There is no money in the house, and they are forced to use various methods to search for money.

In addition, during the period of Emperor Shun of the Han Dynasty, the governors of Bingzhou and Youzhou, Laiji and Liu Bing, were cruel officials who extorted violently and continued to oppress the Qiang people unscrupulously. Extermination of the clan, the entire clan will be slaughtered.

Under such ferocity and violence, the Qiang people rebelled again, causing the second large-scale Qiang rebellion.

This Qiang rebellion lasted until the period of Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty, and finally ended when Liangzhou Sanming suppressed the rebellion one after another. The military expenditure was 44 billion yuan. Although the scale was not as large as the first Qiang rebellion, it still dealt a heavy blow to the Eastern Han court.

simply put.

The Han officials in Liangzhou were too cheating. They bullied and suppressed the Qiang and Di ethnic minorities, which made the conflict between the Han people and the ethnic minorities too sharp.

During the Hedi period, there were less than 50 registered Han people in Liangzhou, and even if the hidden households who were not naturalized were excluded, the maximum number would not exceed one million.

What about the Qiang, Di, Hu, Man and other ethnic minorities?

There are millions of people.

Officials in Liangzhou bullied and suppressed Qiangdi, but Liangzhou's army and Han people were not as numerous as the Hu people, so they were defeated by the Hu people.Then the Eastern Han Dynasty sent a large army to expedition to Xiliang, which cost a lot of money.

Repeated this several times, it almost dragged down the Eastern Han court, and at the same time did not wipe out all the Hu people, but also deepened the contradictions between Hu and Han.

Therefore, under such a turbulent background, the contradiction between Qiang and Han is very big. The consequence of no one to solve this contradiction is that the Western Jin Dynasty was in chaos, and the Hu people crazily hated the Han people and launched bloody revenge.

Now that Shen Chen has come to Xiliang, the most urgent task is to solve these problems.

He advocated Confucius' saying that "the princes use the barbarian rituals to make them barbarians, and the barbarians enter China and China will rule them" is not advocating "entering barbarians will lead to barbarians, and entering summer will lead to summer", but advocating national harmony.

If Liangzhou officials continue to adopt a hostile attitude towards the barbarians, then the two sides will continue to hostile. Once Shen Chen launches the Northern Expedition, Cao Wei will link up with the barbarians who are hostile to the Han people in the rear to launch a rebellion, which will most likely cause instability in the rear.

Therefore, he must seek stability and treat minorities equally with a normal three views.

Just like the 56 ethnic groups in later generations are one family.


It is the cornerstone of a country's development.

Shen Chen continued: "I heard that when General Cheqi was in Liangzhou, he attacked so many times that Qiang Di rebelled a little bit?"

Pang Hao said: "There are indeed some, but it is also due to Qiang Di's disobedience to Wang Hua."


Shen Chen said: "The policy needs to be changed. Since Liangzhou has been transferred to the Han land, that is where the king's land is located. Whether it is the aristocratic family in Liangzhou or the Qiangdi tribe, they should obey Wang Hua. This is the responsibility of the government, and it is also The purpose of His Majesty sending me to Liangzhou. If you want to launch the Northern Expedition, you must first govern Hanzhong and Liangzhou. From today onwards, you must abide by the principle of equal treatment between Hua and Yi, and you must not discriminate or take sides. Officials who despise the barbarians to the extent that the barbarians set off a rebellion will be severely punished."


Everyone should be.

Then Deng Zhi asked: "Commander, the barbarian rebellion is often caused not only by the Han officials' discrimination against the barbarians, but also by the barbarian tribes who have always despised the imperial court and oppressed the Han people. What should we do if we encounter such a thing?"


Shen Chen said coldly: "Just as the Han people are bandits and rebels, you should deal with them as rebellious bandits. The Han people should not bully the Yi people at will, so how can the Yi people bully the Han people wantonly? Tribal leaders If this is the case, the leader of the tribe will be killed, and if the whole family is like this, the whole clan will be killed. But remember, the execution of the clan is not a last resort, if the clansman is coerced by the leader, he should be pardoned, do you understand?"


Everyone should be again.

The conflict between Hu and Han in Liangzhou set a tone before Shen Chen entered the city today.

That is, Hu and Han are equal, and the two sides should not be hostile or hostile to each other.

In principle, they are all Han people, and should be treated equally, and they are not allowed to be oppressed and exploited as before.

In fact, there were millions of Qiang Di in the Han Dynasty, but by the time of the 56 ethnic groups in later generations, there were less than 30 traditional Qiang people.

It's not that they were wiped out, but that Hu and Han have merged with each other in Liangzhou and Gansu for thousands of years, and they have long become Han people.

Therefore, ethnic integration is a trend. Everyone does not distinguish between each other, as long as they accept each other's culture and customs, and respect each other's diet and living habits, then everyone is Chinese.

This is also the embodiment of our country's enlightened ethnic policy and respect for the cultures of various ethnic groups in later generations.

(End of this chapter)

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