Chapter 20 Deriving Criminal Minds
"The murderer is hiding in Sam's Supermarket!"

Lawrence spoke with great confidence.

Thoughts flashed in Dean's eyes, and finally he hesitated and said, "Are you suspicious of the security guard at Sam's Supermarket?"

The only point of intersection of the two victims so far is that they are both customers of Sam's Supermarket, and the identity that is most suitable for observing prey is not actually a customer who visits the supermarket, but a security guard who can justifiably observe and even contact customers.

This is also the reason why Dean and Lawrence, after being disarmed by the security guards, did not reveal their identities, but were honestly taken away by the police.

Those security guards are also suspects.

That's why old Hunter felt helpless about the arrest of the two of them.

Because they may have alerted the snake.


Lawrence breathed out a mouthful of alcohol, confirming Dean's judgment.

However, the reason he gave was completely different from what Dean thought.

"Although the murderer only committed two cases, the second method was much more brutal than the first one. This obvious change shows that the murderer is more confident. He is confident that he will not be caught by the police."

"Why does the other party have such confidence?"

"Because the other party is familiar with the police's investigation logic, and may even have some kind of channel to get our investigation progress in this case. There are almost no clues left at the crime scene, which also shows that the other party has a strong anti-reconnaissance awareness."

"He knows very well that it will be very difficult for us to find him, and even if we find him, it will be difficult to convict him!"

Lawrence paused, and looked at Dean: "Dean, what do you think this kind of person usually is?"

"Either he has committed a crime before, has been in prison, and knows where there are pitfalls, or the other party has also been a policeman, or has a relative who is a policeman, and knows how the police investigate cases."

The one who knows you best must be your opponent.

The same goes for crime.

Lawrence's words inspired Dean.

However, he still couldn't figure it out.

"Lawrence, your analysis is correct, but what does it have to do with your conclusion that the murderer is a security guard at Sam's Supermarket?"


Lawrence's eyes were a little slack, but his thinking was still clear: "I just reasoned about the murderer's criminal identity, and as for concluding that the murderer is the security guard of Sam's Supermarket, I will analyze it based on the information I have obtained so far.

Dean, you have to know that many security guards have either been soldiers before or have received training similar to police academy. They are actually professionals. "

The current information has locked Sam's supermarket.

Coupled with the criminal's psychological reasoning, it gives a description of the murderer's identity.

When the two are combined, it becomes the intuition that Lawrence said.

It sounds nonsense.

But Dean knew it actually made sense.

Lawrence's inference, together with the current clues, can intersect with each other, which is likely to be the characteristics of the suspect.

Dean started from logic based on the current clues.

Lawrence derived from Criminal Minds.

This allowed Dean to open the door to a new world in terms of solving the case.

"Lawrence, if your inference is correct, as long as we secretly collect the information of those security guards and arrange their shifts, we can easily find out the suspects with criminal time."

"In addition, the supermarket has surveillance. We can find out the last time the two victims went to the supermarket and check their surveillance. In this way, we may be able to directly find the security guard who came into contact with them."

Dean added that when he looked up, he found that Lawrence had fallen asleep on the bar counter at some point.

"Vegetable Chicken!"

Dean raised a middle finger, and simply called home, saying that after spending the night outside today, he took Lawrence to find a hotel to open a room.

Thanks to the open atmosphere here.

When Dean opened the room, he felt the ambiguous and regretful eyes of the front desk.

The beautiful front desk, looking at Dean's handsome face, before he left, reminded him quite intimately that there is an umbrella of love at the head of the bed
Dean: "."

What a kind little girl.

the next day.

Lawrence's hog-killing cry woke up the sleeping Dean.

"FK, Dean, what have you done to me!"

Lawrence had a swollen face, an unbelievable look, and stared at Dean aggrieved and unspeakable, with a pair of big hairy hands covering his buttocks.

"You suspect that I stabbed you?"

Dean was a little skeptical about life.

I'm gay, so I won't look for you either.

Why don't you look in the mirror?

"I don't believe it either, but can you explain why my back hurts so much!" Lawrence was full of remorse, only feeling that he believed it wrong.

Dean scratched his head: "Lawrence, could it be that you have hemorrhoids? To be honest, if I stabbed you, you should have been in the hospital by now."

After finishing speaking, Dean was too lazy to cut Lawrence's hair, and got up to take a shower.

Lawrence still wanted to force a few words, but accidentally saw the dragon and snake under the pajamas walking by Dean, and silently closed his mouth.


Dean has a point.
The two tidied up a bit, took a car to the parking lot of Sam's supermarket, and drove back to the police station.

Once you enter the office.

This kid Harry ran over excitedly: "Oh, guys, I heard about your heroic deeds yesterday, can I interview you?"

"Damn it, it's spreading so fast!" Lawrence cursed and hid in his workstation.

He is a little thin-skinned.

Dean was different.

As long as you are shameless, you will not feel ashamed.

He looked at Harry curiously: "You are very well informed."

"Of course, I'm Harry, the humanoid TMZ of the Los Angeles Police Department." Harry was proud.

TMZ is an entertainment news website in the United States. It has broken many sensational stories and is very famous.

"you sure?"

"Dean, you have to know, the horsemen I know are all over the police stations in Los Angeles, and there is no news that I, Harry, can't get!"

Harry wagged his fingers, his expression full of vicissitudes and defeat.

Dean looks at Harry with admiration.

It is undoubtedly a good thing to have a well-informed colleague.

It just so happened that there was one thing that Harry could help with.

Dean pretended to be skeptical: "Harry, what you said is too exaggerated. I don't believe it, unless you can get all the security information in the Sam's supermarket where we stumbled."

"Security information?"

Harry became interested: "Are you looking for revenge against those two people? Before the case is solved, the captain and the others will not let you mess around."

Dean shook his head: "How can we be so stingy, the security guard is also a suspect, we are just working hard to solve the case."

Harry was still dubious: "Okay, I will help, but Lawrence is definitely stingy, you know, he comes to the police station so early every day, in fact, it is for free coffee."

Dean glanced at Lawrence's position.

This guy is already drinking a cup of coffee
This made Dean a little suspicious. Lawrence got drunk so easily yesterday, maybe on purpose, because he paid for the wine and the room in the end!

Daisy's fishing plan yesterday did not yield any results.

Lawrence and Dean were also severely criticized by Captain Meng En in front of everyone at the morning meeting because of yesterday's recklessness.

The security information has not yet arrived.

Lawrence simply took Dean to the residence of the previous two victims, and started the investigation again, which can be regarded as teaching Dean.

Dean has been ill for a long time and became a doctor, and he cleaned up crime scenes in his previous life. He is undoubtedly very talented in this regard.

Do some research.

Actually found a new clue!
(End of this chapter)

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