Chapter 1 Bullfighting
"Yuan Hua, a Huaxia member of Korean boy group idol, announced to return to China for development, and the first EP will be released soon."

"Korean girl group Girls' Generation announced plans for a concert in China. Captain Xiuyan said bluntly: We have 32 concerts this year, and we want Chinese fans to feel the charm of pop music."

""Idol Trainee" debuted as a group, and the pre-sale of the first album is launched..."

"The veteran heavenly king angrily denounced the phenomenon of Han Han Hari, but was maddened by netizens. Where is the future of the Chinese music scene?"

"Internet celebrity singer Porridge is suspected of plagiarism, when will the chaos in the music world stop?"


"Here, your Youlemei." The short-haired girl put a cup of milk tea on the desk.

"No, it's your Yume." The boy responded.

"Uh," the girl's tone faltered, and she gave her a quick glance: "Don't be naughty, I'm willing to admit defeat, don't go too far."

The boy put the milk tea in his schoolbag and patted the girl on the shoulder: "Forget that you have a gambling product, go, go to the basketball court, and do me a favor."

"Recording your MV again, what year is this?" The short-haired girl pouted, but obediently picked up her schoolbag and went to the basketball court with the boy.

The school basketball court was not occupied by the square dancing aunts, and it may be that the aunts could not come in. Therefore, every evening, many boys who love to play basketball gathered in the basketball court, most of them were not from Shanghai Conservatory of Music. student.

Regarding this situation, the school security also turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye. As long as there is no trouble, let them go!
However, the basketball court has been a bit lively these two days, because at this time, there will always be a man and a woman who will come to shoot videos, talk about recording MVs and making music.

Most of the people who come to play basketball outside the school are very interested, actively participate in the shooting of the video, and can also show off their basketball skills in front of beautiful women.

"Look, the two of them are here again..." A group of people were playing basketball and watched a man and a woman approaching in the distance. The girl was also carrying a hand-held digital camera, looking very professional.

"Young man, are you hot?"


"Would you like to choose?"


Li He walked to the side of the field and put down his schoolbag, said with a smile, "Sure, I'm familiar with this word."

"You read it every day these days, we are all familiar with it."

"Yes, yes, tell me, how do you plan to record today?"

Looking at the enthusiastic buddies, Li He waved his hands and said, "No need, you guys will play basketball normally today, we will leave after taking a few shots."

"OK, you can show off your golf skills in front of Miss Fan again."

"Old Xu, let's dunk with a tomahawk. Didn't you say that you want to perform a stunt in front of the beauties?"

The big guys talked and laughed, and continued to play basketball, while Li He directed the short-haired girls to capture various shots, looking very professional.After ten minutes of filming, Li Hyuk and the short-haired girl said goodbye to their buddies on the court.

"How is your composition?" the short-haired girl asked.

"It's basically finished. Let General Fan appreciate it today. Thank you for your support." Li He said.

The girl raised her brows and said: "That's good, I have supported you with a lot of equipment, if you can't do it well, be careful, hum..."

"Don't worry, you are satisfied."

The girl's name is Fan Nuoxuan, and she is Li He's good friend. The two of them share similar tastes.There were a lot of gossip about the two in the school, and almost everyone agreed that they were a couple, but none of the parties admitted it.

The old teaching building on the east side of Shanghai Conservatory of Music has been used as a warehouse due to the opening of the new teaching building, and there are usually many empty rooms.

Fan Nuoxuan helped Li He apply for a classroom, usually used as a recording studio, and many equipments were brought by Fan Nuoxuan.

This made Li Hyuk very suspicious that his good friend's house was for music, otherwise how could there be so many professional equipment, even though they didn't look new.

As soon as she entered the classroom, Fan Nuoxuan waved the air in front of her nose in disgust as she looked at the garbage and takeaway bags all over the place: "I said, little Chichi, how long has it been since you cleaned up? If this is discovered by the student union, your room The recording studio can't be kept."

Li He said with a sneer: "Isn't it because I don't have time? I'm busy recording, so I didn't think about cleaning up."

Fan Ruoxuan rolled her eyes cutely and said, "I really can't stand you..."

With distaste on her lips, Fan Nuoxuan quickly tidied up the messy recording studio. For some reason, Li He always felt like a family.

This idea... let's help clean up together!

After finally cleaning up neatly and clearing out all the garbage, the two of them took a breather.Fan Nuoxuan put on the earphones and listened to the song that Li He had been working on for half a month, and Li He used the editing software in his laptop to edit all the shots.

It's not professional, just edit randomly and have an artistic conception. Music, the most important thing is the music itself.

Fan Nuoxuan clicked to play, and the opening OS rang in her ears.First there was the humming of human voices, and then the sound of slapping the basketball got closer and closer, and then I heard the familiar word: "Do you want to pick it?"




Then there is the follow-up of the music, followed by Li Hyuk's singing:
"what's wrong

just say something

don't hide in the corner

Rebuttal if you are upset

what the hell

Do you know basketball

kind of don't go

three-on-three bullfight


Fan Nuoxuan couldn't help being surprised. Back then, she supported Li Hyuk in making music, and she got these equipment from his company after pestering her father for a long time.

At first, I didn't expect Li Hyuk to do it well, after all, no matter how awesome he is, he is only a second-year student in the composition department, but this rap song really exceeded Fan Nuoxuan's expectations, it is very good.

Just, there is a little problem...

Fan Nuoxuan patted Li He's shoulder who was busy editing: "I said, little Li, you can't speak clearly, how can others understand you? If I don't read the lyrics, I can't understand what you are singing."

Li Hyuk replied, "I did this on purpose."

"Oh, why? You have to explain clearly." Fan Nuoxuan was very curious.In today's music scene, there are almost no singers who can't speak clearly, and others will think that this singer is not suitable for singing.

Li Hyuk explained: "This is to let the voice blend into the music to achieve a more coordinated state. It sounds very comfortable, doesn't it?"

"It feels very different, but why is your rap song different from other rappers? It's a strange but harmonious feeling." Fan Nuoxuan scratched her head and said.

With a hint of disdain on Li He's face, he mocked: "I really don't pay attention to those local chickens and dogs who call themselves rappers.

What is the rap that I learned from the South Korean boy band, what is the authentic rap of the West Coast, but the content is all about flaunting wealth, pornography and violence. "

Fan Nuoxuan rolled her eyes at Li He and said, "It's fine if you talk to me about this, but don't talk nonsense outside, or I won't care if the fans scold you to death."

"Understood, I'm not stupid." Li Hyuk saved the edited video and added music later, even if he was done, the name was chosen, and it was called "Bullfighting".

Fan Nuoxuan asked: "Where do you put it after you make it? On the music platform?"

Li Hyuk nodded and said, "The MV is on Station B, the music source is on QQ Music and Netease Cloud, and the rest will be left to time."

"Don't even do some publicity?"

"We're just a poor student, and even the recording equipment was bought on your lap, so we don't need to do publicity." Li He said.

Fan Nuoxuan originally wanted to say that I can help you promote it, but she was afraid of stimulating Li Hyuk's self-esteem, so she didn't mention it.

After finishing the final work, Li Hyuk uploaded the MV to his account on Station B, and uploaded the music source to QQ Music and Netease Cloud Music at the same time.

Li Hyuk is a freelance musician, and has not signed a contract with QQ Music or Netease Cloud Music. If he releases a song, he will have to rely on time and the waves of the audience.

That's why Li He wanted to shoot a MV and put it on station B to promote it. As for the copyright issue, it has been settled with Fan Nuoxuan's help.

After everything was over, Li He patted Fan Nuoxuan who was lying on the table next to him and said, "Go, I'll treat you to something delicious."

Fan Nuoxuan immediately cheered up: "Okay, I want to eat the fried skewers next to the school."

"OK, no problem, I'll satisfy you."

The two packed up the recording equipment, locked the door, and walked out of the school.

 The new book is here, and it is still a brand new story of our old friend Li He. Please support us a lot. Friends who are in a shortage of books and have never read the old books can go and read the old books!
  (Li Hyuk's inner OS: Dog author, can't you change someone?)
(End of this chapter)

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