Chapter 14
After the preliminary round, Li Hyuk became a complete celebrity in the school, and he was greeted everywhere he went.What envied the five brothers in the dormitory the most was that Li He was actually confessed to by many girls.

I have to say that the girls are very active, Su Dongqiang said enviously: "Is this the world of handsome guys? I love it."

During the morning exercise recently, Li He would also meet some girls by chance, and strike up a conversation with Li He through the morning exercise.Although the pursuit of beautiful women is very enjoyable, but Li He did not become obsessed with it, and still concentrated on preparing for the rematch and striving for further progress.

The Xinran band used their spare time to practice intensively, and the Ritian band was no exception.The strength shown by the Xinran band is daunting, especially that Li He, Huang Hao has heard rumors in the past two days that Li He also wrote an original song, which is intended to be used in the finals.

Although Huang Hao doesn't think that a sophomore in the composition department can write any good songs, but considering that originality may get extra points, Huang Hao also specially invited Cui Jinghui to practice together in order to be safe.

In a practice room outside the school, the members of the Ritian band met Cui Jinghui for the first time.Facing the pursuit of these unscrupulous young people, Cui Jinghui was very disdainful, and raised his head proudly, with his nostrils turned to the sky.

But when he saw Ren Jiajia, his eyes lit up, and he hurried forward to say hello in unproficient Chinese.

"Beauty, I'm Cui Jinghui, can I have dinner later?" Cui Jinghui's eyes showed a lewd light, and he kept looking at Ren Jiajia's slender legs under his short skirt.

Ren Jiajia frowned, and shook off Cui Jinghui's hand indiscriminately: "Let's practice first, the competition is very important."

Cui Jinghui didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Of course, we will have dinner together after practice."

Seeing Cui Jinghui's wretched smile, Ren Jiajia felt a chill, and quickly put her eyes on Huang Hao for help.Huang Hao coughed twice and helped Ren Jiajia get rid of Cui Jinghui's entanglement: "Mr. Cui, don't forget your job. I invited you here for a competition."

Cui Jinghui frowned in displeasure and said, "I know, I know, do you still need to practice for a small school competition? I'll get it done as soon as I get out."

"I hope so, I paid a lot of money." Huang Hao snorted twice.

Because of Huang Hao's relationship, Cui Jinghui didn't harass Ren Jiajia anymore, but during the band's rehearsal, Cui Jinghui and Ren Jiajia had a hot dance, during which Cui Jinghui kept taking advantage of Ren Jiajia.

After the joint practice, Ren Jiajia approached Huang Hao: "Ah Hao, can we not invite this Nanbang guy? He is dishonest."

"Impossible," Huang Hao said, "I gave all the money, and people will naturally use it. It's just a stage performance. What are you afraid of?"

"No, we can just sing. Why do we have to add this dance?" Ren Jiajia was very dissatisfied. Huang Hao didn't say that.

Since joining the band, at the request of Huang Hao, Ren Jiajia has made a big change in her attire, from a purely dressed girl to a slick bad girl.

Huang Hao said that this would be more attractive to the audience, and then vote for them.

Huang Hao sneered and said, "What? Seeing that the Xinran band has gotten better after leaving you, do you want to regret it?"

When mentioning the Xinran band, Ren Jiajia became angry: "I have nothing to do with the Xinran band, can you stop mentioning them?"

"It's best to be like this. Don't forget your goal. The campus competition is just the beginning. Our goal is the entertainment industry." Huang Hao said.

Ren Jiajia no longer objected. She joined Huang Hao's Ritian Band in the first place because Huang Hao could give her what she wanted.

At the beginning, Huang Hao promised that if Ren Jiajia joined the band, he could join the entertainment company under Huang Hao's father's group.

Ren Jiajia has a star dream. Although she was born in an ordinary working family, she worked hard to get admitted to Shanghai Conservatory of Music, just to become a star, but the high tuition fees were unaffordable for her family.
When she first entered college, Ren Jiajia went to the streets to sing and perform in bars in order to earn living expenses. During this process, she met Ye Zixin and Ye Ziran sisters, and then became good friends. The three even started a band together.

Later, for the dream of stardom, under the temptation of Huang Hao, Ren Jiajia resolutely switched to the Ritian Band, and she also became a stranger to Ye Zixin.I couldn't go back, so I had to go all the way to the dark.

Ren Jiajia still blames Ye Zixin and Ye Ziran in her heart, why after she left, the band not only didn't die, but got better and better.This was unacceptable to Ren Jiajia, who felt guilty. In her opinion, the band should fall apart after she left.

It has to be said that people's thoughts and thinking are sometimes difficult to understand, and this transformation from guilt to hatred cannot be described in specific words.

But now, not only Ren Jiajia is full of hatred for the Xinran band, but the Xinran band also hates the betrayer Ren Jiajia.

After a day of joint practice, Huang Hao disbanded the band and returned home.But he doesn't think this is his family, he's just a superfluous person, an illegitimate child on the edge, no one in the family looks down on him, that is, his biological father takes care of him occasionally, but it's limited because of busy work.

Sure enough, Huang's father's real wife verbally humiliated Huang Hao who had returned home, while the two sons born to the real wife, who were also Huang Hao's younger brother, looked on coldly and gloated.

Huang Hao suppressed his anger and pretended to be submissive and submissive. This situation will not improve until Huang's father returns home.

As soon as Dad Huang came home, Mrs. Huang changed her face and became a kind and warm mother who took good care of Huang Hao.Sometimes Huang Hao really wants to expose the face of this vicious woman desperately, but he dare not...

"Come on, Haohao, let's eat a piece of beef!" At the dinner table, with a kind smile on her face, Mrs. Huang gave Huang Hao a piece of spicy fried beef.

Huang Hao can't eat spicy food, but he can't refuse, so he can only smile and thank Mrs. Huang for her care.

Huang's father was very satisfied to see Mrs. Huang caring for Huang Hao so much, and said, "Madam, your care for Hao Hao is a bit too much, to the point of pampering."

Madam Huang rolled her eyes at Papa Huang and said, "I am his mother. This child suffered so much when he was a child, and my heart aches."

"Okay, okay, but don't forget Jing'er and Tian'er." Huang's father smiled happily, and the family seemed to be enjoying themselves.

After dinner, Huang's father chatted with Mrs. Huang in the living room, and Huang Hao, who was washing dishes in the kitchen and pretending to be a dutiful son, listened attentively.

"Ma'am, what do you think about letting Hao'er work in the company?" Papa Huang asked.

Of course Mrs. Huang doesn't want Huang Hao to take power in the company, otherwise what will happen to her two sons?But you can't object explicitly, just say: "That's good, but we have to respect Hao'er's opinion, last time he told me that he wanted to enter the entertainment industry."

"What's the point? It happens that there is an entertainment company under the group, and I can hand it over to Hao'er, and I can do whatever I want." Dad Huang said.

"Your child may not be willing if you want it. Huang Hao has been independent since he was a child and has his own ideas. I heard that he recently participated in a campus singing competition and achieved good results." Mrs. Huang smiled, MMP in her heart.

This is not even out of school, you can control an entertainment company with a market value of more than one billion, and my mother's son doesn't have this kind of treatment, which is absolutely impossible.

"Oh? Really?" Huang's father was very happy: "I'll treat Principal Zhu to dinner some other day. It just so happens that our entertainment company needs a lot of talents, and the quality of graduates from Shanghai Conservatory of Music is quite good."

Principal Zhu is the principal of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, and Dad Huang's meaning is very obvious. He must escort Huang Hao and ensure that he wins the championship.

How could Mrs. Huang let Dad Huang succeed, and said quickly: "You are so busy, don't you have to go to the small life to discuss business the day after tomorrow? Leave this matter to me!"

Papa Huang was right when he thought about it, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you, and I will ask Secretary Xiao Tang to assist you."

Huang Hao was a little anxious when he heard this. If Mrs. Huang participated, the competition would probably be over, but with his father's confidant secretary watching, this vicious woman should not go too far.

Huang Hao has full confidence in Cui Jinghui, without Mrs. Huang's intervention, he will definitely win the final.

(End of this chapter)

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