I am the savior of China Entertainment

Chapter 26 Personal Destiny Under the Wave of the Great Era

Chapter 26 Personal Destiny Under the Wave of the Great Era

The current music environment where plagiarism is common, cannot be changed by personal ability alone, even a giant like Penguin is unable to change it, not to mention that Penguin itself is also a beneficiary of plagiarism.

This kind of thing can only be changed through legislation and clear decrees.

In other words, the cost of plagiarism is too light now, and if you win a lawsuit for two or three years, you will only get a little compensation, and the creator's income has long been eaten up.

And if you lose, it will be even more unlucky, and you will have to pay the plagiarist. In this way, you will lose your wife and lose your army. Do you think the original creator is angry?

So now for plagiarism, the most the original creators can do is to send a lawyer's letter to warn them, and reserve their right to pursue the lawsuit, and they can't do more.

Big data, short videos, and brainwashing songs, most of the time a song is popular now will not exceed three months, and it will be almost forgotten after three months.

After two or three years of litigation, the value of a song has already been squeezed out, and the original creators cannot afford to lose the time cost of the lawsuit alone.

Since the lawsuit is not worthwhile and the original is plagiarized, what are you doing? Why don't you just stop writing and join the ranks of plagiarism. Anyway, plagiarism is not guilty.

If everyone thinks this way, then there is no hope for the music world.Fortunately, there are still a group of people in this world who insist on justice and support original works.

After more than a dozen plagiarized versions of "Gentleness" appeared, many netizens couldn't find the audio version of the Xinran band, so they went to listen to these plagiarized songs.

After listening to it, I immediately found that the feeling was very different, especially the few changes in the lyrics and melody, the more the audience listened, the more strange it became.

As a result, under the plagiarized songs, the audience launched an overwhelming curse.

"I won't even plagiarize. The essence of the original version is the phrase 'Don't disturb, it's my tenderness'. What the fuck did you change?"

"Facts have proved that plagiarism also needs to be leveled. The original lyrics are so well written. When you plagiarists get the lyrics, they will change their appearance. If it is not sung in the same tune as the original song, I would have thought it was another song! "

"Let's put it down, the original singer Xin Ran's band is very stable at the scene, and the singing skills of the lead singer are beyond the reach of these plagiarized singers."

"The various versions of "Gentleness", such as Yujie's version, new version, super new version, loli version, the results are not as good as the original version."

"The funniest thing is that they still have the same name. Li He and Li Drink come out. Isn't this the real version of Li Kui and Li Gui?"

Not only many netizens, but also big names in the music industry have criticized this phenomenon. Cui Jian, who had previously commented on "Gentleness", came out to speak again.

"When a good song comes out, all kinds of plagiarized versions come out, and everyone doesn't care about it. Plagiarism is not a crime, but is originality a crime?

In the current environment of the music scene, everyone is responsible. I appeal to everyone to resist plagiarism, support originality, and don't let the original creators feel cold. "

Other seniors also took this opportunity to stand up and speak out. The most bizarre thing is that Yuan Hua, who had just returned to China and released an EP, also stood up to speak out and resist plagiarism.

Who is Yuan Hua, the current top performer in the entertainment industry, with many fans.

In the EP released this time, there are a few songs that are out of the circle, which means that apart from fans, ordinary passers-by will also listen to them.As a result, the plagiarized singer saw the popularity of these songs, and plagiarized without hesitation.

Yuan Hua was also miserable, and used this incident to denounce these plagiarists.

The fans naturally supported my brother, so a group of plagiarists who copied Yuan Hua's songs were scolded bloody by the fans.

The initiator of the incident, Xinran and Li He, are more famous now, but everyone in the band is very normal, they should go to class, and practice in preparation for the national finals in their free time on weekends.

Station B has notified the band that it has successfully entered the top [-] of the national finals, so the band needs to prepare two to three songs.

After discussing with Ye Zixin and Fan Nuoxuan, Li He decided to use all original songs to fully confirm his reputation as an original talent.

During this period, some record companies contacted Li He and Xinran band one after another, but Li He declined them all.

Ye Zixin was very moved, but Li He persuaded Ye Zixin to discuss it after the national finals.

Several major music platforms, such as QQ Music and Netease Cloud, have approached Li He several times, hoping to obtain exclusive copyrights.

Although there is a lot of voices condemning plagiarized singers on the Internet, the plagiarists are all pretending to be dead, and those plagiarized songs on the platform still exist.

Under Fan Nuoxuan's suggestion, Li He posted the live version of "Gentleness" on Q Yin and Netease Cloud, and listeners can listen to it for free.

This approach is the same as Xu Shangao and Xue Zhiqian, the Mesozoic heroes of the current Chinese music scene.

The albums of the two singers are based on the principle of no charge. Xue Zhiqian mainly relies on variety shows to make money, and Xu Shangao can only say that he is a good singer who has dreams and is serious about making music.

It's just that Fan Nuoxuan has a request. Xu Shangao is not popular, so you don't want to snatch his concert tickets. Fan Nuoxuan can't get them...

Although "Tenderness" was written by Lee Hyuk, it was published under the name of Xinran Band, so the band can be regarded as a representative work.If the band wants to use this song in the future, they can obtain commercial authorization from Li He.

The plagiarism incident has been hyped for several months, and everyone was quickly attracted by the news of a certain celebrity prostitution.

Plagiarism was a big deal, but in the end it ended hastily. Apart from being scolded, the plagiarists had nothing to lose.

After that, the songs that should be cleaned up should be cleaned up, and the ones that should be plagiarized should be plagiarized.However, their good days are not long. The country originally planned to promote the improvement of the copyright bill and promote legislation. This matter is an opportunity.

When the time entered June, the higher-level organization issued a red-headed document with many specific contents, the most important of which was the plan to advance the copyright protection law, including the copyright of novels, film and television dramas, and of course the copyright of songs.

In this document, it is clearly pointed out that the harm of piracy and plagiarism to the current cultural and ecological environment has reached the point where it has to be rectified.The department will soon submit the bill to the higher authorities for discussion.

As soon as this popular document came out, writers who were fed up with plagiarists, directors and actors of film and television dramas, and singers and original creators ran with joy, while plagiarized singers who lived on plagiarism felt that the end was coming.

The black hands behind the plagiarism are mixed. As for the ordinary people who eat melons, they are in the state of eating melons, and then watch the show, and give advice on the Internet by the way.

Generally speaking, this is a good phenomenon, and netizens are very supportive, and a small number of netizens who are maverick and support plagiarism are scolded by everyone so that their mothers don't know each other.

By the way, Ren Jiajia dropped out of school, and it is said that she went to Nanbang with Cui Jinghui, so I can only say good luck to her.

People who are sensitive to policies have already seen that, firstly, the copyright law was used to protect creators, and then the market was protected through restraining orders, in order to allow the development of the Chinese cultural circle.

Not to mention going global, at least to protect the national culture, right?

Of course, this proposition is a bit big, at least it's not Li He's business.However, in the tide of the great era, if some people go down, some people will naturally seize the opportunity to come up.

Li He was very lucky, this was a god-given opportunity, and finally when he finally showed his talents, he seized this opportunity and skyrocketed to [-] miles was not a dream.

Individuals cannot change the general environment, but the country can. I will save the Chinese music scene.

(End of this chapter)

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