On the stage, following the wonderful fan dance, Li He retracted his fan and made a fist-cup gesture that often appears in martial arts movies, and then...

"Scared, there are a few rounds of life, the ring is waiting
Life and death, what did you win, sneered
Who is the first in the world, so what

Stop fighting, we uphold martial virtue

Mine, fist and kick

However, it only adds to the false name

The rivers and lakes are unpredictable, who is the strong

Who will fight for the qualification to unify the martial arts~"

The celebrities in the European and American music circles under the stage are confused. What is this Chinese person singing on stage?Not to mention, it's quite touching.

Before everyone could react, Li Hyuk continued with a playful tone, washing everyone's ears.

"In a small town, the years go by
clear courage

washed memories
I remember you, live proudly~"

"Wow! This part sounds good..." Bi Li frowned, patted Reba on the shoulder, and gave a thumbs up.Reba dealt with it casually, but actually didn't understand what Bi Li was saying.

However, looking at the performance of the surrounding European and American singers like bumpkins, Reba is still a little proud.

Xiao Mian, you also have today, Reba complained inwardly.He completely forgot that his performance when he first heard Li He sing was not much better than them.

"Hohohohoo, hoohoohoo
Huo Jiaquan's routine moves are flexible
live, live, live

life should be lived fully
passed by, passed by

Fault and weakness never belong to me
me me me me me me me

No one can hide from our martial arts attacks~”

The brainwashing chorus is very exciting to the ear, even if you don't understand what Li Hyuk is singing, but following the melody, everyone can't help but sway.

As for the country, it has long been overwhelmed.

"I'm going to express national self-confidence. My generation of martial arts practitioners strives for self-improvement. It's a good song."

"Li Hyuk, I love it. At the Grammys, singing this kind of song in front of a bunch of foreigners is too ambitious."

"What happened to the Grammys? Hualiu is the worst."

"Your words are easy to attract black people. From the current point of view, Li He is the only one who can handle it in the Chinese music scene."

"This song is good, but isn't it a bit inappropriate to sing this song on this stage?"

"Why is it inappropriate? Did you kneel for too long and can't get up?"

"Actually, is it possible that people actually don't understand what Li He is singing?"

"The ones with English letters..."

Before the start of the second verse, there was a well-arranged fan dance, and the handsome dance moves made the scene really exciting.Musicians have no borders, but good music knows no borders.

On this stage, Lee Hyuk won the whole audience, but at least most of them appreciated the performance.

At the end of the performance, Li He received thunderous applause.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but it seems that there is more sincerity in the applause this time.

This Grammy has come to a successful conclusion. Although Lee Hyuk only won one award out of five nominations, he brought a wonderful performance, which can be regarded as a harvest.

After the award ceremony, Reba returned to China first, while Li Hyuk and Bi Li collaborated in a recording studio in Los Angeles to complete the song "bad guy".

Domestic discussions on the Grammy this time are no lower than the Super Bowl Lee Hyuk performance, mainly because Lee Hyuk produced two different types of music, which made fans enjoy it.

A reporter interviewed Li Hyuk, and Li Hyuk said that these two songs will not be included in the official album, and this year's album may be released later.

After the fans heard the news of the new album, although they were a little disappointed, they were understandable.This year Li Hyuk is so busy with work, there are still movies to be released in the summer and concerts to be held.

Besides, didn't we release an album "Starry Sky" with the band at the beginning of the year, fans of the band can listen to it enough.

After cooperating with Billy, when the song "bad guy" was released, Li Hyuk's concert has already come to South America, the concert in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The Sao Paulo concert can be said to be the concert venue with the best atmosphere and the largest audience in the world.

It is worth mentioning that before Lee Hyuk came, as fans of Lee Hyuk, BTS had already come here to hold a concert, becoming an Asian idol group that came here to hold a concert.

However, Li Hyuk still has the opportunity to create the record of the first Asian solo singer to hold a concert in Sao Paulo, which is also an icing on the cake honor.

Moreover, compared to the scale of the youth troupe's concert, Lee Hyuk's concert can be said to be very large.

According to the statistics of the local concert organizers, 17 people will attend the first concert, and nearly 15 people will attend the second concert.Tickets were sold out long before Li Hyuk came to Brazil.

Perhaps it was the meaning Li Hyuk represented. On the day of arriving in Sao Paulo, the mayor of Sao Paulo and the staff of the Chinese embassy in Brazil came to greet him.

Considering the poor public security situation in Brazil, the hotel where Li Hyuk stayed, the city government of Sao Paulo directly stationed security forces, and patrol booths to ensure Li Hyuk's safety in Sao Paulo.

After the enthusiastic Brazilian fans knew that Lee Hyuk was coming, they fully demonstrated the enthusiasm of the country of samba.Some fanatical Brazilian girls took off their shirts directly outside the hotel where Li He stayed, and had Li He's English and Chinese names tattooed on their chests, as well as the shape of a heart.

Some female fans even tattooed Lee Hyuk's Q-version image on their inner thighs.

And the fanatical behavior of Brazilian fans naturally spread back to China, which made many Chinese netizens admire.Male netizens turned over the wall to find the high-definition uncensored version, while female netizens despised it, while secretly wondering if they should do the same.

Li He didn't expect that, when he heard people say that he was very popular in South America, Li He thought it was a joke.

But when he came to this place in person, Li He knew that he was not joking, and that he was indeed very popular here.But why?

Not only Li Hyuk himself couldn't figure it out, even Chinese netizens couldn't figure out why Li Hyuk was so popular in South America.

From the end of March to the beginning of April, Li Hyuk held four consecutive concerts in Sao Paulo, and the concerts were sold out.

The first concert had an official videotape, which was sent back to China for the majority of netizens to enjoy.

Compared with domestic concerts, the atmosphere of the Sao Paulo concert is indeed good, but this does not mean that domestic fans are not enthusiastic.It may also be due to human nature. Brazilian fans are generally very enthusiastic, while Chinese fans are a little more reserved.

In recognition of Li Hyuk's contribution, the mayor of Sao Paulo also awarded Li Hyuk the title of honorary citizen.

This title is useless, Li Hyuk is still an honorary citizen of Singapore, even Tokyo and Seoul wanted to award Li Hyuk the title of honorary citizen, but Li Hyuk refused.

After finishing the concert schedule, Lee Hyuk returned to China to prepare for the film promotion of "The Unspeakable Secret".

After a not-so-tense production cycle, "The Unspeakable Secret" has entered the theater stage, and has successfully won the leading mark.

But to be honest, compared to Lee Hyuk's reputation in the pop music world, his first film directed is actually not well received.

The reason is that in the past few years, few directors who have become monks can do a good job, and most of the films they make are bad films.

That is to say, Li Hyuk has a strong fan base, and if fans pay for it, this movie with a small investment is somewhat guaranteed, otherwise no company would be willing to invest.

However, the feedback from the audience was very good in the screenings before the premiere. Some viewers said that this movie was completely unexpected and worth watching.

With the announcement, at least it has aroused certain market expectations.

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