I am the savior of China Entertainment

Chapter 5 Bands and Conflict

Chapter 5 Bands and Conflict

After playing the extremely difficult "Hotel California", Ye Zixin couldn't help applauding Li He.She is also a good guitar player, so she naturally knows the difficulty of playing this piece. Many guitar lovers may not be able to learn this piece even if they practice their hands.

Li He put down the guitar, saw Fan Nuoxuan leading a girl with short hair and jeans standing at the door looking at him, and invited him, "Come in, what are you doing standing there?"

Fan Nuoxuan pulled Ye Zixin in and introduced to Li He: "This is Ye Zixin, you know him."

Li He and Ye Zixin shook hands politely: "The small place is a bit shabby, it makes you laugh."

Ye Zixin didn't take it seriously, but excitedly held Li He's hand and said, "Your guitar playing skills are really good, how do you usually practice?"

"Well, I recommend you to buy an exercise book, and after playing it dozens of times, you will be at this level." Li He said.

"That album is so thick, you are really good." Ye Zixin praised with a thumbs up.

"I'm honored." Li He smiled slightly, and then asked, "By the way, what are you doing here?"

"What? Can't I come and see you if I have nothing to do?" Fan Nuoxuan snorted.

"No, no, you are my creditor. How dare you have any objections when you come to inspect me." Li He cupped his hands.

"Let's gossip, we came to you to discuss something important, Xinxin." Fan Nuoxuan signaled Zi Zixin to speak.

"Uh, that's how it is. Isn't there a campus singer contest going to be held recently? I formed a band and I want to ask if you are interested in participating." Ye Zixin asked.

"The Campus Singer Contest? Isn't it a little bullying for me to participate?" Li Hyuk laughed.

Ye Zixin was taken aback for a moment, this man was quite arrogant.As everyone knows, Li He really thinks that if he participates in the campus singer competition, he is really bullying others. Among other things, these campus singers are all juniors in his eyes.

Not to mention singing skills and the like, his more than ten years of stage singing experience in his previous life is not comparable to these amateur singers who have not left school, even students from the Conservatory of Music.

Fan Nuoxuan patted Li He: "Hey, don't think too highly of yourself, there are plenty of people who sing well in our school, besides, Xinxin just wants to give it a try, you don't even know if you need it or not." Definitely!"

"If you want to say that, I still have to show some skills." Li He said, picking up the guitar: "Here is a piece of "Norwegian Forest" for you."

"Norwegian Forest" is Wu Bai's representative work. Compared with the current younger generation who like pop music in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, this 90s song is a popular golden song of Li Hyuk's previous generation.

Li He's father is a fan of Wu Bai, because he couldn't get tickets for the concert, he asked Li He to sing to him when he got home.

So Li Hyuk is actually his father's portable music player. Later, this function was discovered by his mother, so Li Hyuk added a cover of Teresa Teng.Mom also recorded a cover video for Li Hyuk, and then posted it on the Internet.

However, the cover songs fell into disrepair, and no one cared about them. Li He planned to post the previous cover songs to his video account on station B and advertise them after a while.

Fan Nuoxuan pulled Ye Zixin to sit down expectantly and listened to Li He's singing.Li Hyuk was not hypocritical, he simply played a chord, plucked the guitar and sang: "Let me take your heart off

try to dissolve it slowly
看 我 在 你 心中 是否 美 美 无瑕

Do you still care about me
still love me can't extricate myself
心中 是否 有 我 未 曾 过 地方 地方
那里 湖面 总是 澄清
那里 空气 充满 宁静
雪白明月 照 在 大地
藏 着 你 不 愿 的 回忆

At the end of the song, Li He raised his eyebrows and said, "How?"

Ye Zixin applauded and praised: "Not bad! I like your tone very much. It has a taste. The more you listen to it, the more intoxicated you become."

"Thank you for the compliment..." Li He's expression was calm, and he didn't feel the slightest joy of being praised.

"Look, I said Li Hyuk can sing, how about it? Do you want to think about it?" Fan Nuoxuan asked.

Ye Zixin stroked her chin and said, "Of course this ability is enough to be a lead singer, but our band is all girls, so it's a bit weird to rashly add a male lead singer."

"What's strange, isn't this very good? There is a sense of contrast, and it may bring you a novel experience. Li He, do you want to join the band?" Fan Nuoxuan looked at Li He with threatening eyes.

Li He instinctively wanted to refuse, but seeing Fan Nuoxuan's dangerous eyes, he was a creditor after all, so he had no choice but to shirk and said, "I'll think about it..."

"What else are you thinking about? There are many beauties in the band, let's go, to celebrate you joining the band, let's go eat fried skewers." Fan Nuoxuan didn't care about Li He and Ye Zixin's opinions, and directly dragged them out.

After ordering something good, the three of them sat down. Li He asked, "I said boss, you eat fried food all day long, why don't you get fat?"

"Hmph," Fan Nuoxuan said proudly, "My girl's natural physique is that she doesn't get fat easily."

"Yo Yo Yo, I'm so envious!" Ye Zixin made a grimace.

The three of them were chatting happily, but at this moment, a discordant voice sounded: "Ah, isn't this Miss Ye? Why, the band disbanded, do you want to vent your depression?"

No need to guess, this way of speaking with his nostrils upturned is that of Huang Hao, who is known as Rhubarb. He was leading a group of unscrupulous young people in leather jackets, leather pants, exaggerated chains, and colorful hair standing at the door.

In the popular words nowadays, this is called rock style...

"Hmph," Ye Zixin's enemy was extremely jealous when they met her, and said in a bad tone, "Think you're sure of winning by poaching my band's lead singer?"

"Of course. After all, there is no better singer than Jiajia in school. How about it? Why don't you abstain? You won't lose face when you get on stage." Huang Hao smiled disdainfully and spoke arrogantly. Li He listened They all frowned, not to mention Fan Nuoxuan, who has a hot temper.

Just as Fan Nuoxuan wanted to stand up and speak for her good sister, she was stopped by Li He. Fan Nuoxuan looked at Li He incomprehensibly.Li He shook his head at Fan Nuoxuan, signaling to hand it over to him.

"Huang Hao, right?" Li He stood up, walked up to Huang Hao, and held out his hand for a handshake.

Huang Hao didn't show face, and didn't shake hands with Li He at all: "I'm Huang Hao, who are you?"

Li He withdrew his hand, didn't care about Huang Hao's rudeness, and his smile gradually disappeared: "I am the new lead singer of Xinran Band, I hope we can compete in the campus competition."

"Cut, who do you find to be the lead singer? Can this kind of person also enter the competition?" Huang Hao ignored Li He, and directly ridiculed that his skills were full, and mocked Ye Zixin.

Ye Zixin blushed with anger and forcibly endured it. How could she have been so angry!However, there are too many opponents, so it's meaningless to quarrel. If the fight gets into the game, we still have to find the place in the game.

Li He didn't care about Huang Hao ignoring him, he patted Huang Hao on the shoulder and said, "Be careful, don't overturn the car."

After all, Li He didn't care about Huang Hao's reaction, sat down beside Fan Nuoxuan, and began to enjoy a wonderful dinner.

Seeing that Ye Zixin and the others stopped talking to him, Huang Hao was satisfied with showing off, and left with his bad boys hugging him.

(End of this chapter)

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