I am the savior of China Entertainment

Chapter 65 The Competition of Improvisation

Chapter 65 The Competition of Improvisation

"Then, the rules are clear, you three come one by one, play any three keys on the keyboard, and then Xu Song and Li He will use these three keys to compose music." The hostess said.

The three lucky viewers were dizzy and very nervous. After all, they were facing the eyes of tens of thousands of viewers, as well as tens of millions of viewers on the Internet.

The hostess asked, "Who will come first?"

A cute little fat man raised his hand and said, "I'll come first..."

"Okay, what's your name?" the host asked.

The little fat man is very brave, but when people say it, he gets nervous: "My name is Huang Ye."

"Student Huang, okay, now you press three keys on the piano." The host said.

Huang Ye pressed three keys on the piano. After Li He and Xu Song listened, Xu Song said, "These three notes are exactly a minor seventh chord. You must have studied music."

Huang Ye replied: "Yes, I am actually Senior Li Hyuk's junior."

"Wow, so that's how it is, and he's also a student of Shanghai Conservatory of Music! It's just right, you two, let's improvise!"

Li He and Xu Song made room for each other, and it was Li He who started first.

Li Hyuk sat in front of the piano and tried the three notes first.

Anyway, he also studied music, although his improvisational ability is not as good as that of Jay Chou, but it is worse than most musicians who pretend to be fake.

Playing and playing, Li Hyuk played a beautiful piece of music like a cloud and flowing water, which caused the audience to gasp in surprise, including the netizens on the webcast.

"My God, this is amazing."

"Yuan Hua came out and was beaten to see what a music creator is."

"Is this a music freak? Love love love."

"However, I am uneducated, and I can go all over the world with a word of nonsense."

"It's really a god-man."

"It's as beautiful as the moonlight, let's release a new song, can't I buy it?"

After more than 30 seconds of music was played, the three lucky audience applauded excitedly.

Xu Song applauded and said: "I thought you would write a minor scale as a grade VI m7 chord, but I didn't expect you to take these three notes as the 9rd, 3th and 5th notes of grade I add9 and make it into a major scale, which is amazing .”

Li He gave up the seat to Xu Song: "It's up to you next..."

"Okay..." Since ancient times, literati and musicians are no exception. Xu Song will definitely not give up easily, and impromptuly played a piece of music, which also aroused cheers from the audience.

"This round, whose song do you think sounds better?" the host asked.

The audience answering in the audience was basically a [-]/[-] split. On the barrage, it was also a [-]/[-] split between Li He and Xu Song who composed better music, so this round was declared a tie.

The second round started, and this time it was a cute girl with eyes who played 3 6 2 three white keys.

"Yo, this is good, it feels like it's made of water." Li He said.

The girl with eyes is also very humorous: "Yes, because I am made of water, and women are made of water!"

"Okay, it's coming." Li He sat in front of the piano and tried it, and after finding the feeling, he started playing like flowing water.

This ear-catching melody firmly grasped the ears of the audience in an instant.

Zhou Yawen had tears in her eyes when she listened to Li He's composition, it's so nice!She was about to cry.

This time it's even better than Huang Ye's, and it's even more beautiful. Netizens have been convinced, and even those who said it was specially arranged by the program group just shut up.

This beautiful music, even if arranged in advance, everyone is willing to listen to it forever.

Even though Yang Zi in the background was urged several times by her agent, she still didn't leave.

Watching Li Hyuk's improvisation, she was fascinated by listening to it, and she was even more enamored of Li Hyuk's creative talent.

Such a talented boy is also handsome, what girl doesn't love...

Xu Song followed suit, frankly speaking, it wasn't as good as Li He's, but this kind of competition is mainly about an atmosphere, so it's still a tie.

Finally, it came to Zhou Yawen. She looked at Li He excitedly and said, "I have been your fan since the song "Gentleness". After listening to your singing today, I feel so happy."

It was the first time for Li Hyuk to be confessed by fans live, and he was a little shy: "Thank you, thank you, come on, which three keys do you want to play?"

At this time Xu Song suddenly said: "In this way, I think it is very easy to compose with white keys, it is better to use black keys this time."

"Hey, are you serious?" Li He asked.

Xu Song smiled and nodded, "Of course it's serious, come on, let's get started!"

Zhou Yawen pressed two keys on the black key nervously, and the host reminded: "There is still one left."

Li He waved his hand: "No, just use these two keys, Brother Song, do you know what these two keys are suitable for?"

"Suitable for what?"

"Songs suitable for the Chinese style." After Li He finished speaking, the audience burst into cheers. Anyone who has followed the recent movements of Xu Song and Li He knows that the two of them jointly proposed the concept of the Chinese style.

But for the Huaxia style, everyone still doesn't know what kind of style it is.

The lyrics of "Lady" are very Chinese style, but the weird style of music and singing make most listeners not think it is a Chinese style.

In everyone's impression, the Chinese style should have the beauty of Chinese classical music, created with Chinese classical instruments.

Now Li Hyuk said that the Chinese style can be written with the piano, not only the audience, but even the musicians from all walks of life who watched the game are full of interest.

Li He sat in front of the piano, scanned the black side, and explained: "Actually, the black keys use the traditional Chinese pentatonic scale, which is very suitable for the Chinese style."

While talking, Li Hyuk started to play on the piano. The smooth sound of the piano made the audience seem to see a monster.

The host opened his mouth in disbelief, it was hard to believe what kind of music he heard.

So did Zhou Yawen, she was so excited that she shed tears, like listening to fairy music.

If you haven't heard it, you can't feel this super live creative skill. Netizens are even more blown up than before.

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling to watch..."

"Mom, am I looking at a fairy? Is this music composed by a fairy?"

"It has the feeling of a handsome young man in a martial arts movie."

"I can only sloppy, I can't find any other adjectives."

"My God, is there really a genius in the Chinese music world?"

Li Hyuk's ability to improvise on the spot completely ignited the Internet. Neither Quan Zhilong, Yuan Hua, nor Girls' Generation can steal Li Hyuk's limelight tonight.

After the whole Internet was black and white, Li He once again made the majority of netizens recognize himself and attracted more fans.

Xu Song completely surrendered. Although the host announced a tie, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Li He was even better.

After the improvisation session was over, Li He and Xu Song gave each of the three lucky viewers a signed photo. The three audiences were so excited that they couldn't close their mouths with laughter.

After Zhou Yawen went down, she solemnly put away the autographed photo. She was still reminiscing about the song Li He created with the two black keys she played casually, and she felt so happy.

Su Yutong clapped her little hands excitedly at the side and said: "I announce that Li He will be my new husband from now on, Wenwen, for Li He's sake, I will force you to be a noble concubine."

Yuan Hua's die-hard fans have also rebelled. In front of talent, appearance is worthless, not to mention that Li He has an appearance that is not inferior to Yuan Hua.

"It's almost twelve o'clock. Now, Li He and Xu Song, why are you ringing the New Year's bell? Farewell to 2015 and usher in 2016. Let's count down together." Amid the excited voice of the host, the whole audience In the countdown sound.

When the pointer of time returned to zero, Li He and Xu Song rang the bell at the same time, ushering in 2016.

"Happy New Year..." With a cheer, fireworks were set off, adding a bit of color to the New Year's Eve atmosphere.

The New Year's Eve concert came to an end with Xu Song's singing, but the touch to the audience tonight will not stop.

Whether it's the previous nuclear energy scene, or Li Hyuk's improvisation ability.

Or it was the first time I heard beautiful Chinese style music, all of which made this night unforgettable.

Li He never thought that one day he would be able to compete with Xu Song in improvisation.

Maybe I was also talented in my previous life, but I couldn't get ahead without being appreciated by the nobles.

Maybe I can make my own original in this life, but since there are already successful cases in previous lives, Li Hyuk still thinks not to take risks.

And this small competition was completely in front of the public, proving his creative ability.

The New Year's Eve concert is over, and everything that happened tonight has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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