I live in Dayu Changsheng

Chapter 30, Life in the world

Chapter 30, Life in the world

Cao She's headless body fell to the ground.

As soon as he died, without restraint, the black snake suddenly went berserk again, and with a catapult, it rushed towards the nearest Yuan Da.

The knife light flashed again.

Everyone only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and they didn't see anything clearly. All they saw was: the black snake that rushed towards Yuan Da like lightning had already fallen to the ground, split into two halves, and twitching slightly.

Note: It is two halves, not two sections, it is divided into two from the middle of the snake body!
'Amazing! '

Fang Rui's eyes flashed: "I can see this move clearly, but I can't avoid it or stop it." '

Not only was he shocked, but the others also lost their voices, shocked by such exquisite saber techniques, their eyes widened, their mouths opened wide, and they fell silent like a cicada.

Cao She's two attendants originally wanted to argue a few words, but when they saw this scene up close, their pants were wet and they fell limply on the ground with a plop.

Gao Yao, the instigator, suddenly shrank his pupils and turned pale—this time he was not pretending, but for real!
At this moment, his heart was shaken: he dared to use such a person to kill someone with a knife, did he lose his mind, go crazy, or lose his head?

If it is said that Cao She's black snake riot blatantly provoked the rules of the black market, even if there was something hidden in it, it actually lost face in the black market;
Then, at this moment, Yuan Da used Cao Snake's head and that exquisite knife technique to regain his face and set it up as a 'golden archway'!
"Come here, pull this person down for treatment."

Yuan Da glanced at Gao Yao indifferently, took out a piece of silk cloth from his bosom, wiped the blood on the horizontal knife, and then turned around and thrust the knife into the sheath with great charm.

"This is really..."

Fang Rui, who had witnessed it from the beginning to the end, was inexplicably shocked in his heart, thinking about it all: "A passer-by said it was right, no matter what, Cao Snake broke the rules under the watchful eyes of the public... Therefore, this person must die." ! '

"Gao is going to be carried away and given treatment, will he be "accidentally" dead, buried, and never appear again? '

As soon as this question was born, he gave the answer in his heart: 'No!At least, not for the time being, because on the bright side, if Gao is the victim, even if the black market is not afraid, he still has to deal with the crowd. '

"However, although Gao Yao saved his life for the time being, he will surely die in the future... Yuan Da seems to have seen something. In a sense, Gao Yao is using him as a knife..."

'Ah!Is it fun for a child to dance with a sword?If you don't have that strength, but forcefully hold a knife, you must be prepared to be backlashed! '

"If you want this person, the more likely ending is: ten days and a half months later, when this matter gradually subsides and is forgotten, he will die on the street in a very 'normal' way..."

Fang Rui pondered over all of this, figured out the reason behind it, and learned how to handle things and how to do things.

He will not be superior in mentality just because he is a time traveler, thinking that he is smarter than other people in this world...

In that way, sooner or later, you will stumble!
'Live to be old, learn to be old, and keep learning to make continuous progress... This is also part of Gou Dao. '

Fang Rui thought to himself.

Of course, he only used it as a model example to learn from experience and lessons, and he would not intervene in specific matters.

—That's none of his business!

"Facing Cao She before, I didn't help Gao Yao; I don't care about this man's calamity soon..."

'Actually, that's good too, so as not to get my hands dirty. '

I have to say: after Fang Rui had seen Gao Yao's ruthlessness, he was cautious and fearful in his heart.

Soon, order was restored at the exit of the black market, and people came and went again.

When Fang Rui passed by.

Yuan Da seemed to remember him, Fang Rui nodded slightly.


Fang Rui became the focus of attention of the crowd.

Acquaintances who have come to the black market know that Yuan Da has always had his eyes above the top, and those who can get his approval must be strong.

He didn't know about Fang Rui yet, so he immediately started asking people around, and there was a lot of whispering.

"Who is this person?"

"You don't even know this? The originator of finished medicine! The seller of the new medicine 'Growing Muscle Powder' and 'Scar Removing Cream'... Oh, it's called 'Skin Cream' outside!"

"Hey, what are these? Zhou Changlin, Gao Tong, have you heard of it? Those two murderous men hunted down this man with weapons two days ago, and now there is no news, but this man is still alive..."

"Hiss, this kid is so terrifying!"


'Sure enough, he is a strong man! '

Many people had such thoughts in their hearts, looked at Fang Rui with fear and awe, and secretly listed him as one of the most unprovoked people in the black market.

'I actually borrowed a bit of this person's fierce power...It will save me some possible troubles, and at the same time, it will also make my future enemies overestimate me as much as possible...I can only say: both advantages and disadvantages! '

Fang Rui thought to himself, cupped his fists and said 'Master Yuan', and left the black market.


Go all the way and return to Liushu Alley.

Far away, Fang Rui saw two figures patrolling here, and he didn't avoid them, and went straight to meet them.

"Brother Fang is back? Nothing here tonight, don't worry!" One of them was Jiang Ping'an, and the other was his subordinate.

"Thank you Brother Jiang, what about the others? When I went out, I saw quite a few..." Fang Rui chattered.

"Those of my subordinates? They all dispersed, went on patrol, and fished for oil and water..."

Jiang Pingan winked: "You understand."

Fang Rui nodded.

He really understands: these days, life is hard, and there are not a few people who go to the black market. If you give money, you can still let him go.

There are even more frenzied yamen servants who tacitly allow the thieves to steal, and even go one step further, colluding with each other, sharing a share with the thieves, and acting as a protective umbrella...

Of course, this kind of black sheep is not too much. Fang Rui only heard Jiang Pingan mention it, at least, Jiang Pingan didn't do it.

——Otherwise, Fang Rui will suspect that this person is too bottomless and alienate him early.

"Trouble this brother, a little heart is not a respect."

Fang Rui took out a large amount of money from his pocket and handed it to the yamen servant next to him.

The other party stayed here and saved less oil and water. For Jiang Ping'an's sake, he wouldn't say anything once, but it couldn't be like this every time.

If there has been no compensation, there must be resentment, especially: patrolling and guarding, subjective factors are very important, people feel wronged, deliberately work without effort, or turn a blind eye, it may lead to unnecessary scourge.

Therefore, there is still a need for compensation, which is the principle of life.

Of course, it is impossible to give too much, like being taken advantage of, the degree of which needs to be grasped by oneself.

"This..." The yamen servant looked at Jiang Ping'an.

"Look what I'm doing? My brother gave it to you, and that's it!"

Jiang Ping'an naturally understood the reason for this, and he would not stop this subordinate from accepting him. He kicked this subordinate and cursed: "These big money are more lucrative than you go to patrol, and you have to run around like that. How can it be easier than resting here with Lao Tzu? Hurry up and thank my brother Fang!"

He is a delicate mind, and he is deliberately selling Fang Rui's favor.

"Hey, thank you, Master Fang!"

The yamen servant was kicked, but he was not angry, but thanked Fang Rui with a smile on his face.

Because: as Jiang Ping'an said, he is guarding here, not to mention relaxed, and he has more oil and water than other yamen servants, far exceeding psychological expectations.

——Originally, he thought he was here to work for nothing.

"My brother, why bother to say thank you? Next time I might have to worry about it." Fang Rui said nice words.

"Master Fang, don't worry, your business is my business." The yamen servant patted his chest and promised with all his heart, promising to do his best.


Fang Rui turned his head to look at Jiang Ping'an, put his hand into his bosom, and made a gesture to take out the money: "I still have Brother Jiang's share..."

"Brother Fang, isn't that embarrassing me?"

Jiang Pingan smiled and slapped Fang Rui's hand away: "Without your business, I'll stay in one place and rest, where should I rest? I also have a share of the oil and water the people below... "

"So, what are you doing with me? If you really want to, just buy me two more drinks." He laughed.

"That's a deal!"

Fang Rui chatted with Jiang Ping'an again and left separately.

After walking a certain distance, with his extraordinary hearing, he could still hear the faint voice behind him.

"Boss, let's go now, don't you guard?"

"Nonsense! Our brother Fang is a high-grade martial artist. He is back, why should we continue to guard... If a thief dares to come, he will take the initiative to hit the knife!"

"Other families in Willow Alley..."

"Other people have nothing to do with me?! Live your own life! In this world, can you manage it? You can't!"


Go home, everything is fine.

Fang Xueshi and Fang Ling came out of the cellar, went back to the house, and lit the lamp.

Flames danced and filled the entire small room.

Fang Rui untied his rucksack, soybeans, pork suet, dried rabbit, these good things, one after another, took them out of his rucksack.

Fang Xueshi and Fang Ling were all very happy.

In this world, in this year, there is nothing that makes people feel more secure and at ease than these tight supplies.

While Fang Xueshi felt sorry for the money, she was happy to gather things; Fang Ling's eyes were straightened, as if thinking of how they would turn into delicious food, and swallowed.

Fang Rui watched from the side and smiled happily.

In his previous life, when he was a child, his father would always bring some meat buns or other snacks when he went home, and watched him eat while smoking a cigarette, his eyebrows and eyes stretched.

He wondered: Could this be the same mood.

'The state of mind of the old father?No, the sense of accomplishment of the head of the family, right? '

However, regardless of whether it was true or not, Fang Rui wanted to say: This feeling is actually quite charming.

Wash up separately, go back to the house to sleep peacefully, and tell stories.

In the watery night, a day passed.


Time flies, the sky brightens and darkens twice, that is, two days pass by in a hurry, and the days of peace and nothingness always pass quickly.

Because of the emergence of new drugs, the profits have increased greatly, and the quality of life of the Fang family has risen sharply. With oil and water, Fang Xue's and Fang Ling's faces gradually became healthy and rosy.

Most of the other families in Liushu Hutong are still suffering as before.

Fang Rui basically went to Jiang Ping'an's house every other day, drinking, eating, getting closer and exchanging feelings.

The two got along pretty well, and compared to before, the temperature has heated up again.


This night, the moon is on the tip of the tip.

It's time for dinner.

Today, Fang's dinner: stick noodle porridge, stick noodle bun, a bowl of fried wild vegetables, a small dish of fried soybeans, a small bowl of roasted rabbit legs, and two fried eggs in it.

Steaming hot, the aroma of meat and vegetables filled the small room.

"Wow, it's delicious food again, it smells so good!" Fang Ling leaned on the table with her butt pouted, her big eyes sparkling, her little nose fluttering, and she gulped down her saliva.

She has already found a pattern: every two days, when her brother is going out at night, the food at home will be better, with more oil and water.

recently?It seems to be much better.

"What is a good meal and what is a bad meal?"

Fang Xueshi tapped the chopsticks on the little girl's head: "Fried soybeans, fried eggs, and rabbit legs are all for your brother. He has to go out to do errands at night, and he will only have strength when he is full."

"Oh, I know, I won't eat it." Fang Ling looked back sensiblely.

Fang Rui smiled: "Mom, you and Ling'er should eat some too! Let you see, how can I eat it by myself?"

At his insistence, Fang Xueshi and Fang Ling were given half a fried egg each. Fang Ling also had two pieces of rabbit meat and a handful of fried soybeans. Fang Xueshi would not say anything more.

In fact, it's just these things, Fang Xueshi is saying that she spoils Fang Ling too much.

Fang Rui laughed and said, "No matter how much the family lacks, there is no shortage of this one!"

He was thinking, let Fang Ling take care of his body so that he can practice martial arts in the future.

In this era, sectarian views are serious, even the enlightened Fang Baicao is no exception, according to the ancestral precept "Cultivation of Health" to pass on males and not females, but he is different and does not have this kind of prejudice.

'At that time, if Dad doesn't agree, I'll find another exercise... However, this girl is only five years old, and she is still too young. '

Fang Rui thought about it and looked at Fang Ling.

I saw: This little girl buried her head, eating very deliciously, she only took a small bite, and after swallowing, her little face showed an extremely satisfied expression.

Even Fang Rui's appetite was whetted.

He somewhat understood why in his previous life, eating and broadcasting were popular.

The family gathers together, eating and gossiping at this small table.

"...Yesterday, I saw two families in our alley picking willow leaves. That thing... well, life is hard..."

Fang Xue sighed: "Among them, there is Zaohuai's family. His family spoke for our family at the beginning. Brother Rui, do we want to borrow some wheat bran from his family?"


Fang Rui thought for a while, and agreed: "We have a lot of wheat bran in our house. I don't eat it anyway. It's just for backup. It's okay to lend some."

Last time, although he brought five or six catties of wheat bran to Zaohuai's family, the three members of Uncle Zaohuai's family, even if they ate half a catty a day with some willow leaves, had already eaten them all these days.

The fire flickered.

A dinner ends in this warm atmosphere.

After dinner.

Fang Xueshi went to wash the dishes and take care of the kitchen; Fang Ling rubbed her stomach contentedly and hiccupped while wiping the table with a rag.

"Ling'er, lock the door inside, don't open it when other people come, wait for me to come back... just shout if you have something to do..."

After Fang Rui explained, he carried a small sack containing 10 catties of wheat bran and went out.

Uncle Zaohuai's house is not far away, just a few steps away, even if something happens, he will be back soon, so there is no need to worry too much.


(End of this chapter)

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