Chapter 230 The Change of King Xing

After breakfast the next morning, the three of them packed up their things and drove home by horseback.

The spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease, and I see Chang'an flowers all day.

Qin Shao finally realized the true feeling of these two poetic sentences of Meng Jiao.

I heard that many people commented that Meng Jiao and his subsequent performance were too ostentatious.

This is the feeling of excitement that I don't understand after studying hard for ten years.

Compared with many people, Qin Shao has taken a lot of shortcuts and is lucky to be honest, but he still can't restrain his inner excitement.

He will be a Juren in the future, and he will basically be included in the ranks of the gentry and landlords.

Juren not only has more benefits that scholars have, such as more tax exemptions, but also has the right to become an official.

If someone can recommend it, if you are lucky, you can be a county magistrate in a remote place, and it is not difficult to find a county magistrate, master boss, etc. if you are almost lucky.

In short, he jumped out of the common people and became a small member of the ruling class!

Although many things have changed slightly nowadays, Zhu Houzhao is still walking in the direction of history little by little. Qin Shao feels that he is a small person and wants to help, but he always feels powerless.

He is not that great. When helping others, you must first protect yourself.

What's more, if he behaves too much, it's hard to tell whether Zhu Houzhao believes it or not.

He was also thinking about this last night, if Zhu Houzhao died and Zhu Houcong became the emperor, what would he do?
Judging from the current situation, Zhu Houcong is not very friendly to him, and he can even clearly see that he doesn't like it.

Qin Shao was also a little confused, he didn't compete with him for the position of the son, and he didn't have too many conflicts of interest, so why did that person always look weird.

The aura of the two seems to be so at odds with each other by nature!

If that guy becomes the emperor, he will definitely not use him.

But he didn't want to rely on him. At present, if he doesn't wear small shoes for himself in the future, he will be Amitabha.

His original goal was to be a small landlord.

I just take the scientific examination. Anyway, the higher the level, the better the benefits. At that time, with these benefits, it is not bad to be assigned to a remote place to be a small official, and to buy land to be a landlord.

No matter how remote it is, he would like to visit Mobei or remote southern Guangdong.

The three of them galloped all the way and arrived home the next morning.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the city, he met Shunzi and others waiting here, and Zhu Chen in plain clothes was also accompanying him.

A group of people surrounded the three of them and went home.

Lancao and Mrs. Jin had already cooked the meal and boiled soup for them to wash.

They ate, washed, and talked about the general situation.

Zhu Chen went back to report, saying that the prince has been concerned about whether the person will come back, so let him wait for the next time, and now he will go back and reply to let the prince rest assured.

After Zhu Chen left, the three began to enter the room to rest.

After walking for a day and a night, I was already tired.

In the afternoon, Zhu Youzhao came over.

Seeing that Qin Shao was still awake, he told people not to disturb him, and went to the study by himself.

When Qin Shao woke up, it was almost dusk. After washing and eating, he heard that King Xing had been in the study, so he went in to say hello.

Zhu Youzhu asked about the release of the exam results, and Qin Shao briefly explained the situation.

"The county examination will be held in February next year. The number of applicants from our clan in Huguang is not very large. Except for a little bit in Xiangyang, there are very few other places."

After Zhu Youzhao was excited, he said with a sense of loss.

"The clan has been pampered and respected for many years, and the scientific examination has just been released. Many people have not read the scientific examination books for many years. They are worried that they will be too bad in the examination. The situation will be much better in the future."

It was normal for Qin Shao to be treated coldly at the beginning.As long as the road is not blocked.

If you are poor, you want to change!

Those who are poor to a certain extent will find a way to change.

At present, those clans do not say that they are not confident in themselves, but also that many people feel that being a scholar is not as good as their salary as a clan, so they are naturally in a wait-and-see attitude.

Unless it is said that capable people participate in the scientific examination to get benefits, and give up the clan treatment to live a better life, so as to make a model, then more people will follow suit.

In the final analysis, it is best for the clan's children to have someone who can set an example!

"What you said is that if members of the clan are like Xi'er and you, the children of the Zhu family in the Ming Dynasty will definitely have a bright future!"

Zhu Youtang looked at his eldest son proudly stroking his beard.

Qin Shao was a little embarrassed.

He hurriedly changed the subject and asked King Xing if he had any promising descendants of the Huguang clan.

Because the clan has just participated in the scientific examination, ordinary people don't care about this matter, they just think it is a matter for the royal clan, just watch the excitement.

As for those arrogant literati groups, they didn't take them seriously at all, they were different people anyway.

However, the clan is very lively, it is related to the interests of the clan, the discussion is very intense, and they will also inquire about the registration situation.

Even if there is a distance, they cannot leave the fief at will. Many people inquire about the application situation in various places, at least those within the scope of their chief secretary are getting to know each other.

In order to take care of the clan's children, Emperor Zhengde Zhu Houzhao also insisted that the local government give preferential treatment to the clan for each scientific examination, that is, at least two members of the clan must be admitted for each scientific examination.

The purpose is to prevent the entire army from being annihilated during the scientific examination, which is too ugly and embarrassing for the Zhu family.

The specific policy is that, for example, in the county examination, clan members take the exam together with ordinary people. If they compete with ordinary people and are within the quota, they will be admitted as ordinary people.

If all the participants are unsuccessful, two clan members will be added.

Of course, in order to avoid opposition from the civil service group, these two places do not take up the number of places admitted by ordinary candidates.

"The Zaoyang King Zhu Youzhen of Xiangyang Mansion is very talented in literature, he is good at reading, and I heard that he is also very kung fu. He is considered a talent. I hope he can show the clan! But I have never met him in person, and I heard that he is also good-looking. Young man Talent!"

Zhu Youzhao said with great interest that he seemed to have a good impression of King Zaoyang who was from King Xiang's lineage.

Qin Shao was a little funny.

At this moment, Zhu Youtang was very friendly with the Xiangyang Mansion, talking about King Zaoyang as if he was his own brother, and completely forgot about his earlier fight for land with the Xiangyang Mansion.

But if you think about it, it's like those brothers in the same family in the countryside earlier, who were not ambiguous at all about dividing the family property and grabbing land.

But if you encounter something that your family is bullied by outsiders or has something to do with your family's interests, you will still be consistent with the outside world.

To put it unequivocally, if those civil servant groups are now blatantly rushing to oust Zhu Houzhao, although many of these vassal kings will be abolished, Qin Shao believes that basically 90.00% of the vassal kings will take up arms to support Zhu Houzhao and fight with those people!

After all, for these people, the world belongs to their old Zhu family, and when it comes to matters of collective interest, they will naturally unanimously speak out.

In his previous life, Qin Shao was very interested in the history of the late Ming Dynasty. He had seen the statistics of the fate of the vassal kings in various places in the Ming Dynasty when the Qing army swept across the Central Plains.

Indeed, there were some spineless people who surrendered, who were regarded as a model by those who compiled history, slandering the vassal kings as waste materials, and surrendering for fear of death.

But the real historical records show: that is only a minority, and there are not a few descendants of the Zhu family with integrity.

The vassal king of the Ming Dynasty was also quite heroic at the last moment of the late Ming Dynasty, which is embarrassing.

Because watching it was too emotional, Qin Shao still remembers it fresh.

There were 11 Wang Kangqings in the King of Chu's family who killed the enemy, and only 2 surrendered, and they were forced to surrender after being defeated.

Zhu Yunnai, the king of Tongshan, fought bravely against the enemy. His teeth were knocked out because he opposed Liu Chengyin, and he guarded Guilin. Guilin fell and disappeared.

Zhu Yunjiao, the king of Jiangxia, joined forces with Chen Qice in the sea, and was betrayed and killed by the prefect of Nanning.

In the lineage of King Lu, only one of the nine kings was captured and surrendered.

When Zhu Hongmao, king of Weiyang, was captured and held to death, he still scolded the thief endlessly.

There are 8 kings in the line of Shu kings.

Only one king surrendered after failing to resist the enemy, the rest were killed in the resistance, and two of them committed suicide directly.

Yiwang's family has the largest number of people, with 20 kings, and only 1 person surrendered.

Among them, Zhu Changlian, king of Fengxin, fell to Fuzhou and died of hunger strike for seven days.

Only those above the county king in the clan clan died fighting the enemy out of ten, and those who surrendered and were afraid of death were only talking about a few.

Many people read the information and sighed:
Although the descendants of the old Zhu family are afraid of death, most of them still have integrity.

"Master! The person who delivered the good news has already arrived at the Jingshan County Office!"

The two were about to continue chatting about the clan affairs, when the third son outside shouted in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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