Chapter 295 Riot
"It's so damn hateful! This is going to cut off our way of life!"

Some students looked up to the sky and burst into tears.

"What? Xuesi, what's wrong?"

Students from various provincial halls continued to gather on the streets.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

There were those who were filled with righteous indignation and those who did not know the truth, and the scene became lively in an instant.

"The emperor condemned himself, saying that he was incompetent. Under his rule, he selected so many officials with bad morals. He is ashamed of the trust of the people and students in the world."

"What's wrong with the emperor? He didn't choose those officials alone, but they were all selected by various departments and the cabinet. Except that the champion was hand-picked by the emperor and was recommended by the cabinet at that time. Shufen was in the cabinet at the time. Especially recommended by Yang Shoufu!"

"That's right! And about Li Gezhong, he seems to be quite close to those in the cabinet. I heard that he is still a student of Mr. Liang Chuliang."

"Everyone, stop arguing. The nasty things done by those people have been exposed. The emperor will definitely decree to deprive those officials of their hats and let them go back to their hometowns to think about their mistakes. Now we should be most concerned about the test. This year's test may not be successful. Held!"

"What? How can it not be held? I traveled thousands of miles from Qiongzhou, and it took me a year to come to the capital. Now that I can't take the exam, where should I go?"

"That's right! Our family borrowed money from the family to raise money to send me to the exam. I failed the exam and let me go back. How can I have the face to meet Jiang Dong's elders? Isn't this killing people? How can the emperor not let me take the exam? ?”

Someone burst into tears.

"It's not that the emperor didn't let the exam. The emperor always wanted to hold the exam earlier as scheduled to select more outstanding talents! He has contacted the cabinet and the ministers of the six ministries several times. I hope everyone will not stop the court and start work as soon as possible. Now It’s almost March and April, and the emperor is very worried that it will affect the exam, but those people don’t care about the emperor at all, and the emperor can’t do anything about it, for everyone to be able to take the exam, now he has issued an edict of guilt!”

"What's wrong with the emperor? It was raining heavily the day the Empress Dowager gave her big ceremony. The emperor took pity on the ministers and asked them to bow instead of kneeling. Those people even said that the emperor was not filial! There is no evidence at all about the emperor going to the imperial mausoleum to drink, it's just a rumor! They said that the emperor violated filial piety, but what did they do? They gave birth to a concubine in front of the father's tomb, and became ashes as court officials..."

"Exactly! Your Majesty is right, it is the court officials who won't let us try it now, and won't pave the way for us! They have a vegetarian meal and a salary, but they don't work for the court. Let's go find them!"

"Yes! Go find them!"

"Who to look for? It's all over now, and there is no one in the six ministries and other departments. Where can I find someone?"

"Go to Yang Shoufu's mansion! Go to their book store!"

"Yes! If he is not at home, he will go to Liang Chu and Jiang Mian's residence!"

The crowd was noisy, some people took the lead in shouting, and soon people gathered, and a group of people rushed towards Yang Tinghe's mansion.

"Self-evident, will this matter cause too much trouble, don't kill anyone! The emperor said that these students will be regarded as the pillars of the country in the future, do you want us to send someone to protect..."

Jiang Bin said with some worry.

He and Qin Shao stood in a hidden room on the second floor of an inn.

"How can you go? Didn't you just get caught? Yang Shoufu is so powerful, why do you still need your protection? Don't worry, they will naturally find someone to help!"

Qin Shao laughed.

If Yang Tinghe dared to call someone to help, he would only annoy those students even more, and it would be out of control at that time.


Yang Tinghe had eaten, was drinking tea, and was reading those tabloids from the past few days.

After the three tabloids exposed scandals involving more than a dozen officials, the situation seems to have slowed down in the past two days.

Most of those people, Yang Tinghe, had a slight impression that they were basically low-ranking officials in various departments.

The strategy they adopted before was like this, every time they wrote a letter, they chose to let those low-level officials jump to the front to fight in the ring.

Anyway, there are many petty officials who want to show themselves in front of them. They don't need to be summoned by him, and they go forward bravely every time.

It's just that he didn't expect that the most outstanding performers this time would be so unclean that people could catch them.

However, it's just a few low-end goods, if they are taken down, they will get some!
Although the guy surnamed Shu is the number one scholar, he is also a guy with no brains!
Grandma's performance of filial piety is too extreme, but she is still giving birth in the cemetery, which is really weird!
He, Yang Tinghe, has met all kinds of people for decades, and it is enough to do those things in front of his father's grave in the cemetery!
However, it is just a champion, and there is a champion every three years. If there is no accident, his son Yang Shen's champion in the imperial examination today should be in his pocket.

By the time……

"Master, the tabloid over there has published a new issue today."

Yang Tinghe looked at those tabloids, and the butler ran in with the newly bought tabloids, sweating all over his face.

Nowadays, it has become a habit for the official families in Beijing to buy the newspapers and periodicals of the four tabloids. After all, the tabloids have become the mouthpiece of news in the capital.

"So early?"

Yang Tinghe asked curiously.

Because of the official strike, the tabloids of these days generally choose to close to noon in order to attract more people to buy.

Now just after breakfast, a new issue is out.

"Master, there seems to be something wrong with the tabloids...the tabloids have the emperor's edict of guilt!"

The butler said in a panic.

He didn't read the details carefully.

It's just that today's tabloid has sold out and the price has skyrocketed because of the emperor's sinful edict, and it can't be bought at several times the original price.

He still paid a high price to snatch it from others.

"What? The emperor sent an edict against himself?"

Yang Tinghe asked in surprise.

There was an instant surprise on his face.

They stopped the court this time because they wanted the emperor to punish him.

There have been emperors who have sinned against themselves in history, but not many.

There are very few emperors who can issue two imperial edicts in succession!

He wanted Zhu Houzhao to be such an emperor.

Previously, he sinned against himself and ordered him not to have a long memory, but this time he let him have a long memory.

Didn't he want to fly out of Shangjing, out of their circle of control?
He broke his wings so he couldn't fly.

The emperor issued an imperial edict to prove that he was wrong and that he was incompetent.

If there is one time, the people will accept it, and feel that no one is a sage, and there is nothing wrong with it!
But what is the concept of twice?That means that he can't be the emperor, he's just a waste material, if he can't, he can either give up his position, or be honest and let capable people help manage the government. He can just be an obedient emperor!

Zhu Houzhao should also understand this, so the kid was afraid of getting sick, and stayed in bed for so long.

He's also smart, deliberately leaning next to each other, taking advantage of his illness and not giving in, he will spend time with him, anyway, Yang Tinghe has time!
It's just that this edict of guilt should be given to their cabinet first, at least let him know first?
Why is the edict of guilt published in the tabloids?

Yang Tinghe suddenly felt something was wrong, and hurriedly opened the tabloid to check.

After a while, his face was ashen.

"Yang Quan! Yang Quan!"

He called himself butler loudly.

What kind of sin is this!It's just that he was lured to him after being exonerated, and let him take the blame!

no!He must contact Liang Chu and Jiang Mian, and quickly think of a countermeasure, this will not work!

"Master! Master! Not good! Not good!"

Yang Tinghe got up to look for Yang Quan, wanting him to send a letter to the two, and the three met at the agreed place.

Yang Quan's scream suddenly sounded in the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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