Chapter 507
"I want to participate in the performance of Kong Wenshao's stealing of the court's cultivated land as the private land of the Confucian family! In the first year of Hongwu, Tai Zu gave the Confucian family 2000 hectares of sacrifice land, and after that, 611 hectares of sacrifice land were successively granted to the Confucian mansion. The number of land was originally about 2600 hectares, but now 4000 hectares have been reported and recorded.

From the destruction of the old city of Qufu and the establishment of the new city, within a few years, the Confucian Mansion occupied more than 1000 hectares of imperial land, which is really a moth of the imperial court!These evidences do not need to be provided by the ministers, as long as they can be found from the case books allocated by the imperial court to the Confucian Mansion. The ministers are humble, and their family members are in Qufu. They are burdened by their families, and they are also timid. It is a shame to be a scholar. Your Majesty is here today. , the minister is willing to risk his life to participate in the Confucian Mansion! "

"The second minister wants to play Kong Wenshao's extravagance, extravagance, extravagance, corrupt personal morality, raising children in captivity, showing people's lives as worthless, and killing dozens of boys. His behavior is outrageous! Confucius advocates benevolence and love, and Kong Wenshao is a descendant. Not only can Shenggong fail to play an exemplary role, but he even ruined the reputation of the Confucian family, he is a sinner!"

"The third minister wants to play Kong Wenshao. A good man doesn't like a daughter at all. He has been empty for many years. The eldest son and I can't guarantee it. These two sons were born strangely. I suspect that Kong Wenshao is barren. I deliberately used my nephew to confuse Kong's heirs. Your Majesty, please investigate , so as to correct the orthodox blood of the Kong family!"

Kong Wenliang is a scholar after all, even if he is admitted as a scholar these days, he usually has some literary talents and eloquence, and he is also considered to be the best among Kong's children. Now that he has seen the situation clearly, it is natural to go against Kong Wenshao. Leave no stone unturned.

Participating in the book directly hits the key points, any one of which can overwhelm Kong Wenshao.

Even though Qin Shao was prepared in his heart, he still didn't expect that the little Kong family would occupy so much land, let alone that the Kong family would be so extravagant and lustful, even though he had heard that Kong Wenshao was a man.

Qin Shao is not surprised by this, any dynasty has it, but he still didn't expect Kong Wenshao to be so vile for his own hobby!
If he is a nobleman in the clan, it is understandable to be extravagant and dissipated, but they just want to stop Kong Shengren's reputation for benevolence, and now they are going to lose their jobs, okay!That's fine!

"Wang Yun, send someone to investigate, and investigate clearly!"

"Jiang Bin, the number of people is not enough, go to the nearest guard to transfer people, and surround the entire Kong family!"

Qin Shao said coldly.

A Confucian mansion dared to be a country within a country, eating away at the court like moths. Such a family was advertised as a model and object of respect for scholars all over the world. What is the reason for that?




Overnight, the gates of many families in Qufu City were closed, and there were only a few merchants on the street, hesitatingly looking at the large number of patrolling soldiers coming and going outside.

"Boss Li, what do you think is going on?"

Boss Wang of the medicine shop opened a door, and secretly whispered to Boss Li of the nearby pastry shop.

"I don't know! Since yesterday night, a large number of soldiers have appeared on this street, and it seems that they are coming from the guard. It is definitely not a trivial matter to mobilize people from the guard! Something big is bound to happen in Qufu City! "

Although Boss Li is only a pastry shop, his younger brother works in the Yamen, and he belongs to the people in the court. He pays more attention to the affairs of the government, and he can be regarded as a person with a sense of politics.

"Where is our Qufu? That is the residence of Duke Yansheng's mansion. With the Kong family here, who else can come here to find trouble? Not to mention the governor of Shandong, even the high officials of the court came here. Seeing our Duke Yansheng will definitely It is also respectful, not to mention the nearby guards, how dare those martial arts practitioners come to our place? This is too strange!"

Boss Wang runs a medicine store and has a lot of communication with the Kong family. He can be regarded as a person on the scene and knows a lot about the affairs of the court.

You know, it is absolutely impossible to do business in the territory of the Confucius family in Qufu City without any connections or connections.


Confucius House.

When Jiang Bin led a group of soldiers from the guard to guard the gatehouses of the Confucian mansion, the guards of the Confucian mansion didn't understand the situation, and the leaders who were in charge of Kong Rong wanted to fight with the guards.

Jiang Bin rode forward and chopped the head of the guard to the ground with a single blow.

The remaining guards trembled in fright and retreated one after another.

"Bold! Who are you? How dare you lead someone to kill people in Yanshenggong Mansion?"

A female voice scolded.

A middle-aged woman walked to the door under the escort of a group of people.


The guards quickly retreated to the woman.

This person is obviously the current Mrs. Li, Yan Shenggong's wife.

Li Shi looked at the person in front of her, and was about to reprimand him angrily, but when she saw Jiang Bin and Wang Yin standing in front of her, she immediately fell silent and stood there stunned.

After all, Mrs. Li was born in the Li family of Li Dongyang, who was once the chief assistant, and she is the daughter of a big family.

Even though she was married to Kong Wenshao, she has become very old and haggard due to years of training, but she still has some knowledge.

I was surprised when I saw Jiang Bin's clothes, and then I understood what Wang Yun's Jin Yiwei's clothes were!
Although she didn't know these people, but Jin Yiwei came, that...that's what the emperor meant...

The guards of Jin Yiwei defended Yan Shenggong's mansion, and even killed the head of the guard directly. What... what does this mean?
"Several...sirs, we are Yanshenggong's mansion. Although Yanshenggong has no real position, he can be regarded as a second-rank official. Now that Yanshenggong is not at home, you suddenly heavily guard Yanshenggong's mansion. have to give me a reason..."

Although Mrs. Li knew that this situation was unusual, she still wanted to rely on her status as an imperial order and the special status of the Kong family to make a final struggle, wanting to know what was going on!

"Mrs. Kong, the affairs of the court will naturally not be discussed with you as a woman. What you can do now is to take your maidservant to stay in your house and not come out. If the officers and soldiers need to search or need your cooperation If you explain the situation, just say it well, as long as you have nothing to do with the matter, it will be fine, but if you are involved, don't blame us for not being sympathetic!"

Jiang Bin said coldly.

After listening to his words, Mrs. Li's face turned pale, and she explained a few words to the maid beside her, and everyone retreated in embarrassment.

Jiang Bin sneered, this Li family is worthy of being a member of the Li family, he has a little courage, and he is not stupid!

Qin Shao took the information that Jiang Bin and the others had investigated, and slammed it to the ground.

His grandma's!

It is said that the clan of the vassal king is the moth of Ming Dynasty, but the Kong family is actually the biggest moth!
When Jiang Bin and the others were investigating, some people reported that Yan Sheng Gong Kong Wenshao even said wildly when he was drunk that there are two great families in the world, one is Qufu Kong, and the other is Daming Zhu!

That means that the Kong family and the Zhu family ruled the world together.

The reason why the Zhu family can rule the world is because of iron horses and ice rivers and blood.

Their Confucian family is good. All dynasties enjoy the wealth and honor of the world leisurely and leisurely only in the name of Confucian sage's clan branch.

The Zhu family ruled the Ming Dynasty nominally, but as emperors they worked hard and fought with those ministers. After all their hard work, they seemed to have made colorful clothes for the Kong family!
It's ridiculous!Ridiculous!
According to the survey data, the previous emperors of the Ming Dynasty gave a total of more than 2600 hectares of sacrificial land to the Confucian Mansion, and now it has reached more than 4500 hectares.

Basically lied about half of it!
Nearly 2000 hectares of private land were falsely reported by the Confucian government as sacrificial land!

In addition, the Confucian government also reported that the number of school fields has increased year by year, and now the school fields are as large as 1000 hectares!
What is a festival?

In all dynasties, the Confucius family in Qufu was very popular. The Kong family in Qufu built a Confucian temple. Every February, May, August, and early November, a big sacrifice is held on Ding Day, which is called "Four. Da Ding", and the cost is relatively high.

In the early days, not only many officials would participate, but also the emperor.

Confucian Mansion's application, plus the former emperor rewarded Confucian Mansion with many sacrificial fields in order to show his benevolence and respect for Confucius.

In a word, it is the land property that the imperial court subsidizes the Confucian family's sacrifice, which is used to subsidize the Confucian family's sacrifice cost and maintain the life of Yan Shenggong's family.

In addition, there is Xuetian!
After all, Confucianism is the only one, and Qufu, the hometown of Confucius, naturally has a school.The imperial court allocated school land, and its income was used to maintain the expenses of Kong’s Chunqiu Academy, Shimen Academy, Nishan Academy, Zhusi Academy, Zhongyong Academy, Shengze Academy, and Qufu Meng’s, Zeng’s, and Yan’s Academies.

At the beginning of the dynasty, there were only 50 hectares, but now it has reached a thousand hectares!
So many fields!
Since so many fields were rewarded by the court for legitimate income, they were naturally exempt from grain and tax, and did not have to pay any taxes to the government or the Confucian government.

As for the private land of the Confucian Mansion, it is natural to be taxed according to the imperial tax standard!
In order to pay less taxes, the Confucian government gradually invited those private lands as sacrificial fields, which is really daring!
Even private land, because of the care of the court and the request of Kong Wenshao, is a land with light grain (the tax money of light grain land is only about one-third of that of ordinary land).

This is already taken care of, I didn't expect the Kong family to be so greedy!
In addition, when Mrs. Yan Shenggong married into the Confucian Mansion, she also brought some "pink land", the income of which was controlled by Mrs. Yan Shenggong, and these fields did not need to pay taxes. As many as 200 hectares.

This Confucian mansion can be described as full of brains!
The materials Jiang Bin and the others investigated, as well as the more detailed materials sent by the capital, recorded the greed of the Confucian government over the years.

When Qin Shao learned about the situation of the Confucian Mansion, it was recorded that other dynasties treated the Confucian Mansion very kindly, and the Ming Dynasty treated the Confucian Mansion the most coldly.

But when Qin Shao saw the information in his hand, he discovered that among these dynasties, Daming actually treated the Confucian family the most economically.

Even the famous Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, who has always been instigating, was quite generous to the Confucian Mansion.

The Song Dynasty, which is known as the most favorable to the Confucian government, only records that in the first year of Yuanyou in the Song Dynasty, Song Zhezong bestowed 46 hectares of sacrificial land to Kong Zonghan, the [-]th generation grandson of Confucius, and then another [-] hectares of sacrificial land in the Song Dynasty.

It's just mediocre!

In the fifth year of Huangtong in the Jin Dynasty and in the first year of Mingchang, [-] hectares were granted each, and in the first year of Dade of Emperor Chengzong of Yuan Dynasty, [-] hectares were granted.

Yuan said it was to win over the Confucian mansion, and even knelt down to the Confucian sage, it was just a show!

Look at the generosity of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty!

In the first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, Kongji Mansion was given 2000 hectares of sacrificial fields, and then the emperors of the Ming Dynasty successively granted 611 hectares of sacrificial fields.By the end of the Ming Dynasty, the sacrifice land of the Confucian Mansion was basically maintained at a level of about 2600 hectares.

It is said that Tai Zu is instigated, but the result is the most generous!

But what did Kong do?
Shuo Shuo, an unfamiliar Shuo Shuo!
Qin Shao opened the account books of the Confucian Mansion again, and the amount of waste was even more meticulous.

The annual waste of the Confucian mansion's sacrifice expenses for the Confucian Temple is astonishing.

There are "Four Great Dings" every year, four major sacrifices, and 26 pigs, 31 sheep (5 of which are replaced by deer) and 2 cows are used for one time.

In addition, a large amount of fruits, vegetables, wine, charcoal, butter candles, white flour, charcoal cakes, etc. are used. A large sacrifice will cost several thousand taels of silver.

In addition, after "Da Ding", "Zhong Ding" sacrifices will be held on Ding Day in the middle of the month, that is, offering sacrifices to Confucius' family temple.

In addition, there are Moon Moon Ceremony every month, Confucian Birthday Ceremony, "Sacred Death" Ceremony, New Year's Day, Lantern Festival, Cold Food, Duanyang, Zhongyuan, Chongyang, October [-]st, Winter Solstice, December [-]th Ceremony, Nishan Academy Ceremony, Zhongxing Zu Birthday ceremony, Grandma Zhang's Spring and Autumn Festival...

There are so many tricks!

And during the big sacrifice, the imperial court would allocate some rewards from time to time.

Because there are so many fields in the Confucian Mansion, two-thirds of the people in Qufu are basically tenants of the Confucian Mansion. These tenants need to teach the Confucian Mansion the land rent to cultivate the Confucian Mansion’s fields. The land rent is not low, but everyone competes for it. He rented the land of the Confucian Mansion because he could escape the labor of the soldiers.

Not only did the Confucian government not pay taxes and food to the court, but it also controlled the tenants, which reduced the court's tax revenue a lot. No wonder the court's daily land tax and head tax could not come up with income!

It is normal for the Ming treasury to be poor!
Moreover, the fields and houses are basically owned by the Confucian government, and those merchants who do business will naturally pay taxes to the court. It is conceivable that the government of Qufu County is poor!

In addition, Yan Shenggong also held the vacant position of the second-rank official of the imperial court. According to the rank, the annual salary is 732 shi, of which only 237 shi and 6 buckets of natural rice.

Kong Wenshao and the others also put it away steadily.

This Yan Shenggong is really too fat!
No wonder he doesn't take the court prince seriously!

In the Ming Dynasty, it was definitely the income of a prince.The Ming Dynasty stipulated that the prince’s Lumi was 1 shi per year, and it was not distributed in full. It was divided into two parts: natural color (rice, silver) and folded color (banknote, cloth, pepper, sumac, etc.). Of the 5000 shi Lumi, only 5000 shi can be received, and the other [-] shi will be converted into Daming banknotes.

Calculated in this way, I really want to be far behind the Confucian family of Yan Shenggong!

That Kong Wenshao said that there are two great masters in the world, except him is the emperor, so it is not an exaggeration!

"His Majesty!"

Wang Yin came back from the outside in a hurry.

"What news can be found?"

A guard picked up the folder Qin Shao threw on the ground, and Qin Shao put it aside.

"That Kong Wenshao is really vile! It's... actually in the city. There are nearly twenty boys raised in the mountain temple, all of whom are very young. When we went, there were still many people in the cellar, all from various places in Lu Province. Those who are disobedient after being kidnapped are directly locked in the cellar, what a pity..."

Wang Yin's eyes were burning.

With that look, if Qin Shao gave an order, he would dare to find Kong Wenshao directly and kill that guy.

Qin Shao knew that Wang Yin had some shadows about such things, and hated such people.

"We checked the identities of those people, and many of them are from good families. Among them... two of them are from official families..."

Wang Yin replied in a low voice.

"Find out the identities of those two families. This matter requires people to contact the tabloids in Jinan and spread the news to the capital and other places. Since Kong Wenshao doesn't want to live anymore, let him give him a good ride!"

Qin Shao said coldly.



It is 40 kilometers away from Qufu City and Waini Mountain.

Kong Wenshao was lying on the edge of the couch in the elegant house in the mountains, playing with a group of actors while drinking.

"Steward Su, there is news from Magistrate Kong!"

A boy said softly to Su Mu, the butler of the Confucian Mansion who was standing outside the door in white.

(End of this chapter)

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