Chapter 514 Cell
"What can I do? It's not that you don't know the emperor's ability. There is nothing he can't do if he wants to decide! You and I don't think so much, just do things well. Although you and I have some ideas, you also Know what the emperor did to Yang Tinghe!

Objectively speaking, Yang Tinghe is a capable person, even more capable than you and me. I am hardworking and can make up for my weakness. If it hadn't been for His Majesty's awakening, I would still be cynical and have never won a Jinshi!That Yang Tinghe existed like a child prodigy since he was a child, but the reason why the emperor hates him is not because he has been in a high position for a long time, and he is dictatorial alone. people!
Weizhong, Your Majesty is not Emperor Xiaozong, nor Emperor Zhengde. It is difficult for you and me to guess his strategizing ability, which is why I have never guessed, let alone figured out the holy will!
Having been with His Majesty for such a long time, you and I should understand that His Majesty's ambition is definitely not limited to the size of the Ming Dynasty Hall. He has even greater ambitions. We live under His Majesty's rule, and we may see things that we never imagined. And all we can do is to do things well, at least to get to know His Majesty, and he never treats anyone who works hard by his side badly!That's all we can do now! "

Zhang Cong said with a sigh.

"Elder Ge, you still think in the long run, I am indeed getting more rigid! If Your Majesty knows... or what you want to wake up, Elder Ge..."

Yan Song was dripping with sweat.

Today's emperor speaks kindly, seems to be approachable and courteous, but his methods of doing things...especially the people who provoked him, and the fate of those people...all his close officials know.

"You and I understand, as long as it's not deliberate, and you have your own thoughts to bypass His Majesty, His Majesty generally doesn't care about it. Since we already know about His Majesty's situation, and the tabloids have reported it in such detail, His Majesty naturally let us know. The Confucian Mansion has so much food, it will naturally be transported to the Nine Sides, but for the counting and cooperation work, people from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of War still need to come forward. You go to the two departments and send a letter to them, and select some people to help His Majesty deal with those things. That's all. By the way, the people from the Ministry of Rites will go to complain about the matter of the Kong family's overreach, and your Ministry of Rites will also send a few representatives there."

Zhang Cong reminded.

"Got it! I'll go right now!"

Yan Song hurriedly responded.

The Heizhuang prisoner wanted to grab some hard object to hit Kong Wenshao, but he didn't turn his head to wait for the hard object at all. After grabbing for a while, he finally caught a few hard, hard and wet objects, and threw them directly at Kong Wenshao.

The emperor is now in Qufu City, and he will definitely uphold justice for everyone!

Some people may be curious, what is the identity of this Kong Wenshao!
That is the very famous Duke Xiansheng, the emperor of the land of Qufu, how could the people in the prison in Qufu not know him?

Because in the Ming Dynasty, after committing a crime, prisoners usually live in prison or exile, and are generally managed in different places. This is the same in later generations, including advanced dynasties. And run away.

"I am Yan Shenggong's ancestor!"

Many people rushed to the county office to inquire about the news.

Kong Wenshao woke up from the cold.

When the onlookers heard this, they were immediately shocked, and after a while, they started talking about it.

It would be nice to have a toilet!
There are no commodes in many cells here.

On the contrary, if a felony prisoner is well in prison, slowly adapts to the environment, and dies suddenly, many people will be suspicious.

"You! You bastard! You dare to hit me, you know who I am..."

It was Kong Wenshao who came in, and some prisoners asked about the situation out of boredom, but the cell boss just said that he was an official who had made a big mistake.

Everyone laughed.

Kong Wenshao wailed loudly.

The higher authorities had already found out everything, and the emperor was furious when he heard that, and directly ordered Kong Wenshao to be locked up.

The shrill cry quickly pierced through the foggy sky in the early morning, and also woke up the inmates in the same cell and the guard who was still asleep.

Kong Wenshao's forehead, which was originally stinky, yellow and black, was instantly smashed, and a stream of red liquid flowed down his forehead. Kong Wenshao suddenly felt dizzy and shivered due to the cold, and soon fell to the ground.

This time, it wasn't just the black and strong prisoner, but also other awakened prisoners beside him. They had nowhere to vent their anger. Seeing Kong Wenshao's appearance, they got angry and grabbed whatever they could grab and threw at Kong Wenshao.

As for the unpleasant smell, it was the smell of these inferior prisoners, and everyone took it for granted.

Everyone knows that it is difficult for this person to go out, especially when the adulterer is in this cell...

The scholar talked politely for a while, and it was only after a storyteller explained that everyone understood what was going on:

Not to mention the top leaders in their own city, they are also the directors of their communities, and they only met because of some kind of conference held in the community and invited their business operators to go there, and they seldom contact them at ordinary times.

It's just that new prisoners must be difficult to accept at the beginning, and they will do radical things, and it is normal for them to die suddenly.

Seeing that the person yelling was the naked fat guy who came in yesterday, he was even more disgusted.

What the prison bosses and guards have to do every day is not to take good care of these prisoners and let them eat and drink well. How to treat these people, the above will not care at all.

If you don't work hard for half a day, people will know it clearly.

This is the so-called circle reason.

Not to mention that it is a great thing for the people at the bottom to get in touch with the gatekeepers in the Confucian residence. A dog in front of the rich and powerful is better than a life for the poor!

Where are they from?
What identity?
What did you do?

The cell is also a small society, with its own circle.

Somebody didn't know when a clod of earth was dug out from the wall and thrown directly at Kong Wenshao's forehead.


The relationship between the people here and the guards is also very subtle. Many people who come in every day usually know the details of each other:

As for the serious prisoners in the prison, it is even more impossible to know Kong Wenshao.

That is, Yan Sheng Gong Kong Wenshao committed heinous crimes, such as coveting the throne, with the intention of committing a crime; there is also seizing the fields of ordinary people, insulting the children of ordinary people, and so on.

Prison cells in this era, especially those for repeat offenders, naturally cannot be in such good conditions, have special bathrooms or the like, or give you time to relax and let you go out conveniently.

It is Qin Shao’s economically developed society for several years. Not to mention the people in the countryside, it is the people in the city. For example, he later lived in a second-tier city. Even though he is not poor, he has his own small company and several houses under his name. , two cars, considered a small middle class.

Anyway, they were all living dead, and the guards and cell bosses didn't hide much from them.

The cell where Kong Wenshao stayed was a felony cell, which was basically related to human life. Without accidents, it was difficult to have freedom. Either he was beheaded, or he was exiled to a remote and desolate place to work as a laborer for a lifetime. Among them, Ningguta was the most exiled , It can be said that there is no return!
In a desperate environment, people's personalities are definitely prone to extreme changes.

In order to uphold justice for the common people, the county government now collects evidence of Kong Wenshao's persecution of the common people.

Kong Wenshao is an upper-class figure, it is difficult for ordinary people to get close to such a person.

After Kong Wenshao woke up, he saw his naked body and the shabby prison cell. When he sat up, a fat mouse flew past him, causing him to collapse limply on the ground.

This is actually not surprising!
Not to mention the prisoners in this cell, even the people in Qufu City, and it cannot be said that everyone knows Kong Wenshao, Gong Shenggong.

"Come on! Come on!"

Prisoners eat and drink in one place, and there will be an unpleasant smell when entering this place.

This fellow eats fat and fat, these people have been in this prison for a while, leftovers are cold, and they live so hard, what is the reason!
It's not that those high-ranking officials are greedy for the happiness they should have.

Every once in a while, the cell boss and the guards would drive some prisoners to clean up the excrement in the cell with shackles and shackles. It is enough to look at it roughly, so that the officer will not see the dirt directly when he comes in.

In the final analysis, the division of people with different status and status in this era is relatively clear.

You must know that 90.00% of the people in this era have never seen the so-called emperor, especially in a small town like Qufu. To them, the emperor is like the moon in the well, like a flower in the water.

Therefore, in the absence of sudden inexplicable or man-made deaths, the people here can basically fend for themselves.

A person, no matter his status is low in the dust or high above, the people who really know him and the people he is familiar with in his life are only a small number.

Those who could not read asked those who read the announcement what was going on above.

Prisoner Hei Zhuang was already angry, but now seeing Kong Wenshao screaming like a slaughtered wild boar, he was even more angry.

A big black man who was fast asleep shouted angrily.

Is this not a dream?
Kong Wenshao sneezed several times in a row, curled up his body, pinched himself, it hurt so much!
Grandma, this... this is actually true, why is he in prison, he is Yan Shenggong, the emperor of this land of Qufu!
Looking around, this is obviously a prison cell in Qufu County.

"Come on! Come on! What's going on? Why am I here?"

Just grab the object on the ground and throw it towards Kong Wenshao.

But with his status, let alone the biggest boss, he is the top leader in their city, that is, he has only seen it on TV.

As for Kong Wenshao's current detention in Qufu is also a special situation, it can also be said that his case has not yet been completed, and he is only temporarily detained here.

The news that the emperor came to Qufu exploded in Qufu.

Kong Wenshao was opening his mouth and screaming hysterically, why not a foul-smelling and disgusting thing hit his face directly, and sprayed him in the face besides hard lumps and thin things.

It's just that this prison cell is an unusual place, in order to avoid unnecessary troubles caused by someone's death.

"What's your fucking name!"

Although he seldom comes here, he is the local emperor after all. He visited here a few years ago, and he saw the hazy situation outside through the window, and he was sure that it was right.

Kong Wenshao, who was still white and flamboyant, instantly turned into a foul-smelling, foul-smelling flesh. It's hard to tell his true colors!
"I'm Lord Yansheng! I'm Lord Yansheng! You can't do this to me! You are too brave! Wait until I get out..."

Don't say they don't know Kong Wenshao, even if they do, they won't care too much.

Those who can come here are basically cynics, and it is natural to see Kong Wenshao uncomfortable.

Therefore, it is not easy to be surprised if the prisoner enters the cell and dies. Many people think that the reason is the prisoner himself.

The room in the prison is ventilated from all sides, and the weather in the northern city in February, his white and fat body is exposed outside, and he is sober from the wine, so it is strange if he is not sober!

After the foundation of the Kong family, even though Kong Wenshao was arrested, many people felt that the big tree of the Kong family would not be able to fall. After all, the previous example of Yan Shenggong was there.

Although the death in prison is not a small matter.

Therefore, in the county town of Qufu, when ordinary people see Kong Wenshao, they can only see his carriage or sedan chair when his motorcade is out of the street at most. As for seeing or being familiar with him, very few people Not much.

It's hard to say, but it's the truth.


Those people didn't know Kong Wenshao's identity, and some people asked, but the prison boss was also ambiguous, and this guy came in naked, and he also heard that he had committed those disgusting crimes, everyone was a little curious about him, and of course they were unspeakably bored!
Those who can enter this cell are generally not ordinary people, and they will be imprisoned again, suffering physically and mentally, and naturally their xinxing has undergone great changes.

"I am the ancestor of Confucius!"

Q: What's wrong?

Knowing that everything was real, Kong Wenshao screamed hysterically in panic.

Kong Wenshao looked at the black and strong man who looked like a black pig, and couldn't help cursing!
It's just that before he finished cursing, another smelly object was thrown towards him.

Answer: Corruption, corruption, rape, humiliation and looting!
This is absolutely a heinous crime!

But in order to avoid the above investigation, of course, it is also for face-saving projects and the like.

"I am Yan Shenggong's grandfather!"

It's just that they didn't expect that the emperor personally issued an order to arrest him, and now the emperor is still in Qufu, this... Kong Wenshao must be finished!

He was next door to Kong Wenshao's cell. He was imprisoned because he fought with someone and beat him to death. He had a very violent personality.

They naturally knew about Kong Wenshao's arrest. Many people had already seen Kong Wenshao's arrest and parade in the street two days ago.


He yelled, wiped it with his hands, and it was all over his face!
Grandma's, this is clearly poop!
The people in the cell have their last meal but not their next meal. Sometimes they drink water, and sometimes they don’t, so as to avoid constipation and dryness.

Everyone went to rest as if they hadn't seen anything.

It's just that when I arrived at the county government office, I found officials such as documents sitting at the gate of the county government office, and a notice was posted at the door, and there was a kind of official standing there.

This person had spent a lot of energy fighting and fighting with others yesterday, and now he was sleeping soundly, but when he was woken up suddenly, the anger in his heart rose in vain.

"My mother is still Yan Shenggong's father!"

After all, how did he die? This matter has to be reported, and the cell boss and the others will check it out.

At most, it's all better to change to Yan Shenggong, anyway, they still enjoy wealth, and ordinary people like them still live a hard life.

Now that the emperor is willing to uphold justice, isn't that...

"The lord of the honest officials! The lord of the upright officials! The little people are wronged, and the little people want to sue the Confucian government for seizing fifteen acres of the little people's land. Please make the decision!"

Those people were still discussing, a hysterical voice shouted to the officials standing in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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