Mist Fairy

Chapter 4 All things have spirit

Chapter 4 All things have spirit
Everything in the world has spirit.Whether it is the wind in the mountains, the stones on the roadside, the water in the pond, or the fire in the stove.All are spiritual.Therefore, the wind in the mountains can be transformed into demonic wind, the roadside stone can be transformed into demonic stone, the water in the pool can be transformed into demonic water, and the fire in the stove can be transformed into demonic fire.

These monsters are chaotic and disorderly, ignorant and cruel.Once generated, it will continue to destroy the surrounding environment, and the more crowded the place, the more this thing likes to appear.

Maybe when you are walking, a big stone on the side of the road will sneak up on you.Maybe when you are drinking water, the water you drink will choke to death. Maybe when you are cooking, the fire in the stove will come out and burn you to death.

Demons are everywhere.

The sky here is gray and seems to be shrouded in fog.The young man put down a piece of wind meat and left, letting Zhang Cundao rest and recuperate.

The so-called "wind meal and sleeping in the open", this wind meal is to eat wind meat.Eating a piece of wind meat in the morning can often save you from eating for a day, and the habit of not eating after noon is also like this.

Calm was restored in the view, and both the master and the young man entered the room.And Zhang Cundao had the opportunity to observe this place carefully at this time.

This is a dilapidated Taoist temple. In the central hall there are three headless statues of gods. They sit side by side, and the paintings on the statues have long been mottled and faded.

On the left side of the hall is the master's room, while on the right side are the houses of Zhang Cundao and the young people.

The room was surrounded by a small courtyard, and the courtyard door was closed at the moment. He tried to walk to the courtyard door, trying to push the courtyard door open.But as soon as his hand touched the courtyard door, it was bounced away by an invisible force.

A complicated spell suddenly appeared on the gate of the courtyard, and then slowly disappeared.

"No wonder you are so relieved, so there is protection here." Zhang Cundao said to himself.The charm on the gate of the courtyard is obviously to prevent him from escaping!
At this moment, a wolf howl suddenly came from the master's room. The sound was full of pain and violence, which scared Zhang Cundao into a shiver.

He immediately ran back to his room, closed the door, and looked at the master's room through the gap in the door.

There were painful howls from his room, and the rustling sound of claws scratching things. The sound was very penetrating, and Zhang Cundao's heart was beating wildly.

This howling of pain lasted for a long time, and the sound gradually subsided when the sky gradually dimmed.

Zhang Cundao hid in the room and was also afraid for most of the day.

"This place is really too dangerous! I'd better go back to my own world." Thinking to himself, he went back to bed and lay down, closing his eyes.




Zhang Cundao opened his eyes helplessly, he didn't return to his own world... It's not that this trick failed, but that he couldn't sleep at all!

Just as you can never wake someone who is pretending to be asleep, you can never pretend to be asleep either!

He had been lying on the bed for a long time, even counting thousands of sheep, but none of them fell asleep!

Since he couldn't sleep, Zhang Cundao began to ponder the "Tai Shang Wu Wei Qing Jing Sutra".

The full text of "Taishang Wuwei Qingjing Sutra" is more than 1000 words, concise and difficult to understand.For example, there is a sentence in it, "Shuo generates delusional thoughts, and the whole body is quiet." '

What does this sentence mean?It feels like shit doesn't make sense!But it is written like this in Professor Wen's notes.

'Shuo: the messy look of vegetation, Health: growth, delusion: thoughts that shouldn't be there. '

'Government: supervision, control; Quan: comprehensive (?); Quiet: quiet to secluded (?)'

Then it continues: Thoughts grow like weeds, and they need to be controlled to achieve a peaceful state.

Without Professor Wen's annotations, who would understand these things!

While complaining, Zhang Cundao continued to understand the full text according to Professor Wen's annotations. Gradually, the thousand and 250 characters also gave him a little meaning.

This scripture, like a scripture for calming the mind, belongs to thoughts. The whole text is about how to calm the heart and eliminate distracting thoughts.After reading it, Zhang Cundao felt much calmer.

Lying on the bed, Zhang Cundao was surrounded by a quiet and peaceful temperament, dispelling his fear at once.

At this time, he seemed to be wrapped in a warm hot spring, and his whole body felt refreshed. In his mind, a spirit pearl gradually grew...


I don't know how long it took in this comfortable state, when suddenly, the door was opened.A voice came: "How is your memorization of scriptures? The master is coming to check!"

Only then did Zhang Cundao open his eyes, but it was the master and the young man who walked in together.

Today's master is not a wolf head, he looks at Zhang Cundao coldly with a straight face, his dim yellow eyes are full of coldness.An invisible pressure came from him, but Zhang Cundao suddenly felt that he was not so scary anymore!

Zhang Cundao quickly got up from the bed and said, "I'm ready."

Only then did the young man take out a pen and paper, and said, "Let's write by heart."

Zhang Cundao picked up a pen and paper, began to recite the "Taishang Wuwei Qingjing Sutra", and then recorded it on the paper with characters like chicken feet.He was not used to brushes, so the characters looked even more ugly.

The master and the young man listened carefully to the scriptures, and nodded thoughtfully while listening.After one round, the master asked Zhang Cundao to repeat it twice.

After three times, there was no error, the master looked at the scriptures written by Zhang Cundao again, and finally nodded.

"Yes, you did a good job." His tone was finally not so cold.

But the young man said with a smile: "Since you have presented the scriptures, according to the rules, you are the master's disciple, my younger brother! My name is Li Zhenzi, what is the name of the younger brother?"

Zhang Cundao hesitated, but said honestly, "My name is Zhang Cundao."

Li Zhenzi nodded and continued: "From now on, we will study scriptures together, practice together, and support each other."

He was talking, but the master had already put away the scriptures written by Zhang Cundao and left.Watching him leave, Li Zhenzi didn't say anything, but took out two pieces of paper from his bosom, and said: "Since you have entered the door, we don't hide our secrets. This is the master's "Qingmujing" and mine." "The Demon Transformation Sutra."

He handed the paper in his hand to Zhang Cundao, and Zhang Cundao took it subconsciously.When he unfolded the paper, he also frowned.

The handwriting on this paper is not much better than his!It's also ugly enough.

Ugly is ugly, but it is also understandable. There are also many uncommon words in the two scriptures, and Zhang Cundao couldn't help frowning.

At this time, Li Zhenzi continued to say: "Okay, you will come to the main hall early tomorrow morning, and we will teach scriptures and practice together!"

(End of this chapter)

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