Started with a full-level header, the whole network begs me not to return to the national football t

Chapter 46 Two Chinese commentators go to Germany!The popularity of the live broadcast room is hot!

Chapter 46 Two Chinese commentators go to Germany!The popularity of the live broadcast room is hot! (Seeking follow-up reading on Tuesday)
The line of sight turned back to the Ruhr area of ​​Germany, the Bochum training base.

In the past few days, Lu Chenfeng has not changed much, and has been repeating the training day after day.

In the daily training, he also felt that some of his basic skills and physical strength were slowly improving.

Maybe after the end of this season, his passing, shooting, and strength will automatically add two to three points to his points.

Coupled with the point rewards at the end of last season.

Presumably, by next season, he will be able to go to the teams of the five major leagues and gallop on the highest football stage in the world.

As for the 300 million buyout contract between Newcastle and Bochum, he has no other ideas.

To be honest, if Bochum really activated this clause, he would accept it.

After so many games, his affection for Bochum is far greater than that of Newcastle.

Bochum's fans, coaching staff, and the team's tactics are more inclined to him.

What about Newcastle?
Then go to the first team that I have never met before, and everything will have to start all over again.

Besides, anyway, there is a high probability that he will not stay with these two teams next season and continue to fight. Let Bochum earn a transfer fee, which is actually a repayment for his debut.

And just like that, time flies by in this state.

In a blink of an eye, it came to the first Saturday in early October, and also ushered in the first game in October.

This is Bochum's tenth game in the league this year.

The opponent is the Leipzig Red Bull, who is currently ranked third in the Bundesliga and is very tight with the top two!
Again, this is a very familiar name.

Lu Chenfeng knew that in a few years, this team would be extremely brave in the Bundesliga, and even challenge Bayern's supremacy in one or two seasons once in a while!

In short, whether it is the future or the present, the Leipzig Red Bull is very strong.

Today's game is also a championship battle in a sense!

Four o'clock in the afternoon on game day.

One after another, fans rushed to Bochum's home court. Among them, fans wearing Bochum's home team jersey accounted for the majority, but there were also not a few Leipzig away fans.

When the fans of the two sides were outside the stadium, there was no conflict. Everyone drank beer and ate popcorn together, talking about the current situation of the team.

This situation began to change after the two sides entered the court.

On the huge east stand of the game, the Leipzig fans stood up neatly, holding a team scarf in their hands together, holding it high, and chanting constantly.

"Ole, oh oh oh oh..."

"Ole... oh oh..."

After the neat singing, there was the fanatical shouting of the people of Leipzig and the sound of drums and gongs. Everyone mixed together, like soldiers about to enter the battlefield, with a magnificent momentum.

The atmosphere on the field quickly became tense.

The Bochum fans, who had an advantage in the number of home courts, quickly united and launched a counterattack.

"Dong dong dong! Dong dong dong!"

"Bang bang bang! bang bang bang!"

Their drummers and gong players also acted quickly, and due to the large number of people, they quickly suppressed Leipzig.

In the fiery atmosphere, dozens of athletes just rushed out of the player tunnel on the sidelines, and ran onto the court with firm steps.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh……"

Seeing the children of their own teams come out, the fans of both sides also burst into cheers, cheering each other on, and the atmosphere was hot.

In a corner on the sidelines, in a small, simple soundproofing facility.

Two people with Asian faces are sitting here, carrying out the final equipment adjustment with excitement.

If anyone who knows Chinese football is here, they can definitely tell at a glance that these two are the famous teachers Zhan Jun and He Wei.

One is passionate and fanatical, and has a huge amount of knowledge, and often makes his partner only "hmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" famous.

One is famous for his poetic and tear-jerking commentary style.

Today, they put on clothes with the logo of the Nets, and sat on the sidelines together, ready to comment on this highly anticipated game in China!
It seems that has already negotiated with the officials of the Bundesliga Bundesliga.

Broadcasters were also recruited at great cost and sent to Germany.

"How many years has it been, He Wei, how many years has it been since he commented on Chinese players playing in Europe."

Zhan Jun said with excitement while debugging the equipment.

"Yeah, all hardships come with rewards, isn't it?"

He Wei also had some feelings, shook his head slightly, and said with emotion: "And he is different from other players who have studied abroad before."

"The previous ones were all at the peak of their careers, and they barely settled on the main players of some clubs. They are already very good."

"But Lu Chenfeng is only 17 years old, and he has stood at the pinnacle of his predecessors since his debut."

"There is still a lot of time in the future, and it can be said that the future is boundless."

"Yes." Zhan Jun nodded slightly, and said, "This record can really be said to be the pinnacle of Chinese players."

"Only Yang Chen, who was in the Bundesliga in the early years, may be able to compete with him from the perspective of gold content."

"En." He Wei replied, without saying anything else, and adjusted the equipment.

Not long after, the live broadcast room was finally opened, several machines in the arena began to operate, and the intense atmosphere spread to all parts of the world through countless cameras on the sidelines.

In front of Zhan Jun and He Wei, there was a small data collector for them to watch some news from the Huaxia broadcast channel.

"Okay, audience friends, welcome to the tenth round of the Bundesliga Bundesliga, the match between Bochum and RB Leipzig brought to you by the platform."

Zhan Jun's iconic hoarse voice spoke with some excitement: "It can be heard that the atmosphere at the scene is also very hot, and the fans can't wait to let the game begin."

Because explaining this thing, there must be a distinction between the main guest and the deputy. It doesn't mean that both of them are very capable, so they can have two main guests.

That would be a mess, and two people would easily quarrel together.

In the early discussions, the two finally decided that Zhan Junxian would be the main guest to make some basic comments for the live broadcast room.

As an assistant, He Wei occasionally contributed golden sentences and explained the details of the game.

This is also a reasonable match.

At this moment, in the live broadcast room of the Net.

Countless fans who had newly opened memberships appeared, and the enthusiasm was unprecedentedly high.

Only 3 minutes after the live broadcast started, the number of online viewers has exceeded one million, and it is still rising.

Seeing this data, He Wei and Zhan Jun couldn't help but look at each other.

It seems that Lu Chenfeng's popularity in China is really high!

 Please keep reading. A chapter blocked before may have an impact on the data. If you don’t go to Sanjiang, you will be finished! !Whoa whoa whoa!
(End of this chapter)

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