super species player.

Chapter 210 "Hungry Ghost End Times" New Variations Rampant

Chapter 210 "Hungry Ghost End Times" New Variations Rampant
"We are, the biggest villain..."

Hearing Jiang Qian's conclusion, Xue Yang was both unexpected and faintly excited.

That's the "villain"!

The information conveyed by these two words contains: danger, evil, mystery, bohemian, even bloody violence!
As a novice super species player, Xue Yang found it exciting just thinking about it.

"This is not necessarily a good thing. Super-species players are a brand new group for humans in this world. If we confirm the identity of the villain, it will be much more difficult to communicate and trade with the aborigines."

Jiang Qian's vigilance awakened Xue Yang from his short-lived fantasies:

"Not only that, judging from the wild eating performance of that man just now, our 'kinds' have begun to become active in various places in this city. Among them, it is difficult to estimate how many people choose to indulge their appetite and start to eat food everywhere. Hunting reptiles and native humans, and this account, maybe it will be counted on all our players."

"...a very unfavorable start."

As he said that, Jiang Qian turned around calmly, looked at Little Alan with a pale face, and showed a look of suspicion:
"It's like now, the two of us are obviously good young men with good morals. Look, we scare this kid."

Xue Yang hesitated to speak, and finally looked at the sky silently: imagining that he was madly pulling the bubble that was so cool and running for thousands of miles, and it burst.

Jiang Qian's attention returned to Little Allen again.

He asked the white boy with his authentic Cockney accent: "What's your name?"

Little Ailun was the aboriginal human being whom the two met for the first time. His obvious Caucasian features and the bewildered expression he showed during the exchange with Xue Yang just now gave Jiang Qian reason to believe that the other party could not understand Chinese.

Fortunately, both Jiang Qian and Xue Yang have a good level of oral English, and they are college students of related majors, so there is almost no pressure to communicate across borders in the current dungeon.

"Ai, Alan..."

Hearing Jiang Qian's calm and easy switching of languages, little Ailun was very surprised, and gave an honest answer by accident.

"Alan, well, my surname is Jiang, and his surname is Xue."

Jiang Qian pointed in Xue Yang's direction, exchanged information with him on an equal footing, and continued:
"We have no malicious intentions and will not pose a threat to your life. We just have a few questions to ask you."

"Please teach me?"

Perhaps it was because neither Jiang Qian nor Xue Yang showed any signs of further "murder", so little Ailun was gradually relieved from the state of fright that had just froze all over his body.

"Yes," Jiang Qian continued persuasively, "You also saw that my companion and I were also harassed by creepers, so I want to ask you, do you know of any way to avoid creepers?"

Little Ailun stared at Jiang Qian's eyes and hesitated for a while, as if evaluating the other party's real purpose for asking this question.

Of course, Jiang Qian's expression remained consistent from beginning to end, which made the young man a little confused, but he couldn't find a reason to refuse this help.

"Well...if you can't answer, what will you do to me?"

Jiang Qian thought for a while and said, "I can't do anything to you."

He calmly pulled the cloak on the young man, and his actions made the young man freeze again.

"I speculate that this sticky cloak on your body may have a certain effect on evading creepers. After all, no creepers have followed you along the way until now. Therefore, I will only confiscate your cloak mercilessly, make it their own."

"Of course, if you can tell us how to copy this cloak, or provide other ways to avoid creepers, I don't need to rob your children's money. Instead, I will take some food or tools with you. You exchange."

"How? Think about it."

Jiang Qian clarified the pros and cons, and returned the multiple-choice questions to the white boy.

Little Allen was startled.

In the final analysis, he is still a simple boy, a child prodigy who is well protected even in the chaotic environment of the end of the world.

He has always lived in an organized and disciplined "ideal town", and he has never seen a person like Jiang Qian who is so blatantly trying to blackmail others, but still makes the terms of the blackmail high-sounding.

Out of fear of Jiang Qian's "excessive power", Little Allen quickly told the truth: "It's secretions, secretions of crawlers."

Little Allen's words directly confirmed Jiang Qian's conjecture.

As a top student in the biology department, Jiang Qian knew very well that ants transmit information through different secretions produced in their glands.However, it is actually difficult to directly and accurately extract what kind of ingredients can convey what kind of information.

That's why he was particularly interested in the cloak on Little Allen.

This shows that there are human survivors in this world who are able to accurately extract the secretions of the crawlers, and effectively avoid or effectively guide the crawlers.Once you have such technology.

"How to extract?" Jiang Qian asked, "Tell me what you know."

The boy hesitated: "This is the leader's top secret, I don't know."

"That means there's nothing to talk about?" Jiang Qian grabbed the boy's cloak and threateningly threatened him.

"I, I really don't know!" Little Allen tried to stay away from Jiang Qian's "clutch", but he knew very well that he could not escape the opponent who was two heads taller than him.

"Tell me what you know. If you can tell me something that interests me, I will consider letting go of your cloak."

"Don't force me, I really don't know! The extraction experiment is the most secret production technology in Ideal Town. Except for the core scientific researchers, ordinary residents can't touch it at all, including me..."

Jiang Qian was keenly aware of the key information in the juvenile's terrified and incoherent expressions:

"Did you mention 'Ideal Town'? that another name for the nearby survivor settlement? Interesting name."

The boy was slightly taken aback, and immediately shut his mouth.

But it was too late.

Jiang Qian smiled and touched the boy's short chestnut hair: "Actually, I have a good idea that can solve our problems at the same time."

"What, what's the idea?" Little Ailun was sweating from behind Jiang Qian's touch, and he had a vague premonition.

At this time, Xue Yang followed with two canvas bags.

He watched Jiang Qian intimidate and pressure a boy who was several years younger than himself, and he couldn't help but feel lingering fear: the word "beast" was about to come out!
But considering the current exhausted and precarious state of the two of them, they immediately swallowed this conscientious word back.


This scene was simultaneously presented in the telescope vision of the blonde woman in the distance, and had a huge impact on the viewers.

"Oops, a boy fell into the hands of the New Mutants..."

Her muttering drew a low voice from the driver's seat companion: "Hey! Thalia, we must bring back the investigation results as soon as possible, don't mess around..."

"I know!"

Thalia replied coldly.

Her sudden loss of emotional control made her companion, a curly-haired uncle with a vicissitudes of life but full of charm, who was driving a jeep far away from the city, dare not talk to her.

Because anyone who is familiar with Talia knows that this dashing and charming blonde female warrior lost her younger brother when the catastrophe first broke out.So she has special sympathy for boys who are about the same age as her brother.

This is also Talia's only emotional switch.

"We will report the situation as soon as possible and ask for more thermal weapon support. Once the new mutants are allowed to grow stronger, the human living space will be squeezed again... No, the situation may be worse."

A ray of sharpness flashed in Thalia's deep eyes:
"It must be completely wiped out in the early days of their birth."


On the smelly streets, there are irregular bloodstains.

The corpses of three adult men were scattered all over the place, completing the final curtain call of their lives in incredible postures.


Little Allen, who saw this scene for the first time, wailed and burst into tears!

"Uncle Anthony!'s all my fault..."

Jiang Qian handed little Ailun to Xue Yang's care, and went to each corpse to examine carefully:

"These people were all killed in one blow, and the fatal wound was in the throat. Judging from the bite marks, it looks like the handwriting of a snake license holder." Jiang Qian had a private conversation with Xue Yang in Chinese.

And Xue Yang immediately recalled the black windbreaker that appeared just now. The abnormal limb that was exposed on his right hand at first was the snake head extending from the arm.

"All three of them have toxin residues in their bodies. They used toxins while killing them with one blow... Is it to speed up the digestion process outside the body? Well, this possibility is very high. He ate the core internal organs of the victim, but the limbs were damaged. The peripheral part is of little interest... This guy has a problem with picky eating, or, the 'supply function' of the internal organs to the licensee is higher than other parts of the human body."

Jiang Qian made an analysis while examining the corpse, completely oblivious to Xue Yang's stiff expression:

"If you guessed right, the supply of human beings to super-species players is higher than that of ordinary reptiles. Simply put, human internal organs have higher nutritional value."

"And the upper limit of this kind of supply seems to be quite high. That guy eats three or four people at a time, and he still looks dissatisfied with his desire."

"Barely, it makes sense. After all, according to the energy consumption of super-species abilities in this world, no matter how frequent eating is, it cannot withstand the consumption of continuous output."

"Well, or there are other factors, some kind of rules that only those licensees who start eating people or eating crawlers know..."

Speaking of this, Xue Yang vomited from behind.

Physiologically surging hunger conflicted with the cruel scene seen by the eyes, coupled with Jiang Qian's straightforward description, directly led to a vomiting reaction.

Only then did Jiang Qian realize that his description was not subtle enough.

Fortunately, Little Allen couldn't understand Chinese, so he was not forced to be recruited.

"Excuse me."

"It's okay! Old Jiang, don't worry about me...cough cough! You talk about yours..."

When Xue Yang regained his composure, Jiang Qian had already held the cloaks from each deceased in his arms and held them in front of Xue Yang.

It was a cape covered in creeper secretions.

Fortunately, there wasn't much blood on it, but whether it still works remains to be seen.

In the case of limited technical conditions, it is the demeanor of every scavenger of the last days to humbly borrow the equipment from the dead.

This time, it was Little Allen who was recruited, staring at the bloody clothes that had just been stripped off from his dead companions at close range, turned around and vomited on the side of the street.

"Excuse me."

Little Allen, who was vomiting in the dark, raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Jiang Qian timidly.

For some reason, he always felt that when the other party said "sorry", they were not really expressing apology...


In the suburban jungle outside the station.

The sixth son of the canyon climbed on the tree, fixed his sharp eyes on a hare passing through the bushes, jumped down when he found the right moment, and inserted the dagger in his hand into the rabbit's head.

Half an hour later, the fire was set up, and the aroma of roasted rabbits wafted away.

The sixth child in the canyon didn't wait for the hare to be cooked, and couldn't help stuffing the bloodshot rabbit meat into his mouth when it was half-cooked to fill his growing hunger!

He devoured his food hungrily, and he was completely different from the state he had just walked out of the station.

Tired, embarrassed, weak...

In the final analysis, this is all due to the weird hunger that suddenly hit yesterday!

That day, he managed to resist the desire to eat crawlers, and changed his plan to go deep into the city, hibernating in the nearby suburbs, feeding on nearby game, and took the lead in solving the problem of loss of appetite.

But new problems soon emerged.

If the predation process involves the use of super-species skills, then his consumption will far exceed his intake speed!

In this way, the problem of uncontrolled hunger cannot be solved.

The only way is to give up the super-species ability, and only obtain food in the way of ordinary human beings, so as to maintain stability in the cycle of fighting hunger.

This made Canyon Six feel very anxious.

Of course, he considered another possible way to clear the level: hold back the "disgusting" and directly hunt the reptiles!
The large number of reptiles here will definitely be able to maintain the use of his super-species ability, and with the guarantee of super-species ability, any choice he will make next will be much more practical.

Maybe after the intake reaches a certain standard, it is possible to unlock the item bar...

But it's all a "whatever the cost" situation.

Apart from the vanity and pride of the Divine Beast card, the reason why the sixth boy in the canyon refrained from taking this path was the most important reason, which was the awe of the unknown price.

After all, there were official intelligence personnel on the official forum that released the news that the low-frequency dungeon had hidden secrets, and the influence in the dungeon might last into reality...

"It's uncomfortable... I am a majestic three-state fusion body, but I have to be forced to pretend to be a Muggle. How is this different from pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

The sixth son of the canyon swallowed the last bit of rabbit meat in great pain.

And try to lick the rest of the skeleton clean...

Then, he suddenly had an idea:
Play pig eat tiger?

As expected of me!
The sixth child in the canyon viciously cleaned the bones of the hare, stood up happily, and shook the soil.Thinking about his new plan all the way, he walked forward vigorously.

I don't know which step I didn't take steadily, my ankle suddenly tightened, and my body lost balance instantly!

The whole person was hung upside down on a tree by a simple hunting device...

In the next moment, several burly figures quickly sprang out from the nearby bushes, surrounding the canyon Lao Liu and raising various weapons in their hands!

Most of them are cold weapons, and only a few hot weapons are in the hands of a few people with fierce eyes and suspected core members.Their skin color is not uniform, there are whites, yellows and blacks.

"Wait, heroes!"

The sixth son of the canyon who was hanging upside down in the air hurriedly negotiated with the other party, but he suddenly discovered a serious problem!

The other party doesn't seem to understand Chinese!
And he, unfortunately, is a scumbag.

"Shet! No, no, bosses, no, dude..."

The sixth child in the canyon searched for his only vocabulary, trying to save the crisis and avoid angering the other party with a disagreement.At that time, he would have to go on a killing spree.

The Waiguoren brothers surrounding Lao Liu in the canyon looked at each other with question marks all over their heads.

However, at this time.A kind and joyful accent came from behind everyone: "Wait, I know this person!"

He ran out of the team speaking English with a strong Northeast accent, and comforted the crooked nut brothers holding weapons:

"I'm sorry, big brother, he's my son, he got lost! This bastard is really smart, we'll definitely prosper if we keep him, trust me on that, you're right!"

After several rounds of persuasion by this eloquent man, he actually made the leading black man take the lead in lowering his weapon.

Then he turned his head.



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(End of this chapter)

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