super species player.

Chapter 215 "Hungry Ghost End Times" Leader

Chapter 215 "Hungry Ghost End Times" Leader

Abandoned schools, facilities that have been in disrepair for a long time, gray and peeling walls and towering fortifications newly added to the outer walls, and a large number of shabby-clothed, sallow-skinned residents gradually merged with the "ideal town" imagined by Jiang Qian.

The night is dark.

However, a large number of residents gathered here persistently, unwilling to leave for a long time.

Most of them did not fall asleep because of the explosions caused by the joint defense forces in the city center. Not long after the explosions ended, they received an urgent notice of the adjudication ceremony, so they gathered in the small square in front of the education building at night to witness the human race against terror. Trial and punishment of the species.

The residents of Ideal Town love this ruling ceremony.

Because they can regain the dignity of the human "spirit of all things" in the process of this ceremony!

During the ruling ceremony, the "leader" will personally preside over the ceremony, and through processes such as hunger tests, listing evidence, and ruling declarations, the terrorist species will be convicted and punished theoretically and based on evidence.

Human beings exercise their power aloft, and terrorist species will be like fish on a chopping board, blooming the greatest value of its existence here at the moment of "death":

Hope that inspires people to strive to live in a hopeless world.


When Jiang Qian and Xue Yang were criticized by the residents of Ideal Town, the door of the Academic Affairs Building opened to the outside.

Wearing a white robe, a Caucasian woman with unremarkable facial features but graceful and elegant temperament appeared in the eyes of everyone with a dignified standing posture.

The leader is here!

The residents of Ideal Town will turn their attention immediately!

They stretched their heads to look at the familiar figure on the stone steps of the Academic Affairs Building, with expressions of admiration, anticipation, and fascination in their eyes.

Jiang Qian also turned around and focused on the focus of everyone's attention.

At this time, the "leader" had already walked down the steps. She smiled and greeted the residents who were looking at her eagerly. Her extremely sincere life-like tone and natural and friendly body language made her look extremely attractive.

A ragged boy rushed too hard and accidentally tripped over the steps. The leader immediately walked over in three steps at a time, squatted down indifferently, and helped the boy up.

"Are you OK?"

She looked up and greeted the fallen boy with a soft voice, caring whether he was injured, not caring at all that the spotless white robe was dragged on the ground and covered with dust.

This kind of whole-hearted and selfless love of one life for another life, expressed sincerely and naturally throughout the whole process, was seen by every resident of Ideal Town at the scene.

Monat took the boy away from the leader:
"Go, Elizabeth. The people are waiting for you, and the murderer is waiting for you."

The leader got up and continued walking, smiling and nodding with enthusiastic residents all the way, and came to the place where the ruling ceremony was performed.

Only then did she focus on Jiang Qian and Xue Yang whose hands were bound in the iron net.

The distance between the two is about ten meters.

When the leader Elizabeth really saw Jiang Qian's appearance clearly, a moment of surprise flashed in her eyes.

As the leader of this place, she has never seen a man with such outstanding appearance and temperament, even before the catastrophe, she was equally eye-catching.

However, this surprise was fleeting, her eyes regained her composure, and her face was as calm as water.

But if you look carefully, you will see a trace of sadness in her clear and sincere eyes.

"Here, we deeply mourn the four soldiers who lost their lives in the library tracing mission: Anthony, Jack, Marcus, and Little Allen..."

Elizabeth spoke, and her voice was transmitted to the entire small square through the loudspeaker equipment.

With her gentle and sad statement, the mood of the crowd seemed to gradually become sad and sad with her leading.

People imagined the fresh lives represented by these names, and imagined their interactions with everyone in life. Gradually, everyone's emotions tended to be synchronized.

"There is no doubt that they gave their most precious lives for Ideal Town and the future of mankind. We will always remember their dedication and sacrifice."

"But their sacrifices were not in vain."

Elizabeth focused her eyes on Jiang Qian and Xue Yang's faces, and said calmly but resolutely:

"Today, during the process of patrolling the neighborhood after the bombing of the joint defense force, the soldiers of Ideal Town encountered a terrorist species that attacked the library team by chance..."

Her gaze slowly concentrated, and everyone became more emotional in her not exaggerated but highly contagious statement, and they all stared at Jiang Qian and Xue Yang with eyes of "hate to the bone"!It seems that the two of them are monsters who cannibalize people without spitting out their bones.

"Four people, all of them are gone...they are real people!"

"These monsters don't deserve sympathy! Damn it! Even if they look human..."

"Let them die! Let them die!!"


The crowd started clamoring.

Jiang Qian and Xue Yang were gagged and unable to speak.

Xue Yang's attempt to struggle was stopped by Jiang Qian's eyes: Don't waste any more energy!

No matter what aspect of excessive consumption, it will stimulate the escalation of hunger.

Including struggling, anxious, angry...

Of course, the reason why Jiang Qian remained calm was not only to reduce energy consumption, but also a more important purpose: to obtain negotiation opportunities.

It's very difficult.

According to Jiang Qian's observation: From being captured to being sent here, to the appearance of the "leader", all the "aura" is in the rhythm of the leader of Ideal Town, and the emotions of the residents also change with her influence.

This female leader is popular.

He needs to be calmer and more normal before he can get a chance to negotiate before the conflict.

Sure enough, the leader Elizabeth immediately began to list the "crimes" of Jiang Qian and Xue Yang!
Judging from the possible motives, the weapons of the deceased, and the intelligence provided by the investigators of the Joint Defense Force, Jiang Qian and Xue Yang, two young people with the same physical characteristics as human beings, were the ones who "eat" the four members of the library team. The culprit!
When the result was announced, the mood of the onlookers escalated again.

People started clamoring for the two to be executed!

What's more, he even picked up stones from the ground and greeted Jiang Qian and Xue Yang...

The vortex of malicious emotions made Xue Yang dizzy, and his situation got worse.

Jiang Qian approached Xue Yang to check his condition.

Elizabeth looked at Xue Yang in the field with some sympathy, and then she looked at Jiang Qian beside Xue Yang, a young man who was obviously more sober and calm than Xue Yang who was lying on the ground.

I saw his bound hands suddenly separated without warning!

The "militiamen" guarding around the venue quickly drew out their weapons and aimed at Jiang Qian!

But Elizabeth stopped the firing of the weapon: "Wait a minute!"

Monat next to him frowned slightly.

I saw Jiang Qian spread out his palm with one hand, and removed the rag that was stuck in his mouth with the other.



Typo flaws are corrected first and then corrected.

(End of this chapter)

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