super species player.

Chapter 223 "The End of Hungry Ghosts" Can't Wait, Just Now

Chapter 223 "The End of Hungry Ghosts" Can't Wait, Just Now
At night, the Academic Affairs Building.

The leader, Elizabeth, was pacing in her exclusive room, while Monat stood at the door with a dignified expression.

This room is converted from a comprehensive office, with a large space, equipped with a large desk, swivel chair, independent bed and a full range of living and office supplies.

But these did not give Elizabeth enough sense of security.

"I warned you that they should be executed at that time!"

Monat's voice is no longer calm, even a little irritable:
"We can't determine who they are and what purpose they have! Leave them here, and we won't be able to live in peace for a day!"

They've just had a bitter feud, with a serious disagreement over what to do with the two new variants.

"But they passed the test, and I can't break my promise."

Elizabeth was a little helpless:

"Even if we want to do something, we must at least have a reasonable reason to prove that it doesn't matter if they kill people or deceive them. In short, they must be famous..."

Her emotions have always been well controlled, and she has not lost her temper with her companions.

Monat was the complete opposite of what he did outside, his anger was written on his face:
"You really think of yourself as the leader of that group of people?!"

"Haha, the teacher is famous... Do you think it is easy to prove his words? In this complicated environment, going out once will cause a heavy loss. Have you ever thought about it?"

"Elizabeth, you had the opportunity to make a decision at that time, but you committed a woman's benevolence!"

Monat had a sharp mouth and swung his arms in front of Elizabeth, expressing his emotions.

Elizabeth looked at each other blankly.

At this time, hurried footsteps in the corridor interrupted their conversation.

Monat stopped getting angry and turned to look at the door.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

At the same time, an urgent report came: "Report! The team sent to the hospital yesterday to search for medicine was attacked by a poisonous snake! Several militiamen were bitten by a poisonous snake...but the doctors and nurses think they have been infected!"

Having said that, the militiamen at the door hesitated for a moment.

He continued: "Now the family members of the militiamen are arguing with the medical team, and they can't settle the dispute. Would you like to come forward and deal with it?"

"Where are they?" Monat regained his composure.

"They are all near the gate, because the medical team does not allow them to enter the infirmary!"


Elisabeth and Monat hurried near the gate.

Three male militiamen were seen lying on stretchers and laid on the ground.Not far away, several ideal town residents were arguing with the medical team in white coats!
"The leader is here! Get out of the way!" The militiamen who came to report just now cleared the way.

When people heard the title of "Leader", all their flags and flags died down immediately, and they turned their trusting eyes to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth maintained a dignified and elegant demeanor, while showing concern, looking at the militiamen lying on the ground: "How are they?"

Monat followed behind without saying much.

The head of the medical team was the first to stand up and report: "That's right, these militiamen have been infected, and they will mutate into monsters in a short time. We can't keep them!"

"Nonsense! They were just poisoned by snake bites, why do you say they were infected?!" The family members rushed over to argue.

The head of the medical team mourned: "Please believe our judgment, they have lost consciousness now, and they will become very dangerous in the near future, please forgive me!"

"It's a snake's bite mark, not a crawler's wound, please doctor! You can see it clearly before drawing conclusions!"

"Please help my brother..."

The voices of the medical team and family members were once again in confusion, each insisting on their own words.

The situation of the three wounded became more and more unoptimistic.

"Your Excellency!" An elderly family member rushed to Elizabeth, but was blocked by the militia.

She cried to Elizabeth: "I only have such a son! If he dies, I will definitely not survive. You have made a clear diagnosis, so you can't just give up my son!!"

Elizabeth looked at Monat.

The latter crossed the crowd with a cold face, lowered his body to check the wounds of each wounded person, communicated with the medical team leader individually, and returned to Elizabeth.

Frowning and whispering: "It's not a crawler, it's a snake bite. But the medical team identified their symptoms as infection."

Elizabeth frowned slightly: "It's not the wound caused by the shooter, but it can induce mutation symptoms. Is it a new mutation?"

The new species, in the story she heard from Jiang Qian yesterday, had another name called: super species player.

Elizabeth raised her head slightly, and looked at her partner peacefully: "Monat, maybe now is the time when they are needed."


Gym locker room.

Xue Yang tossed and turned, unable to sleep peacefully.

"Old Jiang, are you hungry?"

In the darkness, Xue Yang's voice was trembling, which could easily make people think that he was being tortured by the burning sensation of hunger.

"Old Ginger..."

Xue Yang's voice was intermittent, accompanied by the sound of turning over slowly and with difficulty.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Qian opened his eyes and touched the cold sweat on his forehead.

He, too, was already feeling sick.

When you put your palm on the upper abdomen, you can clearly feel the abnormal contraction and relaxation of the subcutaneous organs.

The stimulation of hunger has become the norm, and he can no longer remember what it is like to be in the "not hungry" state.This state is not just hungry, but stomach cramps.

Jiang Qian sat up from the darkness. He pushed Xue Yang's shoulder first, and found that his back was soaked, curled up and struggling on the bench.

He is not sensitive to pain, but Xue Yang is not.

Jiang Qian got up and left the bench, stretched the chain and walked to the door.

Lean on the door and knock.

"anyone there?"

Camille's snoring stopped abruptly, and she said impatiently: "I don't sleep in the middle of the night, what's the matter?"

"I need food, anything edible, as long as you help, the price is up to you."

Jiang Qian's words made Camille a little stunned. She struggled a little in her heart, but her expression changed completely: "Food? Wait until tomorrow!"

"Can't wait, just now."

Jiang Qian's tone turned cold:

"If this is something you cannot decide, report it to your superior immediately. The consequences of our accident are not something you can bear."

"You, don't scare people..." Camille staggered a few steps and almost fell.

She hastily clutched the barrel of the gun.

The voice from inside the door just now made her inexplicably panic!

The other party was obviously speaking human words, and her tone was normal, but she had an ominous premonition that death was imminent.

At this moment, dense footsteps came from the gymnasium, approaching the locker room...

Camille ran towards the sound in a hurry. She was about to report the situation loudly, but she saw Monat leading someone hurriedly with a cold face.

"Open the door!" Monat glanced at her.

Camille shivered for a moment, then turned around and ran back immediately, opening the lock with trembling hands!

The door opened.

The kerosene lamp carried by the militiaman shines in, reflecting Jiang Qian's bloodless cheeks and cold eyes...

Monat froze.

With his sensitivity to survival and war, he could sense that a catastrophic accident had just happened here.

This caused the hairs on his arms and back to stand up!

Swallowing the spit, he opened his mouth and said:

"Sorry to bother you so late! There is something wrong now, and I need to trouble you."



Typo flaws are corrected first and then corrected.

(End of this chapter)

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