super species player.

Chapter 269 The meeting of the five clans, all parties shake


Sheriff's Headquarters - Special Affairs Centre.

A five-ethnic special meeting to discuss the official "personnel appointment and dismissal" of licensees is being held.

The participating families include: Predator Family, Ancient Tribe, Yu Family, Dark Night Family, and Deep Sea Family.Among them, Elder Helian of the Predator Clan, Elder Tai Tan of the Ancient Tribe, and Elder Jin of the Yu Clan were also among them.

The special meeting of the five clans is a round table for official licensees to decide on important matters after the meeting of the ten clans. Most of the participants are from the powerful class, but there are also priests and elders who will preside over important matters.

Today's situation where the elders of the three major families are all present is already the top configuration in the meeting of the five clans.

After discussing and determining some personnel appointment and dismissal contents, the problem of "talent scarcity" in each regional branch was pushed to the table for discussion and solution.

The most noisy ones were the ancient tribes, and the Dark Night Clan also complained quite a bit.

In the administration of the Ten Clans, the powers and responsibilities related to "personnel affairs" are held by the Predator Family, so the spearhead of this meeting is directly directed at the Predator Family.

"The issue of personnel gaps in various branches cannot be delayed any longer."

The elders of the ancient tribe of Titans sternly raised the long-standing problems that have plagued the officialdom, and complained:
"The ashes of the southern faction have been active recently, and the northern black alliance has begun to move around again. The branches have suffered from it repeatedly, but they suffer from the lack of capable people and cannot eradicate these scourges. Now even the Shenshan organization in the far west dares to run away It's time to show off at the feet of the emperor!"

"If this situation continues for a long time, those heretic scum will probably really think that the Ten Clans are ostentatious and are dying."

These words pointed the finger at the point, but Elder Helian who was hidden under the exquisite mask was not angry, and still maintained a dignified sitting posture, smiling:
"Elder Titan is serious! Since ancient times, yin and yang have grown together, and light and shadow have walked together. The struggle between the government and the mutant group cannot be resolved overnight. They are like leeks every year. We cut them one after another, and they can't succeed. climate."

"Besides, I think you know better than me the root of the problem of talent scarcity. The rules of the super-species world are cruel. Lawful licensees must not only survive in the evolution copy, but also need to stick to their beliefs and responsibilities in reality and carefully avoid them. The risk of mutation is a test of personal quality, and the personnel who can pass these two lines of screening are already quite rare. However, the measurement standards and requirements for talents in each branch are becoming more and more stringent."

"Under such circumstances, how many high-end talents are willing to join us?"

Elder Helian calmly looked around at the elders and dignitaries present at the meeting, and continued:

"Instead of complaining about the difficulty of finding talents, it is better to focus more on how to employ and retain people, so that the limited talents can find their own places and avoid brain drain is the most important thing."

Elder Tai Tan laughed in a hoarse voice:
"We put all our energy into employing and retaining people, but some families use their wrists to recruit all the best high-end talents into their own ranks."

As he spoke, he deliberately looked deeply at the representatives of the Deep Sea Clan.

And the meaning in these words is implied, and you all know it well.

"Oh?" Elder Helian said calmly, "Who is Elder Tai Tan referring to?"

"Hehe, let's not talk about it, let me give you a recent example, everyone is familiar with it..." Elder Tai Tan said bluntly, "Don't use Qianlong!"

Most of the elders and dignitaries present are familiar with this name.

A "special talent" who made his debut in the most difficult trial "Whispering the Demon" dungeon, and voluntarily joined the official during the controversial period.

In just two months, he successively won the first kill of the "Ace" copy, made outstanding achievements in the sweeping of the four-city black alliance organization, and single-handedly shattered the "children's paradise" that "imprisoned" a large number of license holders, and leapt to the top of the list. The "star figure" in the eyes of lawful licensees!
The unit Qianlong Wuyong is currently affiliated with is the Operations Department of the Jinping Special Affairs Center in charge of the Predator Family Jiming.

Some of the dignitaries present quietly glanced at Elder Helian and Ji Ming sitting beside her.

The former is completely calm, relaxed, and even smiling; the latter is leaning on the back of the chair, lowering his head and sketching in his notebook, as if the controversy at the meeting has nothing to do with him.

"Oh, it turns out that you also admit that Qianlong Wuyong is a high-end talent, not a dangerous factor that you just want to avoid. That's right, Qianlong Wuyong works under Ji Ming, but he didn't join the predator family. "

Elder Helian smiled dignifiedly and calmly:

"If you are also interested in this talent and intend to recruit, the Predator family has no objection."

She dismissed the matter lightly, and winked at Elder Jin of the Yu Clan opposite, and then introduced the high-end medical project that the Predator Clan and the Yu Clan are cooperating with.

In recent years, the Predator family has put a lot of effort into the development of lawful licensee talents, and this time it is naturally prepared.

The main purpose of this cooperation project is to provide high-end medical services around "prevention and prevention of high-end talents falling into mutations".It is intended to solve the problem of talent scarcity from the direction of talent outflow.

However, Elder Titan disagreed with this plan:
"Super-species high-end talents are indeed the hardest-hit areas for mutations, but do you really think that those who are at risk of mutations will take the initiative to expose this kind of privacy?"

The dignified representative of the Dark Night Clan is a gentle and elegant man, and he also echoed:
"This is indeed a method. But if we only use it in the prevention stage, the actual effect is hard to say..."

"Most effective measures take time to settle, and it is difficult to see immediate results."

Elder Jin, who had been watching the situation quietly, took over the topic at this time and said:

"Projects in the treatment and rehabilitation stages have been ongoing, and some results have been achieved in recent years. Of course, if you have better suggestions, we welcome them very much and are all ears."

Elder Jin's words were rigorous and pertinent, and he expressed his acceptance of a wide range of opinions, effectively extending the topic.

Even the most furious elders of the ancient tribe did not continue to dispute because of her face.

The dignitary representatives of Till Dark Night provided a piece of "very special" information:

"Actually, I got a set of information here, which is about the case of super-species world mutation healing. I hope it can provide some ideas."

"It is reported that recently, after a mutant player survived and returned from a certain low-frequency dungeon, he miraculously recovered from the mutant state to normal! It is said that some foreign black markets and mutant organizations are ready to move after hearing the news."

"We have also conducted corresponding follow-up investigations, and found that there are more than one such 'miracle recoverers' at home and abroad! According to the person involved, they have all received treatment from a domestic player in the dungeon, and this player is He is a well-known high-end talent...don't use Qianlong."

The second time this name was mentioned at this meeting, it once again caught everyone's attention!
The conference room was silent for a while.

Ji Ming stopped his strokes, and looked up at Bai Xiaoxi, who was from the Dark Night Clan, who was sitting opposite him.

"I've also heard some rumors...Elder Helian, Minister Ji, is this really the case?"

Elder Tai Tan looked at the two of them.

Elder Helian still sat firmly and did not express his opinion.

At this time, Ji Ming next to her put down his notebook, raised his head, put his hands on the conference table with his fingers crossed and his elbows, and calmly replied:
"That's true."

The words were so shocking that even Elder Jin of the Yu Clan focused his eyes on Ji Ming with full expectation!
Without waiting for others to ask questions, Ji Ming continued:

"Qianlong Wuyong, as the commander of the Jinping Division's operations team, accidentally fell into a low-frequency dungeon during the mission, and combined his own talent to develop a special skill in the dungeon, which temporarily transformed the mutant into a normal license holder. "

"Relevant scientific research projects have been registered in the official system and can be checked."

"However, this technology is still in the stage of experimentation and development, and its curative effect has not yet been rigorously confirmed. The recovery effect of Mutation Healing has not yet been tested by time. The sustained curative effect and side effects are unknown, so we have not released the information for the time being."

"If the technical achievements of this project are rigorously confirmed, proving that Qianlong Wuyong can indeed heal mutants, we will submit this project to the Ten Clans Conference as soon as possible for discussion."

After finishing speaking, Ji Ming leaned back in his chair in a low-key manner.

But his words, like thunderstorms, continued to explode in the hearts of the dignitaries present at the meeting!

Ji Ming's words undoubtedly acquiesced to the information of the Dark Night Clan.

Everyone at the meeting was silently weighing their own calculations, and they all knew the weight of this news.

It is conceivable that once this kind of thing is confirmed, what kind of "earthquake" the world of super species will usher in!

The locker room in the isolation ward of the hospital.

Jiang Qian took off his white coat and washed his hands in front of the sink.

Ye Xiaojing came in from the outside with Chen Bodong's complete inspection report in his hand, looking at Jiang Qian's back, hesitating to speak.

"How is it?" Jiang Qian looked at Ye Xiaojing through the mirror, taking in all of her hesitation.

"Chen Bodong's condition is very stable, and the report shows that he has returned to normal..." Ye Xiaojing said.

When she saw Juanjuan's assessment report earlier, she felt surprise and expectation.

But after seeing the assessment report that Chen Bodong, a real mutant, was cured, Ye Xiaojing felt unreal, and even worried about Jiang Qian.

"Observe and observe again, what I want is to be safe." Jiang Qian wiped off the water droplets on his hands, and took the coat from Ye Xiaojing.

"Jiang Qian."


"I've reported this matter to Ji Ming."

"I just sent a message and made a report. The detailed and rigorous part will be discussed in person."

"Hmm..." Ye Xiaojing thought about his words, his eyes wandering.

She is still wearing a short windbreaker and high-top boots today, half of her slender, white legs are exposed, coupled with her girlish face, and sister Yu's glamorous temperament, the overall vision is very attractive.

Facing Jiang Qian at this time, her glamorousness has restrained, and her gestures reveal a trace of feminine tenderness.

Jiang Qian put on his clothes, turned around and looked at Ye Xiaojing: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Ye Xiaojing hesitated, as if trying to gather courage, "I'm just curious, what did you experience in the dungeon, and I always feel that something is different."

"What's different?" Jiang Qian approached Ye Xiaojing.



Typo flaws are corrected first and then corrected.

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