super species player.

Chapter 333 "Promotion Ceremony" Beastmaster!

The earth snake hung on the mast is still in the half-orc state of the three-state fusion body.

When the sea breeze blew, his abnormal growth swayed with the wind, and blood dripped along the cracked scales, showing a life form that was unresolved.

Jiang Qian looked at this crippled life, and thought of how the other party was yelling at him a few minutes ago, the ice blue bone erosion knife was clenched in the palm of his hand, and he took a step...

"Brother Qianlong! Are you okay?"

Honghu Yufei's voice came from behind, making Jiang Qian stop suddenly.

"Brother Qianlong?"

Seeing that Jiang Qian didn't agree, Honghu Yufei asked again, and at the same time approached cautiously with confusion.

During this short period of time, he saw the fragmented earth snake in the sea breeze, Jiang Qian's wet body, and the dense blood stains on his body and side face. He realized that the atmosphere was different, but he did not back down.

Until the distance between the two is only one step away.

"Brother Qianlong..."

Honghu Yu Fei stretched out his hand and touched Jiang Qian's shoulder.

At this moment, Jiang Qian turned around very naturally: "I'm fine."

He even smiled lightly at Honghu Yufei.

Honghu Yu Fei was slightly stunned, and subconsciously pointed to the ice blue bone erosion knife in Jiang Qian's hand: "This..."

"Oh, the spoils that guy left me." Jiang Qian's tone was normal.

Honghu Yu Fei swallowed back the rest of the words, Jiang Qian in front of him was very calm and calm, the strange feeling just now was like an illusion, as if he was completely superstitious.

"By the way, what about them?" Jiang Qian asked.

Honghu Yufei knew that he was asking about the situation of other reserve soldiers, so he immediately said:

"The three of us have been successfully rescued. Not only are the others not in danger of life, but they have also successfully obtained two foreign aid qualifications. Everyone has returned to the shore."

Jiang Qian nodded: "That's good."

Just now, under the connection state of the true spirit spider web, Jiang Qian has found all the previously unseen dragon components from the nearby sea area: catfish whiskers and fish scales.

He now highly suspects that the bug in the second pass of the promotion ceremony is related to his "Dragon" identity card.

Thinking in a good direction, he seems to hold a powerful identity card, even if this card is still frozen.

But thinking about it worse, since the influence of this card can radiate to the second level of the promotion ceremony, then in the next "Battle of the Beastmaster", this frozen "dragon" will appear in an incredible form What about during a ceremony?

Two peak five states, plus me who is quasi-four states, facing two beast kings... Jiang Qian suddenly realized that he seemed to be cheating people, including himself.

"Brother Qianlong, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go back to the shore as soon as possible."

Honghu Yufei's urging pulled Jiang Qian's thoughts back.

"it is good."

As the two spoke, they spread their wings one after another and soared into the sky.

Jiang Qian was only distracted for a moment, but Honghu Yufei, who was not far away, paused slightly, let out a muffled grunt, and fell towards the roiling sea below him!
"The swan is flying!"

Jiang Qian turned down, caught Honghu Yufei's body at an extremely fast speed, and landed back on the deck again.

But Honghu Yufei seemed to just pass out, breathing and heartbeating.

Jiang Qian suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the "uninvited guest".

"Hi, don't use Qianlong, I'm Liming, the one with different eyes."

The self-proclaimed "Liming" is young, about 25 or [-] years old, handsome, with a head of burgundy hair, orange on the left and blue on the right.

Weird, but bright-eyed.

He stood there in rags on the cracked deck, trying to show the most earnest and friendly smile:
"Don't worry, your friend's life is not in danger, he just passed out. Sorry, I didn't mean any harm, but I don't want others to disturb the conversation between you and me."

He seems to have a lot of etiquette and wording, and a great respect for other people's time.

Because he quickly explained his purpose before Jiang Qian raised his weapon and slashed at him:

"As one of the founding elders, I would like to invite you to join our 'Nation of Origin', as a genius who truly walks freely in the world!"

"Don't rush to refuse, let me tell you about our great organization..."

The country of origin... Jiang Qian has no impression of this somewhat secondary name, which sounds like the name of a super-species freedom organization.

To sum up the nonsense is: advocating the freedom of species, and firmly believing that super species players can find their place and way of survival in this world through themselves.Disapproves of official protections for humans.

At the same time, Jiang Qian confirmed that Honghu Yufei just passed out.

Similar to "acupuncture", it triggers the exhaustion accumulated in the body, causing the body to quickly enter deep sleep for self-recovery, and the vital signs are all normal.

So Jiang Qian held the ice blue knife and looked at the man with different pupils, Li Ming, focusing on figuring out the other party's intentions:

"So you suddenly appeared here to persuade me to quit the official organization and join your organization, throwing my blood for super-species players to conquer human beings and the world?"

"Well, I want to invite you to join, as long as you agree with our philosophy and values!"

Li Ming, who has different pupils, said excitedly:
"I believe a genius like you will understand! Staying in the licensee's office, working hard all day, suppressing your own nature, protecting a group of ordinary people who are different from us... You should have already Are you getting tired of it?"

"We advocate letting nature take its course and survival of the fittest. Super species have the most noble and powerful genes in the world. Human beings are like ants in front of us. They are like model organisms in the laboratory, just for us to observe and use or even for entertainment exist."

"But the official licensee has been thinking about using advanced life forms to maintain peace among model creatures. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse?"

Li Ming, the person with different pupils, said, reaching out to Jiang Qian expectantly:

"So stop wasting time with these people, they are not your companions... Don't use Qianlong, you are a real genius, your way of survival should not be suppressed or hindered, come on! Come to the country of origin, We are our own!"

Jiang Qian always allowed the other party to promote his views with a calm expression, just like looking at a patient with advanced stage II disease.

The only friendly gesture he made was to hold back a laugh.

Li Ming, the person with different pupils, talked passionately for a long time. Seeing that Jiang Qian didn't respond, his hand hanging in mid-air suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and he held his respect and said:

"Even if you don't think about it now, let's make friends first?"

"You just said that human beings are model organisms, and super-species players are advanced life forms?" Jiang Qian asked expressionlessly.

"Yes! Thank goodness you didn't ask me for the definition of model organisms... It's so much easier to chat with geniuses!"

Li Ming, the pupil with different pupils, was so excited that he almost rushed over to hug Jiang Qian.

But Jiang Qian asked him with one sentence: "Do you have any family?"

The other party was stunned for a moment, and the answer was straightforward, but Jiang Qian expected it: "No."

"Have you met your parents?" Jiang Qian continued to ask.

"Dead early, no chance to see."

After talking about this topic, the enthusiasm on the face of the man with different pupils suddenly halved.

"Understood." Jiang Qian nodded, and picked up Honghu Yufei who was in a coma.

"What do you understand?" Li Ming, the one with different pupils, frowned, "Wait, where are you going? I haven't finished yet!"

"Top of the head."

After speaking, Jiang Qian quickly jumped into the water.

"The top of the head?"

Li Ming, a person with different pupils, rushed over to look at the water, and subconsciously turned his head to look up.

I saw a few more meteors in the sky at some point, falling in their direction...

Li Ming, the one with different pupils, was puzzled for a while, then suddenly horrified: "Damn it, it's a missile!"

Human backlash has finally come.

From the appearance of super-species players, interacting with humans, making troubles, slaughtering, and destroying fishing villages... During these ten hours, ordinary humans in the current instance world are not completely silent.

After the initial reaction and excess, they recognized the disparity with their opponents, and put on truly deterrent and lethal "weapons", stationed troops, and launched a duel with this group of super-species players.

Jiang Qian was diving in the water with Yu Fei on his back, and the heat wave rolled and exploded not far behind them!

The sharply rising water temperature prompted Jiang Qian to jump out of the water near the shore and fly towards the forest area.

However, the human attack pursued it as if it couldn't be shaken off at all.

Intensive lethal weapons exploded around, and shrapnel, shock waves, and radiation followed one after another. Along with the collapsed and broken environment, all players were caught off guard for a while!
Fortunately, the official reservists have experienced training in dealing with thermal weapons, and they are quite calm in the face of these.

The number of remaining candidates in the public data has dropped, and the elimination rate is rapidly approaching the threshold: 95%.

In the process of Jiang Qian fluttering his wings, his vision suddenly became dark.

It is the familiar darkness.

[Congratulations to the players: Don’t use Qianlong, become the top 5% winners in the second level of the promotion ceremony, “The Battle for Domain King”! 】

[The third level of the promotion ceremony "The Battle of the Beastmaster" is being matched...]

Jiang Qian quietly listened to the prompts given by the dungeon, enjoying this moment of peace.


[Third Level: Battle of the Beastmaster]

[Hint: This stage is the final leap to promote the narrow gate.Those who travel hundreds of miles are half to ninety, and the last test will determine whether the candidate is qualified to realize the leap of the realm. 】

[At this stage, the supernatural crystal can only be used for payment and does not support betting. If the candidate fails to advance at this stage, he will not be able to resurrect in reality through the supernatural crystal.Please choose carefully. 】

[Payment chips: Chaowu Crystal*90]

[Bet: Life*1]

[Please choose whether to continue. 】


Jiang Qian opened his eyes in the dark.

This is the last chance to choose: win or die.

And his two protectors will witness this critical moment.

"Teng Snake" and "Dragon"...

Once the worst expected situation occurs, can Ji Ming and Lan Junxian be able to protect themselves?

These two are both at the peak of the five states, and Ji Ming is well-known among the official ten clans as being brave and good at fighting, so there is no doubt about their strength.

In terms of attitude, Jiang Qian also has considerable confidence in the two:
Lan Junxian can be regarded as his enlightenment mentor, his guide and teacher on the path of unconventional evolution.Lan Junxian is also famous for cherishing talents like life, and almost regards Jiang Qian's achievements as his own "work".

In terms of Ji Ming, he not only tried his best to protect his safety during the mutation healing incident, but also threw out a clear olive branch to him before he was promoted, which shows Jiang Qian's value ranking in his mind.

With these two people making a move, even if the Beastmasters of both cards showed up, Jiang Qian would still have confidence.

After all, he also has two officially supported priesthood props: Sky Eye, and Zhuxin Lock!
In a flash, the details of these two props quickly recalled in my mind:
【Name: Sky Eye】

【Type: Weapon】

[Function: Monitoring]

[Introduction: A sage whose name cannot be disclosed has refined the button into an eye of wisdom overlooking everything like a star, but there are obvious flaws in the pattern.Therefore, I exhausted my whole life to find a way to break through, and finally achieved qualitative change with quantitative change, and drove the invisible with the visible, and refined this all-encompassing divine object "Sky Eye". 】

[Usage: High-precision coverage recording without dead ends, real-time dynamic one-thought control.Throw the "eye of the sky" in the air and drive the props with your mind, and all the details of the target covered by the eye of the sky will have nowhere to hide. 】

[Remarks: Never worry about the number of sky eyes, just like you don't need to know how many stars there are in the sky. 】


There is nothing to say, a luxurious upgrade version of the Beidou button camera: there is only "one" button in the entity, but the number of splits you can't imagine.

Not only has it effectively broken through the bottleneck of the number of "seven", and then infinitely increased the coverage, but it has also fixed the weird bugs of being invisible during the day and shining at night, which is simply perfect!
However, to face Beastmasters, especially the possible "Double Beastmasters" situation, it is not enough to have perfect scouting props.

If you want to control the Beastmaster and make him submit, you need a strong medicine!
such as:

【Name: Punishment Lock】

【Type: Weapon】

【Function: Control】

[Introduction: A certain talented animal tamer can drive the beast king to fulfill his wishes through emotional connection.In his whole life, hundreds of beast kings fell in love with him, and he never betrayed him!When he looked back on his life and talked about the most valuable experience in taming animals, he accidentally revealed his secret to the public: "I can lock their feelings for me and keep them from deteriorating, but the premise is that you have to plant them yourself. Next time."]

[Usage 1: Bind.When a specific emotion emerges from the Beastmaster, throw out the heart lock, anchor the emotion and use a strong will and belief to complete the bondage of the master-servant relationship. 】

【Usage 2: Unbind.To unlock the bell, the person who tied it must be required, and only the person who locked it can unlock it with his mind. 】

[Remarks: I hope you are not locked in loneliness. 】


This prop is like an artifact specially designed for conquering the Beastmaster, its entity is just a heart-shaped golden lock.

Apart from the existence of a difficult operation "premise", this item does not indicate any side effects.

And based on the properties of this item, when borrowing the item, the licensee official has already commented that he can borrow it for a long time and return it indefinitely.

This is a super special treatment for strategic weapons level figures, almost unprecedented.

As soon as Jiang Qian got it, he exchanged strategies and tactics with Ji Ming, and with the cooperation of Tianyan, it can be said that he is determined to win!
There is no need to hesitate anymore, everything is ready.


[Please use your thoughts to enter the IDs of the aid recipients one by one. 】

Jiang Qian completed the writing of the ID names of Jiming and Lan Junxian through his mind.

【completed. 】

[Reminder: Before the assistance takes effect, the candidate has 1 minute to face the Beastmaster alone. 】

When the beep ended, he heard the deafening sound of thunderclouds rolling in the sky.

The sight in front of me gradually became clear...

Thanks: Literary idiots and book friends for their big rewards!

Thanks: ck ignorant people and all book friends for their valuable monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, follow-up subscription support ~ hold tight!

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