super species player.

Chapter 50 Live Food

Chapter 50 Live Food
The fall to the Mutant is irreversible, and once you make a mistake, you will stay in the abyss forever.

At least, since the advent of the super-species world in the millennium, no one has managed to break through this rule.

Even the "Ash" organization, which has achieved the ultimate self-discipline, cannot reverse or change this degenerate essence.It is precisely because of this that they have created an inherently harmonious religious belief: preaching mutations, beautifying corruption, and calling the irreversibility of mutations eternal.


"You mean, his parents gave him up?"

Xiao Xuebai's lips moved, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

She didn't expect that at the end of the crisis tonight, there would be such a spine-chilling story hidden.

"Then, then... will he die?"

Jiang Qian glanced at Xiao Xuebai calmly, then shook his head: "I don't know."

Although I have taken away all the toxins in his body, the metamorphosis itself is very unstable, and with a certain degree of organ failure, who can guarantee that he will survive... Jiang Qian seems to have suddenly remembered something , open the door:

"Sorry senior, I still have something to do, you don't have to wait for me if you go first!"


Xiao Xuebai still has a lot of questions that need to be answered by her interns.

For example: Why is he a novice license holder with such a high force value?

Why even if he didn't use the alien limbs, he could push the two-state card holder to a desperate situation?

Another example: How did he know that the secretions of metamorphosis mutants are poisonous?

Why did the hostess suddenly lose control of her emotions?Could it be that he played a role in it?

And the most important point.

Looking at Jiang Qian's calm and friendly communication with the giant bee mutant, it is obviously not as "unclear" or "not sure" as he said...

"It's not because you think I'm stupid, so you don't bother to explain it to me?"

Xiaoxuebai thought angrily.

This series of questions, accompanied by the undecided mood, turned into infinite curiosity and admiration for Jiang Qian.

Under the moonlight, love sinus sprouts vigorously accompanied by the girl's heartbeat.


Another building at this time.

Ye Xiaojing stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched coldly.

She didn't turn her head until her colleagues in the Secret Service Center dealt with the aftermath and evacuated, and glanced at the prey hanging from the ceiling.

It was a muscular, dark man with a fierce face, and he was definitely not a kind person visible to the naked eye.

Just after being tortured, this member of the Black League, code-named "Cricket", is a well-known local snake in this area. He haunts nightclubs and private gambling houses on a daily basis, doing activities that lure people into the water, seek wealth and kill them.And he moved here for only one purpose, to facilitate the observation of the metamorphosis process of the metamorphosis.

The location where the target metamorphosis is located is the family that Jiang Qian and Xiao Xuebai came to serve.

According to the black alliance member, after "properly handling" the metamorphosis mutant, he will send detailed records of the target from the initial stage of mutation to death to his upline, and receive a bounty.

This guy couldn't stand the torture, and his online contact information was synchronized by Ye Xiaojing to colleagues in the Jinping branch as soon as possible.

Later, Ye Xiaojing found detailed records in this rented room.

It can be said that the stolen goods were obtained concurrently, and the evidence is conclusive.

This person's use value has been drained.

The phone rang, and it was from Jinping Special Affairs Center-Operations Department.

Ye Xiaojing answered the phone: "Hello?"

"Ms. Ye, the information you provided has been confirmed, and Black Sesame's launch is under control... Where are you now, shall we go over to receive the scene?"

Ye Xiaojing listened to the other party finish politely, and reported her location indifferently.

"Okay, Teacher Ye, uh... the suspect is still alive?"

"Dead, I have disposed of the body."

"Oh, oh okay, we'll be there later." The other end of the phone wasn't too surprised.

It is not uncommon for this kind of arrest to cause death or injury, not to mention that the most important information has already been obtained.

Ye Xiaojing hung up the phone.

Hearing her words, the dark man who was hung from the ceiling suddenly struggled frantically!

His eyes were cracked, the top of his head was sweating, and his mouth, which was stuck by the seal, was agitated, and a mouthful of dark green juice corroded the seal... And this was just to plead: "Master Ye, Boss Ye! Mr. Ni has a lot of money!" ,Let me go please!!"

"I'm just a little guy, please, hand me over to Jinping officials...I'm not worth your shot!!"

Ye Xiaojing didn't turn his head back, he threw the knife down, and the rope was cut off at the same time.

The dark man who was released hurriedly ran out of the door...

Ye Xiaojing didn't even lift her eyelids, she just yawned lightly, and extended her right hand "swish", turning into a withered yellow "giant scythe" like lightning!
The sawtooth closed, and stopped this "cricket" head-on. The dense and sharp sawtooth on the dead leaf scythe hooked into the opponent's thick neck, and easily pulled him off the ground, capturing Ye Xiaojing in an instant. chest.

Blood spurted out along the sawtooth piercing the neck, and the man's limbs tried in vain to break free from the bondage, but was slowly "disassembled" by another scythe, and was thrown aside like garbage.

As the moonlight fell, Ye Xiaojing swallowed, and no longer endured the rush of predatory desire in his stomach.

Live food is the original desire of Mantis brand.


When Jiang Qian counted the floors and fell from the roof to the balcony next to the French window where Ye Xiaojing was, the scene he saw made him regret his decision very much.

He just wanted to say hello to Mr. Ye and talk about mutants by the way.

As a result... I accidentally interrupted Teacher Ye's meal.

In the dark living room, patches of viscous liquid and scattered limbs were scattered on the floor.

Ye Xiaojing turned her back to Jiang Qian, her shoulder and neck muscles contracted and relaxed from time to time, her jaw moved regularly, and the familiar brown windbreaker covered most of her limbs and movements.

It's just that the unfamiliar legs dragging on the ground twitch from time to time...

Jiang Qian wanted to withdraw.

It wasn't that he was frightened by the bloody scene. In fact, Jiang Qian had no special feelings about this scene.

But his cognition can clearly distinguish that what Ye Xiaojing is doing now has exceeded the scope of "human beings", even if the prey is a vicious mutant.

At this time, Ye Xiaojing, who noticed the movement outside the window, had stopped eating and turned her head.


Under the blurred night, Ye Xiaojing's pretty chin to chest was dim, smudged by some kind of heavy color.

She was still holding the "food" that had been almost hollowed out, and she cast a questioning look at Jiang Qian: "Are you okay?"

It's gone now... Jiang Qian said calmly: "Come up to say hello to you, I didn't expect you to be...uh, eating."

Ye Xiaojing was silent.

The atmosphere at the scene froze for a moment.

As a harasser, Jiang Qian took the initiative to find topics to try to break the embarrassment of the moment: "If you eat it raw, aren't you afraid of indigestion?"

Ye Xiaojing's face was calm, and his tone was indifferent: "At least I chewed it up, like a snake license holder, I swallowed it alive."

Snakes, swallowed raw... Jiang Qian finally got a little nauseous.

But I heard Ye Xiaojing further explain: "After evolving to a dimorphic body, the biological characteristics of the identity card will be clearly reflected, which is also part of the 'animal nature' that the boss said."

Although Ye Xiaojing's tone and expression didn't change any extra, Jiang Qian seemed to hear the helplessness of the other party.

"In the third state, this kind of 'animal nature' will be stronger than before. If it is not properly controlled, there will be a risk of degeneration. I haven't eaten live food for a long time. The boss does not advocate this way of eating. Today is my on a whim."

Is it because the addict couldn't hold back... Jiang Qian took advantage of the situation and asked: "So, besides obeying the animal nature, is there any other way to resolve it?"

He thought about it for a while, and then changed the way of asking: "If the actual conditions do not allow it, and at that time, I really wanted to...then what should I do?"

"Keeping creatures with similar habits to the identity card, through observation and living together, can transfer or weaken part of the original impulse brought by 'animality'."

Hearing this, Jiang Qian suddenly thought of his desire for toxins, and wondered if it was also a kind of "animal" primitive desire?
Jiang Qian simply asked this opportunity: "Wouldn't there be such a primitive desire at all in the one-state cognitive body?"

"Rarely, if ever, it would be minor."

So, my urge to suck up the poison as soon as I find it is a "lesser" primal craving?

"Anything else?"

Ye Xiaojing issued an order to chase away guests.

People from the Jinping Secret Service Center will arrive later.

"No, thank you, take it easy!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Qian climbed away along the pipeline of the building without stopping.


 Thanks to: book friends 20200716235324272 and Lonely Lanmei book friends for their monthly ticket support!

  And all the recommendation tickets, book reviews, comments and comments ~ hold tight!

(End of this chapter)

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